Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Forces of Nature ❯ Forces of Nature ( One-Shot )

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Yea here's the normal disclaimer: I do not own *wish I did* Gundam Wing, only borrowing characters and using them. Everything else is mine so please do not steal.

I would be honored if you wanted to post this story somewhere on the net but please tell me first. Please read and review. All comments and feedback are accepted. Flames are also welcome. Now on with the story.

Forces of Nature

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"Loves me, loves me not, loves me, loves me not."

Heero watched as the braided baka that he secretly admired and had grew to love so much pick the petals off the flower.

"What is he doing?" he asked out loud.

"Finding out if a certain someone loves him or not." Replied Quatre as he walked past."

`I wonder if that really works.' Mused Heero. Deciding that it wouldn't hurt to give it a try he picked a daisy and sat down next to Duo.

"Teach me how to do that."

Duo stopped chanting and stared at the perfect soldier in astonishment.

"Y…y…YOU want to…you're in love with someone?!!" Duo couldn't believe it. The man he loved so much was also in love.

"Are you going to teach me or not?"

"I'll teach you but when you get a result you have to tell me who your love is."

"Just show me how it's done." Heero said coldly. He didn't want to let any of his true emotions leak out.

"Well it's pretty simple." Duo threw away his half picked flower and grabbed two fresh ones. "Here use this one. The results are less predictable if you use a flower with more petals."

Heero nodded and reached out to take the flower. He was stunned with surprise when he felt a spark of electricity shoot up his arm, starting from where his fingers had brushed Duo's hand.

"And now you just select a petal and pluck it out saying loves me, you repeat the process but this time you say loves me not." It seemed that Duo hadn't felt the shock or was choosing to ignore it. "Got that?"

"Yeah I think I got it." Heero paused. "Duo, who are you in love with?" he asked curiously.

"I'll tell you once I get an answer. Now lets start picking those petals!"

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"Loves me, loves me not, loves me, loves me not"

`Who is making all that noise' thought Wufei. He roamed thought the large garden and finally found Duo and Heero by the flower bed plucking PETALS?! Duo plucking petals off a flower…yea he's crazy so he might do something like that but HEERO YUY PLUCKING PETALS OFF A FLOWER?! What was the world coming to?

"Loves me, loves me not, loves me, loves me not, loves me."

Duo smiled at Heero. "Looks like we've got our answers."

Heero stared incredously at his petal less flower. `He loves me. Duo loves me.'

"So who's the lucky lover?"

"Duo Maxwell."

"What?!" spluttered Duo. "But that's me!"

"Yes." Heero whispered. "Duo Maxwell. I love you."

Princess Priscilla: I know I know it's a bit sappy

Heero: <glares>

Princess Priscilla: Ok! Very sappy but the idea just came and I just had to write it down.

Duo: I don't mind Heero said he loves me. (in a sing song voice) He loves me he loves me. Heero Yuy loves me!

Princess Priscilla: Please review and if you have any ideas please email me and I'll try to write something.

Wufei: Onna! We are not mere playthings. You cannot force me us to do anything.

Duo: Uh Wufei…she is the author.

Princess Priscilla: Maybe I should put Wufei into a special something…..more fics later.