Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Forgotten Revenge ❯ Awakenings ( Chapter 2 )
Okies, I forgot the disclaimer on the first chapter. But hey, I never remember anything. Please review. I'm desperate for feedback, here, people. Anywho, heres the disclaimer: I don't own the characters. They belong to Sunrise, etc.. Yada, yada. Don't sue, I'm broke. Gods, I hate those things. Ohs, well. By the way, this is the last disclaimer I will ever write into this fic. I've written it once, must I repeat myself here?
Lucrezia slowly opened her eyes, flinching away from the artificially bright lights. She could still hear the dull beeping noises that had awoken her, meaning they were real, not part of her odd dreams. Dreams of a house she felt at home in, people she felt she knew and a man who loved her whole-heartedly. She closed her eyes, hoping she would be able to sleep again and regain the dream that had felt so real, so right. When sleep eluded her, Lucrezia sat up and began to look around. It was then that she realized she was in a hospital and remembered the car barreling right into her.
Looking around the room, she noticed she was the patient in the room. She was not the occupant, however. A man in his late 20's slept slumped over in a chair. Platinum blonde hair fell over his shoulders and long bangs partially hid his eyes. Even though he was slumped over in slumber, Lucrezia could tell he was tall, thin, and muscular. As she stared at him in curiosity, he began to stir and mumble in his sleep. All she could tell was that he had mentioned someone named Luc. After several moments, Lucrezia realized with a start that he was talking about her. Suddenly everything felt too confusing and sleep began to overcome her.
The next time Lucrezia awoke, it was to see the man she had noticed earlier awake and watching from a chair next to her bed. His eyes were a startling pale blue and Lucrezia realized with a start that he was the man she had the picture of in her suitcase.
His eyes widened when the man noticed Lucrezia had woken up. "Oh my gods, you're awake..." He trailed off upon realize that the expression in Lucrezias eyes was not one of recognition, but one of confusion. "Luc, honey, what's wrong?"
"Who are you?"
At Lucrezias simple question, his expression became one of confusion as well.
"You don't remember me?" Lucrezia shook her head. "What do you remember?"
"Nothing before waking up in a hotel room several days ago." At the mans prompting, Lucrezia told him the whole story. She somehow instinctively felt she could trust this man. She ended her story by asking the man who he was.
His beautiful blue eyes shone from within and he intertwined the fingers of her left hand with the fingers of his own left hand. He turned both of their hands over, and the light was reflected off of the silver rings their ring fingers bore. His was a plain silver colored band, the brushed platinum beaten into no clear design. The ring her hand bore was brilliant platinum, with a marquise cut blue diamond in the center. Two tendrils of metal snaked across the stone. On either side of the stone, the metal was cut out and three small white diamonds had been set into the space.
Lucrezias startled gaze flew from the rings to his face. He had a small smile on his lips and a look of total love in his eyes.
"My name is Zechs Marquise Peacecraft. And I'm your husband."
ND: tehe. Yes, I like randomly ending the chapter at places where people attempt to murder me for my crimes. As my beta readers done several times to me. Anywho, here's the second chappie. Wasn't sure if I should post it, as I had no reviews. Want more? PLEASE- for the sake of all that is good in this world- REVIEW!!! Yes, that was blatant, yes, that was shameless. So sue me. Wait, no I'm broke!!!! Don't sue!!
Jess-one: *pops in to plop on the couch* Hiyas!
ND: *pokes Jess-one* What do you want, oh evil non-beta-ish one?
Jess-one: So I forgot to beta, like, ¾ of the fic for you. What's your point?
ND: *whaps Jess-one* Narg. Anywho- Till next chappie!!!!!! Muhwahahahahhahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!