Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ F.E.A.R ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: F.E.A.R
Genre: gore, horror, blood, violence, language, lemon, lime, death (none of the guys), angst, police, supernatural.
Pairing: 1x2, 3x4, 5xS, (later) 5x6, RxH, UxD, OCxS
Rating: X
Disclaimers: I do not own Gundam Wing or the following computer games: Doom3, Painkiller: Heaven's Got A Hitman, or F.E.A.R.

Summary: AC 190, a mysterious paramilitary force infiltrates a multi-billion dollar aerospace compound, taking hostages but issuing no demands. A Special Forces team is sent by the government only to be obliterated. Live footage of the massacre shows an inexplicable wave of destruction tearing the solders apart. In an act of desperation, a team of unknowing young teens are assembled to form the First Encounter Assault Recon (F.E.A.R).
Chapter 4
Une let reluctantly from the comforting embrace of the Winners. She stayed a little longer to straighten herself and reapply a small amount of her flesh colored lipstick.
“Don't worry yourself too much. You'll get grey hairs.” Iria said in an attempt to lighten the mood. The attempt was ruined as her voice cracked. Une hugged her tightly before bidding her goodbye.
She was back in her car and on the road once again. She felt numb emotionally and physically. She stopped by the Castellano, Allen, and Pettaway household on the way. She took the coward's way out by simply dropping off the box and leaving. It was a very cold method but it built her strength to endure the houses that she wouldn't be able to just leave from.
The Dasilvas weren't home when she came to their house. All for the best. She could just get someone else to deliver their box.
Finally, she came to the Odin/Yuy residence. It was in the suburban area of town. The neighborhood was quiet with identical houses that only differed by their colors. She stopped at the one with Prussian blue roofing and a white paintjob. The one next door was the Maxwell household, a black and white house. Both were three stories high with a balcony.
Une got out of the car and went to the Odin/Yuy house. She knocked once. Her mind raced frantically to figure out what she was going to tell Sakura. Her thoughts stopped suddenly when a child no older than five or six answered the door.

He looked up at her with slightly almond shaped cobalt blue eyes through the unruly fringes of his chocolate brown hair. He was dressed in a wrinkled forest green tank top and a pair of small black spandex shorts. His shoes were a hideous shade of mustard yellow.
“Hello, is Sakura home?” She asked trying to warm her voice.
The child only stepped to the side looking towards the living room. Une stepped in slowly and looked around. Wrappers and the like littered the floor. It looked like the place hadn't been cleaned in days. She walked gingerly over piles of trash. Someone had tried to sweep. All the while, the youth followed behind her. When she stopped just inside the living room, he passed her and went to stand before the chimney place facing a blue couch. He looked down at something but remained silent.
“What do you have there?” She asked moving along the dark carpet of the room. She kept her eyes on the boy until she felt that she should've been able to see whatever he was looking for from where she stood. From her angle she could see a single pale arm laying lifelessly on the ground. Reflexively she moved to get a better look.
Chocolate brown hair fanned out along the ground. The hair was darkened by a dark liquid staining the floor. Wide onyx eyes stared lifelessly up at the ceiling.
“Sakura!” Une shouted. She knelt pressing her hand to the woman's neck though she already knew it was too late. She was as dead as they came. Despite this fact, the woman's eyes snapped to her. Une took her hand away with a gasp. A cold clammy hand closed around her wrist before she could get far. Une screamed.
“You killed him! You killed him!!!!” The dead woman said hatefully. Une pulled hard against the grip until the hand suddenly let go. The corpse fell lifelessly to the floor. Her words still echoed through the room. “You killed him!! You killed him!!”
Une stood shakily half sprinting into the living room. She paid no heed to the several bottles of prescription drugs that had been emptied on the counter. She dial headquarters as fast as she could.
“Preventer's Headquarters, Catherine speaking.”

”Catherine I need a squad over here ASAP.” Une said desperately. She looked up to see the boy standing just inside the kitchen. He stared at her blankly without saying a word. She turned her head away.
“What's wrong?”
“I have a dead body possible suicide and a kid that's been her for gods know how long.” She said.
“Alright, I'll have the squad over soon.”

Une nodded her head before realizing the other woman couldn't see her do it. “Alright, Une out.”
“Catherine out.”
Une sighed heavily before looking back to the room. Sakura's head had fallen in the direction of the kitchen. Her wide eyes stared back at Une accusingly. A chill went down the officer's back before she looked back at the boy. “What's…What's your name?” She stammered.
He blinked twice before turning back to his mother's body. When he looked back he sat where he stood and pulled his knees up to his chest. Une watched him silently until she hurt the sounds of Preventer's sirens. Within moments agents came into the house.
One in particular came into the room with her. The agent was the same height as her with long blonde hair and icy blue eyes. She wore a similar uniform as the other woman. “Une, are you alright.” She said. Her forked eyebrows drew up in the closest thing the woman could get to being worried.
“I'll be better when they tell me she's dead for real.” Une grumbled.
Dorothy raised her eyebrow. “What happened?” She asked. She lifted the woman's head with one hand letting the other rest on her hip. Une welcomed the intimate touches.
“She…wasn't…she grabbed me.” Une said looking down at the wrist where the woman has gripped her. There was a red imprint of her hand.
“She did that?” Dorothy said making a gesture to the corpse being looked over. Une nodded.
“She grabbed me and started shouting `you killed him' over and over.” Une said shuddering at the memory. Dorothy took her lover into her arms and hugged her tight. Une hugged her back bringing the other woman's slender body closer to her. She inhaled the bittersweet fragrance of the woman's hair and let it out slowly. She looked down to see the boy still sitting there watching them slowly. With a sigh, she let Dorothy go. “And that kid was there.” She said.
Dorothy turned and looked down at the boy. “Hello.” She said. When the boy didn't answer, she crouched down in front of him. “What is your name?” She asked. No answer. Thinking quickly she asked in Japanese. The boy answered then. “His name is Heero Odin Yuy.” She reported. She said something else and the boy answered. “He's five and his mother has been that way for three days now.”
Une sighed and raked her hands through her hair. She wanted to go home and curl up with her lover in bed. “Ask him if he saw his mother grab me just then.” She said. Dorothy did. The boy answered.
“He said he saw it but his mother had done the same to him.” Dorothy said slowly looking up at her lover with haunted eyes. “If she's been dead for three years, how can she just get up and grab someone?” She asked.

”I wish I knew.” Une said tiredly.
Just then, Trieze Kushrenada walked in. He was a highly sophisticated man with sleeked back tawny hair and kind blue eyes. He walked very straight back in his uniform. “Hello, Lady.” He greeted Une. Une nodded back mentally trying to pull herself together. She didn't want to seem weak in front of her commanding officer and future cousin-in-law. “I've come to dismiss you along with Dorothy.”

Both women started to protest only to be stopped by the man hand. “Before you protest, this is done for your own good more so for Une.” He lowered his hand and looked towards the woman in question. “I can see the stress things have put on you and think it would be wise for you to take a break. When you're fully recovered I expect a report on all of this.”
Une nodded grudgingly. Trieze smiled and turned to his cousin. “Take care of her, Dorothy.” Dorothy nodded. With that, Trieze left. Another agent came in. He paid the two no mind going straight to the kids. He said something quickly in Japanese. Heero stood and the two walked out.
“Time to go home.” Dorothy said.
“I have to drop something off in the house next door.” Une said absently. Dorothy only sighed in exasperation.
“You need to stop trying to take all the responsibilities on your own. Besides, the Maxwells aren't home. I think it'd be best if we had someone, as in not you, take it to Howard Maxwell down at the scrapyard not to far from HQ.”
Une nodded meekly. Dorothy only smirked and gave the woman a thorough kiss. Their tongues warred lazily until she pulled away. “Now let's go home.” Une followed feeling some of the weight of things lift off her shoulders.
A/N: Poor Une, why am I picking on her? That is a good question. I'll have to find out the answer later on. So far plot development is coming along nicely.