Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Forgiveness ❯ Painful Memories ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Forgiveness ~Painful Memories~
Pairings: 1x5 (eventually), 3x2 and implied 3+4
Warnings: Angst, Violence, assumptions of Death and tons of sap later on.
Summary: Wufei is acting rather strange but no one knows why...
Disclaimer: If I owned GW I wouldn't be writing fanfics now would I? I didn't think so, so you better not sue.
AN: Wow! A make-over of my oldest fics! Woohoo!

It's been two months since the five young Gundam pilots had teamed up.
Two moths since they became more like a family.
And only a month since one of them had acknowledged the feelings he had had for another, for quite a long time now.

At first, he hadn't been sure if it was real, of what he was feeling. He had felt so strange and rather confused with himself.
When he had failed to ever meet or even see the other pilot again, he had decided to ignore those strange sensations.
However, a few weeks later, when he had found himself in the same prison cell as *him*, those feelings came once again, and twice as strong. It was, pretty much impossible to just ignore them like that.
Of one thing he was certain though. He was scared, very much so.
He didn't know what to do, and he felt a great surge of despair and loneliness coursing through his very veins.
Even after they had separated after a really short time, the other boy occupied his thoughts; if not always, most of the time.
After that rather short experience he found himself missing him deeply. This had never happened to him before. True he missed his people very much, but not as much as he missed *him*.

Now that they had become a team, he saw him more often, and the feelings inside him were becoming stronger and deeper every day passing.
This had started to affect his performance as a pilot greatly, and the other three boys had noticed this, and now were becoming seriously worried about him.
The one that he felt so much for, though didn't really seem to care, and that fact had cut through his heart deeply like a knife.

As days passed, after they united, the boy finally let himself admit that he really and truly cared for him more than anything else, but that fear of rejection resided firmly in his heart and soul.
On one side, he wanted nothing more than to run up to him and shout out his feelings for him to the entire universe, but on the other, he was so scared of being hurt.
He had been through so much pain in his young life that he realized he couldn't handle it anymore. It was too much for him.


He had wedded at such a young age, when he hadn't felt ready.
He never felt worthy of becoming the leader of his colony, but at his age, he was in no position to protest.
It was too bad that in the end he had fallen in love with her. Her strength and courage were things he admired so much about her, but she had made his hatred towards him more than clear, and he had felt crushed.
When she had died in his arms about a year later, he understood how much he had truly loved and admired her.

She too had revealed, at least to herself, that she too had cared about him.
*She* had believed that those kinds of emotions were a weakness, an obstacle to be the strongest of the clan. But she knew, oh she knew that she'd rather die than see him get hurt, much less killed.
She had given her own life to save his own, to save the field of flowers he had loved so much.

That final day of her life, she had realized what true beauty was and had appreciated it.
As her last breaths had passed through her lips, she had felt great comfort of having her husband's arms around her.
As her life faded away, she had told him of how strong he had always been.
Just as she was about to die, the young girl had desperately wanted to say how much she had always loved him, but she had no strength left to speak. So she simply had done the next best thing.
She had rested her head on his shoulder, and just smiled.
Her first and truest smile.

That day, was one of the most painful days of the boy's life. He had shed his first tears for his lost love.
He was left to wonder if she at least felt something other than hatred for him.

As she had not only saved and protected his precious field, but also his very life, he felt that it was right that his wife's soul would be carried on to his Gundam, and from then on, he always referred to it as Nataku.


But as absurd as it'd have sounded, that was only the beginning of the very young boy's suffering.
Only a while after he had returned to his colony after being away from his people for so long, he had lost them all.
He had gone to fight to protect his home and people, but the next thing he knew, they had self-destructed.
He had always known that they'd have rather died, than be a part of a great massacre, and in addition they had given him a chance to live.
However, that had only left him lost and empty, and it'd had hurt more than he'd ever imagined.


Now, now he was with *them*, and he knew that he cared for each and every one of them. They had become the closest thing he had to a family to him, since he had lost everything he ever held dear to him.

The boy wondered, wondered if it was right to tell him, or if he should say nothing, and keep what little friendship he had between them...


I know, weird for a prologue -_- I'm not sure if I should continue this darn thing. You be the judge of that and tell me if it was worthy anything *V*