Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Fates Intertwined: The Threads that Bind Us ❯ Chapter 4
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author's Note: Praise me, for I have given you an update! I thank everyone again for reviewing and I hope you enjoy this next installment.
Disclaimer: I don't own them and I wish that I did.
Pairings: I'm still thinking about it. Don't worry I'll let you know soon enough.
Warnings: Heero is a bastard. . .and sort of a lecher. So that falls under OOCness. So there's that and all the warnings from previous chapters. Like evil Trowa. He's evil for a reason people. Too bad you can't know why just yet. On with the fic!
Trowa stumbled his way down the barren street, his face set in a determined scowl. He had been searching for Vernard and the others for over an hour now and he had to say he was becoming quite annoyed. Though he knew that being a traveling troupe, the performers were least likely to actually keep still, but it wouldn't hurt for once if they didn't move around as much.
He turned on to a busier street, and when he took in his surroundings he knew why it was occupied. He had reached the part of the city which hosted brothels and bars, whores and potential customers lined the street, standing in balconies and doorways. A woman with far too much make up blew a kiss in his direction and Trowa ignored her, ready to check each and every tavern for his companions.
The rude call stopped him in his tracks and Trowa looked to where it had come from, finding a young man dressed in light armor and clothes that spoke of the North. He studied him further however and recognized the miniscule slant of his eyes; he was mixed with those from the East.
What caught Trowa's eye the most was the large sword that the young man held idly by his side. Who knew there was a blacksmith who dared to make one so long in length and the blade so wide. It would seem the blade's width was the length of his hand, from the tip of his middle finger to his wrist and the length of it would surely steal a head which stood at least four feet away.
Trowa was beckoned forward with a crook of a finger and the acrobat only sneered, before he was turning to head on his way again. Interesting stranger or not, he had more important things to do than to entertain a drunken foreigner.
"You there, boy!", the man called out, causing Trowa to stop short once again, "Don't you know when you're being called?"
Trowa turned to face the stranger again, who held a stoic expression but whose colbat eyes spoke of the amusement he was getting from the situation. What exactly did this man take him for, a whore?
"I have a room upstairs. Join me."
That answered Trowa's question and the green-eyed boy snarled in disgust. The audacity of this man. He didn't invite Trowa, nor did he try to coax him or even ask him, he simply demanded. Almost as if Trowa had no other choice but to obey his word.
"If you want a harlot then try your hand a couple more paces down the road.", was all Trowa told him before he was walking off.
He stopped as he was suddenly jerked back and confusion hit him as he found himself soon face to face with the stranger.
"Easy now.", the man chided, "I didn't mean to offend. I only assumed. I mean, with such a face as yours in a part like this."
"Well, as it is, your assumption is incorrect. Now let go of me!"
Trowa roughly pushed the man away and tried to walk off, but he was grabbed by his arm and turned to face him again. What the hell did this man want?
"I understand you have no intention of being my company tonight.", the man explained, "Perhaps, you can still assist me?"
Trowa was relieved to find that the man let go and he took a step back to put some space between them. He didn't trust this stranger.
"You seem the type to know a new face out of a thousand.", the stranger continued, since Trowa had yet to speak, "Tell me have you seen a warrior, a boy of the Eastern Continent; he carries a sword at his side."
"As big as yours?", Trowa questioned, receiving a shake of a head, "I haven't seen any such boy. Now if you'll excuse me, I must be going."
He began to walk away, aware that he was being followed and he turned back, that rediculously large sword pointed at his neck before he could dare to lift even a finger. Green eyes glared at his persuer none the less, eager to give the cocky young man a sound beating.
"If you happen across him, I'd like to know.", the man told him, "Call for me at this inn and I'll meet with you in the tavern."
"And what should I call you?", Trowa asked.
"Heero.", was the single worded introduction.
The sword was lowered and Trowa let himself turn for the final time so that he could walk away.
"I should advise you, Heero.", Trowa warned over his shoulder, "Threaten my life again and you'll regret it."
Heero watched as the young man walked away, his eyes roaming over the lithe body of what had to be some sort of fighter. If not that then it was some sort of physical activity that kept his body in impecable shape. Too bad for him it wasn't one that included a private room and a mattress which to press him into.
"I don't take lightly to threats.", Heero called after him.
"It wasn't a threat.", the boy called back, not bothering to even glance his way, "It was a promise."
Heero allowed himself to smirk at the words, staring until the boy disappeared around a corner. His sword was hefted so that the flat of the blade rested atop his left shoulder and he turned to make his way back to the inn. He had forgotten to get the boy's name. He didn't bother to let it get to him, he'd find it out soon enough.
His blue eyes lifted to find a boy in drag wink in his direction and he sighed tiredly. He would have to do. A day of looking for his bounty with no results had built up a lot of stress. It was time he got some release.
"Hey, Wufei look at me!", Duo called.
Wufei didn't want to but he humored the theif, looking in his direction and finding the boy wearing a large turban decorated in gold, jewels and a single large, blue feather.
"I'm royalty.", Duo jested, sitting down on a backless couch as if it were a throne, "Grovel at my feet peasant!"
"Take that rediculous thing off your head!", Wufei ordered, storming over to him, "We have to leave here soon. I'm sure the sultan's gotten word of our escape and will be sending men to guard the prince."
Duo only pouted as the turban was snatched from his head. Both were surprised when it was then snatched from Wufei's hand and thrown to the ground, where the prince then took to stomping it flat before hefting a relieved sigh.
"I always hated that thing.", he reaveled as if to explain his behavior, "I'm nearly packed and ready. We can leave soon."
Wufei had almost forgotten why they had lagged behind and now that the matter was brought to his attention, he felt it was the time to deal with it.
"Your Highness-"
"Don't call me that!", Quatre snapped with a frown, "Call me, Quatre."
Duo slinked closer to the prince until he was beside him, his arm wrapping around the prince's shoulders. Wufei found himself tensing at the gesture, but he bid himself calm.
"So, Quatre.", Duo began, pulling the blond royal closer, "You're willing to give all this up and run away with me?"
"He's running away with me, too!", Wufei blurted before he could catch himself.
"Sorry, didn't know you were the jealous type Wu Wu."
"I'm not jealous!", Wufei cried, his face now red with a mixture of embarrasment and rage.
"Is that your name?", Quatre questioned, interrupting the two, "Wu Wu?"
"Yup.", Duo said with a smile and Wufei bristled.
"No it isn't! It's Wufei!"
"He likes to be called Wu Wu, though.", Duo quickly added.
He wasn't sure when but Quatre was in front of him, and it stopped him from yelling in objection at the braided idiot. Sea-green eyes were staring into ebony and the prince offered the warrior an appreciative smile.
"Thank you, Wu Wu.", the boy told him, "It means so much to me what you're willing to do."
Wufei couldn't find any words to say, so he only nodded. With a final smile Quatre turned away, heading off to finish packing and then Wufei's recent annoyance was creeping closer.
"You've got it bad!", Duo giggled before cooing, "Little Wu Wu's in love!"
"Shut up, Duo."
Wufei made a gesture to hit him but stopped as his eyes landed on Quatre, the prince undressing from his royal garb to replace it with less noticable clothes. Duo's eyes were soon following his and the thief whistled softly in apprecition of the view.
"Or maybe it's lust? You know, Wu Wu, we have time.", the theif teased, though Wufei never turned away from where he was staring, "And the bed is big enough for the three of us."
Wufei's face was frowning in confusion and he turned to Duo, who only lifted his brows suggestivly. It took a while for him to figure what Duo meant and when he did, he barely had enough time to cover his now bleeding nose.
Quatre looked up from where he was dressing to find a giggling Duo running from Wufei, who seemed to be hosting a nose bleed. He wasn't sure what was going on, and as much as he wanted the sloe-eyed boy to do such, he couldn't allow Wufei to hurt the braided fugitive.
"We don't have time for you two to fool around.", Quatre gently scolded, pulling on a pair of plain looking slacks, "Guards could be reaching here at any moment."
He looked up at the sound of Duo's laughter and he grunted as the braided thief collided into him, the both of them nearly toppling over onto the bed.
"Sorry about that, Quat.", Duo apologized, "But Wu-"
His words cut short as Wufei ran into them both and the three went tumbling, Quatre losing his breath as he was crushed underneath them. It didn't seem to bother the two, who were half-heartedly fighting at the moment, that Quatre was trapped beneath them. He went to ask them to get off, when the sound of his doors opening caused them all to freeze.
"Your Highness, there's danger in the. . ."
Quatre swore under his breath as the guard's eyes widened as he took in the three of them in a questionable position on the bed, with Quatre only half dressed. Or in the eyes of the guard; half undressed. Now they were in trouble. They all scrambled to move, Quatre trying to slip out from beneath them.
"The fugitives!", the man exclaimed, hoping he was heard, "They're in the prince's room!"
"Abdul, wait!", Quatre cried after him, as the man turned to run for help.
Finally the three distangled themselves and Quatre quickly threw on his shirt, grabbing up his bag and pulling Wufei and Duo in the direction of his balcony.
"We haven't much time.", he told them, climbing over the banaster, "He'll be back with more guards at any second."
As he began to climb down in a path he had memorized, he was aware that he wasn't being followed and he looked up to where the two escaped prisoners looked down at him with perplexed expressions.
"What?", he asked innocently enough and Duo was the one to respond.
"You've done this before haven't you?", the braided thief asked him.
"Do you want to lose your head?", Quatre continued with the questioning, "Or do you want to get out of here alive?"
He nodded in satistfaction as the two hesitated no longer, taking his example and beginning to climb down with him. When they reached the ground, Quatre lead them to the path he had taken when Zechs had brought him back. They were aware of the now panicked state of the palace grounds and they hurried over the wall, stilling for a moment once they were on the other side.
"We have to stay low for awhile.", Duo worded.
"What about your home?", Quatre questioned, and Duo only shook his head.
"I don't have a home. I sleep where I drop half of the time, that or rent a room when I manage enough money to afford an inn."
Quatre then looked to Wufei who only shook his head as well, offering the prince an apologetic look.
"I'm not from around here. I just came into town this morning."
His shoulders slumped in defeat. They couldn't stay on the streets, he was sure soldiers would be sent after him and with no where to hide they'd be caught and imprisoned. Well, at least in the figurative sense for Quatre.
His mood brightened just a bit as a thought came to him and he looked to Wufei and Duo with a small smile.
"Come on.", he urged, beginning to carefully lead the way, "I know just the place."
Milliar do hadn't remembered falling alseep. He did remember being led to Relena's room and then after depositing the fuming princess behind the doors, he was taken to his room. He had said nothing to the vizier, who seemed to keep staring at him in a bewildered manner and Milliardo assumed that the man was crazy. It was easier to understand Treize's behavior that way.
Once he had been left alone, he had taken a well deserved bath and though he had wanted to sleep, he had ended up reading. Somewhere along the line he had made it to his bed and had fallen into a slumber he didn't want to wake from. He was dreaming at the moment and it was a dream he had had many times before.
The child-like laughter that had come from behind him drew Milliardo's attention to it. He turned, his crystal blue eyes searching and catching a glimpse of a form disappearing around the corner. He was in the maze again. A place he knew well enough, he had been here many times before.
"Wait! Don't go!"
He stopped in shock at his own voice, its pitch having hightened and he looked down at himself in question. He was a child again and he wasn't sure why. Then again, this was a dream after all. Though there were times where he felt that it was more deja vu than a dream.
The laughter pulled him from his thoughts and without hesitation he was off, following after whomever it was that was running from him. He rounded the corner, just in time to see the boy he was chasing after disappear again. Small feet carried him through the winding puzzle, his frustration pulling him to try harder.
Yet, everytime he thought he was closer to reaching him, the boy would disappear and he'd only have his laughter to follow after. He stopped as someone quickly passed by an archway, Milliardo only looking fast enough to catch blonde hair glinting in the sun. He stopped suddenly, his face holding a pout as he sat himself on the ground.
Small arms crossed and he began to hiccup, on the verge of tears. It wasn't fair when he teased him like this. He didn't want to play this game any more.
As the first few tears began to fall, he heard the soft footsteps coming from the opposite side of the wall and he stared at the opening expectedly. As it were, it closed shut as a small foot stepped out and Milliardo unwilligly began sobbing, running to where an open archway had once stood.
"Don't leave me!", the young boy cried, small fists pounding away at the wall.
He began calming as a comforting feeling embraced him, almost feeling as if he were being hugged and he was soon hiccuping again.
"Don't cry.", the voice of a child soothed, sounding oddly like his own, "I don't like it when you're sad."
"I don't want to be alone.", he voiced with a sniffle.
He leaned closer to the wall, almost as if he could feel the boy on the other side pressing against it as well. His eyes closed as he managed to feel a heartbeat through the heavy stone and soon he was sinking against the wall, his back pressed against it as he curled up to fall asleep.
"You won't be alone.", the other boy promised, sleep heavy on his voice, "You just have to find me."
Zechs jumped awake at the pounding on his door and he had no idea where he was. He slowly sat up from his mat on the floor, looking about the room as if it could help sort out his confusion.
He had been dreaming that dream again, the one with the little boy who seemed so close to him and yet so far. He had been looking for that little boy in his dreams ever since and though he wanted to, he always seemed to run from him. He liked to tease him, though he also wanted nothing more than to finally stop and meet face to face. Even when he tried, there was always that wall that managed to come up between them.
As far as he could remember, since he couldn't remember much, he had been looking for him. Though it seemed he only existed in his dreams, he felt that perhaps he could find someone like him. Zechs had been searching for as long as he could, he had finally stopped in the Middle Continent and he wasn't exactly sure how he had managed that.
The abuse of his door came again, louder and much more frantically, and he couldn't ignore it. With the last wisps of his dream slipping away, Zechs pushed aside the feeling of a longing he couldn't describe, to rise and see just who was here to visit him at this time of night.
He made his way to the door as quickly as he could and when he had reached, he pulled it open, his face frowning as three cloaked men stood at his door. Their hoods were pulled about their faces and Zechs had the urge to slam the door shut, but something was telling him to do otherwise.
"Who are you and what do you want?", he demanded, sounding as if he was annoyed.
As one of the men pulled his hood off, Zechs' eyes widened and he nearly stumbled as he took a step back.
"Quatre?", he questioned, the prince walking in of his own accord, "What on earth are you doing here?"
"We didn't have anywhere else to go.", Quatre explained, gesturing to the two that were with him, "Do think we can stay here for a few hours?"
Zechs didn't understand why Quatre had possibly returned here and was now asking to stay, after he had returned him only earlier. The two strangers pulled back their hoods and Zechs recognized a familiar face. Where had he seen it before?
"Aren't you wanted for unacceptable crimes?", he questioned.
The boy only gave a nervous laugh and offered the older blond a grin.
"You steal one apple and suddenly you're a wanted criminal."
"You did more than steal an apple.", the second boy gruffed.
Zechs turned away from them for the moment and returned with a wet cloth, holding it out for Wufei. The boy frowned down at it and Zechs merely gestured at his face.
"It must have been one hell of a fight.", Zechs commented about the blood on his face.
Wufei snatched the cloth away and headed off in a corner to clean his face, grumbling about braided idiots. The long-haired blond only shrugged before he was turning back to Quatre.
"So can we stay?", the prince was asking before Zechs could speak.
He sighed as he was given the most convincing pout he had ever seen. What on earth had he gotten himself into?
"Only if you tell me what's going on.", Zechs gave in and he was unable to avoid Quatre's hug.
"Oh thank you, Zechs.", the prince practically laughed in gratitude.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah.", Zechs gently removed him with a small smile, "Now start talking or start walking."
Treize wasn't able to fall asleep, though he had tried long enough. He finally ended up sitting at his desk in an attempt to go over some documents before they were given to the sultan, but his mind had wandered. He now sat with his head propped atop folded hands, his eyes staring off into the distance.
Quatre was getting married and he had no idea why that seemed to be the only thought on his mind. The young prince was expected to have an arranged marriage, as was the custom in this part of the world. It was the duty of the prince and Treize should feel happy for him, but he found himself suddenly deflated.
Quater had been out of reach already, but now he was untouchable. He groaned as the thought ran through his mind, his head dropping down to rest against the desk. He was hating himself at the moment and he wasn't sure why. He wasn't supposed to have feelings for the young royal and even if he did, he wasn't suppossed to admit to them.
"Who the hell am I kidding?", he mumbled, his arms folding atop the desk so that his head could rest on them, "I would eagerly follow after him like a love sick puppy if I had the chance."
He shoved the documents aside, not wanting to do anything at the moment but wallow in his recent depression. However, it would seem that he wouldn't even be able to do that. There was a frantic knock at his door and Treize lazily lifted his head to look in it's direction.
"I wish not to be disturbed.", he informed them, before muttering to himself, "I just want to sit here and mope."
The door opened anyway and he resisted the urge to groan as a guard rushed in, offering him a sloppy bow.
"What is it?", he demanded, turning to begin putting away the papers on his desk.
"The king requests your presence.", the guard told him, "It's a matter of most importance and urgancy."
Though he wanted to sigh in exasperation, Treize held it back. What could possibly be so important that it required his presence? He was sure that it was something that the king didn't even need his help with.
"Prince Quatre has been kidnapped."
Treize fingers slackened at the words, causing the papers to drop and flutter to the floor. It seemed it was very important after all.
Milliardo was pulled from his sleep by the pounding on his door and he gave a sort of sob as he recognized it. He knew that knock anywhere and at the moment he had no desire to deal with her at the moment. He pretended to fall back asleep, hoping that the princess would get discouraged and leave, but it would seem she was as determined as always.
"Milliardo, I know you're awake!", her voice screeched through the thick wood, "Now you open this door or so help me I'll break it down!"
With a groan he pulled himself away from the comforatble mattress, knowing full well she'd do as she promised. Not wanting to destroy the palace of their gracious hosts, he figured he'd better do as the brat wanted. He pulled the door open with a yawn, his blue eyes landing on a fuming Relena, dressed in a nightgown of baby pink.
"Relena, I'm trying to sleep."
She ignored his words, storming her way inside and beginning to light the torches. Milliardo only squinted as the room brightened and he watched as Relena finally turned back to him with a scowl fitting on her face.
"How can you sleep with all this racket?", she questioned, her hands gesturing about.
Milliardo listened and heard nothing, save for the sound of the flowing fountain that sat in the garden beneath his room's balcony. He was about to respond when he heard the shouting coming from the hall, muffled as it was, since the door was closed.
The shouting seemed to hold an air of urgancy and he frowened as he walked out onto the balcony, looking down to where guards were now searching the gardens. Orders were cried back and forth and men were rushing about as if something terrible had happened.
"What on earth is going on?", the blond ambassador asked.
"That's why I came here.", Relena told him.
He turned to look at her and offered her a shrug.
"Why?", he questioned her, "It's I not like I know what's going on."
"You're going to soon enough.", Relena told him.
"Relena, I don't have time for this.", he objected, trying not to sound as if he were whining, "I'm very tired and I haven't been myself all day. I really wish to go to sleep and perhaps I'll deal with this in the morning."
He attempted to return back to his bed, but his path was blocked as Relena stepped in front of him. Blue eyes glared up at him with an intesity that nearly sent a shiver down his spine and he took a step back, unsure of what the young woman was bound to do.
"You will get down there and you will find out what the hell is going on!", Relena seethed through clenched teeth.
Milliardo went to open his mouth to say otherwise but he was cut off by the screamed words that followed.
The volume and tone with which Relena had used made him think twice about refusing her. Spoiled brat she was, and she was going to get her way again. He had remembered the last who had crossed her and Milliardo wanted to avoid the same end. So without another word, he quickly dressed himself and was heading out the door.
Once he was safely a good distance away from his room, he scoffed at his own cowardace, though he was a bit miffed at how he was treated.
"You'd think I was her dog instead of her older brother.", he muttered to himself.
He found two servants coming in his direction, who seemed to be engrossed in a bit of gossip. With his curiousity peaked, he offered them a smile as they neared, the young servants stopping to return it.
"May I inguire as to what's going on?", he questioned gently, "There seems to be quite a bit a panic within the castle."
"Haven't you heard?", the youngest of the two began, "The prince can't be found."
"They say he was stolen by the two fugitives that escaped the dungeaons earlier.", the second put in, eager to share the gossip, "Everyone else thinks he ran off of his own free will."
Milliardo's short moment of shock was broken by the sound of guards coming up the hall and he thanked the two servants before he was making his way to wherever the sultan could be found. This was going to be trouble if this incident somehow got back to his lands. There had to be a way to fix this and it had to be done as quickly as possible.
Trowa entered his sixth tavern for the evening and felt his agitation drain away as he found his men sitting somberly around a table. Something was the matter, as he could tell their drinks hadn't been touched, as well for whatever food they had ordered. Pushing his way past the boisterous crowd, he closed in on his comrads, snatching a cup away from one of the men to drain the contents.
The surprised squawk of his name pulled him to look at Vernard, who sat staring at him in wide-eyed disbelief. He only ignored the man, resting down his empty cup and taking another to finish that off as well. When the baffled and disbelieving stares became too much, he slammed the cup down onto the table, his eyes passing over each and every face.
"Where is he?", he hissed, his rage slowly boiling.
The men only shook their heads, unconsioucly inching away from the young performer as they sensed his hostility. Venard was the only one brave enough to speak and even ask the question that was on their minds.
"We have no idea, he must have returned to the palace.", he offered, his head shaking in debeleif, "How can you be standing right in front of us? We saw you literally burned to ashes earlier, surely you can't be real."
Trowa only ignored the man, his hand reaching for the food that rested untouched on the table. Now that he was whole again, he was hungry and he wasn't going to ignore it either. He only glared at one of the men, who quickly moved so that Trowa could sit. Once seated, the banged-performer began to eat, not bothering to answer the man's question for the moment.
The men watched him, a bit unsure of what to think or say. Finally, after Trowa ate his fill, he looked up. His eyes scanned over the lot of them, each one stiffening as his gaze fell on them and sighing in relief when it finally left. They were scared of him, Trowa observed in amusement. He felt that he could giggle with glee. He liked when people were afraid of him, it made them much more obidient.
"Don't concern yourself with how I'm here.", he began, drinking from his third cup of wine, "Instead, ponder what I plan to do about our little bird that managed to escape."
"You still want to go after him?", Vernard asked, leaning back into his chair, "He's probably in the palace safe and sound already. Our chance for gold has passed us by."
"To hell with the gold!", Trowa snapped, his anger bursting forth, "This has nothing to do with money, now I want revenge!"
Heero awoke from his post-coital nap to the recognizable feeling of an arm wrapped around his chest. Colbat eyes looked down to be met with the crown of hay-colored hair and he scoffed as he recognized it was the boy he had picked up earlier. Why was it that they never left when their work was done like they were supposed to?
He pushed the boy away to sit up, ignoring the sleepy groan of protest, so that his back was leaning against the head board as he ran a hand through his hair. The boy shifted, his green eyes looking up at Heero and offered him a smile. Heero didn't bother to return it and he further ignored him, stiffening when the boy rose to wrap his arms about him again, his head resting against Heero's chest.
"I gave you your money before I fell alseep.", Heero gruffly told him, pulling away to stand from the bed, "That meant I didn't want to wake up and see your face."
With his back turned, he didn't see the boy's hurt expression. Then again, he wouldn't have cared; he had already gotten what he wanted from him.
"I've never seen you around.", the boy said before asking, "You're new here aren't you?"
Heero pulled on his pants, the boy's question going unanswered and then he made his way to the side table where a basin of water stood. He quickly washed his face, though he rather felt for a bath. It would have to wait. He only rented this room for a few hours tonight.
"Are you from the Northern Continent?", the hooker asked him, sitting up on the bed, "You look like-"
"What part of get out do you not understand?", Heero interrupted, a cold expression sent in the boy's direction.
The young man shrunk away as Heero walked closer, but the man only seated himself on the bed, a newly aquired bottle of wine in his hand.
"You never told me to-"
"Get out.", Heero cut him off again, then took a long swig of the wine.
The boy glared daggers at Heero's back as he climbed out of the bed. Heero was aware of the animosity the young harlot was sending in his direction, but he didn't react. He really didn't care if the boy's feelings had been hurt. When the boy was finally dressed he headed for the door, but not before stopping halfway and looking to Heero with an icy glare.
"You weren't that good, anyway."
Heero watched him turn away, before his shoulders were shaking with silent laughter. This kid had some gall. Being the cocky bastard that he was, Heero knew damn well he was probably the best the kid ever had. It was a mind game that was being played here, but unfortunately for his little friend, he didn't like playing games.
The boy was unable to do anything but gasp as his path was blocked when the huge sword Heero had been carrying came crashing down in front of his path. Frightened eyes looked to Heero and the stranger only offered the boy a stoic expression, though inside he was smiling at the boy's sudden fear.
"Before you go.", he began, his eyes locking with deep green, "Perhaps you can answer a few questions?"
The boy was only too eager to nod his head, obviously too frightend to do otherwise. Heero moved his sword so that it was once again leaning on the wall and he motioned that the boy seat himself. He did as was bid, taking a seat on the bed and Heero pulled up a chair in front of him.
"Now.", Heero began, leaning back comfortably, "You obviously have seen a lot of faces."
The boy slowly nodded and Heero in turn smiled at his cooperation.
"Tell me, have you seen a stranger from the East?", he inquired, his shoulders shrugging, "You know dark, sloe eyes, dark hair, tan skin. He's a warrior so he carries a sword and he's about your age."
Heero studied the boy even further, his eyes taking in the face and trying to decipher how old he was past the make up. Rouge and powder did make him seem older, he could be as young as fourteen for all he knew.
"How old are you?", he asked, to put his mind at ease.
"S-seventeen.", the boy stumbled and Heero nodded.
He had been right on the mark. With that out of the way he moved on, back to gathering the information he wanted.
"So, have you seen him?"
The boy hesitantly shook his head and Heero sighed. If he didn't know any better he would have said he tracked him wrong. However, he was never wrong and he knew he had followed him to the right place. He was here, he could feel it.
"Why are you looking for him?", the boy pondered out of curiousity.
"I don't see how that concerns you.", was all Hero told him, standing from his chair.
The boy shrunk away at that and Heero smirked outwardly at the reaction. He had thought about moving forward just to intimidate him, but he didn't. Instead he made his way to where he had discarded the wine on the table.
"That boy.", he said suddenly, after a very long swallow, "The one I'd been talking to earlier, he's no stranger to these lands is he?"
"No.", the boy answered truthfully, "He's an acrobat, he performs with a small traveling troupe."
An acrobat, eh? That meant he was very flexiable. Heero let the thought slide and turned back to his temporary prisoner to continue his interrogation.
"Do you know his name?", he asked, the boy nodding.
"Of course, he's the lead act. His name is Trowa."
A shiver ran down his spine as the boy spoke it and he wasn't sure if it was desire or a feeling of foreboding. Then again, with Trowa having promised him harm earlier, he was sure it was the latter.
"Where can I find him?"
"I'm not sure, his troupe moves around alot. One night there in the bazaar, the next there here; they could be anywhere."
"I see."
Heero slowly began to pace the room, his mind lost in thought as he did so. He had in his right mind to start his search for the acrobat tonight, but he still had a first to look for.
"May I leave?", the boy asked in a small voice.
Heero only snorted, waving the boy away and the young man rushed for the door, unwilling to stay a moment longer. He was stopped by Heero's voice however and he looked back over his shoulder to where the swordsman stood.
"If you see either of the two, you do your best to find me.", Heero told him, returning to his seat, "And that's not a suggestion, it's an order."
He watched the young man bob his head in agreement before rushing out of the door. He figured he'd let himself get some sleep, he'd pay the inn keeper for the extra hours in the morning.
"So let me get this straight.", Zechs stated, standing from where he sat on the floor to begin a slow pace, "After I dropped you off at the palace wall, you're father banned you from stepping foot out into the city, am I right?"
He watched Quatre bob his head and then he was pointing to Wufei and Duo, the former of which was busy trying to ignore the theif that sat pestering him about letting his hair loose. It was held back at the moment at the nape of his neck and Duo had been telling him through all of Quatre's explanation to let it loose and live a little.
"Those two were arrested earlier for theivery, murder, assault and the attempt of lewd acts against you.", he continued, Quatre nodding again, "After you met your bride to be and were punished accordingly for disobeying, you were sent to your room which these two happened across in their escape from the dungeon. They agreed to help you runaway and now you're all here because you need a place to hide from the soldiers that are looking for you."
All three nodded at the words and Zechs gave a sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He honestly had no idea what he had gotten himself into. In fact. . .
"I have no idea why you thought I could help you."
Quatre looked to Zechs with a bewildered expression, not sure he had heard the older boy correctly. Was Zechs serious? Was he going to turn them away? He wanted to begin objecting, but his eyes caught the tied up bundle that sat in a corner and Quatre looked back to the long-haired blond.
"Where are you going?", he questioned.
He watched Zechs look to the bundle himself and then back at him to offer a shrug.
"I have some running away to do myself."
Quatre would have spoke, but Duo beat him to it, leaving poor Wufei alone for the moment to give his full attention to Zechs.
"Well, we'll just come with you.", the boy provided with a smile, "I mean we need to leave town and you already are, so it only makes sense."
"Duo, we shouldn't impose.", Wufei tried, but it would seem Duo wasn't willing to listen.
"Whose imposing? It only makes sense. I mean, we travel with him and we'll get out of town."
"You travel with me and there's a higher chance we all get caught.", Zechs argued, turning to look out of his make shift window, "I don't know about you guys, but if I get caught then I'll be killed."
"The same goes for them.", Quatre put in, "I might not lose my life but I'll be stuck with one that I never wanted. I'd rather be dead than have to live like that for a moment longer."
He walked closer to Zechs, his hand reaching out to rest on one of his arms, which was folded across his chest in a show of stubborness. Quatre didn't let it faze him however, he would still try. Zechs couldn't possibly turn them away.
"Please, Zechs. There's no one else for us to turn to."
Zechs looked to Quatre and the prince offered him a pitiful look. The sigh that he gave off told Quatre that he had given in, but it was obvious that he wasn't about to make it seem as if he had.
"Doesn't your wanted criminal know how to get out of the city without getting caught?"
They turned to Duo, who had paused in rummaging Zechs' leftover things as all eyes turned on him. He offered them a smile before hiding a trinket behind his back. Wufei rolled his eyes and Quatre only sighed in slight exasperation.
"Of course I can.", Duo said, standing from his crouched position, "It's just after we get out of the city, I'd probably end up leading us right back here. You seem like the type whose obviously done some traveling."
Quatre nodded in agreement and he looked to Zechs hopefully, but the older blond wasn't ready to admit he was going to help just yet. Zechs' eyes instead looked to Wufei, who was busy polishing his sword. Quatre remembered that the boy had risked going back for it, not willing to leave it behind. Then again, as warrior it was somewhat a part of him and Quatre understood his reluctance to lose it.
"What about him?", he questioned and Wufei looked up.
"What about me?", he inquired, his eyebrow raised.
"You obviously traveled here, you must know your way back to where you came from."
"True.", Wufei agreed, resheathing his sword, "But I have no intention of going back there."
Quatre watched Duo bounce over to Wufei, before plopping next to the sloe-eyed fighter.
"Why'd you leave in the first place?", he asked him.
Wufei stood from his seat on a low stool and joined Zechs and Quatre by the window, his dark eyes looking out over the torchlit kingdom.
"I came to find a master.", he informed them, "So that I could become a better fighter."
Quatre felt that wasn't the only reason or at least, there was another reason behind that one, but he decided not to push the subject. It was obvious that Wufei didn't wish to share his personal dealings with them.
"I think you're a great fighter!", Duo chirped, joinging the rest of them, "You're the best I've seen so far."
Quatre watched as Wufei tried his best to hold back a smile, but turned to Duo anyway with a thankful expression. Zechs cleared his throat and their eyes were looking to him then, while he continued to stare out past the walls surrounding the city.
"I've come to the decision to help you.", he announced, much to Quatre's relief, "However, I should warn you, I'm as wanted as the rest of you. So trouble's bound to find us wherever we go and it's bound to follow behind us."
"Aw, shucks. We don't have to worry about trouble.", Duo laughed, hugging onto Wufei, "Wu Wu will protect us. He's a hero you know."
"Duo get off of me!"
Quatre only smiled in amusement as Wufei tried his best to pry Duo off of him before his eyes were looking to Zechs, who was finally looking back at him. He was alarmed for a small moment as blue eyes seemed to darken to black, his mind flashing with the image of the Zechs he had witnessed earlier today. It passed however, and he mentally scolded himself for nearly overreacting.
"You know, you can back out of this while you still can.", Zechs told him, "I mean, Duo, Wufei and I have nothing to lose if we leave, but you. . .you lose everything."
Quatre smiled up at him, grateful that Zechs was the least bit concerned for him.
"I don't care what I lose.", Quatre told him, "If it means being free, then I'll give up everything that I can."
Zechs shrugged, turning away to head for his packed bundle and flinging it over his shoulder.
"Then say good-bye. We're leaving tonight."
Treize sighed tiredly as he watched the king being led off to his chambers to get some sleep. He had been trying to calm the man down all night and when he finally had, the sultan had turned from anger and rage, to complete worry and remorse. The king, after sending out the servants, had then started to cry.
That had been quite uncomfortable and Treize had only stood there, unsure of what to do. When the sultan had finally stopped he turned to Treize with red and puffy eyes and a look of helplessness that made Treize's heart sink.
"I nearly lost him once.", the sultan revealed to him, "He was only four and he had gone missing. I didn't know what to do. I had only lost his mother the year before and I couldn't take losing him as well; he was all I had. Of course, he was fine. It had turned out he had been wandering the gardens on his own and had fallen asleep in the flower bed. I vowed to never lose sight of him again and now, he's gone. He was stolen out from under me. What if they hurt him, Treize? I could never forgive myself."
The two were then joined by the young ambassador, who had heard word of Quatre's disappearance and wanted confirmation that it was true. After receiving such, he suggested that they start discussion on actions to be taken. Of course a search party was sent out to search the kingdom, but another would be needed to search not only the rest of the Middle Continent but beyond it as well.
The king had announced that he could discuss it no further and was seen to bed, and Treize now stood alone in the throne room. Or at least, he would have been if Milliardo had left as well. As it were, the young ambassador had decided to stay and Treize turned to him them. He couldn't help but study him as he paced in thought.
He looked so much like the young man he had run into out in the bazaar, identical even, and yet he knew that it wasn't him. His curiousity was getting the best of him and he cleared his throat to gain Milliardo's attention.
"Have you any brothers, Milliardo?", he asked politely enough.
The boy stopped his pacing to look at him, a bit caught by surprise with the nature of the question. Hesitantly, Milliardo shook his head.
"I have only Relena.", he revealed.
Treize's eyebrows rose in mild surprise. Relena was Milliardo's sister?
"So, you're not only an ambassador.", he observed, "You're also a prince."
Milliardo nodded, before he was shrugging.
"It's a bit complicated.", he explained, "Besides, we're not here to discuss me. We're here to figure out what to do about this unfortunate event."
"I assume before word reaches the north."
"Lord knows the mess that would start.", Milliardo muttered tiredly, "My father will most likely take it as a cover up to avoid the marriage and being the hot headed and stupid imbecile that he is, he'll wage war for childish reasons."
Treize offered the ambassador a small smile in comfort, knowing how much pressure this sudden turn of events was placing on the young man.
"We'll think of something.", he assured him, ready to head off to bed, "Though perhaps, we should take the king's example and go off to bed."
Milliardo nodded and the two left the throne room together. Treize walked Milliardo to his room, him and the ambassador bidding each other good night. He was then making his way to his own room, and when he had reached, he took up where he had left off. Seated at his desk, his head propped on folded hands, he stared off into space with a million thoughts running through his head.
As was to be expected, his mind narrowed in on Quatre and he was overcome with worry himself. The prince was barely a man and he was now out there on his own, most likely in danger. He wished he could have been there to protect him, but he had been here moping instead.
He pushed himself away from his desk, standing so that he could head toward his bed. He didn't even bother to pull off his formal robes, plopping himself down onto the mattress and feeling his body sag tiredly. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to get any sleep now, but he was sure as hell going to try.
Duo followed quietly behind their newly aquired guide, resisting the urge to hum to himself in order to relieve his boredom. He had already been warned by Wufei that if he made a sound at all, he'd get his tongue cut out and the look the warrior had given him told Duo that it was no idle threat.
So silently and stealthily they made their way to wherever it was Zechs was leading them. His violet eyes looked up to the oldest of them all and he frowned. He wasn't so sure why, but he had found himself purposely lagging behind as if to distance himself from Zechs. There was just something about the older boy that made Duo feel. . .cautious.
His eyes turned away quickly as Zechs looked over his shoulder to him and they landed on a gypsy woman dancing to entertain the late night roamers. His steps slowed and then stopped altogether, his eyes looking out past his hood to stare at her. He couldn't help himself from doing otherwise.
Feelings of familiarity and repressed longing overtook him as he watched her dance. His eyes followed her everymove, his body tensing with every shake of her tambourine, every jingle the belled anklet gave as she moved. Her laughter rang out and seemed to smother him. Someone had once laughed like that. . .long ago.
He gasped as she spun to look at him, offering him smile as she paused momentarily in her dancing and Duo didn't even notice the tears that fell free from his eyes. A hand on his shoulder caused him to jump and he turned to find Wufei, who gave him a worried look.
"I'm fine.", Duo told him before he could ask, relieved that his hood was hiding his face, "I was just enjoying the show."
He looked back to the gypsy who was now counting the few coins she had made, then he was looking to Wufei again, offering the boy a grin.
"She also reminded me.", he announced, looking to where Zechs and Quatre stood waiting, "I need to make a quick stop before we go."
Look, another chapter completed. Don't you love me? (crickets chirping) Well, sheesh, and here I thought I had fans. Oh well, fan or not, leave me a review. I would highly appreciate it. I'll try to update a.s.a.p. Ja! ^.^
Disclaimer: I don't own them and I wish that I did.
Pairings: I'm still thinking about it. Don't worry I'll let you know soon enough.
Warnings: Heero is a bastard. . .and sort of a lecher. So that falls under OOCness. So there's that and all the warnings from previous chapters. Like evil Trowa. He's evil for a reason people. Too bad you can't know why just yet. On with the fic!
Trowa stumbled his way down the barren street, his face set in a determined scowl. He had been searching for Vernard and the others for over an hour now and he had to say he was becoming quite annoyed. Though he knew that being a traveling troupe, the performers were least likely to actually keep still, but it wouldn't hurt for once if they didn't move around as much.
He turned on to a busier street, and when he took in his surroundings he knew why it was occupied. He had reached the part of the city which hosted brothels and bars, whores and potential customers lined the street, standing in balconies and doorways. A woman with far too much make up blew a kiss in his direction and Trowa ignored her, ready to check each and every tavern for his companions.
The rude call stopped him in his tracks and Trowa looked to where it had come from, finding a young man dressed in light armor and clothes that spoke of the North. He studied him further however and recognized the miniscule slant of his eyes; he was mixed with those from the East.
What caught Trowa's eye the most was the large sword that the young man held idly by his side. Who knew there was a blacksmith who dared to make one so long in length and the blade so wide. It would seem the blade's width was the length of his hand, from the tip of his middle finger to his wrist and the length of it would surely steal a head which stood at least four feet away.
Trowa was beckoned forward with a crook of a finger and the acrobat only sneered, before he was turning to head on his way again. Interesting stranger or not, he had more important things to do than to entertain a drunken foreigner.
"You there, boy!", the man called out, causing Trowa to stop short once again, "Don't you know when you're being called?"
Trowa turned to face the stranger again, who held a stoic expression but whose colbat eyes spoke of the amusement he was getting from the situation. What exactly did this man take him for, a whore?
"I have a room upstairs. Join me."
That answered Trowa's question and the green-eyed boy snarled in disgust. The audacity of this man. He didn't invite Trowa, nor did he try to coax him or even ask him, he simply demanded. Almost as if Trowa had no other choice but to obey his word.
"If you want a harlot then try your hand a couple more paces down the road.", was all Trowa told him before he was walking off.
He stopped as he was suddenly jerked back and confusion hit him as he found himself soon face to face with the stranger.
"Easy now.", the man chided, "I didn't mean to offend. I only assumed. I mean, with such a face as yours in a part like this."
"Well, as it is, your assumption is incorrect. Now let go of me!"
Trowa roughly pushed the man away and tried to walk off, but he was grabbed by his arm and turned to face him again. What the hell did this man want?
"I understand you have no intention of being my company tonight.", the man explained, "Perhaps, you can still assist me?"
Trowa was relieved to find that the man let go and he took a step back to put some space between them. He didn't trust this stranger.
"You seem the type to know a new face out of a thousand.", the stranger continued, since Trowa had yet to speak, "Tell me have you seen a warrior, a boy of the Eastern Continent; he carries a sword at his side."
"As big as yours?", Trowa questioned, receiving a shake of a head, "I haven't seen any such boy. Now if you'll excuse me, I must be going."
He began to walk away, aware that he was being followed and he turned back, that rediculously large sword pointed at his neck before he could dare to lift even a finger. Green eyes glared at his persuer none the less, eager to give the cocky young man a sound beating.
"If you happen across him, I'd like to know.", the man told him, "Call for me at this inn and I'll meet with you in the tavern."
"And what should I call you?", Trowa asked.
"Heero.", was the single worded introduction.
The sword was lowered and Trowa let himself turn for the final time so that he could walk away.
"I should advise you, Heero.", Trowa warned over his shoulder, "Threaten my life again and you'll regret it."
Heero watched as the young man walked away, his eyes roaming over the lithe body of what had to be some sort of fighter. If not that then it was some sort of physical activity that kept his body in impecable shape. Too bad for him it wasn't one that included a private room and a mattress which to press him into.
"I don't take lightly to threats.", Heero called after him.
"It wasn't a threat.", the boy called back, not bothering to even glance his way, "It was a promise."
Heero allowed himself to smirk at the words, staring until the boy disappeared around a corner. His sword was hefted so that the flat of the blade rested atop his left shoulder and he turned to make his way back to the inn. He had forgotten to get the boy's name. He didn't bother to let it get to him, he'd find it out soon enough.
His blue eyes lifted to find a boy in drag wink in his direction and he sighed tiredly. He would have to do. A day of looking for his bounty with no results had built up a lot of stress. It was time he got some release.
"Hey, Wufei look at me!", Duo called.
Wufei didn't want to but he humored the theif, looking in his direction and finding the boy wearing a large turban decorated in gold, jewels and a single large, blue feather.
"I'm royalty.", Duo jested, sitting down on a backless couch as if it were a throne, "Grovel at my feet peasant!"
"Take that rediculous thing off your head!", Wufei ordered, storming over to him, "We have to leave here soon. I'm sure the sultan's gotten word of our escape and will be sending men to guard the prince."
Duo only pouted as the turban was snatched from his head. Both were surprised when it was then snatched from Wufei's hand and thrown to the ground, where the prince then took to stomping it flat before hefting a relieved sigh.
"I always hated that thing.", he reaveled as if to explain his behavior, "I'm nearly packed and ready. We can leave soon."
Wufei had almost forgotten why they had lagged behind and now that the matter was brought to his attention, he felt it was the time to deal with it.
"Your Highness-"
"Don't call me that!", Quatre snapped with a frown, "Call me, Quatre."
Duo slinked closer to the prince until he was beside him, his arm wrapping around the prince's shoulders. Wufei found himself tensing at the gesture, but he bid himself calm.
"So, Quatre.", Duo began, pulling the blond royal closer, "You're willing to give all this up and run away with me?"
"He's running away with me, too!", Wufei blurted before he could catch himself.
"Sorry, didn't know you were the jealous type Wu Wu."
"I'm not jealous!", Wufei cried, his face now red with a mixture of embarrasment and rage.
"Is that your name?", Quatre questioned, interrupting the two, "Wu Wu?"
"Yup.", Duo said with a smile and Wufei bristled.
"No it isn't! It's Wufei!"
"He likes to be called Wu Wu, though.", Duo quickly added.
He wasn't sure when but Quatre was in front of him, and it stopped him from yelling in objection at the braided idiot. Sea-green eyes were staring into ebony and the prince offered the warrior an appreciative smile.
"Thank you, Wu Wu.", the boy told him, "It means so much to me what you're willing to do."
Wufei couldn't find any words to say, so he only nodded. With a final smile Quatre turned away, heading off to finish packing and then Wufei's recent annoyance was creeping closer.
"You've got it bad!", Duo giggled before cooing, "Little Wu Wu's in love!"
"Shut up, Duo."
Wufei made a gesture to hit him but stopped as his eyes landed on Quatre, the prince undressing from his royal garb to replace it with less noticable clothes. Duo's eyes were soon following his and the thief whistled softly in apprecition of the view.
"Or maybe it's lust? You know, Wu Wu, we have time.", the theif teased, though Wufei never turned away from where he was staring, "And the bed is big enough for the three of us."
Wufei's face was frowning in confusion and he turned to Duo, who only lifted his brows suggestivly. It took a while for him to figure what Duo meant and when he did, he barely had enough time to cover his now bleeding nose.
Quatre looked up from where he was dressing to find a giggling Duo running from Wufei, who seemed to be hosting a nose bleed. He wasn't sure what was going on, and as much as he wanted the sloe-eyed boy to do such, he couldn't allow Wufei to hurt the braided fugitive.
"We don't have time for you two to fool around.", Quatre gently scolded, pulling on a pair of plain looking slacks, "Guards could be reaching here at any moment."
He looked up at the sound of Duo's laughter and he grunted as the braided thief collided into him, the both of them nearly toppling over onto the bed.
"Sorry about that, Quat.", Duo apologized, "But Wu-"
His words cut short as Wufei ran into them both and the three went tumbling, Quatre losing his breath as he was crushed underneath them. It didn't seem to bother the two, who were half-heartedly fighting at the moment, that Quatre was trapped beneath them. He went to ask them to get off, when the sound of his doors opening caused them all to freeze.
"Your Highness, there's danger in the. . ."
Quatre swore under his breath as the guard's eyes widened as he took in the three of them in a questionable position on the bed, with Quatre only half dressed. Or in the eyes of the guard; half undressed. Now they were in trouble. They all scrambled to move, Quatre trying to slip out from beneath them.
"The fugitives!", the man exclaimed, hoping he was heard, "They're in the prince's room!"
"Abdul, wait!", Quatre cried after him, as the man turned to run for help.
Finally the three distangled themselves and Quatre quickly threw on his shirt, grabbing up his bag and pulling Wufei and Duo in the direction of his balcony.
"We haven't much time.", he told them, climbing over the banaster, "He'll be back with more guards at any second."
As he began to climb down in a path he had memorized, he was aware that he wasn't being followed and he looked up to where the two escaped prisoners looked down at him with perplexed expressions.
"What?", he asked innocently enough and Duo was the one to respond.
"You've done this before haven't you?", the braided thief asked him.
"Do you want to lose your head?", Quatre continued with the questioning, "Or do you want to get out of here alive?"
He nodded in satistfaction as the two hesitated no longer, taking his example and beginning to climb down with him. When they reached the ground, Quatre lead them to the path he had taken when Zechs had brought him back. They were aware of the now panicked state of the palace grounds and they hurried over the wall, stilling for a moment once they were on the other side.
"We have to stay low for awhile.", Duo worded.
"What about your home?", Quatre questioned, and Duo only shook his head.
"I don't have a home. I sleep where I drop half of the time, that or rent a room when I manage enough money to afford an inn."
Quatre then looked to Wufei who only shook his head as well, offering the prince an apologetic look.
"I'm not from around here. I just came into town this morning."
His shoulders slumped in defeat. They couldn't stay on the streets, he was sure soldiers would be sent after him and with no where to hide they'd be caught and imprisoned. Well, at least in the figurative sense for Quatre.
His mood brightened just a bit as a thought came to him and he looked to Wufei and Duo with a small smile.
"Come on.", he urged, beginning to carefully lead the way, "I know just the place."
Milliar do hadn't remembered falling alseep. He did remember being led to Relena's room and then after depositing the fuming princess behind the doors, he was taken to his room. He had said nothing to the vizier, who seemed to keep staring at him in a bewildered manner and Milliardo assumed that the man was crazy. It was easier to understand Treize's behavior that way.
Once he had been left alone, he had taken a well deserved bath and though he had wanted to sleep, he had ended up reading. Somewhere along the line he had made it to his bed and had fallen into a slumber he didn't want to wake from. He was dreaming at the moment and it was a dream he had had many times before.
The child-like laughter that had come from behind him drew Milliardo's attention to it. He turned, his crystal blue eyes searching and catching a glimpse of a form disappearing around the corner. He was in the maze again. A place he knew well enough, he had been here many times before.
"Wait! Don't go!"
He stopped in shock at his own voice, its pitch having hightened and he looked down at himself in question. He was a child again and he wasn't sure why. Then again, this was a dream after all. Though there were times where he felt that it was more deja vu than a dream.
The laughter pulled him from his thoughts and without hesitation he was off, following after whomever it was that was running from him. He rounded the corner, just in time to see the boy he was chasing after disappear again. Small feet carried him through the winding puzzle, his frustration pulling him to try harder.
Yet, everytime he thought he was closer to reaching him, the boy would disappear and he'd only have his laughter to follow after. He stopped as someone quickly passed by an archway, Milliardo only looking fast enough to catch blonde hair glinting in the sun. He stopped suddenly, his face holding a pout as he sat himself on the ground.
Small arms crossed and he began to hiccup, on the verge of tears. It wasn't fair when he teased him like this. He didn't want to play this game any more.
As the first few tears began to fall, he heard the soft footsteps coming from the opposite side of the wall and he stared at the opening expectedly. As it were, it closed shut as a small foot stepped out and Milliardo unwilligly began sobbing, running to where an open archway had once stood.
"Don't leave me!", the young boy cried, small fists pounding away at the wall.
He began calming as a comforting feeling embraced him, almost feeling as if he were being hugged and he was soon hiccuping again.
"Don't cry.", the voice of a child soothed, sounding oddly like his own, "I don't like it when you're sad."
"I don't want to be alone.", he voiced with a sniffle.
He leaned closer to the wall, almost as if he could feel the boy on the other side pressing against it as well. His eyes closed as he managed to feel a heartbeat through the heavy stone and soon he was sinking against the wall, his back pressed against it as he curled up to fall asleep.
"You won't be alone.", the other boy promised, sleep heavy on his voice, "You just have to find me."
Zechs jumped awake at the pounding on his door and he had no idea where he was. He slowly sat up from his mat on the floor, looking about the room as if it could help sort out his confusion.
He had been dreaming that dream again, the one with the little boy who seemed so close to him and yet so far. He had been looking for that little boy in his dreams ever since and though he wanted to, he always seemed to run from him. He liked to tease him, though he also wanted nothing more than to finally stop and meet face to face. Even when he tried, there was always that wall that managed to come up between them.
As far as he could remember, since he couldn't remember much, he had been looking for him. Though it seemed he only existed in his dreams, he felt that perhaps he could find someone like him. Zechs had been searching for as long as he could, he had finally stopped in the Middle Continent and he wasn't exactly sure how he had managed that.
The abuse of his door came again, louder and much more frantically, and he couldn't ignore it. With the last wisps of his dream slipping away, Zechs pushed aside the feeling of a longing he couldn't describe, to rise and see just who was here to visit him at this time of night.
He made his way to the door as quickly as he could and when he had reached, he pulled it open, his face frowning as three cloaked men stood at his door. Their hoods were pulled about their faces and Zechs had the urge to slam the door shut, but something was telling him to do otherwise.
"Who are you and what do you want?", he demanded, sounding as if he was annoyed.
As one of the men pulled his hood off, Zechs' eyes widened and he nearly stumbled as he took a step back.
"Quatre?", he questioned, the prince walking in of his own accord, "What on earth are you doing here?"
"We didn't have anywhere else to go.", Quatre explained, gesturing to the two that were with him, "Do think we can stay here for a few hours?"
Zechs didn't understand why Quatre had possibly returned here and was now asking to stay, after he had returned him only earlier. The two strangers pulled back their hoods and Zechs recognized a familiar face. Where had he seen it before?
"Aren't you wanted for unacceptable crimes?", he questioned.
The boy only gave a nervous laugh and offered the older blond a grin.
"You steal one apple and suddenly you're a wanted criminal."
"You did more than steal an apple.", the second boy gruffed.
Zechs turned away from them for the moment and returned with a wet cloth, holding it out for Wufei. The boy frowned down at it and Zechs merely gestured at his face.
"It must have been one hell of a fight.", Zechs commented about the blood on his face.
Wufei snatched the cloth away and headed off in a corner to clean his face, grumbling about braided idiots. The long-haired blond only shrugged before he was turning back to Quatre.
"So can we stay?", the prince was asking before Zechs could speak.
He sighed as he was given the most convincing pout he had ever seen. What on earth had he gotten himself into?
"Only if you tell me what's going on.", Zechs gave in and he was unable to avoid Quatre's hug.
"Oh thank you, Zechs.", the prince practically laughed in gratitude.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah.", Zechs gently removed him with a small smile, "Now start talking or start walking."
Treize wasn't able to fall asleep, though he had tried long enough. He finally ended up sitting at his desk in an attempt to go over some documents before they were given to the sultan, but his mind had wandered. He now sat with his head propped atop folded hands, his eyes staring off into the distance.
Quatre was getting married and he had no idea why that seemed to be the only thought on his mind. The young prince was expected to have an arranged marriage, as was the custom in this part of the world. It was the duty of the prince and Treize should feel happy for him, but he found himself suddenly deflated.
Quater had been out of reach already, but now he was untouchable. He groaned as the thought ran through his mind, his head dropping down to rest against the desk. He was hating himself at the moment and he wasn't sure why. He wasn't supposed to have feelings for the young royal and even if he did, he wasn't suppossed to admit to them.
"Who the hell am I kidding?", he mumbled, his arms folding atop the desk so that his head could rest on them, "I would eagerly follow after him like a love sick puppy if I had the chance."
He shoved the documents aside, not wanting to do anything at the moment but wallow in his recent depression. However, it would seem that he wouldn't even be able to do that. There was a frantic knock at his door and Treize lazily lifted his head to look in it's direction.
"I wish not to be disturbed.", he informed them, before muttering to himself, "I just want to sit here and mope."
The door opened anyway and he resisted the urge to groan as a guard rushed in, offering him a sloppy bow.
"What is it?", he demanded, turning to begin putting away the papers on his desk.
"The king requests your presence.", the guard told him, "It's a matter of most importance and urgancy."
Though he wanted to sigh in exasperation, Treize held it back. What could possibly be so important that it required his presence? He was sure that it was something that the king didn't even need his help with.
"Prince Quatre has been kidnapped."
Treize fingers slackened at the words, causing the papers to drop and flutter to the floor. It seemed it was very important after all.
Milliardo was pulled from his sleep by the pounding on his door and he gave a sort of sob as he recognized it. He knew that knock anywhere and at the moment he had no desire to deal with her at the moment. He pretended to fall back asleep, hoping that the princess would get discouraged and leave, but it would seem she was as determined as always.
"Milliardo, I know you're awake!", her voice screeched through the thick wood, "Now you open this door or so help me I'll break it down!"
With a groan he pulled himself away from the comforatble mattress, knowing full well she'd do as she promised. Not wanting to destroy the palace of their gracious hosts, he figured he'd better do as the brat wanted. He pulled the door open with a yawn, his blue eyes landing on a fuming Relena, dressed in a nightgown of baby pink.
"Relena, I'm trying to sleep."
She ignored his words, storming her way inside and beginning to light the torches. Milliardo only squinted as the room brightened and he watched as Relena finally turned back to him with a scowl fitting on her face.
"How can you sleep with all this racket?", she questioned, her hands gesturing about.
Milliardo listened and heard nothing, save for the sound of the flowing fountain that sat in the garden beneath his room's balcony. He was about to respond when he heard the shouting coming from the hall, muffled as it was, since the door was closed.
The shouting seemed to hold an air of urgancy and he frowened as he walked out onto the balcony, looking down to where guards were now searching the gardens. Orders were cried back and forth and men were rushing about as if something terrible had happened.
"What on earth is going on?", the blond ambassador asked.
"That's why I came here.", Relena told him.
He turned to look at her and offered her a shrug.
"Why?", he questioned her, "It's I not like I know what's going on."
"You're going to soon enough.", Relena told him.
"Relena, I don't have time for this.", he objected, trying not to sound as if he were whining, "I'm very tired and I haven't been myself all day. I really wish to go to sleep and perhaps I'll deal with this in the morning."
He attempted to return back to his bed, but his path was blocked as Relena stepped in front of him. Blue eyes glared up at him with an intesity that nearly sent a shiver down his spine and he took a step back, unsure of what the young woman was bound to do.
"You will get down there and you will find out what the hell is going on!", Relena seethed through clenched teeth.
Milliardo went to open his mouth to say otherwise but he was cut off by the screamed words that followed.
The volume and tone with which Relena had used made him think twice about refusing her. Spoiled brat she was, and she was going to get her way again. He had remembered the last who had crossed her and Milliardo wanted to avoid the same end. So without another word, he quickly dressed himself and was heading out the door.
Once he was safely a good distance away from his room, he scoffed at his own cowardace, though he was a bit miffed at how he was treated.
"You'd think I was her dog instead of her older brother.", he muttered to himself.
He found two servants coming in his direction, who seemed to be engrossed in a bit of gossip. With his curiousity peaked, he offered them a smile as they neared, the young servants stopping to return it.
"May I inguire as to what's going on?", he questioned gently, "There seems to be quite a bit a panic within the castle."
"Haven't you heard?", the youngest of the two began, "The prince can't be found."
"They say he was stolen by the two fugitives that escaped the dungeaons earlier.", the second put in, eager to share the gossip, "Everyone else thinks he ran off of his own free will."
Milliardo's short moment of shock was broken by the sound of guards coming up the hall and he thanked the two servants before he was making his way to wherever the sultan could be found. This was going to be trouble if this incident somehow got back to his lands. There had to be a way to fix this and it had to be done as quickly as possible.
Trowa entered his sixth tavern for the evening and felt his agitation drain away as he found his men sitting somberly around a table. Something was the matter, as he could tell their drinks hadn't been touched, as well for whatever food they had ordered. Pushing his way past the boisterous crowd, he closed in on his comrads, snatching a cup away from one of the men to drain the contents.
The surprised squawk of his name pulled him to look at Vernard, who sat staring at him in wide-eyed disbelief. He only ignored the man, resting down his empty cup and taking another to finish that off as well. When the baffled and disbelieving stares became too much, he slammed the cup down onto the table, his eyes passing over each and every face.
"Where is he?", he hissed, his rage slowly boiling.
The men only shook their heads, unconsioucly inching away from the young performer as they sensed his hostility. Venard was the only one brave enough to speak and even ask the question that was on their minds.
"We have no idea, he must have returned to the palace.", he offered, his head shaking in debeleif, "How can you be standing right in front of us? We saw you literally burned to ashes earlier, surely you can't be real."
Trowa only ignored the man, his hand reaching for the food that rested untouched on the table. Now that he was whole again, he was hungry and he wasn't going to ignore it either. He only glared at one of the men, who quickly moved so that Trowa could sit. Once seated, the banged-performer began to eat, not bothering to answer the man's question for the moment.
The men watched him, a bit unsure of what to think or say. Finally, after Trowa ate his fill, he looked up. His eyes scanned over the lot of them, each one stiffening as his gaze fell on them and sighing in relief when it finally left. They were scared of him, Trowa observed in amusement. He felt that he could giggle with glee. He liked when people were afraid of him, it made them much more obidient.
"Don't concern yourself with how I'm here.", he began, drinking from his third cup of wine, "Instead, ponder what I plan to do about our little bird that managed to escape."
"You still want to go after him?", Vernard asked, leaning back into his chair, "He's probably in the palace safe and sound already. Our chance for gold has passed us by."
"To hell with the gold!", Trowa snapped, his anger bursting forth, "This has nothing to do with money, now I want revenge!"
Heero awoke from his post-coital nap to the recognizable feeling of an arm wrapped around his chest. Colbat eyes looked down to be met with the crown of hay-colored hair and he scoffed as he recognized it was the boy he had picked up earlier. Why was it that they never left when their work was done like they were supposed to?
He pushed the boy away to sit up, ignoring the sleepy groan of protest, so that his back was leaning against the head board as he ran a hand through his hair. The boy shifted, his green eyes looking up at Heero and offered him a smile. Heero didn't bother to return it and he further ignored him, stiffening when the boy rose to wrap his arms about him again, his head resting against Heero's chest.
"I gave you your money before I fell alseep.", Heero gruffly told him, pulling away to stand from the bed, "That meant I didn't want to wake up and see your face."
With his back turned, he didn't see the boy's hurt expression. Then again, he wouldn't have cared; he had already gotten what he wanted from him.
"I've never seen you around.", the boy said before asking, "You're new here aren't you?"
Heero pulled on his pants, the boy's question going unanswered and then he made his way to the side table where a basin of water stood. He quickly washed his face, though he rather felt for a bath. It would have to wait. He only rented this room for a few hours tonight.
"Are you from the Northern Continent?", the hooker asked him, sitting up on the bed, "You look like-"
"What part of get out do you not understand?", Heero interrupted, a cold expression sent in the boy's direction.
The young man shrunk away as Heero walked closer, but the man only seated himself on the bed, a newly aquired bottle of wine in his hand.
"You never told me to-"
"Get out.", Heero cut him off again, then took a long swig of the wine.
The boy glared daggers at Heero's back as he climbed out of the bed. Heero was aware of the animosity the young harlot was sending in his direction, but he didn't react. He really didn't care if the boy's feelings had been hurt. When the boy was finally dressed he headed for the door, but not before stopping halfway and looking to Heero with an icy glare.
"You weren't that good, anyway."
Heero watched him turn away, before his shoulders were shaking with silent laughter. This kid had some gall. Being the cocky bastard that he was, Heero knew damn well he was probably the best the kid ever had. It was a mind game that was being played here, but unfortunately for his little friend, he didn't like playing games.
The boy was unable to do anything but gasp as his path was blocked when the huge sword Heero had been carrying came crashing down in front of his path. Frightened eyes looked to Heero and the stranger only offered the boy a stoic expression, though inside he was smiling at the boy's sudden fear.
"Before you go.", he began, his eyes locking with deep green, "Perhaps you can answer a few questions?"
The boy was only too eager to nod his head, obviously too frightend to do otherwise. Heero moved his sword so that it was once again leaning on the wall and he motioned that the boy seat himself. He did as was bid, taking a seat on the bed and Heero pulled up a chair in front of him.
"Now.", Heero began, leaning back comfortably, "You obviously have seen a lot of faces."
The boy slowly nodded and Heero in turn smiled at his cooperation.
"Tell me, have you seen a stranger from the East?", he inquired, his shoulders shrugging, "You know dark, sloe eyes, dark hair, tan skin. He's a warrior so he carries a sword and he's about your age."
Heero studied the boy even further, his eyes taking in the face and trying to decipher how old he was past the make up. Rouge and powder did make him seem older, he could be as young as fourteen for all he knew.
"How old are you?", he asked, to put his mind at ease.
"S-seventeen.", the boy stumbled and Heero nodded.
He had been right on the mark. With that out of the way he moved on, back to gathering the information he wanted.
"So, have you seen him?"
The boy hesitantly shook his head and Heero sighed. If he didn't know any better he would have said he tracked him wrong. However, he was never wrong and he knew he had followed him to the right place. He was here, he could feel it.
"Why are you looking for him?", the boy pondered out of curiousity.
"I don't see how that concerns you.", was all Hero told him, standing from his chair.
The boy shrunk away at that and Heero smirked outwardly at the reaction. He had thought about moving forward just to intimidate him, but he didn't. Instead he made his way to where he had discarded the wine on the table.
"That boy.", he said suddenly, after a very long swallow, "The one I'd been talking to earlier, he's no stranger to these lands is he?"
"No.", the boy answered truthfully, "He's an acrobat, he performs with a small traveling troupe."
An acrobat, eh? That meant he was very flexiable. Heero let the thought slide and turned back to his temporary prisoner to continue his interrogation.
"Do you know his name?", he asked, the boy nodding.
"Of course, he's the lead act. His name is Trowa."
A shiver ran down his spine as the boy spoke it and he wasn't sure if it was desire or a feeling of foreboding. Then again, with Trowa having promised him harm earlier, he was sure it was the latter.
"Where can I find him?"
"I'm not sure, his troupe moves around alot. One night there in the bazaar, the next there here; they could be anywhere."
"I see."
Heero slowly began to pace the room, his mind lost in thought as he did so. He had in his right mind to start his search for the acrobat tonight, but he still had a first to look for.
"May I leave?", the boy asked in a small voice.
Heero only snorted, waving the boy away and the young man rushed for the door, unwilling to stay a moment longer. He was stopped by Heero's voice however and he looked back over his shoulder to where the swordsman stood.
"If you see either of the two, you do your best to find me.", Heero told him, returning to his seat, "And that's not a suggestion, it's an order."
He watched the young man bob his head in agreement before rushing out of the door. He figured he'd let himself get some sleep, he'd pay the inn keeper for the extra hours in the morning.
"So let me get this straight.", Zechs stated, standing from where he sat on the floor to begin a slow pace, "After I dropped you off at the palace wall, you're father banned you from stepping foot out into the city, am I right?"
He watched Quatre bob his head and then he was pointing to Wufei and Duo, the former of which was busy trying to ignore the theif that sat pestering him about letting his hair loose. It was held back at the moment at the nape of his neck and Duo had been telling him through all of Quatre's explanation to let it loose and live a little.
"Those two were arrested earlier for theivery, murder, assault and the attempt of lewd acts against you.", he continued, Quatre nodding again, "After you met your bride to be and were punished accordingly for disobeying, you were sent to your room which these two happened across in their escape from the dungeon. They agreed to help you runaway and now you're all here because you need a place to hide from the soldiers that are looking for you."
All three nodded at the words and Zechs gave a sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He honestly had no idea what he had gotten himself into. In fact. . .
"I have no idea why you thought I could help you."
Quatre looked to Zechs with a bewildered expression, not sure he had heard the older boy correctly. Was Zechs serious? Was he going to turn them away? He wanted to begin objecting, but his eyes caught the tied up bundle that sat in a corner and Quatre looked back to the long-haired blond.
"Where are you going?", he questioned.
He watched Zechs look to the bundle himself and then back at him to offer a shrug.
"I have some running away to do myself."
Quatre would have spoke, but Duo beat him to it, leaving poor Wufei alone for the moment to give his full attention to Zechs.
"Well, we'll just come with you.", the boy provided with a smile, "I mean we need to leave town and you already are, so it only makes sense."
"Duo, we shouldn't impose.", Wufei tried, but it would seem Duo wasn't willing to listen.
"Whose imposing? It only makes sense. I mean, we travel with him and we'll get out of town."
"You travel with me and there's a higher chance we all get caught.", Zechs argued, turning to look out of his make shift window, "I don't know about you guys, but if I get caught then I'll be killed."
"The same goes for them.", Quatre put in, "I might not lose my life but I'll be stuck with one that I never wanted. I'd rather be dead than have to live like that for a moment longer."
He walked closer to Zechs, his hand reaching out to rest on one of his arms, which was folded across his chest in a show of stubborness. Quatre didn't let it faze him however, he would still try. Zechs couldn't possibly turn them away.
"Please, Zechs. There's no one else for us to turn to."
Zechs looked to Quatre and the prince offered him a pitiful look. The sigh that he gave off told Quatre that he had given in, but it was obvious that he wasn't about to make it seem as if he had.
"Doesn't your wanted criminal know how to get out of the city without getting caught?"
They turned to Duo, who had paused in rummaging Zechs' leftover things as all eyes turned on him. He offered them a smile before hiding a trinket behind his back. Wufei rolled his eyes and Quatre only sighed in slight exasperation.
"Of course I can.", Duo said, standing from his crouched position, "It's just after we get out of the city, I'd probably end up leading us right back here. You seem like the type whose obviously done some traveling."
Quatre nodded in agreement and he looked to Zechs hopefully, but the older blond wasn't ready to admit he was going to help just yet. Zechs' eyes instead looked to Wufei, who was busy polishing his sword. Quatre remembered that the boy had risked going back for it, not willing to leave it behind. Then again, as warrior it was somewhat a part of him and Quatre understood his reluctance to lose it.
"What about him?", he questioned and Wufei looked up.
"What about me?", he inquired, his eyebrow raised.
"You obviously traveled here, you must know your way back to where you came from."
"True.", Wufei agreed, resheathing his sword, "But I have no intention of going back there."
Quatre watched Duo bounce over to Wufei, before plopping next to the sloe-eyed fighter.
"Why'd you leave in the first place?", he asked him.
Wufei stood from his seat on a low stool and joined Zechs and Quatre by the window, his dark eyes looking out over the torchlit kingdom.
"I came to find a master.", he informed them, "So that I could become a better fighter."
Quatre felt that wasn't the only reason or at least, there was another reason behind that one, but he decided not to push the subject. It was obvious that Wufei didn't wish to share his personal dealings with them.
"I think you're a great fighter!", Duo chirped, joinging the rest of them, "You're the best I've seen so far."
Quatre watched as Wufei tried his best to hold back a smile, but turned to Duo anyway with a thankful expression. Zechs cleared his throat and their eyes were looking to him then, while he continued to stare out past the walls surrounding the city.
"I've come to the decision to help you.", he announced, much to Quatre's relief, "However, I should warn you, I'm as wanted as the rest of you. So trouble's bound to find us wherever we go and it's bound to follow behind us."
"Aw, shucks. We don't have to worry about trouble.", Duo laughed, hugging onto Wufei, "Wu Wu will protect us. He's a hero you know."
"Duo get off of me!"
Quatre only smiled in amusement as Wufei tried his best to pry Duo off of him before his eyes were looking to Zechs, who was finally looking back at him. He was alarmed for a small moment as blue eyes seemed to darken to black, his mind flashing with the image of the Zechs he had witnessed earlier today. It passed however, and he mentally scolded himself for nearly overreacting.
"You know, you can back out of this while you still can.", Zechs told him, "I mean, Duo, Wufei and I have nothing to lose if we leave, but you. . .you lose everything."
Quatre smiled up at him, grateful that Zechs was the least bit concerned for him.
"I don't care what I lose.", Quatre told him, "If it means being free, then I'll give up everything that I can."
Zechs shrugged, turning away to head for his packed bundle and flinging it over his shoulder.
"Then say good-bye. We're leaving tonight."
Treize sighed tiredly as he watched the king being led off to his chambers to get some sleep. He had been trying to calm the man down all night and when he finally had, the sultan had turned from anger and rage, to complete worry and remorse. The king, after sending out the servants, had then started to cry.
That had been quite uncomfortable and Treize had only stood there, unsure of what to do. When the sultan had finally stopped he turned to Treize with red and puffy eyes and a look of helplessness that made Treize's heart sink.
"I nearly lost him once.", the sultan revealed to him, "He was only four and he had gone missing. I didn't know what to do. I had only lost his mother the year before and I couldn't take losing him as well; he was all I had. Of course, he was fine. It had turned out he had been wandering the gardens on his own and had fallen asleep in the flower bed. I vowed to never lose sight of him again and now, he's gone. He was stolen out from under me. What if they hurt him, Treize? I could never forgive myself."
The two were then joined by the young ambassador, who had heard word of Quatre's disappearance and wanted confirmation that it was true. After receiving such, he suggested that they start discussion on actions to be taken. Of course a search party was sent out to search the kingdom, but another would be needed to search not only the rest of the Middle Continent but beyond it as well.
The king had announced that he could discuss it no further and was seen to bed, and Treize now stood alone in the throne room. Or at least, he would have been if Milliardo had left as well. As it were, the young ambassador had decided to stay and Treize turned to him them. He couldn't help but study him as he paced in thought.
He looked so much like the young man he had run into out in the bazaar, identical even, and yet he knew that it wasn't him. His curiousity was getting the best of him and he cleared his throat to gain Milliardo's attention.
"Have you any brothers, Milliardo?", he asked politely enough.
The boy stopped his pacing to look at him, a bit caught by surprise with the nature of the question. Hesitantly, Milliardo shook his head.
"I have only Relena.", he revealed.
Treize's eyebrows rose in mild surprise. Relena was Milliardo's sister?
"So, you're not only an ambassador.", he observed, "You're also a prince."
Milliardo nodded, before he was shrugging.
"It's a bit complicated.", he explained, "Besides, we're not here to discuss me. We're here to figure out what to do about this unfortunate event."
"I assume before word reaches the north."
"Lord knows the mess that would start.", Milliardo muttered tiredly, "My father will most likely take it as a cover up to avoid the marriage and being the hot headed and stupid imbecile that he is, he'll wage war for childish reasons."
Treize offered the ambassador a small smile in comfort, knowing how much pressure this sudden turn of events was placing on the young man.
"We'll think of something.", he assured him, ready to head off to bed, "Though perhaps, we should take the king's example and go off to bed."
Milliardo nodded and the two left the throne room together. Treize walked Milliardo to his room, him and the ambassador bidding each other good night. He was then making his way to his own room, and when he had reached, he took up where he had left off. Seated at his desk, his head propped on folded hands, he stared off into space with a million thoughts running through his head.
As was to be expected, his mind narrowed in on Quatre and he was overcome with worry himself. The prince was barely a man and he was now out there on his own, most likely in danger. He wished he could have been there to protect him, but he had been here moping instead.
He pushed himself away from his desk, standing so that he could head toward his bed. He didn't even bother to pull off his formal robes, plopping himself down onto the mattress and feeling his body sag tiredly. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to get any sleep now, but he was sure as hell going to try.
Duo followed quietly behind their newly aquired guide, resisting the urge to hum to himself in order to relieve his boredom. He had already been warned by Wufei that if he made a sound at all, he'd get his tongue cut out and the look the warrior had given him told Duo that it was no idle threat.
So silently and stealthily they made their way to wherever it was Zechs was leading them. His violet eyes looked up to the oldest of them all and he frowned. He wasn't so sure why, but he had found himself purposely lagging behind as if to distance himself from Zechs. There was just something about the older boy that made Duo feel. . .cautious.
His eyes turned away quickly as Zechs looked over his shoulder to him and they landed on a gypsy woman dancing to entertain the late night roamers. His steps slowed and then stopped altogether, his eyes looking out past his hood to stare at her. He couldn't help himself from doing otherwise.
Feelings of familiarity and repressed longing overtook him as he watched her dance. His eyes followed her everymove, his body tensing with every shake of her tambourine, every jingle the belled anklet gave as she moved. Her laughter rang out and seemed to smother him. Someone had once laughed like that. . .long ago.
He gasped as she spun to look at him, offering him smile as she paused momentarily in her dancing and Duo didn't even notice the tears that fell free from his eyes. A hand on his shoulder caused him to jump and he turned to find Wufei, who gave him a worried look.
"I'm fine.", Duo told him before he could ask, relieved that his hood was hiding his face, "I was just enjoying the show."
He looked back to the gypsy who was now counting the few coins she had made, then he was looking to Wufei again, offering the boy a grin.
"She also reminded me.", he announced, looking to where Zechs and Quatre stood waiting, "I need to make a quick stop before we go."
Look, another chapter completed. Don't you love me? (crickets chirping) Well, sheesh, and here I thought I had fans. Oh well, fan or not, leave me a review. I would highly appreciate it. I'll try to update a.s.a.p. Ja! ^.^