Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Finding Peace ❯ Starting to Learn ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Finding Peace (2/?)

Author: Talaquinn

Rating: PG13

Pairings: 1x5, 4xR, getting closer to 1x2x5

Summary: The resolution of the kiss and the reactions.

A/N: Special thanks go to Tsuki for shooting some good ideas at me, and to Kenny (everyone's favourite gnome) the beta. No cliffhanger this time.

Although surprised, it was not in Duo's nature to refuse a kiss, so he returned it wholeheartedly. He relished the feeling of lips on his, recognising the feel of them as Heero's. Experimentally, Duo opened his mouth a bit, and touched his tongue to the Japanese man's closed lips, wondering how far Heero would go in front of an audience. The gentle touch of Heero's hand on his face, and Heero's mouth opening under Duo's, almost undid the braided man. He knew that he would probably regret this later but this was a wonderful opportunity, he let one of his hands move from his side, unclenched his fist, and went to wrap his arm around Heero's neck.

But was stopped by another hand clasping his own and dragging him away from Heero. Wufei. Duo opened his eyes, expecting the dark-eyed man to be livid. What greeted him was another pair of lips reaching up to meet his own. Duo didn't waste any time taking it slow with Wufei, if they wanted to play, he was willing to join in. Wrapping strong arms around the warm body pressed against him, Duo immediately opened Wufei's mouth with his own eager tongue, and was gratified to feel Wufei responding with the same passion they had shared the first time they had kissed. Except this time Heero was in the room, along with their other friends, and Wufei knew exactly who he was. An indeterminate time later Wufei pulled away, a faint blush staining his cheeks.

"Thank you for inviting us over Duo. We brought some food."

It took the violet-eyed man a moment translate the words into something resembling coherent speech; kissing Wufei had done wonderful things to his internal chemistry. He widened the sappy grin he was sporting, and took a minute to make sure he could manage speaking.

"I'll invite you over all the time if this is how I get welcomed."

He was about to jump on Wufei, when laughter coming from the floor distracted him.

Duo glanced down at Trowa, attempting to give the giggling young man a death glare. Apparently it didn't work for a moment later the European managed to choke out an amused "If I thought I would be greeted like that I would hold more parties then Quatre." Trowa continued to laugh silently to himself, and Relena decided to start a normal conversation asking Wufei about some deal with Une.

That of course caused everyone to make themselves at home. Duo shook his head; it was nice that his friends were so comfortable in his home, but he kind of had wanted to give them a tour. A quick glance around his home convinced him that they would get the jist of it just by being there and went to go play with his friends.


Duo sighed happily, soap suds up to his elbows, surrounded by dirty dishes. Dinner had been fun. No more kisses other then the quick pecks everyone had given him upon leaving, but that had been okay. He grabbed a plate from the counter and let it join its brethren in the soapy water. They had eaten good food, shared funny stories, and had generally lightened up the tense atmosphere that had been hanging over the group for the past few months.

Duo supposed for a moment that the tenseness was pretty much his fault, but he couldn't be bothered into dwelling on that right now. Wufei had kissed him. Life couldn't get any better then this, well it could, but he would take whatever the gods were willing to give him.

He finished the dishes and went to check on Misha. Trowa after finding out that the little dog was paper trained placed papered areas around Duo's apartment. Heero had improved the idea by pointing out that putting waterproof material underneath the paper would save Duo's carpets. Duo had had to restrain himself from kissing the blue-eyed boy, because it was Wufei he loved. Who both of them loved.

Duo found Misha curled up in the nest of blankets beside his bed. He sat down next to her, just watching her body rise and fall with each breath.

He needed to think. He knew he feelings for Wufei, and he knew about his lingering attraction to Heero, but he was confused about their reactions. Why snub him Thursday and snog him today?

The braided man sighed again and stood up, he had work in the morning, and sleep helped coherency. He was making his way to the bathroom when the phone rang. So he changed his trajectory and answered. Une sprang up on screen.

"Maxwell, you haven't been to bed yet?"

He smiled she could sound so gruff, but without the glasses or buns, she really wasn't as scary as she used to be.

"It's only one a.m. why would I be asleep?"

It appeared her glares were not quite as effective either anymore, because this one wasn't bothering him in the least.

"Never mind Maxwell. Something has come up; I need you at HQ in ten. Pack for a week or so, you're going to space."

Duo just stood there dumbfounded. He knew this was part of his job, but what about Wufei and Heero? What about Misha?

The last part he vocalized, she at least couldn't take care of herself.

Une looked sympathetic.

"Leave her with someone responsible, Barton knows animals, he should work."

Duo nodded, he knew complaining wouldn't do anything except get Une pissed off.

"I'll be over in twenty. I'll need to give Trowa her medicine."

Une sighed but gave an affirmative.

"Twenty then, my office," and then she hung up.

Duo sighed. Damn, this wasn't fun.

Twenty-two minutes later found him in Une's office alone.

He had woken Trowa up, handed him Misha and a bag with her medications, a blanket, and some newspaper.

Trowa hadn't needed an explanation, just a return date. Duo smiled a bit at the memory, it was good to have friends like that.

Quiet footsteps grabbed his attention; he twisted in his seat to seen Une escorting Heero into the room.

"Good morning Hee-chan! And Lady Une so nice to see you."

Heero grunted a greeting, and Une glared. It appeared that the lady was grumpy when she didn't get enough sleep.

"I know you two have mostly been working with earth-bound altercations, but this problem I think is best suited to your expertise."

She opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out a file.

"Have you heard about the recent riots on L1?"

Duo hadn't and said so, but Heero nodded.

"Wufei mentioned something about it the other night."

Une looked a bit surprised, but nodded.

"Right, I'd forgotten you two are… involved. But that doesn't matter. We've discovered that the riots are lead by a group that is working towards a full-fledged rebellion, we know who they are, and where they are located. You two just need to get rid of them."

Duo frowned. How did this need their 'expertise'?

"How does this need our 'expertise'?"

Heero sounded as annoyed as Duo felt.

"It's where they are located that is the problem. They have bases spread all over the colony, all near life support systems, so you can't just blow them up."

Duo's frown grew deeper, that wasn't fair. How much fun was a mission if he couldn't blow things up?

Une ignored their serious faces, and gave Heero the file.

"Read up on this on your way there. The next shuttle leaves in an hour, and Chang has been kind enough to volunteer to drive you to the shuttle port. I'll expect updates on your progress every twelve hours."

Knowing the briefing was over Duo and Heero stood up and left the office without a word. It had been easier to go on dangerous missions when they had no one to stay alive for. At least 'fei was driving them to the 'port.

Heero looked over at him as they walked down the hall.

"Who is going to take care of Misha when we're away?"

Duo smiled, glad that the messy haired man cared.

"Tro's taking care of her. She still needs medication, so he was the best bet."

Heero nodded, knowing that Duo had made the right choice. Duo asked the next question.

"Where's Wufei?"

"Down in the parking lot, he wanted to come up, but I told him that he needed to keep my car safe."

Duo grinned for the first time since Une had called him. Heero drove a vehicle worse then Duo's. It was barely road safe, and the ugliest shade of orange that resided in the colour spectrum.

"Ahh, but can only one man keep it safe? You know everyone wants your car, and you don't properly appreciate it; perhaps I should take it to a better home. Like mine." Dou said with a grin.

Heero grinned back and smacked Duo across the back of his head. Both were thankful to have a little bit of normalcy in their relationship at this point.

All the way to the shuttleport Duo prattled about the type of demolition manoeuvres that they would need, that Une was really mean in saying they couldn't make big bangs, and how he hoped that Trowa would take good care of Misha.

Wufei and Heero let him fill the silence, both knowing that this was Duo's way of letting off steam, the young man became extremely tense before missions, a contrast to his euphoric state during them. Battle was like a drug to Duo, one that he was trying to wean himself of.

No one got out of the ugly little car when they reached the shuttleport, and Duo stopped talking. After sitting there for a few moments Wufei spoke into the silence.

"Your shuttle leaves in half an hour, you guys need to check in."

"I know."

Duo just stared at the couple. He should let them say goodbye in private.

"I'll take our bags in Heero. You can come in when you're ready."

Duo didn't wait for an answer; he just grabbed both duffels and opened the car door. He managed to take one stride towards the 'port when a slender hand grabbed his wrist. The braided man jerked to a stop, and stared down in disbelief at the black-eyed boy who had snagged him.

"Duo, weren't you planning on saying goodbye?"

Duo opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

"Come here."

Reaching through the window Wufei wrapped long arms around Duo and pulled him into a hug.

"Take care of him, and take care of yourself."

Duo felt a pang at the Chinese man's whispered words, and tried to pull away. Wufei let him, until they were close enough to kiss, then leaned forward and did so.

Duo relaxed into the kiss moaning a bit and opening his mouth to Wufei's questing tongue. He managed to thread a hand into Wufei's ponytail, and pulled the other man closer.

When they drew apart Wufei smiled sadly and caressed Duo's face with one hand.

"We'll talk when you return."

Duo nodded and picked up the duffels he had dropped sometime during the kiss.

He was at the door to the building when he heard a car door slam, and then the unique sputter of Heero's car coming to life.

He turned and watched Heero approach, he knew that Wufei's willingness to share himself with Duo was Heero's doing. He didn't know why, but he was extremely grateful.

When they boarded the shuttle Duo slid into the window seat, not meeting Heero's questioning glance. The braided boy had been uncharacteristically silent as they completed their pre-boarding procedures. Duo couldn't say anything to Heero right now, he was tired, confused and didn't think that he could say anything without sticking his foot into his mouth.

He tried to ignore Heero's stare by yawning and curling up against the window. That move turned out to be a mistake because Heero then wrapped an arm around Duo and pulled him close. The American considered resisting but knew better, so he curled into Heero's warmth instead and closed his eyes.

Something was bound to go wrong soon.