Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Fly Away Hearts ❯ You Know I'm Bad! ( Chapter 27 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Fly Away Hearts
Genre: Sap, Romance, slight angst
Pairing: 5x13 (centered), 1x2, 3x4, 5+2+3+4+1 (friendship, nothing more)
Summary: Wufei is fed up with love. All of his relationships ended with him being hurt. Just when he bands love for good, a handsome man steals his heart against his will. Will Wufei give love another chance? Or will he let this one go?
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, any lyrics that will appear in these chaps, or Spongebob
A/N: Hey guys. This fic has been really fun to write. I really like seeing if you guys like it or not. Anywho, I don't know how many chaps are left. I wing almost every story that I write. It makes it better in my opinion.

Foxy Grandpa: I love your name by the way. And yes Duo is completely crazy. I made him a lot like me, but more to the extremes. No I don't go around cutting people, but I do take up for my friends. Soap Operas suck and I agree that Kordairo should take up that life style it would save him some pain. Thank you for review too. Looking forward to hearing from you again. ^,^

Linda Starwind: I don't know how that chapter ended up like that. I tried to fix it twice. Even deleted it and reposted. It just doesn't want to do what I want. I made it a little better. At least its not in a big paragraph. I hate those. Anywho, thank you for the review.

live4you: Hey! Thank you for reviewing. I don't have a clue what will happen with Wufei regarding Trieze. I was thinking about adding a little more drama before they really get it together. But the drama, of course, will be in my own unique way. My mind is very creative and it will come to me......sooner or later. ^_^

Chapter 27: You Know, I'm Bad!

Wufei woke feeling more refreshed than he had in his twenty two years of living. He stretched and snuggled deeper into the warmth covering his back. He sighed contently but tensed at the chuckle that sounded just at the top of his head.

"Kanbawa, Dragon." The familiar voice greeted. The arms on Wufei's narrow waist tightened.

"What--?" The moment of disorientation wore off of the china man almost immediately. He was in GG's house, in one of the guest beds, with Trieze. He looked down hesitantly to see that he was still in the clothes he had came in. He didn't know whether to dissappointed or relieved.

"Did you sleep well?" Trieze asked attentively. Wufei nodded slowly as if any sudden movement would send the other man away.

"How long did I sleep?" He whispered. His throat felt overheated and scratchy. Obvious signs of crying way too much. He would have to rant about his weakness as soon as Trieze stopped feeling so good.

"About three hours. Its about seven."

Wufei groaned inwardly. Three hours in the arms of the man he practically fell in love with at first sight and he had slept the whole time. Maybe if he was still they could stay that way.


"Onegai, leave me alone." Kordairo whispered to the darkness. He licked his lips nervously. He was alone standing against the walls built around a neighborhood to break the noise coming from the park. He knew they were there.

"Do you like getting hurt?" A deep voice echoed behind him. A chill ran down his back and he spun around. Nothing.

"Didn't Trieze beat the shit out of you enough?" Another voice.

"Causing pain will only result in your undoing." The voice was softer than the others but still just as dark as the other two.

"If you act like a pussy, you're bound to get fucked." That voice, he knew. His legs buckled under him. He sat trembling on the pavement.

"And you just got fucked." Hot breath washed over his ear. A startled scream left him. He lunged to his feet only to make a few steps before his legs gave out again. Behind him stood, Death himself.

Kordairo scrambled back. He was stopped by a pair of legs. Faded eyes slowly looked up into icy cobalt blue eyes. He smiled weakly and began to move away from the statue standing over him. He was stopped by a bruising grip on his shoulder.

"C-come on man. I d-didn't m-mean anything b-by it."

"Being that this is your first warning...." The braided figure in front of him stepped closer to them. He was dressed in all black, with a dagger glistening under the streetlight.

Two more appeared leaning against the wall. An angelic looking blonde and another one with an odd hairstyle. Their impassive eyes were fixated on the show while a grin played on each of their faces.

"Shinigami doesn't like when his friends are fucked with. You *will* leave Wufei alone. If not, I *will* go through with the promise I gave you. And I don't break promises." The sharp weapon was placed to on his cheek. The painful chill it causes brought tears to the frightened man's eyes. Shinigami grinned at that. The dagger was dragged tantalizingly slow until it ended at the corner of his lip.

"Let this be the last time I have to see you." With that they were gone.

Kordairo sat on the cold sidewalk in a puddle of his own urine. The curved cut along his cheek glared angry and red at the night air.


Wufei was in heaven.....still. It had been about half an hour since he woke up. They hadn't moved at all. He could have stayed like that forever.

Of course forever, these days, was shorter than he remembered.

"Wufei! Company!" GG yelled up the steps. The china man groaned out loud this time. He hadn't even heard the doorbell. He felt Trieze shake with silent laughter and promptly elbowed him in the side.

"You clean up. I'll go down first." Trieze offered. Wufei happily accepted and disappeared into one of the many bathrooms.


Downstairs, Trieze met Duo and Duo's associates. They all had a gleam that he could quite describe but disregarded it. They chatted silently until the sound of Wufei coming down the steps.

"WU!" To Trieze's surprise, Quatre was the first to reach the china man. The two hugged each other and walked to rejoin the group. They talked and laughed until well after twelve.

"It was fun talking to you and catching up." Trowa said softly. "We should go out some day."

"Yeah. How about this summer. We could go to an amusement park or somethin." Duo bounced happily. A child like happiness sparkled in his violet eyes. Everyone chuckled silently at the enthusiastic brunette as they went to their respective vehicles.

"Uhm....Trieze." Wufei called timidly. Trieze paused in climbing into 'Wing' and looked at him. The china man rubbed at his arm and averted eye contact as he spoke. "I was wondering...if--being that our date was ruined. That you'd like to--I'll understand if you don't. I did mess up."

Trieze smiled softly and went to stand in front of the struggling man. He ducked his head and captured his lips in a chaste kiss. Wufei's lips remained parted with his dazedness. The taller man chuckled lightly as the other blushed delicately.

"I'd love to."


A/N: So Wu-man gets another chance. Did I make Duo too crazy? I was thinking about him and the guys getting caught and placed under house arrest. That would leave Trieze and Wufei alone together. Maybe in another fic. Anywho, review and I'll post the next chap later.