Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Evil Duo With A Plan ❯ Caught In The Act ( Chapter 2 )
Evil Duo With A Plan
Chapter 2: Caught In the Act
Disclaimer: See chapter 1 of Evil Duo With A Plan. I don't plan on doing a disclaimer for every chapter.
Notes and warnings: See chapter 1
Finally! I actually got the inspiration to get over my writer's block and all that good stuff. I'm sooo sorry to those who have been waiting for me to get my stories up. I promise to get them in more often. All I need is some encouragement and lots of reviews! ^^
Ooookay! Now that's out of the way. ON WIT TA STORY!
Quatre stared in shock at the… compromising situation and positions. Feeling the color redden his face, he used his left hand to cover his eyes from the sight but didn't have the strength to move from the room. Out of the blue, Trowa appears behind Quatre wearing only a long robe.
"Now, now. Don't freak out, we both knew sooner or later it would come to this. Come along Quatre, I believe there are some ways to arouse our own boredom, don't you think?" Trow asked, putting an arm around Quatre's waist pulling him out of the room, tossing a " we will be seeing you" after them while closing the door shut.
Silence filled the room as both Duo and Heero stared at the door as if it held the answers their minds asked but never had the chance to speak. Looking back at one another, their eyes met locking gazes in place. Breaking the heated gaze, Duo sighed, placing a small kiss on Heero's forehead and got up. Picking up his coat, Duo looked back at Heero seeing those questioning eyes on him, he let a small smile trace his lips. Putting his coat back on, Duo left the room. Letting the door softly close, leaving Heero by himself to think.
Heero sat there on his chair, in front of his laptop, gaping at the closed door. Setting his jaw before the tears from the rejection and sadness seep into him, Heero turned back to his laptop trying to forget about the things that have just happened right before infront of his very own eyes. Unfortunately, he couldn't forget and quickly got up and laid on his bed letting the tears escape from him.
Walking down the deserted hallway, Duo made his way to his bedroom, locking the door to his room behind him. Looking at the scattered mess, he shook his head and headed for the shower. Entering the bathroom, Duo looked into the mirror at himself. Disgusted at what he saw, the anger burned through his veins as he raised his right hand and threw it at the mirror. Looking at all of the shattered glass around the bathroom sink, Duo reached for a large piece of glass raising it to his face. Using the sharp piece, Duo brought it to his arm, pausing from cutting a line in his wrist. He dropped the glass just as he himself dropped to the ground. Shaking uncontrollably, tears streaked down his face while sobbing so hard that it became hard to breathe. Turning around, Duo turned on the water for the tub and let it fill. Taking his clothes off, Duo stepped into the tub; sighing at the comfort it gave him, he closed his eyes sinking into the tub further.
There it is, the next chapter. Sorry for those who don't understand the reason why I put that in but in time you will understand that it is a significant point in the turning point of this story and I hope that you will like it. I also hope that you have liked this chapter so far. I know it's not that long, but hey, I'm doing this in my class because all we are doing is watching a movie that to me isn't all that interesting. Hope you liked it and please review because I strive for them and they make me feel special that people read and take the time to review my stories. So please review and I may make the next chapter more interesting.
Bai Bai for now. ^^