Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ F.E.A.R ❯ Chapter 9

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: F.E.A.R

Genre: gore, horror, blood, violence, language, lemon, lime, death (none of the guys), angst, police, supernatural, NCS
Pairing: 1x2, 3x4, 5xS, (later) 5x6, RxH, UxD, OCxS, 2+H/H+2. 2+OCs, 2+Solo
Rating: X

Disclaimers: I do not own Gundam Wing or the following computer games: Doom3, Painkiller: Heaven’s Got A Hitman, or F.E.A.R.

Summary: AC 190, a mysterious paramilitary force infiltrates a multi-billion dollar aerospace compound, taking hostages but issuing no demands. A Special Forces team is sent by the government only to be obliterated. Live footage of the massacre shows an inexplicable wave of destruction tearing the solders apart. In an act of desperation, a team of unknowing young teens are assembled to form the First Encounter Assault Recon (F.E.A.R).

Chapter 9

Caramel didn’t make it as far as she wanted before the pain in her backside became too much. She paused and breathed slowly through it.

Duo watched the woman worriedly. She looked paler than before, with a slight flush to her cheeks. Her eyes looked haunted.

“Did you now, that my hair is really blonde?” She asked suddenly. Duo shook his head and blinked at the sudden change in topic. “Yea, my hair is blonde and my real name is Helen.”

“I like that better than Caramel.” Duo said for her sake. She was scared and trying to start a conversation with him. He could at least indulge her.

“Okay, then you can call me Helen, kay?” Helen offered the boy a smile. He returned it shyly. “Now, I think there’s a church that’ll let you stay for a while around here.” She said looking around.

“What about you?” Duo asked.

Helen looked down at him and smiled. “What do you mean?”

“You said you, as in me, but didn’t say we.” Duo said making hand gestures to emphasize his words. The woman laughed.

“You are wise beyond your years, love.” She said ruffling the boy’s hair. Duo batted her hands away and grinned, this time genuinely. She returned it wistfully. “They won’t let me in, they haven’t for years.”


Helen turned away from his gaze then. After a while, Duo thought she wouldn’t answer. “Sometimes people have to do things they don’t want to do in order to survive.” She said cryptically.

“You mean that man?” Duo asked, looking unconsciously towards his old home. He turned back in time to see the woman nod jerkily. “Nu-uh! He was mean and he called you a…a….you’re not a bitch!!” He shouted, turning his face up angrily. Helen chuckled and tapped his nose. He wrinkled it at her.

“I’m glad you think so.” She whispered feeling her eyes mist. “You’re all I have left, Duo, so take care of yourself no matter what happens.” The youth nodded. “Let’s go.”

The church turned out to be only a few more blocks down the street. It was large, with a series of pointed roofs, arched windows, doors and a stone staircase that led to the entrance. The windows were lit with golden lights making the stained glass glow against the night backdrop.

“Here we are.” Helen sighed. She walked tiredly with Duo to the door. It was quiet inside. “Do you think anyone’s there?” She asked.

“Let’s check.” Duo said, stepping forward. He knocked twice just above the carved figure of a man in a black cloak with a scythe.

“Comin’!!” A young voice shouted. Minutes later the large arched doors were pulled open, revealing a young girl about a year older than Duo. Her hair was short and slightly curly on top of her head. The dark curls fell into her denim blue eyes as she took in the two strangers.

“Hilde, what have I told you about answering the door before you know who it is?” Came the warm male voice. Minutes later a middle age man in his late thirties came into view. His hair was black and cut short, going grey from the bottom up. He stood at almost six foot, with a very proper, yet comfortable, posture despite the priest garb he wore.

He bent slowly to tussle Hilde’s hair before straightening. He flicked the purple sash back in place before settling his blue eyes on Helen’s. “Welcome to the Maxwell Orphanage.” He said. “How may I help you?”

“Orphanage? I thought this was a church.” Duo said.

The man chuckled and placed a large hand on the boy’s head. “This is also a church, young one.”

“Then where is the priest?”

“That would be me. I’m Father Maxwell.” He bowed slightly before looking towards Helen. Helen fidgeted under his gaze nervously. “What brings you here?” He asked.

“We…He needs somewhere to stay.” Helen answered.

Duo turned to her and glared. “You do too!” He insisted.

“You both are welcome here.” Father Maxwell said. “Come, I’m sure I can make some room for you.” He stepped to the side to let the two in.

Helen and Duo stepped in and looked around. Chandeliers hung unused from the ceiling. The source of light came from candles carefully lit and placed in candle holders throughout the building. The golden light warmed the benches lined in a row before a podium and a small statue of a woman holding a baby.

Off to the side was a staircase that led upstairs. Several more children gathered there looking curiously down at the newcomers.

“Come greet everyone.” Father Maxwell called.

Slowly, one by one, the children came, lining up silently. They were dressed in clothes that weren’t quite rags but not new either.

“Hi, I’m Froggy.” The first child introduced himself. He was tall and lanky with a pale complexion tinted green. His eyes were wide and blue as he grinned cheekily at the two visitors. He was dressed in a patched shirt and pants. His feet were bare. “Welcome.”

“I’m Jasmina.” The next child said. She was no more than six, with short curly blonde hair and wide hazel eyes. Freckles decorated her nose and cheeks as she smiled, showing that she’d recently loss her two front teeth.

“Evelyn.” A girl around Froggy’s age spoke. Her hair was hidden under an old beanie that looked like it was once light blue. Her eyes were slightly almond shaped and black. She was dressed in a pair of baggy jeans and a tight-fitting tank top. Her flat stomach was left uncovered from her navel to the top of her hips.

“Alonzo.” The next boy was dark in complexion. His eyes were dark as well and his hair was cut low to his head. He was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a thin tank top.

“The others are asleep but you’ll meet ‘em soon, ‘m Hilde.” Hilde spoke up. She grinned at the two.

“Nice to meet you all.” Helen said, feeling genuine warmth fill her as she took in all the children. She could see such hope in their eyes where she had none. They had their whole lives ahead of them. The thought filled her with both bitterness and joy. She had never had the chance.

“Come along, it’s far past all of your bedtimes. I’m sorry we didn’t get your names.” Father Maxwell said. He stepped forward and pushed a strand of the woman’s hair from her face.

Helen blushed lightly. “My name is Helen and this is Duo.”

“Welcome, Helen and Duo. You may stay as long as you wish.”

Duo ended up sharing a room and bed with Hilde and Froggy. They gladly offered him their night clothes, shorts from Froggy and a big t-shirt from Hilde. He neatly folded his day clothes and left them in the corner before climbing in bed. He laid on the right of Hilde while Froggy laid on the left.

“So, Duo, what happened that cha gotta stay hea wit’ cha mom?” Froggy asked.

“Helen isn’t my mother.” Duo said.

“Where’s ya mama?” Hilde asked.

“I…” Duo started and really thought about it. His mother hadn’t come out during the commotion with the man and Helen. Had she slept through the whole thing? She was awfully tired all the time. Maybe she had. “Hmm…”

“That’s okay, kid.” Froggy said, reaching over to give the boy a friendly tap on the shoulder. “I don’t know where my parents are either.”

But he knew where his mother was, in the house where they’d left her. He frowned.

“My parents are buried somewhere in a ditch.” Hilde said. “They got kilt by bad men.” She added. Her voice held no emotion at all. Froggy moved to pull her into his arms.

“It’s alright, Hil. They ain’t suff’rin’ where they’re at.” Froggy whispered.

“How do you know?” Duo asked. He’d heard Solo say the same thing. What did it mean?

“When ya die, ya don’t feel an’thing since ya ain’t got a body.” Hilde said.

“How do you know that though?”

“’Cos, that’s what Father Maxwell told us. He knows everything.” Hilde sighed, letting her eyes fall shut.

Duo took the hint, turning away from the two to stare at the door of the room. He froze when he saw his mother standing there. She was smiling, looking like she did before they moved to L2.

“Goodbye, Duo, I love you.”

“Goodbye, mama.” He said smiling at her. His eyes drooped and closed.


A/N: Okay, do you see where this is going? See I am keeping to the series somewhat. Hilde being at the orphanage too was hard to decide on. I mean, if she wasn’t on Oz’s side (at first) and there wasn’t a war…where would she be? There was no mention of a family for her, as far as I know, so why not let her develop her friendship with Duo? Am I going too slow for you? Let me know.

I may hop to how the other guys are doing after this chap. I don’t know yet. I think it would be a good idea if I developed their history as well, ya know? Review and let me know what I should do.