Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Eyes Cold As Death ❯ Ten ( Chapter 10 )
Eyes Cold As Death
Chapter Ten -- The Cirle Is Complete
"I'm sorry." Trowa looked down at Quatre as he laid him on the bed.
"For what?" He watched as Quatre closed his eyes before answering.
"For what I said earlier." Trowa cocked his head to one side trying to remember. "About sucking your dick." Quatre looked away. Trowa understood.
"Its okay." He had been really hurt when Quatre shouted that, but he had been more upset at the fuckers who had demanded that from Quatre.
"Its not. You've been so nice, and then I go and insult you." Quatre sat up. "Why can't I figure this shit out?" Trowa's eyebrows drew together in confusion. Quatre dropped his head. "I don't understand anything. I don't trust people, and yet I trust you and Cathy, and I'm brothers with Wufei and Duo. Why? How can I completely forget everything I've learned in one moment?" Trowa slowly reached out to place his hand on Quatre's shoulder. Quatre tensed up but didn't pull away.
"Maybe a part of you remembers us." Quatre shook his head and lay back against the pillows. Trowa pulled the covers over Quatre.
"I don't know." Quatre rolled onto his side, leaving Trowa to gaze longingly at his back. Trowa turned and walked from the room.
"Goodnight, Quatre."
Trowa left the door ajar and trudged tiredly into the living room to collapse on the couch. Every day was an emotional roller coaster, and he silently longed for the day when things would resemble normal.
It was the fact that he continued to hold harbor to his hope that Quatre would regain his memories. If he continued to think like that, then things would never become normal if Quatre didn't regain his memories. It was hopeless, either way he tried to rationalize everything. It was an almost damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. He loved Quatre regardless. And if Quatre never remembered, he would still love him. Maybe Quatre would open up faster if he stopped pushing so hard. If Quatre remembers something, then he would encourage him to remember more, but he wouldn't push him. He needed to prove to Quatre beyond a shadow of a doubt that Quatre could trust him. Maybe once Quatre could trust him, then Quatre could open up to him. And if Quatre could open up to him, maybe they could start another relationship.
This time, he wouldn't be afraid to tell Quatre his feelings. This time, he could do things right. He was being given an opportunity to start over, eventhough he hadn't needed to start over. He might as well grab the chance and hold on to it for all he was worth.
He was able to drift to sleep without the weight of the world crushing him for the first time in four years.
"Oh God, why did you let me drink so much." Duo clutched desperately at his head as if the harder he squeezed; the less pain would be throbbing through his skull. It didn't work. And worst of all, Heero just laughed. "Fuck you, Yuy."
"I didn't let you do anything, you did it to yourself. Your pride got in the way, this time."
"I hate you." Heero laughed and handed him a glass of water and four Advil. "Oh, I love you."
"You give them gifts . . ." Duo looked at Heero with one eye.
"Are you joking with me this fucking early in the morning when I have a mobile suit battle going on in my head?" Heero smirked at him and left the room without saying anything. "Now I really hate you. I hurt too damn much to joke back!" He clutched at his head as the room began spinning. "Oh shit. Not a good idea to yell." Heero poked his head in the room.
"I wouldn't recommend shouting in your condition."
"I hate you." Heero shrugged and disappeared again. Duo fell back against the bed groaning. "This is not going to be a good day."
"Hurry up or we'll be late to work!" Heero's voice drifted in from the other room.
"Yup. Definitely not a good day." Duo dragged himself out of bed and into the bathroom to take a shower just to rinse off the smell of old alcohol from him so he wouldn't smell. He could still hear Heero snickering.
They had ended up late to work anyway because Duo had fallen asleep in the shower, but no one had said anything, if they had even noticed. Duo sat at his desk with his head cradled in his hands.
"Why did you have to drag me into work today? Couldn't you have left me at home and in bed?" Heero shook his head.
"I would've, but you needed to be in today. I need help with this fucking mole. I can't find any trace of him and I need your help. Plus Lady Une wants to see all of us later today."
"Fuck. At least let me have a long lunch." Heero laughed.
"That I can do. Plus I brought the Advil with me." Duo smiled at Heero.
"You are a life saver." They worked in silence for a few minutes before Duo thought of something. "Heero?"
"When Trowa lost his memories during the war, didn't he get them back because of Wing ZERO?" Heero scrutinized him for a moment before answering.
"Yes. What are you thinking?" Duo had to chuckle at that. Heero obviously knew him too well.
"Maybe we could stick Quatre in there." Heero's jaw dropped.
"Are you nuts?" Duo shrugged. "Do you remember what happened the first time he used the ZERO System?"
"Yeah, so? He mastered the system." Heero snorted.
"After he took out two colonies."
"That won't happen again!" Heero's gaze softened.
"Duo, I want Quatre's memories back just as much as you do. And if this had the possibility of working, I'd be the first to strap him in. However, he wasn't in his right mind when he used ZERO for the first time. Think about that." Duo turned that over in his mind. He shook his head.
"Quatre was upset and frightened and angry. He's not now. Plus, we'll all watch him so he can't do anything stupid. You can be in charge of a remote that can override the cockpit controls. Wufei and I can fly beside him, make sure that he can't get anywhere we don't want him to be. And Trowa can figure out something, after all he is probably a bit rusty and could use some fly-time in Heavyarms. He could help us. Maybe Wufei can engage Quatre in a mock battle. I don't know. But think about it at least." Heero was nodding. He tapped his chin with his forefinger.
"You know, that might just work." Duo beamed. "There's just one more problem." Duo sagged. "The mole. How do we keep Quatre's presence from the mole? Trowa, we don't need to hide. His presence will be common knowledge soon enough. But until Quatre regains his memory and can be reinstated to full pilot status, no one can know that he's here." Duo scrunched up his face in thought.
"Well, Quatre has long hair now." Heero choked and Duo burst into head-splitting laughter. Eventhough it hurt like a wailing banshee to laugh, he could stop. Heero looked just too funny with a red face. "Quatre's hair is a brownish color. Dress him up in black and put a baseball cap on and he could probably pass for me. If he keeps his head down, cameras probably won't be able to tell the difference." Heero cocked an eyebrow.
"So, you man the remote and I fly Deathscythe." Duo frowned.
"I don't want anyone touching my baby." Heero snorted.
"How many people did it take to build your Gundam?" Duo slouched.
"That's not the point. Honestly, though, I would feel better knowing that you were behind the remote." Heero leaned forward with an evil smirk.
"Are you going to cut your hair then?"
"Fuck you. No! Um, maybe I could dress like you and pull my braid in a hat."
"I don't wear hats."
"You do now." Heero sighed.
"This could work. It will take time to make the remote." Duo nodded.
"And you can start periodically wearing a hat!" Duo grinned.
"Fine. I'll talk to Wufei and we'll make this work. Now, get back to work."
"Aw, can't I go to lunch?" Heero rolled his eyes.
"Am I going to be able to stop you?" Duo shook his head. "Have a good lunch." Duo leaned over a kissed Heero's cheek.
"Thanks. And at least give me some credit, it's 11:30. I'm only leaving a half an hour early." Heero snorted, so Duo just left. He ran into Trowa in the hall. "Trowa! Why are you here?"
"First day back in the ranks. Cathy's at home." Duo nodded in understanding. That meant that he could probably take Quatre out to lunch. Cathy could go too, if she wanted.
"Cool. Gotta run!" Duo walked up the stairs, deigning to run because of his still angry headache.
Under a half an hour later he was knocking on Quatre's door. Cathy answered and let him in.
"Hey, cutie." He kissed her cheek. "Where's Quat?" Cathy smothered a chuckle behind her hand.
"He's cursing out his wardrobe. He doesn't like anything he used to wear." Duo laughed.
"I think I'll help him."
"Oh God. Let me run away now."
"Hey!" Duo clutched his chest dramatically. "Be nice."
"Never." Duo started walking back toward Quatre's bedroom.
"Can I take Quat to lunch?"
"Wanna come?" Cathy shook her head.
"Nah, that's okay. I'll let you guys get some catch up time in. I think he needs you." Duo nodded solemnly.
"Yeah." Duo called out in a singsong voice. "Oh Quatre! Where are you?" He could hear strings of swear words drifting out for Quatre's room as he drew closer. Damn. He didn't teach Quatre all of those. Most of them, yes, but not all. He was impressed.
"I'm a pansy!" Quatre threw his arms in the air and turned away from Duo as Duo entered the bedroom. He could only laugh.
"You're not a pansy, you're just rich." Quatre slowly turned to face him.
"I'm rich?" Duo nodded.
"You won't ever have to worry about money. Ever." Quatre sagged to the floor.
"No more dumpster dinners? No more trashcan fires?" Duo shook his head, sinking to the floor beside Quatre.
"Nope. I was serious when I said that you didn't have to worry again." Quatre looked dumbfounded.
"Wow." Duo reached out a hand to Quatre as he stood up.
"Let's go to lunch. My treat." Quatre looked up at him, smiling.
"Wufei, you know you want to go to lunch with us." Duo batted his eyes, plastering a Cheshire grin on his face. If he kept this up, Wufei would surely join him and Quatre. "Please?" Wufei leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.
"Fine. I'll go."
"Ha! I knew you wanted to go!" Duo leaned back in his own chair and appraised Wufei. "Quatre told me that you offered to protect him." Wufei frowned in thought and nodded. Duo leaned forward. He wasn't smiling. "You told him that you were brothers." Wufei's eyebrows drew together, and Duo knew that Wufei was trying to figure out where Duo was going.
"Yes I did." Duo's eyes narrowed.
"Do you know what you got yourself into?" Wufei slowly shook his head.
"I'm assuming that I am protecting Quatre." Duo let out a sharp, humorless bark of laughter.
"No offense, Wufei, but Quatre doesn't need protecting. He can handle mostly anything. You offered to be his brother. I'm asking if you know what that means to the people of the streets, because like it or not, Quatre is from the streets. Just like me." Wufei leaned forward staring intently into Duo's eyes.
"I offered him my sword in the only way that I thought he'd understand." Duo reflected on this. To a martial artist, offering one's sword was like handing over one's life. Quatre not only had protection, but also Wufei's loyalty, which could be redeemed as a life debt. It was very similar to the code of the streets; after all they were just codes of honor.
"Bonds made on the streets, like the one you offered Quatre, are life debts. If you betray Quatre, he reserves the right to kill you, because you would have killed him by revoking your bond." Wufei steepled his hands, pushing his fingers under his chin. "By becoming brothers with Quatre, you have secured your life with his. If he dies, you avenge him. If it was your fault that he dies, then you forfeit your life. Breaking this bond is worse than treason; for misplaced trust on the streets can be worse than fatal. Wufei nodded.
"I understand." Duo reached a hand across Wufei's desk, palm up.
"Then, will you be my brother?" Wufei stared at Duo for a few moments before clasping Duo's hand.
"I would be honored, brother." Duo smiled.
"We have completed the circle. We are all brothers -- you, me and Quatre." Duo stood up and grinned madly as he placed his hands importantly on his hips. "All for one, and one for all!" He declared in a mocking voice. Even Wufei laughed. Duo shrugged, sitting down. "Sorry, just seemed like a good mood breaker. It was getting too serious." Wufei nodded in understanding. "So now you have to eat lunch with us."
"I already said that I would." Duo stood up again and made his way to the door.
"Then tomorrow." Wufei nodded.
"Duo." Duo turned to look at Wufei. "I have always thought of you and Quatre as my brothers." Wufei looked away. "Just thought you might want to know." Duo smiled a soft smile and nodded, understanding Wufei's difficulty in meeting his eyes.
"Me too." He shut the door quietly behind him, leaving Wufei smiling to himself.
Jezebel finished reading the progress report of the four Node bases. They were all finished. All they needed now were the Dolls that were due to arrive within the week. Allow for an extra three days for prep time, and the war would begin. She closed out the file; reverting back to the file she had been reading before the report came in. She closed that file without sparing it a glance. Her eyes still caught one word before the window disappeared --