Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Enemies, or? ❯ Part 13 ( Chapter 13 )
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of its character.
Notes: *falls to knees and begs for forgiveness, whimpering* I'm really, really sorry about the long wait. Is anyone still reading this story? I finished the whole fic on paper, but managed to forget them at our summer cottage. =,=
Enemies, or? Part 13 by Maaya
Heero opened the door to the bathroom, slid inside with the speed and agility that would make a panther proud, and closed the door behind him again with a loud slam that echoed in the room. Well, should have echoed if the bathroom had been bigger, will say.
He didn't have time to let out a breath in form of a sigh, because the air got caught in his throat and caused him to choke.
Duo Maxwell, the one person he had definitely *not* expected to see, was now standing by the line of faucets on the wall, with water dripping from his bangs and face, doing a remarkable imitation of a fish on land. Meaning he was opening his mouth and closing it again. More than once.
They stared at each other for a long moment without finding words to explain their situation, or at least until Duo managed to force out a weak, "Hi."
Something twitched underneath Heero's right eye.
"Umm . . . you surely want an explanation, yes? Let's see, you see, you know . . ."
And so did Duo hurl himself out in a long rambling session, trying to ignore the rising warmth in his face. Heero was left to stand and watch, wondering if he maybe should sneak out of there to prevent anything else embarrassing to happen. It seemed like a good idea at first but he stopped considering it when he remembered that Meiran and Wufei were out there, probably still kissing.
Duo was still talking, he noted irritably and felt how a drop of sweat found its way down his neck. It would be much better if he could shut up and let Heero try and figure a way out of this situation . . .
A revelation.
Heero tried to ignore the mental image he got of himself forcing Duo to shut up. He blushed and shook his head once - twice. The mental image was still there.
". . . .and well, you see . . . Uhh - Yuy?" Duo broke off as he watched with strange fascination as Heero got redder and redder in his face. "Are you sick?"
The hell with it all, Heero suddenly decided and reached out and . . . put his lips over Duo's own, quite forcefully so.
Heero had, after years of trying, finally found one successful way of making Duo Maxwell shut up. It was . . . strangely satisfying to know that and an even nicer method of doing it. The braided boy stood completely still for a long moment, until Heero began to ponder if he had swallowed his tongue in pure shock. Luckily, that wasn't the case because finally he surrendered his mouth to Heero, who could note the wrongness of his worry.
"You're an asshole." Duo murmured - ahem - *complained*, when they broke away. "Why did you do that?"
"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it."
The braided boy didn't like that satisfied smile on Heero's lips. It was annoying to see his rival stand and smirk like that towards him, as if he had won a round of bickering. Seeing only one way of getting rid of it, he reached out and did to Heero what his rival had done to himself only moments ago. He kissed him, on the lips. They seemed to do that a lot to each other right now.
"You did like it!" Heero claimed as the broke apart.
"Did not!"
"Did to!"
"No, I -"
Heero reached out to quiet Duo with yet another kiss. Third time lucky and all that. When he was done, he asked a thing he had been wondering about for a long couple of hours. "Why did you kiss me at school?"
The braided boy blushed faintly. "Hilde ordered me to. A bet that I lost but went good in the end anyway."
A pause. Then, hesitantly. . .
"Are we a . . . couple now?"
Snort. "Of course not. We are just reliving some sexual tension."
"Oh. Meaning, we are a couple?"
"Depends on how you look at it."
"Oh." Duo raised his head to give Heero yet another kiss, (only to see if fourth time lucky worked as well as third time lucky, mind you!)
"Maxwell . . . Heero?"
The last mentioned broke away and stumbled backwards, hitting the faucets in his surprise. "Wufei?"
"What is going on here?"
It was impossible. She gave up. Completely.
Dorothy walked down the street with her hands stuffed into the depths of her pockets, not really caring if it made her look sloppy and sleazy. Not anymore.
It was uncharacteristic of her to give up but after a couple of days in hard efforts of getting closer to Quatre Winner, she suddenly felt as if it had only resulted in helping the blonde to get a boyfriend. Life was so unfair.
She sighed. And walked straight into a slightly smaller girl's chest.
They tumbled in a deep flurry of pink that was enough for Dorothy to realize that it was Relena she had run into. Landing, laying above the honey blonde girl, she could hear how she muttered something like "not again" indignantly.
Dorothy grinned a grin that resembled a cat's, just before catching a bird.
"Hi Relena. . . "
>,< This fic is just about finished. One more chapter/epilogue kind of thing to follow.