Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Eternal Betrayal (Extended) ❯ Ch. 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine, as much as I wish it was….
Chapter 3
Exile's Sanctuary
Duo watched the lone colony grow larger and larger as the Eternity approached it. “We're finally home, people,” he announced over the PA system. The crew cheered. “Prepare to leave the Eternity.” He turned and walked out of the bridge. He walked through the somewhat packed halls towards the “prison cell” in the rear of the ship. He motioned the guards away and opened the door. “How is everyone?” he asked a bit too cheerfully.
Heero and Trowa glared at the braided teen. Wufei gave a perfect I'm-going-to-kill-you-very-very-very-slowly look as he nursed his sore stomach. Quatre smiled sweetly; Duo made sure to watch the Arabian blonde carefully. “Where did you take us, Duo?” Trowa asked calmly.
“To Sanctuary. My colony.”
Wufei snorted. “Your colony? Don't make me laugh, Maxwell.”
Duo grinned. “It really isn't mine. More like a universally owned colony. Abandoned in space by its former owners. We just made it habitable again.” He sighed. “But I'm sort of like the leader here on Sanctuary. And you all,” he pointed to each of his very pissed off friends, “are my guests!”
“Why would we want to join terrorists?” Wufei demanded.
Duo strode over to the Chinese man. He grabbed the Preventor by the front of his shirt and lifted him into the air. “Because one of that bitch's fucking little lies is that we're terrorists!” he yelled angrily. “We are innocent people who've had too much shit thrown our way to care anymore! All we want is a little peace and quiet! Now, you'll all come with me peacefully, or I'll throw each of you out the airlock myself! Now, shut up and follow me!” He released Wufei and stalked out of the room. The four pilots glanced at each other. They quickly got up and followed their friend.
The five pilots waited with the rest of the crew as the airlock slowly opened. A rush of air went past into the colony. Duo heard Quatre gasp as the interior of the colony came into view. “It's…beautiful…” the blonde said. The crew walked out onto the soft grass. Friends and family members ran up to them. Duo led his friends towards the trees. “How did you do this?”
“L2-RD12 had samples of trees and other plants. The Destiny was actually supposed to help terraform Mars, but it was deemed unsafe for the project. Of course without them…” Duo trailed off. The braided captain looked around. His face lit up. “Sanji! Ran! Over here!” Two other people came over. “Everyone, these are Sanji and Ran. I think most people on the colony know who you all are.”
“It's a pleasure to meet the Gundam pilots,” Ran said. She had dark blond hair and electric blue eyes. She was slightly smaller than Duo. “We have heard a lot about you, and the children will be excited to meet you all.” She turned to Duo. “I'm afraid we must be off. The Serenity just made a development and I need to make sure it's safe before we release it into the colony. Sanji has an important meeting to go to on the Destiny that he can't be late for.”
“Then I won't keep either of you. Will you be at dinner?” The woman nodded. She walked off, followed closely by Sanji. Duo shook his head. “Oh, my… I just realized I have to go meet with the leaders of the guard, but it shouldn't take long… I think Hilde will be able to take you to my house…”
“How long have you been here, Hilde?” Quatre asked quietly. The woman looked at him.
“Since the attack on L2. It was sort of forced, but I'm glad I came here,” she said, smiling.
“Why?” The pair turned towards Heero.
“Once you live here for even a day, you learn that not all of the government's declarations are correct.” She noticed the looks on their faces. “These people are not terrorists or even rebels, Heero. All they want is to live in the peace they've made for themselves, especially after what happened to them. But never mind about that. Here we are.”
Duo's house was an average, two-story house on the outside. Hilde opened the door calmly to reveal a disaster area inside. Books were piled nearly seven feet into the air, and papers with strange writing were taped to the wall and scattered on the ground. “Oh my… I guess Duo's been working late again,” Hilde muttered. She calmly walked into the front entryway. “Well, make yourselves at home. I'm sure there's a chair or something hidden around here somewhere…”
The four pilots walked into the room. Each tried to safely navigate through the mess, but papers and books were inevitably stepped on and crushed. Wufei frowned at the floor. The group managed to make it to the kitchen. It was only slightly cleaner than the living room, but at least they could find chairs to sit on. “What does Duo do here?” Quatre asked.
Hilde walked over to the counter. “He's the leader of the colony, and he programmed the Jump system on all three ships. He also helps maintain the Angel systems. Duo tends to read a lot obviously, and helps out in some of the other systems on Sanctuary. You should really ask him when he gets back.”
Duo quietly opened the door to the messy house. He was exhausted from the meetings he'd been forced to attend, especially the one about his friends. He'd missed lunch and dinner, and by now, everyone was asleep. He climbed the stairs and walked down the hall towards his room. He closed the door behind him. He allowed himself to slide down the wood so he was sitting on the ground. He pulled his legs up to his chest. His head fell forward, resting on the top of his bent knees. “This is for the best,” he muttered to himself, coughing silently. “She can't harm them here…”
“Duo? Is everything alright?”
Quatre opened the door. “Hilde? Is something wrong?”
The woman turned towards the blonde. “Duo won't open his door, and it's locked. Maybe Heero or Trowa can open it.”
“I'll go ask them.”
A few minutes later, Trowa successfully picked the door's lock and pushed the door open. The bedroom was surprisingly clean. Sunlight filtered in through the window and landed on the sleeping captain, giving him the appearance of an angel who had fallen from heaven. He was stretched on his back over clean blue-violet sheets. His right hand rested on his chest, and his left leg was bent at the knee, and his foot touched his right knee. He wore a dark t-shirt and a pair of black shorts. His chestnut brown hair had been freed from the constricting braid. Pale skin glowed in the artificial sunlight. “We should let him rest,” Hilde whispered. She led the group out into the hall and quietly shut the door.
Duo sat at the kitchen table, still not completely awake. He barely noticed the complicated program being scratched into the open notebook in front of him. “Duo? Are you alright?” Quatre said from across the crowded table. Duo looked up.
“I'm fine. Just a little tired.”
“Tired? What do you have to be tired from?” Wufei said jokingly. Duo shot him a dirty look.
“I have over 20 Angels to take care of, nearly 5,000 people to keep in line, and I've got the ESUN breathing down my neck. If that isn't stressful enough, there are three viruses attacking the main systems of this colony, and now I have half a dozen people sick with something we can't cure!” Duo snapped. “I think I have the right to be tired. Unless you care to take over for me?”
Trowa sighed. “You're a wanted man, Duo. A terrorist and now an abductor.”
Duo's fists slammed down. “Shut the hell up! You don't know what that bitch is capable of doing! You should be grateful I got you away from her in one piece!” He pushed his seat back, knocking it over. He grabbed the notebook in of him.
“Duo, wait!” Hilde cried. The braided captain ignored her as he stormed out of the house. Hilde looked back at the four other pilots before she ran out after them. The door slammed shut behind her.
Quatre heard Duo laughing outside. He walked over to the window. The blonde was surprised to see the braided captain playing with about a dozen children in the front yard of the house. Three of the children had grabbed Duo's hands and were spinning him around in circles. The man had been blind folded. Quatre noticed Duo's skin flush with the exertion of playing with the children. Something felt off with Duo, and Quatre shuddered at the possibilities.
Suddenly the children dispersed, leaving the dazed captain alone in the yard. Duo began to walk carefully around the yard, looking for the children by sound alone. Quatre watched him carefully. Duo paused for a moment. He gasped for breath, paling slightly. The moment lasted only for a second. Duo got up and continued looking for the children. Quatre turned away from the window.