Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy 8/Gundam Wing ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
FF8/GW Disclaimer : Don't own Gundam Wing or Final Fantasy...Damn.
Warning : Ok this is going to be the upcoming pairings... 3x4(COURSE!), 1+4 (minor) , Bradley+Barb(OC's), 6+Julia, 6xRaine, 1+Meiran, 13xUne , ok i'm not sure if theres more i'll have to check it out more....*sighs* theres lots of pairings. Ok theres some Angst, Romance, Drama, Suspence, Serious, anything you can think of! LOL And all OC Characters are property of the creaters...(Like Barb and Jess!)*nodds*
Notes : Brackets mean thought the character is having. And is this boring anybody? I'm doing this out of my own boredom and for my love of Gundam Wing and Final Fantasy!^_~

Trowa ran over to Noin which was waiting patiently for him to arrive. She wore her battle outfit, and had her whip attached to her belt. He saw her sigh and glance at her watch. She turned as she ehard Trowa approach.

"Trowa, you're forgetting something... Your GF."She handed him two spheres."You have been assigned to these two GF's. Quezacotl and Shiva. Now I have a few things to explain before we head off. GF's give us strenth. The stronger the GF, the stronger we become...So. here's a brief explanation on junctioning a GF."She cleared her throat."Now junction enables us to power up and use abilities. This means a GF must be juntioned in order to power up and use abilities. Let's begin by juntioning a GF."She took Trowa's gunblade, which was his weapon, and inserted a sphere into it."Now, we use the draw ability to obtain magic to make our GF stronger. To draw, simply focus your GF energy and magic can be obtained from random monsters. Drawing magic also means you have stored magic and you can now use it freely but make sure to keep a good amount of magic stocked or you will run out. Everything ok up till now? If you are not sure just ask me." Trowa nodded."Once we get to the Fire Cavern I'll explain more if you like."Trowa simply nodded again."Ready to go? The Fire Cavern used for the test is located east of here."

They exited the Garden and began to travel east over the Alcauld Plains. As they drew close to the Fire Cavern they heard a odd buzzing noise. They turned quickly and two wasp monsters flew swiftly towards them. Trowa ducked as well as Noin. Noin looked at Trowa."Now you should try drawing!"Trowa nodded and stood up. He held up his gunblade and a red light surrounded the weapon as well as one of the wasps. Then suddenly five bubbles flew out from the monster and into Trowa's weapon.

Noin quickly killed one of the wasps with her whip crushing its body in half. She sighed heavily and looked up."T-Trowa!Watch it!"She stepped forward and held her arm out as the other wasp headed swiftly at Trowa.

Trowa looked and swung his arm slicing the wasp in two with his gunblade.

Noin ran over to him."Good job. Your drawing worked quite well I see. I also see you already junctioned your new magic. That's great! Now let's keep going."

They arrived at the Cavern not long after. Noin looked at her watch."Not bad, we have plenty of time. Now... Oh! When you draw a new magic, try experimenting with it when you junction. This is how you become stronger. Ok, ready to go?"Trowa nodded."Alright, let's go!"

They ran up to the Cave entrence where two balamb guards stood. One eyed the two."Ojective: To obtain a low-level GF. A SeeD member must support. Are you ready?"

"Yes."replied Trowa."I'm ready."He saluted.

"I'm his support. Instructor number forteen, Lucrezia Noin."She saluted.

"Select a time limit. Choose one suited to your abilities. Challenging yet reasonable."

Trowa looked at Noin."Twenty minutes fine?"Noin smiled and nodded.He turned back to the guards."Twenty minutes is fine."

"Very well. Good luck."

The two guards moved aside and Noin and Trowa entered the Cavern. It as not dark, since lava surrounded them. It was rather hot in there but could be tolerated. They began then began the test through the cavern.

"My job is to support you in battle. Everything else is up to you."Noin told him as they traveled into the cave.

"Fine."Trowa replied.

"You know, the boys often choke on this test when I come with them. I guess my charm makes them nervous."They stopped for a moment.

(...Whatever.) Like he was intrested. He had a annoyed look on his face.

"I'm just kidding! Trying to keep you relaxed, that's all."

They then continued, when suddenly a red shaped creature emerged from the lava. It headed quickly towards the two.

Trowa eyed it carefully sending ablizzard spell at it, turning it to a blackish crystal.

"Bomb... An elemental monster. Use of an ice attack, good thinking Trowa!"Noin commented as she faught off afew cave bats which were no challenge to her at all."Well, let's keep going, we have fifteen minutes to retrieve your GF."

Trowa nodded. and they continued to run. As they reached the end of the Cavern Noin spoke once again."I guess I was right.You and Heero are in a class of your own. You both have amazing strength and potential."

Trowa ignored her and kept going. they reached the end of the trail where a fire creavus was.

"Ok, this is it. Are you ready?" Trowa waved a hand."You seem confident enough."

Suddenly the creavus began to smoke and rocks flew out violently. A large creature rose out. It snarled and glared at it's opponents ready to battle. This GF was a fire element and would react best with Ice.

The creatures eyes glew red and its muscular body towered over the two. His fists were clutched angrily and it stepped toward them. It jumped savagly toward them not careing weither it killed them or let them live.

Trowa jumped out of the way and Noin stood in front of it. She rose her arms into the air and shot a blizzard spell at it, making it off balance. Trowa turned and also shot out a ice spell. It seemed that all the spells did was aggrivate the large beast even more.

Trowa breathed hard as he kept his eyes focused on the GF, avoiding and ducking from it's attacks. He remembered he had GF's... Shiva! The ice GF. He removed the GF from his weapon and held it up, it began to shine slightly as he concentrated. The creature ran toward Trowa quickly and the light soon surrounded Trowa. He gripped the sphere harder and closed his eyes focusing his thoughts more clearly on his next move.

The light then flashed blindingly and then as it faded a large ice crystal appeared, inside a woman in blue broke out. Her eyes, were deep blue, her breath let off a intense cold.

The creature snarled."They have Shiva!?"

He then began to cast a fire spell at the ice woman but Shiva rose her arms above her head and gathered a ball of mist, cold ice then shot at the opposing GF making it cry out in pain and fall to the ground. Shiva then vanished and returned to her sphere shape."Hm...Not bad for humans. But for me to lose to a human....Very well, I will join you." The GF, which was known to be called Ifrit, then turned to a sphere and lay on the ground, glowing a bright red. It stopped as Trowa picked it up and turned to Noin.

"There isn't much time, but let me go over this real quick. Hm...Good you got yourself a GF. If you juntion that GF, you'll be able to use the Elem-J ability. When some of your GF's are obtained they can allow your weapon to be elemnetally charged depending on your choice. You can have any type of element charge on your weapon. Depending on what enemy you fight and what weakness it has determines what element you want your weapon charged with.You have already some od the elements. Also scanning alows you to detect your enemies weak point.It can become rather helpful if your not sure." She sighed and continued."There's a lot of fire elemental monsters here, so junction blizzard to your Elem-atk. You'll have an easier time with fire elemental enemies."Trowa nodded and attached blizzard onto Ifrits juntioning sphere."Now, let's get going."

They arrived outside shortly, much quicker then before. It wasn't difficult getting abck to Balamb Garden either.

They had arrived back at Garden saftly and successful.

"Well done."Noin smiled at her student."Let's see...I thought there was something else I needed to go over with you before the SeeD exam... Oh yes! Taking care of your GF. This is something you have to watch out for. Your GF can gain new abilitied, depending on how much you battle with them junctioned to you. It's like the Elem-J I told you about. Although one of your GF's already ahd this ability your other GF's could learn the same ability. It's up to you what you choose for your GF. It's good to have a well balanced GF in battle. Remember this. Now change into your uniform and assemble at the first floor lobby."Trowa nodded and Noin walked off ahead of him.

It had been a short trip, yet tireing. Trowa started to walk back inside teh Garden. He headed toward his Dormitory room where he could change into his uniform.

He sat down on his bed as he arrived in his room. He removed his necklace which was of a lion. He sat it on his desk and reached for his uniform. The uniform was plain. A blue vest with Balamb and SeeD logo on it. It also went with a white t-shirt which was to be worn underneath the blue vest. Also it had navy slacks to go with it. Trowa changed and then put the necklace back on and grabbed his gunblade case, placed his gunblade inside and left. He went to the first floor lobby where instructor Noin was to be giving orders on their upcoming SeeD exam. It seemed simple. Sure....or so he thought.


Another Part up!Yay! ^_^;;