Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Eyes Cold As Death ❯ Seven ( Chapter 7 )
Even now, I can still see that sparkle in your eyes. You haven't lost everything.
There is still hope.
Eyes Cold As Death
Chapter Seven--Escape
Night shadowed the silver sedan as it raced over endless miles of road. Trowa was amazed at how easy it had been to escape the city. He and Wufei had hid in the backseat covered with papers and luggage, while Cathy dyed her hair blonde and clutched Quatre's arm like they were honeymooners. Quatre had been cool and smooth when dealing with the soldiers, passing them off as newlyweds that were leaving early for a business trip so they could have their honeymoon. The soldiers had glanced at the papers, gave Cathy a kiss for good luck while Quatre looked on good-natured and let Quatre continue on. He and Wufei took their cue to sit up at Quatre's shout of disgust.
"It's okay, Quatre. They didn't even slip me the tongue."
"I don't care!" Quatre slammed his fist on the steering wheel. "They don't have the right to do shit like that." Trowa reached his hand out and placed it gently on Quatre's shoulder.
"At least we're gone." Quatre turned to grin at Trowa, his red hair whipping around in its loose ponytail, before facing the road and sticking his hand out of the window, his middle finger sticking straight up. Quatre leaned out of the window after his hand, the car swerving slightly.
"Fuck off, motherfuckers!" The drive continued on.
Cathy was driving with Wufei in the passenger seat as night fell. Quatre was curled up asleep on Trowa's lap while he stroked Quatre's hair. He preferred it blonde, but the copper-red was very alluring with Quatre's pale complexion. This was the only time he could touch Quatre openly--without Quatre flinching away--when he was asleep. He leaned his head back against the headrest and closed his eyes, his fingers continuing their comforting motion. Trowa could guess what Quatre had been through, though it was something he had so desperately wished Quatre never would have gone through. But, that first mission, before The Mission had proved that sentiment wrong. Quatre mumbled something in his sleep, his forehead wrinkling as almost coherent words slipped from between his lips. Trowa leaned closer to listen.
"The answer hasn't changed in the last thirty seconds. The Gundams are gone. They were destroyed after the Eve War." Quatre shifted in his sleep, a look of fear beginning to form on his face. "Please tell me that's not Truth Serum…Oh, fuck…" Quatre's face smoothed out and Trowa hoped the nightmare had passed. He continued to stroke Quatre's long hair. "Ew, Duo. You just spit Sex on the Beach all over me." Trowa raised an eyebrow and couldn't resist listening to this dream. "Hand me another drink, will ya…Screaming Orgasm, please." Trowa shook his head, smothering laughter with his hand. Quatre shifted again, burrowing deeper into Trowa's lap. "Trowa…Come back to bed." Trowa closed his eyes remembering the night Quatre had uttered those words. It was the night he had returned from his mission, only to find that Quatre had to leave with Duo that day. He had come home after waiting at Quatre's apartment to find Quatre blissfully asleep in his bed. He had woken up in middle of the night to get a drink and must've woken Quatre up in the process. When he had crawled back in bed beside Quatre, Quatre had snuggled into his embrace, and whispered…"I love you, Trowa." Trowa closed his eyes, fighting tears as Quatre whispered the memory. He brushed his hand over Quatre's cheek as Quatre turned and snuggled into his lap. Trowa realized that Quatre was reliving his lost memories in his sleep. He looked at Quatre's peaceful face only to find that the smooth visage had wrinkled back into suffering and fear. Quatre began struggling in his arms. "No, NO!" Quatre's voice began to rise, and Trowa barely registered Cathy's concerned face turning around. "100 Cc's of Truth Serum will kill me. No, no, please…don't." Quatre's mouth turned into a sad smile. "I'm so sorry, Trowa. TROWA!!!!!"
Quatre sat up, banging his head on the top of the car. Wufei had pulled over to the side of the car and was currently wrenching the back door open. Trowa wrapped his arms around Quatre's shaking shoulders whispering words of encouragement, comfort and love. He caught Wufei's eyes as he checked Quatre's pulse. Quatre's sobs drifted softly through the silent car.
Duo walked into the squat building, deciding for the hundredth time that he hated the new Preventer HQ. He flashed his badge to the soldier behind the security desk. Duo could've sworn that the man would've burned a hole through his badge if he looked long enough. Duo suppressed a shudder a turned to the left down the hall with the flickering fluorescent lights. He mused that the guard must've either been trained by Heero or Heero was his idol. Either way, he decided, it was a rather scary idea. Duo nodded at a passing officer. He hated how military-like the place had become, but there really wasn't any way around that considering the circumstances. Two Pilots gone, one just returned, a war hovering on the horizon and a mole, deep within the framework of Preventer HQ. He turned to the right, stepping into an almost invisible staircase. He descended the scorched stairs, involuntarily shuddering at the occasional hole in the battered cement, obviously made from a bullet. Once at the bottom he navigated the cement halls to the office he shared with Heero.
"You didn't take the elevator." Heero's voice drifted from inside the office--more of a closet, really.
"I don't like it. It's creepy, and I don't want to fall, thank you." Heero laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "Its nice to know that you have everything on surveillance."
"On this floor, at least." Duo shrugged.
"Still." He sat down and took a warm, steaming mug of coffee in his hands. "Thanks for the joe." Heero grunted in response. Duo stared into the dark liquid before raising it slowly to his lips. He paused before taking a sip, looking at Heero over the rim. "I had a dream last night. I dreamt of Quatre." Heero looked up from his laptop, the sounds of clicking keys abruptly silent. "I dreamt he was alive, but it wasn't him." Heero narrowed his eyes and leaned forward.
"What do you mean?" Duo finally sipped his coffee before answering.
"Like when I found Trowa in that circus. He was alive, but it wasn't him." Heero leaned back in his chair, rubbing his hands over his face. He opened his mouth to say something, when a sharp knock sounded from the door. Lady Une stood framed in the doorway.
"I need to speak with the two of you. Heero, where's the best location?" Heero leaned over his laptop again, fingers slapping the keys.
"Here is as good as any." Une nodded and stepped into the room, shutting the door behind her. She sat down on the desk and rubbed her eyes.
"Let me know if this position becomes compromised. By anyone." Heero nodded and moved his laptop so he could keep one eye on Une and one eye on the security. "This is Top Secret information. I know I don't need to reiterate what that means, but I'm going to so you know the severity of the situation." Duo could feel a cold sweat coating his entire body, and he swallowed a sudden lump. Une looked distantly at the seam created by wall and ceiling. "Forty-five thousand Mobile Dolls are currently on their way to Earth. Our informational resources are at a dead end. I can't find where the last Node Base is. I don't even know where any of the other bases are. We are blind. We can track the Dolls, but we know nothing more.
"Relena has given me permission--Unofficial permission--to strike. However, I have no target to strike at. My Peace Envoy I sent has reported back with zero success. They aren't budging. As a result, we have, what looks like three weeks to come up with a strike force and destroy whatever Dolls we can--before they can land.
"We don't have an army. In fact we don't even have a Squadron, but five pilots were able to destroy the whole of Oz once, and I have faith you can do it again."
"But, Lady, we only have four." Duo choked on his sentence, his eyes burning. "Zechs, though he is good, cannot be a replacement." Heero nodded.
"The Gundams were made specifically for their pilots. No one else can successfully pilot them. With four, we don't have as good of a chance, but we can still do this." Heero said.
"If," Duo emphasized, looking at Heero, "Trowa comes back. But who's to say he will? Even if we do have four, we aren't guaranteed, Heero, to win."
"A win is never guaranteed, Duo. True, there will be a higher loss of life--probably even civilian" Heero turned back to Une, "We may not all make it, but we wouldn't have much higher of a chance with five of us."
"Gentlemen, gentlemen," Lady Une motioned with her hands for them to calm down. "I can't give you any backup on this. I don't even think I can spare Zechs or Noin. This mission--this WAR--will be fought by Gundams."
"But you said Five." Duo accused.
"That I did. Wufei is returning from his mission to find Trowa. Trowa is in good health and willing to return. Apparently, a few days before Wufei came, Trowa had stumbled across Quatre." Duo shot up from his seat, mouth gaping. "Quatre is not in good health, but we have high hopes of Sally being able to nurse him back to health." Duo grabbed Une's shoulders in a vice-like grip. He barely registered Heero's hands pulling him away.
"Tell me you aren't joking. Please don't let this be some kind of sick joke." Duo hissed.
"Duo, relax. Let her go." Heero's soft voice wrapped around his mind. Une shook her head.
"Dorothy found him and told Wufei and Relena. They didn't say anything to me until they had him. Once Wufei had found Quatre--seen him with his own eyes, spoke to him face to face--he informed Relena that he was bringing Quatre home. Relena told me yesterday, and we discussed it more last night. Quatre is alive." Duo collapsed into Heero's chest sobbing.
"I didn't kill him, I didn't kill him." Duo suddenly jumped up and began dancing around the room. He took Heero's hands and danced him through the small office, whooping for joy. Even Heero began laughing as they spun each other around.
"HEY!" Une's voice cut through their celebration. "If you would care to remember, this is not a soundproof room. The information about Quatre is at the highest classification possible. No one, I repeat, NO ONE, knows except the two of you, Wufei, Relena, Sally and Trowa. It needs to stay that way. This information does not leak. Period." Heero and Duo nodded solemnly now subdued from their celebration. Their hands were still entertwined. Une stood up. "I have work to do. I will let you know when Wufei arrives. And, Heero, I need you to keep up your search for that mole. Have Duo help you. I need a daily sweep of all phone lines as well as a daily sweep for bugs and surveillance. Questions?" Heero shook his head. "Have a good day, Gentlemen." After she had left, Heero picked Duo up and swung him around while Duo tried his damnedest not to cry.
"He's alive, Heero, he's alive. I can drink with him again, we can joke with each other again, and he can drag my scrawny drunk ass home after a night of drinking again. My best friend is coming home, Heero." Heero gently set him down and cupped his face in his strong hands. Heero leaned in and kissed him.
"I know." Duo buried his face in Heero's shoulder, now crying for joy.
"You WHAT?" Jezebel's eyes narrowed dangerously.
"One of the Preventers was here and now he's gone." The officer stuttered. Jezebel was not amused.
"Which one?"
"We don't know." Jezebel dropped her head into her hands. "He was in uniform. He did not leave by plane, and the guards at the road blocks didn't see him either."
"Were they just sitting there with their hands up each other's asses or were they actually looking." The officer went pale at her words.
"They had been informed of his arrival while we had positive ID."
"Positive ID? Then you DO know who it was." The officer looked about ready to pass out.
"No. We were tailing him. He went to a circus, everyone knew about him by the time he had arrived at the circus." Circus?
"I highly doubt that he traveled all the way to Svetlaine to see some fucking clowns."
"W-we don't know why he was there. But he was not found among the circus that night."
"Did you have surveillance ALL night?"
"Y-yesss. E-even through t-the attack."
"Attack?" Her eyes narrowed even more.
"The commander ordered a strike team to apprehend the Preventer and those he was with."
"Obviously it didn't work."
"N-n-no." She passed her hand over her face.
"I can't believe you let a Preventer ESCAPE! HOW FUCKING STUPID ARE YOU PEOPLE?" Her voice reverberated in the tiny office she occupied. A subtle reminder that she was in enemy territory. "I will deal with your Commander later." She disconnected the transmission, overcoming the temptation to throw the receiver across the room. She didn't want to have to explain the destroyed equipment to her supervisor, though. She stepped out of her office to make her way down the dimly lit halls for some food. The snack room wasn't too far. She pushed the Svetlaine incident out of her mind, instead focusing on the whistling drifting down the hall from the break room. She entered the room and saw a man with a ridiculously long braid trailing down his back whistling as he made a sandwich.
So, Duo was back. She watched him from the corner of her eye as she approached the vending machines.
"Hey, lady. The one on the right is broken. It ate my money." She turned toward the speaker.
"Thank you."
"Sure, no prob! Just didn't want you to lose any money." Duo turned back to his sandwich, happily whistling. She approached him.
"Why are you so happy?" She caught the wrinkling of his forehead. "You're about the only one in this place that's happy." She leaned forward conspiratorialy. "What's your secret." Duo's face stretched into a wide grin.
"Sex, and lots of it!" He laughed, and she joined in. "Actually, I haven't felt very good for awhile. I left this city--a long vacation, I mean--and when I came back, my place with all my stuff was gone. This stupid war, or whatever the fuck it is, destroyed my home. So I come back, and there's nothing here." He sighed and hoped up on the counter, picking his sandwich up. "I finally found a new place to live, and, well, that makes me happy. I have no furniture, but I have a home. You never really understand the importance of having a place to kick your shoes off and grab a beer, until you've lost it." She sighed inwardly, not showing her disappointment on the outside.
"Well, I'm glad you found a place. I'm sorry about your stuff." Duo shrugged.
"Thanks. Well, I should be getting back to work. See ya around." Duo jumped off the counter and began eating his sandwich as he walked out of the break room. Jezebel turned back to the vending machines, avoiding the pop machine on the right.
Quatre stepped out of the car into the cool night air. They had caught a plane from the nearest town after Quatre had woken up screaming. Now they were apparently home. Quatre looked around at the elegant apartment building rising gracefully in front of him. Nothing looked familiar, but… He took in a deep breath, and felt strangely calm. There was something in the air that was soothing to his fragmented mind. He closed his eyes, feeling the breeze ruffle his hair, and breathed deeply. The sweet aroma filled the air, seeming to swirl around as it rode the breeze. It surrounded him, became him until, deep down, he knew he was home. It was like how the homeless people described the smell of their Grandmother's apple pie. How to them, the smell meant home, safety and love. The blossoms were home to him. He felt a callused hand brush against his shoulder, resting there in a gift of comfort. Surrounded by the comfort of the blossoms, the hand felt all too familiar. A hand of friendship, of comfort; a hand offering love. Quatre knew, though he wouldn't admit it to anyone, that he was home, among friends, and among love. He opened his eyes to gaze into Trowa's eyes, and for the first time since he woke up from the hospital, he smiled. Not a forced smile, or the half-smiles he had been giving Trowa and Cathy, but a real, genuine smile. Something he couldn't see or put his finger on, told him he was home.
"Are you okay?" Trowa's soft voice seemed to mix with the blossoms floating on the breeze. He nodded, feeling his heart expand at Trowa's resultant smile. "Come on. Let's go inside." He allowed Trowa to lead him up the stairs with his arm wrapped around his shoulders. For the first time, he didn't feel threatened by someone touching him--it felt completely normal, and the touch was welcomed. At the top of the stairs, Trowa pulled out his keys and stuck one in the lock. Trowa opened the door and escorted Quatre inside. Once inside, and away from the spell of the blossom trees, the arm gently wrapped around his shoulders suddenly felt like iron shackles. The closeness of Trowa's body seemed oppressive and his flesh crawled underneath Trowa's arm. He quickly sauntered from under the abruptly scathing arm. He muttered a hasty apology, choosing not to look at Trowa. He didn't want to see the look of abandonment that would clearly be etched upon Trowa's visage. He couldn't explain why he felt this way, if he was, he was positive that he would have gained his memory back. But sadly, all he knew was simply pain. He absently scratched his elbow, muttering frustrated curses at the infernal thing.
"I got here as soon as I could." A feminine voice came from the doorway. "Why did I need to meet you here?" Quatre turned to see a woman holding a medical bag. Wufei was right behind her, holding her other hand. The woman's clear eyes found him and her jaw went slack. "Quatre?" The bag dropped from her hand and she sank to her knees. Wufei kneeled beside her, offering comfort with his embrace, and Quatre found himself wishing that he had stayed in Trowa's embrace. He watched the woman cry into her hands as Wufei rubbed her back, shoulders and arms. Quatre watched every movement of Wufei's hands as they poured comfort and love into the sobbing woman. Tears began stinging his eyes as he wished that he wouldn't flinch everytime Trowa touched him. He wanted Trowa's hands to move across his back just like Wufei's were moving across the woman. He sank to his knees, suddenly unable to stand. Why did he feel like this? What was locked away in his tattered mind that made him forget three years of hell so easily? He blindly trusted these people, and yet could not show them that trust they had inspired so reluctantly but quickly. What was in store for him now? Cathy kneeled beside him, gazing into his eyes.
"That's Sally." Quatre nodded at Cathy's soft statement. He reached out for her arm.
"Cathy?" He hesitated, not knowing how to say what he wanted to say. "I'm sorry. I…" Cathy continued to look at him expectantly, as if what he had to say next was the most important thing in the world. The emotions began spilling out as words uncontrollably. Yet, he did not cry. "I should go. I'm obviously hurting everyone. Sally's over there crying, Wufei looked like he was seeing a ghost, you cried, and Trowa's face is heartbreaking. I don't want to bring such sorrow. You are all so wonderful; I can't bear to see you all hurting. You don't deserve the pain. I want to make you happy--I don't know why, but I do. I can't explain anything; I'm so confused. Yet, you and Trowa have made me trust again. I've been following you, kicking and screaming and slapping myself for the resistance. I feel like nothing can hurt me when Trowa touches me, but the next moment, his embrace feels like a whip. Please, Cathy. I don't know what to do. Hell, I don't even know what I'm feeling. All I know is that I'm hurting you, and I don't want to. I made a promise to you, Cathy, and I'm breaking it." Cathy's face had slowly wrinkled up into sorrow, tears rolling silently down her cheeks. She pulled him slowly into an embrace, ignoring his instinctual flinch.
"You haven't hurt me once…until now." He didn't understand, but the overwhelming feeling of her arms around him kept him subdued. "Quatre, you are my family. I want nothing but your happiness. But you won't be happy out there, will you?" Quatre shook his head no. "You think that you don't remember anything, but you do." She pushed him to arm length so they could look each other in the eye. "You did make me a promise, once. It was just after the Eve Wars. You promised me that you would never hurt Trowa, again. Believe me, Quatre. You would be hurting him more if you left than if you stay. Yes, it's painful for Trowa to see you like this, but Quatre, he loves you. He would walk through hell for you. All you would have to do is ask. I know, sweetie that you're confused." He felt another pair of arms envelope him, but Cathy's eyes kept him in place.
"Quatre, thank God you're alive. I thought I'd never see you again." Sally's voice washed over him like a cleansing wave. Cathy's eyes engulfed him in acceptance. He glanced over to where Trowa was leaning against the wall accepting a tissue from Wufei. He offered a tentative smile and was rewarded with a tear-stained smile of tenderness and devotion.