Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Fragile Friendships 1/1 ❯ Fragile Friendships ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer I don't own anything that Sunrise or Bandai do. But they can share if they like ^_~


Pairing: 1+2


Warnings: Angst. AU


Author: Ryouga


Summary:Duo realises that his friend doesn't want him around any more and refuses to speak to him because of his thooughtlessness, when it comes to minding his own business.




Fragile Friendships 1/1



Everything was wonderful at first, but then things started to change. I needed you more than you needed me and unfortunately, I believe I have worn out my welcome here.


The past twelve months or so, Heero. I have been very much afraid of you. I have been living an existance of fear, wondering if I so much as speak a single word to you, that I will regret it the moment I do and I feel that I can't even talk to you any more, I don't know where I stand, and sometimes I'm afraid to breathe around you.


You seemed to have forgotten that I am Human, that I too make stupid mistakes, but most of all my feelings. Yes, Heero I have feelings too and of late they have been battered and bruised by your cold and sometimes cruel words and attitude towards me. The coolness I feel as you walk past me runs through my veins and makes me cringe and I am emotionally exhausted and drained by the constant snapping that I must endure whenever I open my mouth.


I'm not perfect. I've never proffessed to be, I have flaws on top of flaws; but I also have a heart that beats; and it's hurting like hell right now, hurting more than you could imagine.


You don't seem to care anymore and it shows in almost everything you say and do these days and I feel like the only reason I am here is because it's convenient for you. But it's always been that way, Heero. It's always been what Heero wants when Heero wants, end of story and I've tried to give you that as much as humanly possible, but I feel not even that has been good enough of late.


Do you hate me that much, that you can't even say it.


Even though you might think it, I've never wanted sympathy, All I have ever wanted is a friend who could understand me, a friend to share important things with, who I could talk freely too about my worries and concerns and I thought I had truly found that friend in you.


But I can't take the hurt any more, the emotional turmoil you put me through aftere we have falling out. I'm not denying that I haven't asked you about something that I shouldn't have, or said or done stupid things in the past, present and I probably will in the future too. It's not that I mean too, it's just that I tend not to think before opening my mouth of the consequences that follow.


You were the one who told me 'don't worry about the past forget it and get on with it, it's over and done with, but yesterday you brought the past up and tore up my heart like an out of date newspaper and it crumbled to the floor in tiny fragment


I can't help the way I am; I thought you understood that. You said you did, but do you really?


Do you really understand anything about me at all.


I don't know any more I can't tell between realty and fantasy right now, but I'm beginning to think that our friendhsip might be a thing of the past. You've never held a grudge for this long. So I guess it's over, if that's the way you want it.


Even so I will always care about you as a friend and keep the good times within my heart. I will always be there if you need me even if you're no longer there for me.


I said I was sorry about everything. I don't know what else I can do or say soI think for both our sakes and so that you don't hate me any more than you already do, I'll try and be out of here by the end of the week. Then it will be as you wish.


I'll be out of your life...


But you'll always be in my heart