Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Falling For You ❯ Part Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
LSE // 4-30-03
(Falling For You - Part Two)
rated: R - language, content, violence

Part Two


The small, rural village was ten miles from the safe house, and Duo
had trudged through just one of those miles when the dark sky rumbled
and broke open into rain. Duo stopped walking and tilted his head up
towards the heavens, mentally cursing every major and minor deity he
could think of in no particular order. How much worse could things
possibly get?

The shock and anger was wearing off, leaving Duo feeling empty and
vaguely frightened. How could he go on living in the same house with
Heero after what'd just happened? He'd taken a risk, admitting his
feelings, and it hadn't panned out. Those small glimpses of humanity
Duo could have sworn he'd seen in those cold eyes were a lie. Heero
was a heartless bastard and would never...

Lowering his head, Duo started off again on the road, arms hugged to
his chest for warmth. With the rain came a falling temperature, but
it didn't especially bother Duo. Maybe he'd catch a dead cold and die,
and then Heero would be plagued by guilt and Duo would come back and
haunt the stoic pilot into insanity and...

No, Heero would never feel guilty. "He'd probably celebrate," Duo
muttered darkly, wiping rain from his face.

Another mile passed and Duo's footsteps lagged. Tired and worn - and
exhaustingly aware he needed sleep - Duo stopped walking and looked
around for a miracle or something. Forest lined either side of the
narrow dirt road and held no sign of yielding to civilization.
Recalling what he could of the terrain from missions, Duo forced
himself to walk another hundred yards around the bend in the road.

As he hoped, there was a small shelter from the rain available. The
road widened and turned into pavement as the forest fell away before
the might of a creek, swollen with the winter melt and current rain
storms. Along the railing of the bridge were battered coverings
designed to keep fishermen dry. They worked just as well for Gundam
pilots, and Duo nearly collapsed under one.

Beyond the rails, the creek raced by looking swift and dangerous. Duo
stared at the turbulent waters, his thoughts swirling nearly as fast
as the water below. He drew his knees up to his chest and wrapped his
arms around them, shivering. At least he wasn't getting rained on...
very much, he amended, looking up to the leaky covering. Resting his
head on his knees, Duo let out a long sigh which broke into a sob.


------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Heero paced between the couch and the television, his eyes every so
often darting to the windows and the doorway. Two hours, and no sign
of Duo. Worrying was irrational and unproductive, the soldier pointed
out. Heero growled in response to the unsaid thoughts, causing Quatre
to jump. Before either could react, the phone rang.

Quatre barely had time to turn his head towards the kitchen before a
blur flashed past and Heero barked into the receiver, "Where did you
find him?"

"...I didn't find him. Put Winner on," the irritated Chinese pilot

"Why not? Why are you calling?"

To Heero's great annoyance, Quatre had insisted only Wufei go into
the town and look for Duo, and even then only once the rain had
started. The blond's reasoning was that Wufei knew the roads better
than Heero and one boy would not cause as much suspicion as two. In
truth, Quatre hesitated against letting Heero be the one to find the
wayward Duo. In truth, Quatre had slipped Wufei aside and whispered
that he didn't really have to bring Duo back, just make sure he was

In Quatre's opinion, Heero and Duo needed time away from each other.
Or to just admit to their feelings, and it didn't take a space-heart
to read anything into the glances Heero kept throwing to the window.
And Duo's face plainly lit up whenever the Japanese pilot entered the
room or even when his name was mentioned.

"Put. Winner. On," Wufei ground out between the clenched teeth.

Fortunately, Quatre arrived at Heero's shoulder and coaxed the phone
away from him, heedless of the Death Glare. "Wufei?"

"Winner. Slap sense into Yuy."

Quatre sighed and tried to shoo Heero, who just stood there glaring,
out of the kitchen. "Go get Trowa for me, please?" he finally asked
once it became clear Heero wasn't to be persuaded away with gesturing
or pleading looks.

"Maxwell isn't here. I'm coming back."

"Oh, Wufei, please just stay out there so I can keep Heero distracted.
If you give up you know he's just going to go out looking himself..."

"That's none of my concern." Somehow, Quatre's disappointment radiated
in the silence and Wufei sighed in frustration, "Fine. You owe me for
this, Winner. We both know Maxwell is perfectly capable of walking,
so long as gum isn't involved, and this is just endangering the..."

"Thank you, Wufei. You have your mobile? I'll call if Duo turns up
here, okay? Try to get some sleep."

"mission and wasting my..."

"Thanks again."

"time when I could be..."

Quatre rested the receiver back into the cradle and let out a tired
sigh, eyeing the cabinets longingly. The house had running water and
a fine tea kettle, but no tea. Just coffee. Strong hands suddenly
closed over his shoulders and squeezed gently, Trowa announcing his
presence by infolding the smaller boy into a hug.

Heero eyed the two of them with the soldier part ranting about the
dangers of such a relationships, let alone with another pilot and in
a deadly war to boot. The rest of him was simply envious. Turning
away, Heero walked back into the living room only to stand there,
lost. How could he ever except Duo to forgive him, to give him a
second chance, or to believe him when he said...?

Desperate eyes turned to the door and Heero knew, in that moment, he
would give anything for just one minutes of Duo's attention. So he
could explain... Emotions are for the weak, the soldier pointed out,
but Heero firmly denied his training.


---------------------------------------- ------------------------------

He lost track of time, sitting there in the rain and staring at the
churning depths. Duo blinked rain out of his eyes and looked up and
down the abandoned road. He couldn't return to the safe house. He had
no where to go. His only home was with the other Gundam pilots.

Standing stiffly, Duo sighed in defeat. Heero's words still weighed
heavily on his heart, which felt as if a frag grenade had been
detonated inside. Everything seemed so pointless now, including the
stupid, stupid war and stupid, stupid Heero. If only Heero had made
any other response. Things could be different.

Duo gripped the railing and peered down at the rushing waters. "I
should just jump in," he muttered. As soon as the words cleared his
lips he felt as if a burden had been lifted from his shoulders.
Hardly daring to breathe, Duo whirled around and vainly searched into
the wet darkness for... for... Turning back, he clenched the metal
tighter and stared at the creek.

With infinite slowness, Duo climbed on to the railing and sat there,
legs swinging out over the drop. The water would be near freezing
cold, and he never was the best of swimmers. Duo paused, realizing he
actually didn't know how to swim. It didn't matter, of course, but it
was just something to think about for a delay.

Was he sure about it? Duo hesitated, hands still on the railing for
extra bracing. It was to be rational past the blinding agony of
Heero's rejection. Yes, he was sure. What was living without the hope
of love? Determined, Duo carefully stood on the rain-slicked metal and
reached up to grab hold of the edge to the covering.

Dimly, Duo wondered how long it would take them to find the body.
Maybe they never would. Maybe fish would eat him. His long braid
swung thickly back and forth as he shook his head to drive away all
thoughts, knowing he'd lose his nerve soon.

His hands feel from the covering and he stood there, unable to look
away from the waters that would be his death. It was simple; one step
and a few minutes of drowning, then it'd all be over. So, why did his
feet not want to obey his silent command?

--------------------------------------------------------- -------------

Heero's ears caught the distant hum of an engine even over the steady
pounding of the rain. Bolting out of his chair, Heero was out the
front door before Quatre even had time to blink. Bumping down the
muddy road was the jeep, and Heero's sharp eyes noted there was only
one person sitting in it. That meant either Wufei was coming home in
defeat, or Duo wasn't able to sit upright.

"Heero, what are..." Quatre's question died as he, too, spotted the
vehicle, but his eyes couldn't discern the driver's shadow from the
darkness like Heero. "Is that Wufei?"

"Hn," Heero grunted in reply, his hands clenching into fists at his
side so they wouldn't shake.

It seemed Wufei took forever to pull to a stop beside the house and
jump out, his unintelligible Chinese curses drifting clearly over the
fierce rain. "Wufei!" Quatre cried in disappointment as it became
clear the boy was alone. "Where's Duo?"

"The Gods only know and the Gods only care. Maxwell won't melt with a
little rain and I need sleep," Wufei grumbled, stalking up the stairs
to the porch of the safe house.

"Wufei, Wufei," Quatre moaned, hurrying after the still-grumbling
pilot and partially forgetting about Heero, standing there in silence.

Slowly, Heero inched towards the jeep. Abruptly, and half-way through
his gradual gravitation towards the vehicle, Heero realized how
foolish it was to try and sneak out. Whatever Quatre might object
didn't matter anymore. Duo was out there, his gut told him, and in
danger. And Heero had to find the boy.

"Heero!" Quatre cried, suddenly remembering who he had left on the
porch. Bursting outside, the blond first looked frantically to the
jeep, fearing that -- but the jeep was there. Frowning, Quatre stared
out at the dark lawn and road. "Heero?"

Moving swiftly, and using the natural obscurity for cover, Heero just
barely heard Quatre's shouts above the noise of the weather. Leaving
the jeep had been a risk, but Wufei had the keys and hot-wiring took
time he did not have. The feeling that Duo was in peril increased as
Heero broke into a run, boots splashing through mud and water puddles.

I'm coming, Duo!

It seemed he ran forever, his world collapsing down into mud, rain
and fear, the last of which was a foreign emotion to him. Just when
Heero thought he couldn't go on, the forest lining the road suddenly
ended and he found his feet thudding over pavement. Skidding to a
halt, Heero turned wide eyes to the side, hardly daring to confirm
what he'd glimpsed from the corner of his vision.

A familiar silhouette stood; long, damp braid clinging wetly in the
dim moonlight. Stood on the railing of the bridge, looking ready to
jump into the furious water below.


------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

How much time had passed while he just stood there, unable to make
his feet carry him into the deadly waters below? How long? This was
what he wanted, wasn't it? A swift release from the pain and betrayal
he felt deep inside? He was a killer of children and Heero... Heero
was lost forever with four stupid words. Because I love you. Duo did
regret not being able to say good-bye, but it was unlikely
Heero-the-Cold would ever care.


"I don't want to die..." Duo whispered, feeling a tear slowly trail a
path over his already damp cheeks. Again, he felt a weight being
lifted and nearly laughed with hysterical relief at how close he had
truly come.


Duo's breath caught as he spun around in disbelief; that sounded
exactly like Heero! And, sure enough, standing there on the bridge,
soaking wet and winded, was Mr. Emotionless himself, Heero Yuy.
Only... only that shout had been full of feeling, and it couldn't be
Heero, despite the resemblance.

With sickening certainty, Duo felt his feet slip on the wet metal of
the railing. Off balance already from his abrupt turn, Duo had only
time for a shriek of terror before the world tilted up. Frantically
scrambling for balance, he found none and tumbled off from the
railing towards the cold water below.

Dear God I'm sorry, please...

Heero dove between the bars of the railing, hand outstretched,
grabbing frantically for any part of the falling boy. By some miracle
his hand closed over Duo's wrist, but Heero kept sliding, nothing
bracing him from follow Duo over the edge. Frantically, his other
hand spun back up and snagged the closest vertical bar.

Everything jerked to a halt and Duo's arm screamed in protest at the
jarring stop. Below, the creek roared past. Duo felt faint and
hysterical, his brain threatening melt-down at the overload.

"Duo! Stop! I got you!" Heero shouted down, and the other boy abruptly
stopped struggling. Duo glanced up, face white with fear, and saw the
precariously hold Heero had on the bridge. "I got you," Heero
repeated, no longer shouting.


Amazingly, Heero smiled. Smiled! Duo was ready to admit he'd actually
fallen into the water and died. Or, it could just be an illusion of
the rain. "I can haul us back on to the bridge. Hold on."

"Hold on? If you say so. Personally, I was all in favor of falling to
a HORRIFIC DEATH!" Duo shrieked out the last part, suddenly aware of
how ironic the entire situation was. Now that he didn't want to die
he was going to. Thank you, God, for having such a rich sense of
humor. Duo twisted his hand up and grabbed at Heero's wrist, doubling
the link between them.

Heero looked up in vain at the edge of the bridge. Straining, he
tried to pull them up, but failed. He knew, deep down he just knew,
there was no way he could get both him and Duo on to solid ground
again. He would need both hands for it to even be plausible, but at
the moment his grip on Duo was the only thing...

"You can't do it, can you?" came Duo's voice, soft and calm. Heero
peered down in surprise. Face still pale with fear, Duo stared back
up and offered a weak grin, "You can't pull us both up, can you?"

Although it killed him to admit it, Heero slowly shook his head. Duo
nodded thoughtfully and glanced down to the water below. Heero
swallowed, feeling faint, and focused on maintaining a death-lock on
the railing and just as firm of hold on Duo's wrist.

"Just drop me, Heero. I mean, I kinda wanted to live... but... No.
Just let me go, okay? I don't want to drag you down with me."

"No!" Heero tighten his grip on Duo, sick at the thought of that slim
form tumbling into the water and being pulled under by the rushing
current, never to appear again.

"It's the only way. Eventually, you'll get tired of holding that bar."

"Duo, stop it! I'll think of something..."

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?" Duo asked quietly, unaware he
was echoing the same fatal question Heero had issued earlier.

Heero, however, sharply recognized this could be his second chance.
Possibly third, if catching Duo as he fell through the air counted as
a chance and... Heero cut off all thoughts and answered in a soft,
hoarse voice, raw with emotion. "Because... I love you."

The rain and the creek fell silent in honor of the moment; at least,
it seemed that way to Duo, who hung there in a daze. "You... you
what?" he breathed in awe.

Slowly, Heero lowered his head to meet the stunned stare being aimed
up at him. Duo's breath was dragged away in one rough gasp at the
simmering emotion thinly veiled behind those blue depths. "Because I
love you, Duo Maxwell."

What he told himself was rain, but was most likely tears, blurred his
vision, and Duo blinked to clear it. "I... I love you, Heero Yuy," he
whispered back. And he let go of Heero's hand.




Auth or's Notes: See, that's what I meant about a double-meaning in
the story title. Woah, that's *definitely* a cliffhanger, so... I was
going to try and squeeze the ending into this part, but it got so long
I had to *snip snip!* I've got part three in the works, but school
seems a likely fate for me tomorrow even though I'm still sick.
Thanks for all the lovely comments!!
Please don't kill me x_x

Feedback/reviews are very much appreciated!
copyright 2003 - Gundam Wing and characters copyright other people.
Email me to join my Update ML!
LSE - Violet Nyte (
shameless plug - visit my website for cool "shtuff"