Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Eternally Bound ❯ Death follows despair ( Prologue )
GENRE: Angst, romance and more but I won't tell you the third genre yet, b/c that would ruin it . .
WARNING! SHOUNEN AI! This story contains 1 x 2 pairings and slight 3 x 4. If you do not like just don't read, consider yourself warned . . . ^^*
Emily: Okay, another fic to put in my to-do fic list. I had a sudden inspiration and I wrote this.
Hisasuke: And of course I get no credit . . . at all
Emily: Well maybe he did help . . . a little . . . ::Hisasuke rolls eyes:: ANYWAY!
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, and I think this disclaimer can work for the rest of the story too. ::to lawyers:: I don't own 'em in this chapter and I won't in later ones! Got it? ::lawyers drool all over:: Umm maybe we should just get started
Hisasuke: Good idea . . .
"ahem . . ."
Duo was bouncing on the balls of his feet, anticipation of the days events coursing through him. In just a few short hours he would be able to announce the greatest secret of his life and tell his closest friends the happy news. Duo had finally convinced Heero that their love would be accepted by the people who really mattered. Heck, Quatre and Trowa were totally open about there relationship and they weren't ridiculed or scorned, well . . . not very often. Most people don't laugh at a Gundam Pilot, not after what they had done and still could do. Heero and Duo were going to make an announcement tonight at a party celebrating Quatre and Trowa's joining. First though, there was one hurtle to overcome.
They didn't need her acceptance, but having the Vice Foreign Minister Darlian making a huge scene in front of the entire congregation probably wouldn't add to the evening's gaiety. They decided that Heero should talk to the obsessed teen beforehand so she had time to swallow the information. Right now Duo was waiting, impatiently for Relena to show up, she was already nearly 10 minutes late. Suddenly a soft murmur approached from the corridor to their left. A small crowd of people were walking through the hallway and within the crown, undoubtedly stood, Relena Darlian. As the most prominent political figure of the day, she could not go anywhere without at least a dozen escorts. When she reached them, she nodded her head at Duo courteously and then glanced at Heero inquisitively. Heero nodded, leaving his post beside Duo and followed her into a nearby room, giving his arm a reassuring squeeze on the way. I grinned and leaned against the wall. The Relena groupies looked at the door expectantly for a moment, then turned and took off in their separate directions.
Duo leaned into the door, the moment had finally come, the last obstacle was being removed. The braided teen listened to the murmur of Heero's baritone voice echoed through the door. He heard Relena gasp sharply and Duo felt appropriately sympathetic. Unrequited love was often the hardest to deal with, and no one really deserved the rejection often involved. There was a long silence, ever growing and making Duo more and more worried by the minute. He slowly opened the door, silently as only he could. Relena was sitting in a chair, rocking back and forth. Her expression was that of a tortured soul, her arms were wrapped protectively around her stomach as she glanced at Heero from time to time, just to make sure he was serious. Duo observed silently from the door, Heero gave him a brief, acknowledging glance, then returned his attention back to Relena. She seemed to be settling down, her shaking had stopped and what Duo could see of her face was pale but determined. Duo backed out slowly, listening intently anyhow.
"I always thought we'd live our lives together Heero," Relena said distantly.
"I know you did, but I never did, nor will. There is someone for me, Relena but it's not you," His voice was firm but not unkind. The sound of rustling clothe could be heard, glancing in once more, Duo saw her cling to Heero's neck once more, but there was something awkward about the way she held him, something unnatural. Duo watched carefully, knowing full well that she initiated the hug and Heero would soon set it right. Heero glanced over at him apologetically. Duo shrugged, while grinning cheekily. Heero smiled slightly back then began to untangle Relena from his grasp.
Before Duo knew what had happened a gun fired and Heero was slumped over Relena. His head was no longer whole and his blood spilled all over her dress. She smiled, and stepped back letting his body slither to the floor. Duo watched in horrified silence, paralyzed by what he was seeing. Her voice, loved by so many, began to speak.
"We could not be together in life, but in death we shall be eternally bound. Forever I will be by your side," An angry shriek built itself up within Duo, he would kill her for what she had done, who cared about consequences, he had no life any longer without Heero. He lunged towards Relena and watched, as she brought the gun to her own forehead. Before Duo could reach her and strangle her to death himself, the gun went off leaving her in the same condition as Heero.
TBC . . .
This is a going somewhere, probably not where you expect. Hehe, I was working and the idea just kinda came to me . . . Whoa, I NEED SLEEP! Anyway, I will get too Belated Revelations but my muse is worthless; I have been working on it though, a little bit everyday (well almost everyday, today I decided to write this) So, if you want more of anything . . . REVIEW! Please and make up for Hisasuke's worthlessness. And if any Relena lovers exist out there, I'm sorry. She is the only one capable of this role right now . . . Review = more story
~Emily Hato (and Hisasuke ^^*)