Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ For the Love of a Boy ❯ Two Lost Boys ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimers & Copyright Info: See Prologue.
Warnings: Violence and graphic NCS.
Chapter Summary: Harry meets Nanashi.
Inspired by "Everyone Needs A Hero" by SC Round Robins.
This chapter is dedicated to my dad, Patrick Finnegan.
Italics - Thoughts, emphasis.
CAPS IN BOLD ITALICS - Shouting/screaming.
:Italics between colons: is for telepathic conversation.
"Italics in quotation marks" is for written messages; TV and radio transmissions, telephone conversations.
Chapter One: Two Lost Boys
Colony 8253 in the L3 Cluster, 3 March, AC 195
The L3 cluster was a cash-poor colony for the most part. Not quite as poor as much of the L2 grouping was, and the divide between the haves and have nots wasn't nearly as great, but it was far from being a wealthy one like the L1, L4 and L5 clusters were. And like the L2 cluster, what little there was in the way of law enforcement was rotten to the core.
The newest colony in the L3 cluster, X-18999, would remain one of the poorest. Though its construction was bankrolled by multi-billionaire and so-called pacifist Dekim Barton, it was built for a specific purpose: to be dropped onto the Earth. It was all part of an evil scheme the elderly man cooked up to get revenge for the death of colonial leader and pacifist Hiiro Yui nearly twenty years earlier.
Thanks to the United Earth Sphere Alliance, the Romefeller Foundation, and the Organization of the Zodiac, or OZ for short, Earth and Space had been at war with each other since before the day of Hiiro Yui's assassination in AC 175. If the elderly Barton was to be believed, twenty years of enmity and meaningless bloodshed between the Earth and the Colonies would end when X-18999 crashed planetside. The mobile suit that would follow the colony was being sent to slaughter anyone who resisted afterwards.
If there was one major flaw in Barton's plan, it was this: the people of the Earth wouldn't be the only ones to suffer and die, but all life on the Colonies would slowly and painfully end, too. While Earth died trapped in an endless nuclear winter, the surviving Colonies, all of whom still relied on the Earth for certain foodstuffs, medicine and other luxuries, would die out from slow starvation and disease.
From a strategic standpoint, the problems Operation Meteor would cause far outweighed any advantages Dekim claimed it would create. At least that's how the cinnamon-haired boy everyone called Nanashi felt about it.
Why would anyone claiming to be a friend and follower of Hiiro Yui want to destroy Earth and the Colonies? It doesn't make sense, the boy thought as he walked back to the factory where he worked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his faded jeans. He was returning from a rare lunch out to his job at a top secret factory, and managed to walk a couple of blocks more before he heard a commotion starting up.
"COME BACK HERE, YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE FREAK!!!" came the shrill shriek of a woman from the alley the nameless boy was passing, followed by the outraged bellow of a man and the pain-filled outcry of a child. To the teen, it sounded like the cry of a child who was being beaten.
Nanashi was right; there at the end of the alley stood a huge fat man with no neck and a fringe of dark hair, wearing what looked like a hastily thrown on wool coat over a pair of pajamas and a pair of slippers. With him was a blonde-haired woman with a long neck and a face like a horse, also in a heavy coat and slippers. Both stood bent over the cowering form of a small child, a boy, the man holding a belt in his hand.
At the woman's urging, the man hit the boy several times with the strip of leather and was about to strike him again, but the blow never landed. Instead, the man found his wrist caught in the painfully tight grip of a slender and fine-boned but strong hand. He bellowed as the young stranger's hand squeezed on his wrist joint until it creaked, dangerously close to breaking, and dropped the belt.
Sensing that his young life might be safer with a total stranger than his "family," the young boy ran up to the teen and hid behind him while the man groaned in pain, clutching his arm to his chest. The woman gave the older boy a hard stare, as though she recognized him from somewhere... or some when.
"You," the woman said to Nanashi with an almost crazed look on her face. "You look like Maggie's younger brat, Triton, did. A freak, that boy was... as bad as her eldest, Catherine. Freaks, the lot of you... "
Freaks? Nanashi thought, cocking his visible eyebrow upward. Okay, this lady has lost it, so I'd better think of something fast before they decide to take more of their frustrations out on the boy, or on me.
Suddenly, the man's lumbering form again lunged at the slender youth, hoping to overwhelm him, but the youth had the advantage of being taught how to defend himself since his earliest memory. It was simple enough for him to dodge the fat man's clumsy charge by sidestepping away from him, then grabbing the man's outstretched arm and drive an elbow into his shoulder socket, dislocating it. The woman was about to scream for a constable, but the seemingly silent boy spoke first.
"You're lucky I'm not armed, lady, or your husband would be a dead man right now. I don't much like people who get off on beating small children bloody. You're also lucky there's nothing resembling decent law enforcement on this colony, or you'd both be in jail for abusing this boy."
"We weren't abusing the lazy little freak!" the man exclaimed in response, then winced from the pain of his dislocated shoulder. "He deserves a beating for running away...!”
"Bullshite! Human or beast, no one deserves to be treated like that for any reason!" the young man snapped, the rage he felt towards the couple almost palpable. He calmed down after a moment, turned to the boy and asked "Do you want to leave them? If so, and if you want to, you can come with me."
The child nodded, and as the pair of adults gaped after them like landed fish, Nanashi scooped the little boy up and started to walk away from the couple. The woman angrily ranted at the man to go after them, but he just sat there and groaned in pain. Hearing his moans, the woman started dithering over her husband, the runaway child and his rescuer forgotten for the meantime.
After a few blocks, he set the child down, and then knelt so his eyes were level with the little boy's. The boy was at least five years old, maybe seven at the oldest, if Nanashi had to hazard a guess, and looked perfectly adorable with tousled ebony hair and big green eyes. The t-shirt, shorts and cross trainers he wore were dirty, torn, and many sizes too big for him, probably cast offs from a far older or a far fatter child.
Worse, the cheap frames of the glasses precariously perched on the end of his nose were more tape than plastic, and the lenses were so badly scratched it was a wonder the child could actually see out of them. Nanashi swore to himself that he'd buy the boy a new pair out of his next paycheck.
"Are you hurt, little bit? What's your name?" the nameless boy asked. The little boy shook his head, looked down at his feet and said "Freak" in a shame-filled whisper.
Hearing this, Nanashi snorted and added "That might be what they called you, but I doubt that's your name. So, what does everyone else call you?"
Nanashi ruffled the child's hair and noticed that, underneath the bangs, the child's eyes were the same shade of emerald green as his own. Lifting the boy's hair a little higher, he noticed a lightning bolt-shaped scar carved into the middle of his forehead and wondered if either the walrus or the giraffe might have given it to him.
"It's Harry, sir... Harry Potter," he finally answered after a long moment of silence, then asked "What's yours?"
"I don't have a name... not a proper one, anyway. Everyone just calls me Nanashi, not sir."
"Nanashi? What's that mean?"
"It's Japanese for "No-name." The man who raised me 'til I was nine called me that," the taller boy explained. "Maybe you can pick out a name for me, one only you can call me by."
"Well, what my aunt called you wasn't bad. How about that?" Harry asked.
Triton, Nanashi thought. It sounds familiar... and in spite of what the giraffe said, it's not stupid, either. At any rate, it sounds a lot better than Nanashi. Thanks a lot, Captain, for giving me a name that actually means "no name."
"Okay, Harry. For you, I'm Triton," the nameless boy said with a faint smile, then gave Harry a "meep" on the nose. In return, the little boy giggled and gave him a hug, then suddenly stiffened up in Nanashi's arms and murmured "Oh, no!"
"What's wrong?"
"My aunt and uncle ... they'll kill me for running away! And Aunt Petunia will blame me for Uncle Vernon getting hurt!" Harry said quietly, his little face a mask of fear.
"No they won't. That was all on me," Nanashi replied with a slight smile, offering Harry his hand. "As for those two, they can't get mad at us if they can't find us."
"Where are we going?" Harry asked as he took it, more curious than anything else.
"Someplace really brilliant. D'you like Mobile Suits?"
"Yeah! 'Specially Leos!"
"Then you're gonna love this place."
Within a few minutes time, Nanashi and Harry were inside a secret factory where the teen lived and worked, and the first thing the little boy saw was a tall, human-like figure made of some kind of metal. Nanashi scooped Harry back up and then walked them both closer to the mobile suit. Harry could feel something emanating from the suit; a warm, comforting presence that welcomed its mechanic back, and Nanashi felt it, too.
"Harry, this is Heavyarms," he said, patting the suit's leg fondly. "Heavyarms, this is Harry."
The suit the older boy called Heavyarms was as tall as a Leo, but that was where the resemblance ended. This mobile suit was mostly white with a vermilion "chest" trimmed in deep blue. Its head, which actually looked like a head, had green "eyes," wore a deep blue "helmet," and sported a crimson "beard" on its chin.
"It's brilliant, but it doesn't look much like a Leo," Harry replied. "What is it?"
"She's called a Gundam."
"Because her armor is made from Gundanium alloy."
"Oh," Harry said, and then asked curiously, "so why do you call it a she when it looks like a boy?"
"You know, that's a good question," Nanashi replied with a grin.
He didn't know what it was about this boy, but for some reason, the normally stoic teenager couldn't help but smile around him. It was as if some of the terrible loneliness he'd endured ever since he could remember had been lifted and it was all thanks to Harry.
The spell was broken when another technician shouted to the pair that Doktor S was looking for the teen, and he wasn't pissed off at anyone for a change. Still carrying Harry, Nanashi rushed over to his work area, set the little boy down, picked up a screwdriver and got back to work. He didn't want to be caught slacking.
A while later, a man with a shock of iron gray hair walked up to the pair of boys, and Harry couldn't help but stare at him. Attached to the man's face with elastic bands that went around his ears was a prosthetic nose made of metal. It even had tiny rivets holding the plates together.
He inspected the machine for several long minutes when he noticed the magnetic coating on the drive system, something that was not specified on the Gundam's original blueprint. The man known only as Doktor S knew ingenuity when he saw it, and this technician, though still just a boy, had it in spades.
Doktor S usually only approached one of the technicians if he thought one of them needed a reprimand, and Nanashi thought he was in for it. As he approached though, the scientist put on his friendliest face, noticing that the little boy was trying to hide behind the older one.
"Excuse me, young man," he said to Nanashi. "Were you the one who applied the magnetic coating to the drive system?"
Nanashi nodded in reply and Doktor S added "It's perfect; beautiful work. Where did you learn the technique?"
Almost blushing, Nanashi looked down at the catwalk in front of him, hmmmed and climbed the steps up to a computerized console at Heavyarms' head with Harry hot on his heels. As the two boys left, the scientist grinned slightly and quipped "Heh ... well, he certainly is an odd one. Anyone else would have bragged about it."
Nanashi got to the console and got back to work, this time working on the Gundam's programming. Harry watched, or tried to watch, as the older boy's fingers flew nimbly over the keyboard. Seeing Harry's interest in what he was doing, Nanashi pulled a metal crate over to the console, stood Harry up on it, and ran through some computer basics with him. He was starting to teach the little boy some simple hacking codes when a booze and cigarette-roughened voice bellowed out.
"Hey, No-name! How's my Heavyarms?" Trowa Barton, the only son of the man who had planned Operation Meteor and was financing Heavyarms' construction, hollered as he came into the Nanashi's area.
"Fine," the boy said tersely, not looking up from his work.
Barton was the last person the nameless teen wanted to see right now, mainly because the man had no concept of the term "boundaries." Barton was always grabbing at Nanashi, or draping his arms around the boy, and then there was the condescending way Barton called him "No-name" rather than Nanashi. It all made the teen feel dirty and incredibly uncomfortable.
Harry wisely hid himself behind the Gundam from the older, sandy haired man. Barton's loud, booming voice reminded him a little too much of his uncle, and Harry had learned early on that when Vernon Dursley sounded happy, he was going to get a beating and locked up in the cupboard under the stairs without any supper.
"Lemme show ya something I've never shown anyone else," Barton continued, whipping what looked to be a scrap of paper out of the breast pocket of his coveralls. It was an old photo of a blonde haired woman and a red-headed little girl. He pulled the youth into a tight embrace and added "This is a pic of my sister Leia and her little girl, Mariemaia. I thought she died with Leia on X-18999, but my dad hired a PI and they found her. After we take over the Earth, we're gonna make her our Queen."
While this went on, Nanashi swallowed hard and held his breath as Barton's hand ran to the nameless boy's chest. Rumor had it the man's tastes ran to raping teenaged boys and that made the youth nervous. After a few more moments, as Barton released him from his grasp, a dizzy Nanashi let it out a deep, shuddering sigh of relief. He hadn't even realized how long he'd been holding it in until that moment.
"Later, No-name," Barton said with a nasty grin, returning the photo to his pocket as he left. Unbeknownst to either boy, he had seen Harry when he came in, and filed the information away for later use. Trowa Barton wasn't averse to using blackmail as long as it got him what he wanted.
"Harry, you said those two were your aunt and uncle. Where are your parents?" the teen asked.
"Dead," Harry replied glumly. "My mum and dad died in a car accident when I was little. My uncle said that my dad was probably drunk and fighting with my mum when it happened. My aunt agreed with him and told me that's how I got this scar on my forehead."
That sounded like the type of lie an envious pair like those two might tell a child they felt saddled with the responsibility for. With the idea of hacking into the Alliance's database for a later background check, the cinnamon-haired youth decided to press on with his questions.
"What were their names? And what are your aunt and uncle's names?"
Harry eyed Nanashi suspiciously, but answered him with "My mum and dad's names were James and Lily Potter, and my aunt and uncle are Vernon and Petunia Dursley. Why do you ask?"
Nanashi decided to be honest with Harry. "So I can go online later and check out your uncle's story. It sounds like he and your aunt have been lying to you. Now, what about you? How did you get to be here, of all places?"
"I wasn't supposed to be here, but Mrs. Figg, she's the old lady my aunt and uncle dump me on when they decide to reward Dudley with a special trip, well, she got hurt and couldn't watch me. They don't trust me enough to leave me home alone, so they had to bring me along. They never let me out of the hotel room, though."
"Why not?"
"They told me that my freakishness was an embarrassment to them. I only wanted to go outside and see the colony before we left! I wasn't trying to run away, Triton, honest!"
With Harry starting to cry at that point, Nanashi was satisfied that his new little brother was being completely truthful. He held Harry until the sobs ceased, brushed away his tears, and did what his old captain once did for him; he gave Harry a show of trust by handing the child a twenty credit chit.
"There's a cafe on the level below us," the teen explained, closing the boy's hand around the token. "Now, what I want you to do is to take this over there and buy us some sandwiches, soup, potato crisps, and maybe some fresh fruit for our supper. If there's anything left on it when you're done, you can keep it."
"Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon would never let me go to the store, or trust me with money. They thought I'd take it and run away. So why are you trusting me with this?" Harry wondered, and Nanashi bet himself ten credits that he would get sick of hearing the words "Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon would never" before another week was gone.
Why did he trust Harry? Although he'd told others he was a soldier since he could remember, Nanashi also remembered the Alliance orphanage he'd run away from at the tender age of four. Much like the Dursleys, the governors who ran the place treated the children confined there terribly. Beatings for the least little slip up were commonplace and, more often than not, he and the other children went to their cots with empty bellies while the "Govs" lived high on the hog.
The first chance he got, he ran away, hoping to someday get to go to outer space.
The mercenaries who found him wandering into their camp fed him, clothed him, taught him to play the flute, taught him to be a soldier and taught him a trade beyond being a soldier. They also loved him like the son or little brother many of them had lost, and didn't even mind that he was a natural as a mobile suit pilot.
Looking at Harry again, he was beginning to understand how the mercs had felt about him. Another moment later, he ruffled the little boy's hair and said "Because I'm an orphan, too. I've been in similar straits as you were, so I know how you feel. Believe it or not, Harry, you've become like a little brother to me, and if I can't trust my little brother, who can I trust?"
"So orphans like us should stick together?" the child asked, sniffling.
"Yep, we should," the teen replied with a gentle smile.
With that, Harry began to cheer up. He then took the chit and left the small apartment, running happily in the direction of the commissary.
When Harry left, Nanashi stripped off his coveralls to reveal a light blue t-shirt and a pair of faded, worn out and comfortable denim jeans. Soon, the nameless teen booted up his laptop and, using the codes he'd begun teaching the little boy earlier, hacked into the Alliance's database. He found Harry's birth and school records easily enough, but there were no files listed with the British government about where he lived.
After finding nothing there, Nanashi then started his background check with the Dursleys, and found out some interesting things about the head of that household.
Vernon Dursley was the director of a company called Grunnings, which made drills, mining, refining and recycling equipment. Digging a little deeper, he found out that Dursley had business dealings not only with the Alliance and OZ, but with Winner Mining and Construction, a company run by a well-known family of pacifists from the L4 cluster who owned all or part of several resource satellites, and with Nanashi's own employer, the Barton Foundation.
In other words, Vernon was playing all sides against the middle, and didn't care whose side won the war as long as Grunnings made a hefty profit in time for its quarterly shareholders meeting.
From all appearances, Petunia Dursley, formerly Petunia Evans, was a typical housewife and mother of one child, a son named Dudley, but she had ways of ferreting out information on her neighbors that would make any Alliance or OZ spy envious. She also had two very dead sisters: Marguerite Evans-Bloom, who was killed early in AC 182, and Lily Potter, who died on Halloween night, AC 188. Petunia never once mentioned either of her sisters to anyone. Was it because of embarrassment or something else?
A bit more digging showed that the Dursleys didn't have actual legal custody of Harry; that privilege belonged to Harry's godfather, a gentleman named Sirius Black. Unfortunately, Black had been accused of the terrorist killings of thirteen people outside a London tube station and was probably in one of OZ's secret prisons, since his current whereabouts were unknown.
There was also the fact that several complaints had been filed by some of their former neighbors and a few of Harry's former teachers. The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service started an initial investigation, but oddly enough, no follow up was ever done on any of the complaints about Petunia and Vernon's mistreatment of Harry. The people who filed them either lost their jobs, were forced to move away, or both.
All he could find on the Dursleys son, Dudley, was that he was an abysmal student and the school's biggest bully. Harry was probably his favorite target, too, what with him being so small and scrawny. He couldn't find much on Vernon's sister, Marge Dursley, either, other than she was a breeder of English bulldogs, had no police record and had never been married, but it wouldn't have surprised Nanashi if she'd also abused Harry sometime in the past.
I'll need to teach Harry how to defend himself, Nanashi thought with a deep frown. If he's going to survive these times, he'll need to know how to fight off enemies, and there are a few other things I can teach him, too, like gymnastics, acrobatics, and how to throw knives and shoot. There's no way in Hell I'm going to allow him to be victimized any more than he's been...
Finished with the Dursleys for a while, Nanashi started digging into James, Lily, and Harry Potter's records. He found birth, medical and scholastic records on Lily, as well as a marriage license, passport, and a death certificate. However, it seemed as though Lily's recorded history ended shortly after her 11th birthday and didn't pick up again until her marriage to James Potter in AC 186.
On the other hand, James had literally no records on him at all. It was as if he hadn't existed from the day of his birth until the day he married Lily Evans. As for the supposed car accident, there was no reported traffic fatalities filed on October 31st of AC 188. In truth, the bodies of Lily and James Potter had been found in the remains of a cottage located in a village called Godric's Hollow. The really odd thing was that while the house was literally blown to smithereens, James and Lily's bodies had not one mark on them.
Frustrated with the results on the Potters, the teen turned his attention to the Blooms and was met with similar results. There were reams of information on Maggie Bloom up until her death in AC 182, but next to nothing on Nathan Bloom. Like Lily Potter, Nathan's recorded history ended shortly after his 11th birthday and didn't pick up again until he and Maggie married.
Except for his birth certificate, an ER report for the treatment of a third degree burn on his upper back, and a missing persons report, there was nothing on the Blooms' two-year-old son Triton, not even a death certificate. However, their daughter Catherine had been adopted at the age of four by their business partner, a man named Seamus Blackthorn, who still managed the circus they had jointly owned. Catherine had a knife throwing act and was the star of the one ring show.
The doorbell chimed suddenly, interrupting Nanashi's train of thought. Thinking it might be Harry, he put his laptop on hibernate, pushed himself away from the small table, and went to answer it.
"Back already? That was pretty fast...," the teen said with a slight smile as the door slid open. A moment later, his smile faded into a frown when he saw who was on the other side. The man standing in the hallway was none other than Trowa Barton.
"What do you want?" the teen snarled.
"Now, now, No-name, is that any way to greet the guy who makes sure his father signs your tiny paychecks?" Barton asked Nanashi with an evil grin as he forced his way into the boy's quarters. "I just want to know who the kid is and where he came from."
"Why? So you can do to him what you've been trying to do to me? Isn't he a little young for you?"
"He is, but you aren't. We both know the kid is no relation of yours, No-name, and if you don't want me to send him back to wherever you found him, you'll let me..."
"Like Hell I will. You stay away from him, and you stay away from me, or I'll kill..."
Nanashi green eyes widened as he felt something slam into his solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him, then looked down to see Barton's fist about two inches from it.
As the youth clutched his abdomen, Barton struck him again, this time across the cheek, sending him spinning to land face down on the floor. What seemed a split second later, Barton was on top of him, pinning his wrists behind his back with one hand while he unfastened and took off the teen's belt with the other.
"NO! GET OFF OF ME! GET OFF!" Nanashi yelled breathlessly, struggling against the mass of the man's heavier form as Barton bound his hands, cutting off the circulation to them.
Nanashi ceased his struggles when he heard the whisper of a steel blade coming out of a leather sheath and felt the cold metal of the knife as it was pressed against the small of his back. Barton almost seemed to go mad at that point. He used the knife to completely strip the clothes off of Nanashi's body; first cutting off the thin t-shirt, then the faded jeans. Barton tossed the ruined garments across the room as he cut them away, leaving the boy naked but for a pair of light blue boxer briefs.
A moment later, Nanashi felt the tip of Barton's knife nick his skin as it slipped under the waistband of his briefs, followed by the sound of fabric tearing. The green-eyed youth knew what was about to happen... how could he not?... because the captain had drilled it into his head that the enemy wouldn't think twice about raping a child, male or female.
Much to his shame, Nanashi started to tremble uncontrollably. For the first time since his fellow mercs were betrayed to OZ and the Alliance, he was terrified, and that brought some of his fight back. He began to buck, squirm and kick, trying to get Barton's weight off of him. As a response, Barton grabbed the youth by his hair and slammed his head onto the floor, nearly knocking him unconscious.
The next sound the stunned Nanashi heard was that of a zipper being undone, then felt a pair of large, rough hands pulling his buttocks apart, exposing his anus.
"No, please," the youth begged weakly as his head began to swim, silently cursing himself for his weakness.
The older man then began to rape Nanashi, brutally entering the teen from behind, forcing his thick, hard cock into Nanashi's virgin passage and making him bleed heavily.
As Barton entered him, Nanashi bit back a scream of pain at this violation. He felt as though he were being torn in half, but his cries only seemed to goad Barton to pump into him harder, the man both laughing and grunting with each thrust. Within another five minutes, it was all over. Barton pulled out of the boy with a nearly audible pop, then stroked himself until he came, shooting his load onto the youth's buttocks as if he were marking the boy's body as his territory.
"Pity I can't take my time with you right now, No-name," Barton's voice hissed in Nanashi's ear as he rubbed the nameless teen's ass, "but I can't hang around. Your little buddy's gonna be back soon, and I can't be found here. And you'd better keep your mouth shut. Wouldn't do to have the doc find out about this now, would it?"
With that, Barton rose, zipped up his pants, and then exited Nanashi's quarters, leaving the boy's body lying on the floor, broken, bleeding and catatonic from shock.
There was blood pooled on the floor, and his new big brother was lying face down in the middle of it, bruised and beaten unconscious. His jeans and t-shirt had been neatly sliced off of his body and discarded across the room. His boxer briefs were cut up the back and stained with crimson, and his slender wrists were bound tightly behind his back with his own belt, the leather also stained with blood from cruelly cutting into his flesh.
In a panic, Harry dropped the bag holding their dinner, ran out and started to yell for help. It didn't take long for someone to arrive.
Second, I'd had this chapter almost completed last month, but something happened and I'd lost over half of it (good thing I had a backup of the file in another location).
Third, no matter if it's same or opposite sex or how detailed it is (or isn't), a rape scene is not an easy thing to write, especially if you love the character.
I also apologize for how long this chapter got to be.
I forgot to explain it in the last chapter, but other than being the French form of Margaret, a marguerite is a variety of Cape daisy, hence in keeping with the flower names of the Evans sisters. The neat thing about Cape daisies are that the centers, where the seeds eventually appear, also bloom with tiny blossoms.
When I finally get to the part where Harry goes to Hogwarts, I'm thinking of having Mariemaia go with him. Not sure which House I'll put her in if I do, but she and Harry will wind up being friends in this.
As for the real Trowa Barton, I've always thought an adult man draping himself over an obviously uncomfortable teenaged boy was more than a little creepy, and that there had to be something hinky going on.
Next Chapter: Fudge blows his top over Harry's "abduction," Nanashi is treated for his injuries, he and Harry start displaying "Newtype abilities," and Trowa Barton gets what's coming to him.
Warnings: Violence and graphic NCS.
Chapter Summary: Harry meets Nanashi.
Inspired by "Everyone Needs A Hero" by SC Round Robins.
This chapter is dedicated to my dad, Patrick Finnegan.
Italics - Thoughts, emphasis.
CAPS IN BOLD ITALICS - Shouting/screaming.
:Italics between colons: is for telepathic conversation.
"Italics in quotation marks" is for written messages; TV and radio transmissions, telephone conversations.
Chapter One: Two Lost Boys
Colony 8253 in the L3 Cluster, 3 March, AC 195
The L3 cluster was a cash-poor colony for the most part. Not quite as poor as much of the L2 grouping was, and the divide between the haves and have nots wasn't nearly as great, but it was far from being a wealthy one like the L1, L4 and L5 clusters were. And like the L2 cluster, what little there was in the way of law enforcement was rotten to the core.
The newest colony in the L3 cluster, X-18999, would remain one of the poorest. Though its construction was bankrolled by multi-billionaire and so-called pacifist Dekim Barton, it was built for a specific purpose: to be dropped onto the Earth. It was all part of an evil scheme the elderly man cooked up to get revenge for the death of colonial leader and pacifist Hiiro Yui nearly twenty years earlier.
Thanks to the United Earth Sphere Alliance, the Romefeller Foundation, and the Organization of the Zodiac, or OZ for short, Earth and Space had been at war with each other since before the day of Hiiro Yui's assassination in AC 175. If the elderly Barton was to be believed, twenty years of enmity and meaningless bloodshed between the Earth and the Colonies would end when X-18999 crashed planetside. The mobile suit that would follow the colony was being sent to slaughter anyone who resisted afterwards.
If there was one major flaw in Barton's plan, it was this: the people of the Earth wouldn't be the only ones to suffer and die, but all life on the Colonies would slowly and painfully end, too. While Earth died trapped in an endless nuclear winter, the surviving Colonies, all of whom still relied on the Earth for certain foodstuffs, medicine and other luxuries, would die out from slow starvation and disease.
From a strategic standpoint, the problems Operation Meteor would cause far outweighed any advantages Dekim claimed it would create. At least that's how the cinnamon-haired boy everyone called Nanashi felt about it.
Why would anyone claiming to be a friend and follower of Hiiro Yui want to destroy Earth and the Colonies? It doesn't make sense, the boy thought as he walked back to the factory where he worked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his faded jeans. He was returning from a rare lunch out to his job at a top secret factory, and managed to walk a couple of blocks more before he heard a commotion starting up.
"COME BACK HERE, YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE FREAK!!!" came the shrill shriek of a woman from the alley the nameless boy was passing, followed by the outraged bellow of a man and the pain-filled outcry of a child. To the teen, it sounded like the cry of a child who was being beaten.
Nanashi was right; there at the end of the alley stood a huge fat man with no neck and a fringe of dark hair, wearing what looked like a hastily thrown on wool coat over a pair of pajamas and a pair of slippers. With him was a blonde-haired woman with a long neck and a face like a horse, also in a heavy coat and slippers. Both stood bent over the cowering form of a small child, a boy, the man holding a belt in his hand.
At the woman's urging, the man hit the boy several times with the strip of leather and was about to strike him again, but the blow never landed. Instead, the man found his wrist caught in the painfully tight grip of a slender and fine-boned but strong hand. He bellowed as the young stranger's hand squeezed on his wrist joint until it creaked, dangerously close to breaking, and dropped the belt.
Sensing that his young life might be safer with a total stranger than his "family," the young boy ran up to the teen and hid behind him while the man groaned in pain, clutching his arm to his chest. The woman gave the older boy a hard stare, as though she recognized him from somewhere... or some when.
"You," the woman said to Nanashi with an almost crazed look on her face. "You look like Maggie's younger brat, Triton, did. A freak, that boy was... as bad as her eldest, Catherine. Freaks, the lot of you... "
Freaks? Nanashi thought, cocking his visible eyebrow upward. Okay, this lady has lost it, so I'd better think of something fast before they decide to take more of their frustrations out on the boy, or on me.
Suddenly, the man's lumbering form again lunged at the slender youth, hoping to overwhelm him, but the youth had the advantage of being taught how to defend himself since his earliest memory. It was simple enough for him to dodge the fat man's clumsy charge by sidestepping away from him, then grabbing the man's outstretched arm and drive an elbow into his shoulder socket, dislocating it. The woman was about to scream for a constable, but the seemingly silent boy spoke first.
"You're lucky I'm not armed, lady, or your husband would be a dead man right now. I don't much like people who get off on beating small children bloody. You're also lucky there's nothing resembling decent law enforcement on this colony, or you'd both be in jail for abusing this boy."
"We weren't abusing the lazy little freak!" the man exclaimed in response, then winced from the pain of his dislocated shoulder. "He deserves a beating for running away...!”
"Bullshite! Human or beast, no one deserves to be treated like that for any reason!" the young man snapped, the rage he felt towards the couple almost palpable. He calmed down after a moment, turned to the boy and asked "Do you want to leave them? If so, and if you want to, you can come with me."
The child nodded, and as the pair of adults gaped after them like landed fish, Nanashi scooped the little boy up and started to walk away from the couple. The woman angrily ranted at the man to go after them, but he just sat there and groaned in pain. Hearing his moans, the woman started dithering over her husband, the runaway child and his rescuer forgotten for the meantime.
After a few blocks, he set the child down, and then knelt so his eyes were level with the little boy's. The boy was at least five years old, maybe seven at the oldest, if Nanashi had to hazard a guess, and looked perfectly adorable with tousled ebony hair and big green eyes. The t-shirt, shorts and cross trainers he wore were dirty, torn, and many sizes too big for him, probably cast offs from a far older or a far fatter child.
Worse, the cheap frames of the glasses precariously perched on the end of his nose were more tape than plastic, and the lenses were so badly scratched it was a wonder the child could actually see out of them. Nanashi swore to himself that he'd buy the boy a new pair out of his next paycheck.
"Are you hurt, little bit? What's your name?" the nameless boy asked. The little boy shook his head, looked down at his feet and said "Freak" in a shame-filled whisper.
Hearing this, Nanashi snorted and added "That might be what they called you, but I doubt that's your name. So, what does everyone else call you?"
Nanashi ruffled the child's hair and noticed that, underneath the bangs, the child's eyes were the same shade of emerald green as his own. Lifting the boy's hair a little higher, he noticed a lightning bolt-shaped scar carved into the middle of his forehead and wondered if either the walrus or the giraffe might have given it to him.
"It's Harry, sir... Harry Potter," he finally answered after a long moment of silence, then asked "What's yours?"
"I don't have a name... not a proper one, anyway. Everyone just calls me Nanashi, not sir."
"Nanashi? What's that mean?"
"It's Japanese for "No-name." The man who raised me 'til I was nine called me that," the taller boy explained. "Maybe you can pick out a name for me, one only you can call me by."
"Well, what my aunt called you wasn't bad. How about that?" Harry asked.
Triton, Nanashi thought. It sounds familiar... and in spite of what the giraffe said, it's not stupid, either. At any rate, it sounds a lot better than Nanashi. Thanks a lot, Captain, for giving me a name that actually means "no name."
"Okay, Harry. For you, I'm Triton," the nameless boy said with a faint smile, then gave Harry a "meep" on the nose. In return, the little boy giggled and gave him a hug, then suddenly stiffened up in Nanashi's arms and murmured "Oh, no!"
"What's wrong?"
"My aunt and uncle ... they'll kill me for running away! And Aunt Petunia will blame me for Uncle Vernon getting hurt!" Harry said quietly, his little face a mask of fear.
"No they won't. That was all on me," Nanashi replied with a slight smile, offering Harry his hand. "As for those two, they can't get mad at us if they can't find us."
"Where are we going?" Harry asked as he took it, more curious than anything else.
"Someplace really brilliant. D'you like Mobile Suits?"
"Yeah! 'Specially Leos!"
"Then you're gonna love this place."
Within a few minutes time, Nanashi and Harry were inside a secret factory where the teen lived and worked, and the first thing the little boy saw was a tall, human-like figure made of some kind of metal. Nanashi scooped Harry back up and then walked them both closer to the mobile suit. Harry could feel something emanating from the suit; a warm, comforting presence that welcomed its mechanic back, and Nanashi felt it, too.
"Harry, this is Heavyarms," he said, patting the suit's leg fondly. "Heavyarms, this is Harry."
The suit the older boy called Heavyarms was as tall as a Leo, but that was where the resemblance ended. This mobile suit was mostly white with a vermilion "chest" trimmed in deep blue. Its head, which actually looked like a head, had green "eyes," wore a deep blue "helmet," and sported a crimson "beard" on its chin.
"It's brilliant, but it doesn't look much like a Leo," Harry replied. "What is it?"
"She's called a Gundam."
"Because her armor is made from Gundanium alloy."
"Oh," Harry said, and then asked curiously, "so why do you call it a she when it looks like a boy?"
"You know, that's a good question," Nanashi replied with a grin.
He didn't know what it was about this boy, but for some reason, the normally stoic teenager couldn't help but smile around him. It was as if some of the terrible loneliness he'd endured ever since he could remember had been lifted and it was all thanks to Harry.
The spell was broken when another technician shouted to the pair that Doktor S was looking for the teen, and he wasn't pissed off at anyone for a change. Still carrying Harry, Nanashi rushed over to his work area, set the little boy down, picked up a screwdriver and got back to work. He didn't want to be caught slacking.
A while later, a man with a shock of iron gray hair walked up to the pair of boys, and Harry couldn't help but stare at him. Attached to the man's face with elastic bands that went around his ears was a prosthetic nose made of metal. It even had tiny rivets holding the plates together.
He inspected the machine for several long minutes when he noticed the magnetic coating on the drive system, something that was not specified on the Gundam's original blueprint. The man known only as Doktor S knew ingenuity when he saw it, and this technician, though still just a boy, had it in spades.
Doktor S usually only approached one of the technicians if he thought one of them needed a reprimand, and Nanashi thought he was in for it. As he approached though, the scientist put on his friendliest face, noticing that the little boy was trying to hide behind the older one.
"Excuse me, young man," he said to Nanashi. "Were you the one who applied the magnetic coating to the drive system?"
Nanashi nodded in reply and Doktor S added "It's perfect; beautiful work. Where did you learn the technique?"
Almost blushing, Nanashi looked down at the catwalk in front of him, hmmmed and climbed the steps up to a computerized console at Heavyarms' head with Harry hot on his heels. As the two boys left, the scientist grinned slightly and quipped "Heh ... well, he certainly is an odd one. Anyone else would have bragged about it."
Nanashi got to the console and got back to work, this time working on the Gundam's programming. Harry watched, or tried to watch, as the older boy's fingers flew nimbly over the keyboard. Seeing Harry's interest in what he was doing, Nanashi pulled a metal crate over to the console, stood Harry up on it, and ran through some computer basics with him. He was starting to teach the little boy some simple hacking codes when a booze and cigarette-roughened voice bellowed out.
"Hey, No-name! How's my Heavyarms?" Trowa Barton, the only son of the man who had planned Operation Meteor and was financing Heavyarms' construction, hollered as he came into the Nanashi's area.
"Fine," the boy said tersely, not looking up from his work.
Barton was the last person the nameless teen wanted to see right now, mainly because the man had no concept of the term "boundaries." Barton was always grabbing at Nanashi, or draping his arms around the boy, and then there was the condescending way Barton called him "No-name" rather than Nanashi. It all made the teen feel dirty and incredibly uncomfortable.
Harry wisely hid himself behind the Gundam from the older, sandy haired man. Barton's loud, booming voice reminded him a little too much of his uncle, and Harry had learned early on that when Vernon Dursley sounded happy, he was going to get a beating and locked up in the cupboard under the stairs without any supper.
"Lemme show ya something I've never shown anyone else," Barton continued, whipping what looked to be a scrap of paper out of the breast pocket of his coveralls. It was an old photo of a blonde haired woman and a red-headed little girl. He pulled the youth into a tight embrace and added "This is a pic of my sister Leia and her little girl, Mariemaia. I thought she died with Leia on X-18999, but my dad hired a PI and they found her. After we take over the Earth, we're gonna make her our Queen."
While this went on, Nanashi swallowed hard and held his breath as Barton's hand ran to the nameless boy's chest. Rumor had it the man's tastes ran to raping teenaged boys and that made the youth nervous. After a few more moments, as Barton released him from his grasp, a dizzy Nanashi let it out a deep, shuddering sigh of relief. He hadn't even realized how long he'd been holding it in until that moment.
"Later, No-name," Barton said with a nasty grin, returning the photo to his pocket as he left. Unbeknownst to either boy, he had seen Harry when he came in, and filed the information away for later use. Trowa Barton wasn't averse to using blackmail as long as it got him what he wanted.
- - = = 000 = = - -
Four grueling hours later, Nanashi took Harry back to the small studio apartment the older boy kept inside the factory. They were both hungry and a bit tired, but that would soon be remedied. As they entered the room, the green-eyed youth sat Harry down on a comfortable looking chair and, as gently and patiently as possible, began to question him."Harry, you said those two were your aunt and uncle. Where are your parents?" the teen asked.
"Dead," Harry replied glumly. "My mum and dad died in a car accident when I was little. My uncle said that my dad was probably drunk and fighting with my mum when it happened. My aunt agreed with him and told me that's how I got this scar on my forehead."
That sounded like the type of lie an envious pair like those two might tell a child they felt saddled with the responsibility for. With the idea of hacking into the Alliance's database for a later background check, the cinnamon-haired youth decided to press on with his questions.
"What were their names? And what are your aunt and uncle's names?"
Harry eyed Nanashi suspiciously, but answered him with "My mum and dad's names were James and Lily Potter, and my aunt and uncle are Vernon and Petunia Dursley. Why do you ask?"
Nanashi decided to be honest with Harry. "So I can go online later and check out your uncle's story. It sounds like he and your aunt have been lying to you. Now, what about you? How did you get to be here, of all places?"
"I wasn't supposed to be here, but Mrs. Figg, she's the old lady my aunt and uncle dump me on when they decide to reward Dudley with a special trip, well, she got hurt and couldn't watch me. They don't trust me enough to leave me home alone, so they had to bring me along. They never let me out of the hotel room, though."
"Why not?"
"They told me that my freakishness was an embarrassment to them. I only wanted to go outside and see the colony before we left! I wasn't trying to run away, Triton, honest!"
With Harry starting to cry at that point, Nanashi was satisfied that his new little brother was being completely truthful. He held Harry until the sobs ceased, brushed away his tears, and did what his old captain once did for him; he gave Harry a show of trust by handing the child a twenty credit chit.
"There's a cafe on the level below us," the teen explained, closing the boy's hand around the token. "Now, what I want you to do is to take this over there and buy us some sandwiches, soup, potato crisps, and maybe some fresh fruit for our supper. If there's anything left on it when you're done, you can keep it."
"Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon would never let me go to the store, or trust me with money. They thought I'd take it and run away. So why are you trusting me with this?" Harry wondered, and Nanashi bet himself ten credits that he would get sick of hearing the words "Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon would never" before another week was gone.
Why did he trust Harry? Although he'd told others he was a soldier since he could remember, Nanashi also remembered the Alliance orphanage he'd run away from at the tender age of four. Much like the Dursleys, the governors who ran the place treated the children confined there terribly. Beatings for the least little slip up were commonplace and, more often than not, he and the other children went to their cots with empty bellies while the "Govs" lived high on the hog.
The first chance he got, he ran away, hoping to someday get to go to outer space.
The mercenaries who found him wandering into their camp fed him, clothed him, taught him to play the flute, taught him to be a soldier and taught him a trade beyond being a soldier. They also loved him like the son or little brother many of them had lost, and didn't even mind that he was a natural as a mobile suit pilot.
Looking at Harry again, he was beginning to understand how the mercs had felt about him. Another moment later, he ruffled the little boy's hair and said "Because I'm an orphan, too. I've been in similar straits as you were, so I know how you feel. Believe it or not, Harry, you've become like a little brother to me, and if I can't trust my little brother, who can I trust?"
"So orphans like us should stick together?" the child asked, sniffling.
"Yep, we should," the teen replied with a gentle smile.
With that, Harry began to cheer up. He then took the chit and left the small apartment, running happily in the direction of the commissary.
When Harry left, Nanashi stripped off his coveralls to reveal a light blue t-shirt and a pair of faded, worn out and comfortable denim jeans. Soon, the nameless teen booted up his laptop and, using the codes he'd begun teaching the little boy earlier, hacked into the Alliance's database. He found Harry's birth and school records easily enough, but there were no files listed with the British government about where he lived.
After finding nothing there, Nanashi then started his background check with the Dursleys, and found out some interesting things about the head of that household.
Vernon Dursley was the director of a company called Grunnings, which made drills, mining, refining and recycling equipment. Digging a little deeper, he found out that Dursley had business dealings not only with the Alliance and OZ, but with Winner Mining and Construction, a company run by a well-known family of pacifists from the L4 cluster who owned all or part of several resource satellites, and with Nanashi's own employer, the Barton Foundation.
In other words, Vernon was playing all sides against the middle, and didn't care whose side won the war as long as Grunnings made a hefty profit in time for its quarterly shareholders meeting.
From all appearances, Petunia Dursley, formerly Petunia Evans, was a typical housewife and mother of one child, a son named Dudley, but she had ways of ferreting out information on her neighbors that would make any Alliance or OZ spy envious. She also had two very dead sisters: Marguerite Evans-Bloom, who was killed early in AC 182, and Lily Potter, who died on Halloween night, AC 188. Petunia never once mentioned either of her sisters to anyone. Was it because of embarrassment or something else?
A bit more digging showed that the Dursleys didn't have actual legal custody of Harry; that privilege belonged to Harry's godfather, a gentleman named Sirius Black. Unfortunately, Black had been accused of the terrorist killings of thirteen people outside a London tube station and was probably in one of OZ's secret prisons, since his current whereabouts were unknown.
There was also the fact that several complaints had been filed by some of their former neighbors and a few of Harry's former teachers. The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service started an initial investigation, but oddly enough, no follow up was ever done on any of the complaints about Petunia and Vernon's mistreatment of Harry. The people who filed them either lost their jobs, were forced to move away, or both.
All he could find on the Dursleys son, Dudley, was that he was an abysmal student and the school's biggest bully. Harry was probably his favorite target, too, what with him being so small and scrawny. He couldn't find much on Vernon's sister, Marge Dursley, either, other than she was a breeder of English bulldogs, had no police record and had never been married, but it wouldn't have surprised Nanashi if she'd also abused Harry sometime in the past.
I'll need to teach Harry how to defend himself, Nanashi thought with a deep frown. If he's going to survive these times, he'll need to know how to fight off enemies, and there are a few other things I can teach him, too, like gymnastics, acrobatics, and how to throw knives and shoot. There's no way in Hell I'm going to allow him to be victimized any more than he's been...
Finished with the Dursleys for a while, Nanashi started digging into James, Lily, and Harry Potter's records. He found birth, medical and scholastic records on Lily, as well as a marriage license, passport, and a death certificate. However, it seemed as though Lily's recorded history ended shortly after her 11th birthday and didn't pick up again until her marriage to James Potter in AC 186.
On the other hand, James had literally no records on him at all. It was as if he hadn't existed from the day of his birth until the day he married Lily Evans. As for the supposed car accident, there was no reported traffic fatalities filed on October 31st of AC 188. In truth, the bodies of Lily and James Potter had been found in the remains of a cottage located in a village called Godric's Hollow. The really odd thing was that while the house was literally blown to smithereens, James and Lily's bodies had not one mark on them.
Frustrated with the results on the Potters, the teen turned his attention to the Blooms and was met with similar results. There were reams of information on Maggie Bloom up until her death in AC 182, but next to nothing on Nathan Bloom. Like Lily Potter, Nathan's recorded history ended shortly after his 11th birthday and didn't pick up again until he and Maggie married.
Except for his birth certificate, an ER report for the treatment of a third degree burn on his upper back, and a missing persons report, there was nothing on the Blooms' two-year-old son Triton, not even a death certificate. However, their daughter Catherine had been adopted at the age of four by their business partner, a man named Seamus Blackthorn, who still managed the circus they had jointly owned. Catherine had a knife throwing act and was the star of the one ring show.
The doorbell chimed suddenly, interrupting Nanashi's train of thought. Thinking it might be Harry, he put his laptop on hibernate, pushed himself away from the small table, and went to answer it.
"Back already? That was pretty fast...," the teen said with a slight smile as the door slid open. A moment later, his smile faded into a frown when he saw who was on the other side. The man standing in the hallway was none other than Trowa Barton.
"What do you want?" the teen snarled.
"Now, now, No-name, is that any way to greet the guy who makes sure his father signs your tiny paychecks?" Barton asked Nanashi with an evil grin as he forced his way into the boy's quarters. "I just want to know who the kid is and where he came from."
"Why? So you can do to him what you've been trying to do to me? Isn't he a little young for you?"
"He is, but you aren't. We both know the kid is no relation of yours, No-name, and if you don't want me to send him back to wherever you found him, you'll let me..."
"Like Hell I will. You stay away from him, and you stay away from me, or I'll kill..."
Nanashi green eyes widened as he felt something slam into his solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him, then looked down to see Barton's fist about two inches from it.
As the youth clutched his abdomen, Barton struck him again, this time across the cheek, sending him spinning to land face down on the floor. What seemed a split second later, Barton was on top of him, pinning his wrists behind his back with one hand while he unfastened and took off the teen's belt with the other.
"NO! GET OFF OF ME! GET OFF!" Nanashi yelled breathlessly, struggling against the mass of the man's heavier form as Barton bound his hands, cutting off the circulation to them.
Nanashi ceased his struggles when he heard the whisper of a steel blade coming out of a leather sheath and felt the cold metal of the knife as it was pressed against the small of his back. Barton almost seemed to go mad at that point. He used the knife to completely strip the clothes off of Nanashi's body; first cutting off the thin t-shirt, then the faded jeans. Barton tossed the ruined garments across the room as he cut them away, leaving the boy naked but for a pair of light blue boxer briefs.
A moment later, Nanashi felt the tip of Barton's knife nick his skin as it slipped under the waistband of his briefs, followed by the sound of fabric tearing. The green-eyed youth knew what was about to happen... how could he not?... because the captain had drilled it into his head that the enemy wouldn't think twice about raping a child, male or female.
Much to his shame, Nanashi started to tremble uncontrollably. For the first time since his fellow mercs were betrayed to OZ and the Alliance, he was terrified, and that brought some of his fight back. He began to buck, squirm and kick, trying to get Barton's weight off of him. As a response, Barton grabbed the youth by his hair and slammed his head onto the floor, nearly knocking him unconscious.
The next sound the stunned Nanashi heard was that of a zipper being undone, then felt a pair of large, rough hands pulling his buttocks apart, exposing his anus.
"No, please," the youth begged weakly as his head began to swim, silently cursing himself for his weakness.
The older man then began to rape Nanashi, brutally entering the teen from behind, forcing his thick, hard cock into Nanashi's virgin passage and making him bleed heavily.
As Barton entered him, Nanashi bit back a scream of pain at this violation. He felt as though he were being torn in half, but his cries only seemed to goad Barton to pump into him harder, the man both laughing and grunting with each thrust. Within another five minutes, it was all over. Barton pulled out of the boy with a nearly audible pop, then stroked himself until he came, shooting his load onto the youth's buttocks as if he were marking the boy's body as his territory.
"Pity I can't take my time with you right now, No-name," Barton's voice hissed in Nanashi's ear as he rubbed the nameless teen's ass, "but I can't hang around. Your little buddy's gonna be back soon, and I can't be found here. And you'd better keep your mouth shut. Wouldn't do to have the doc find out about this now, would it?"
With that, Barton rose, zipped up his pants, and then exited Nanashi's quarters, leaving the boy's body lying on the floor, broken, bleeding and catatonic from shock.
- - = = 000 = = - -
As he carried their supper of turkey sandwiches and potato crisps with cups of hot tomato soup and fresh fruit, Harry opened the door to his and Triton's quarters and was met by a sight no child should see.There was blood pooled on the floor, and his new big brother was lying face down in the middle of it, bruised and beaten unconscious. His jeans and t-shirt had been neatly sliced off of his body and discarded across the room. His boxer briefs were cut up the back and stained with crimson, and his slender wrists were bound tightly behind his back with his own belt, the leather also stained with blood from cruelly cutting into his flesh.
In a panic, Harry dropped the bag holding their dinner, ran out and started to yell for help. It didn't take long for someone to arrive.
- - = = 000 = = - -
Author's Notes: I apologize for how long it's taken to get this chapter finished. First, my old Compaq laptop died on me in September and it's been Hell and a half trying to get any sort of a replacement.Second, I'd had this chapter almost completed last month, but something happened and I'd lost over half of it (good thing I had a backup of the file in another location).
Third, no matter if it's same or opposite sex or how detailed it is (or isn't), a rape scene is not an easy thing to write, especially if you love the character.
I also apologize for how long this chapter got to be.
I forgot to explain it in the last chapter, but other than being the French form of Margaret, a marguerite is a variety of Cape daisy, hence in keeping with the flower names of the Evans sisters. The neat thing about Cape daisies are that the centers, where the seeds eventually appear, also bloom with tiny blossoms.
When I finally get to the part where Harry goes to Hogwarts, I'm thinking of having Mariemaia go with him. Not sure which House I'll put her in if I do, but she and Harry will wind up being friends in this.
As for the real Trowa Barton, I've always thought an adult man draping himself over an obviously uncomfortable teenaged boy was more than a little creepy, and that there had to be something hinky going on.
Next Chapter: Fudge blows his top over Harry's "abduction," Nanashi is treated for his injuries, he and Harry start displaying "Newtype abilities," and Trowa Barton gets what's coming to him.