Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Games, Gifts and Interruptions ❯ The Plan ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Gifts, Games and Interruptions
Chapter Six-The new plan
Duo unlocked the door to the house and stepped inside. Duo kicked off his shoes and sighed, Heero's shoes were no where in sight. "Heero?" No answer which indicated that Heero still wasn't home. Damnit! It had been three days since the incident in the hospital room and Duo had yet to see Heero once.
Duo saw a flashing light on the answering machine and pressed the "play" button, hoping it was Heero telling them where he was.
"Hey Duo, it's Neko." A hesitant feminine voice sprung out of the machine like a frightened mouse. "Listen, you'd got to talk to Heero, he's-"
Duo turned off the message and sighed. "Like I didn't know that already." Duo glanced at the clock. It was five o'clock in the evening. Wufei would be home anytime now and they'd both go around the house treating the other like a diesease. Not wanting to get too close just in case something happened. Damn kiss ruined everything with both of his friends.
The front door opened and Duo went to the refrigerator, not bothering to call out a greeting to who he assumed was Wufei. Duo grabbed the milk container out of the fridge and closed the door, only to almost drop it out of surprise.
Heero stood in the kitchen doorway. He was covered in dirt from head to toe and was pulling off a pair of gloves.
"Heero?" Duo asked, wondering if this was just a figment of his imagination.
"Duo." Heero stated in acknowledgement. There he looked down nervously. "Uh, I was out with the dogs."
"Cool." Dou wondered why he wasn't asking all of the questions that were on his mind. Like where had Heero been? Was he mad? Was he upset? Did he hate Duo? Did he hate Wufei? Was the reason he mad because he really liked Wufei? But he just couldn't ask any of these question and he just keep stupidly staring at Heero.
"I'm going to go take a shower." Heero said and then headed upstairs.
Duo watched him leave and then felt a pang in his heart. Before Duo knew what he was doing, he had ran after Heero, tackled him and was hugging him. "I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me. I didn't mean to do anything. I'm so sorry." Duo felt tears running down his face and he wiped them away hurriedly.
Heero hesitantly put his arms around Duo and then squeezed him comfortingly. "I don't hate you." Heero sighed and then stroked Duo's back. "I was just upset and I needed time to think. Time to work things out. I'm back now. Okay?" The front door opened and Heero pushed Duo away harshly and stood up. "Wufei's home." With that Heero ran upstairs and slammed the bathroom door.
"Duo?" Wufei asked as he saw Duo sitting on the floor and stared at the bathroom in disbelief. "What's wrong?"
"Heero's home." Duo told Wufei and then looked up. "He said he doesn't hate me but he pushed me away." Duo sniffled. "He never pushes me away. Not anymore."
"Oh." Wufei said, not knowing what else to say. "I'm sure he didn't mean to make you feel bad."
Duo got up and shook his head, wiping away the tears. "Yeah, you're probably right." Duo climbed the stairs and then headed for his room and then was grabbed by the braid and pulled into a strong chest. "Wufei?"
"Hn." Heero was behind him and Heero pulled him into his own room. "Chang! In here now!"
Duo jumped at that voice and then became confused. Heero never pushed Duo away anymore, not since they moved in together and Heero realized that Duo needed comforting once in a while. But more importantly, Heero hadn't called Wufei "Chang" since before they decided to move in together. What did that mean?
Duo looked at Wufei's face and saw the hurt in his eyes and realized that Wufei was aware of that same fact.
"Heero I think that-" Duo started but Heero interrupted him.
"Listen guys." Heero said, daring them to do anything else. "I've been thinking a lot lately. You know it's about time we just admit that there was a need for a relationship in this house. I admit that I did like Wufei but-"
"Did?" Wufei asked.
"Yes, did." Heero said simply and Duo looked up, trying to search Heero's eyes but found that damn solider's face locked up again. Something was wrong here, but what was it? "You and Duo however, are better for each other. You already know how to work together, to make accomdations for the other. I'm wouldn't be good at that which is hy, I think that you two should just be together." Heero glared at Duo as he opened his mouth to protest. "Judging by the hospital incident, I don't think you two will have that much of a problem with it." Wufei and Duo both blushed at that. "So I'm going to go and stay with Neko for a week while the two of you work things out." With that Heero got up and then nodded to the both of them. "Now, I really am going to go and take that shower."
When Heero was gone, Duo turned to Wufei. "We need to work things out? Heero needs to get his head on straight!"
"He's hurt." Wufei said simply. "Before we went on that mission, I asked him what we were. I bet he spent some time trying to figure out how to tell me what he thought we were or at least what he wanted us to be. Then he saw us kiss-"
"And he thought that you had already given up on him." Duo cursed under his breath and then looked up. "Well Wufei, I won't deny I like you but I'll get over it. Heero, Heero-"
"Heero won't." Wufei finished. "Yeah, I know."
"Well then, what do we do?"
"Nothing." Wufei said. "Absolutely nothing. We'll just think of something to explain why we're not together and then Heero will be okay with it. Then I'll work on Heero."
Duo nodded, it sounded logically. "Hey Wufei?"
"Sorry about the kisses."
"I didn't complain."
"I know but still-"
"Don't worry about them. It's all in the past."
"All in the past." Duo repeated and then looked out the window.
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Heero walked into the house again exactly one week later. He looked around and was surprised to see that there were no messes in the kitchen and that Heero couldn't hear a single word of arguement from the two he had left here. Maybe they really had gotten together.
He sighed at that and then kicked himself mentally. He had told them to get together because he knew that it would be better for all of them. Besides, if Heero had gone with Wufei, they probably would have broken up in a month or two and then the house would be full of awkward moments and Heero didn't want that.
So it was worth letting Wufei go.
Heero went to the living room and wasn't surprised to find Duo there watching some movie or another. But was taken aback by the fact that Wufei was sitting in his chair, watching the movie with Duo and even laughing at some part.
Heero wondered if he should turn and leave the two of them to their movie or if he should say something. Heero decided that he should just leave them alone when Duo looked up and spotted Heero in the doorway.
"Heya Heero." Duo flashed Heero a huge smile and jumped up. "Welcome back." Duo gave Heero a big hug. "Where were you? I went to the store a couple of times and you were never there. We missed you, buddy."
Heero nodded. "I started training your dogs this weeks."
Duo grinned. "Really? That's cool! Did you pick a really big dog for me? Something you've trained to tackle me?"
Heero's mouth turned up at the corners and he shook his head. "Nah, I got you a poodle."
Duo's eyes widened considerably. "You'd better be kidding me." Duo sighed in relief when he realized that Heero was. "Sheesh Heero, what are you trying to do to me?" Duo looked back at the movie and then took Heero by the hand to pull him to the couch. "Heero, you can watch the movie with us." Duo picked up the empty bowl which Heero was sure used to be filled with popcorn. "I'm going to go and get us somemore popcorn." With that Duo skipped out of the room.
"We're not together." Wufei stated when Duo was gone. "We decided not to be. It didn't work the way you thought it would. We fought almost all the time over the stupidest things. It's not even that bad when we're just friends. So we decided to call it off." Wufei shook his head. "It wasn't pleasant."
"Hn." Heero replied but looked over at Wufei with a relieved look in his eyes.
"We shall talk after the movie." Wufei told Heero and then returned to watching the movie. Heero nodded, though Wufei wasn't watching him anymore and settled into the couch. Duo came back in a minute, plopped the popcorn down on the table and then found a comfortable position.
Which, unfortunately, was being draped all over Heero.
Heero looked down and sighed. Duo was leaning against him, his arm on Heero's knee and his other arm lay forgotten. Heero put his own arm around Duo and continued to watch the movie, used to this sort of thing.
And surprisingly missed it, Heero thought to himself. Heero blinked, not believing that he thought that. Then Heero nodded. He was used to Duo being like this and it was comforting in a strange way to know that Duo would sit like this, on him.
"Hey Wufei?" Duo said suddenly.
"Wanna join us?" Duo asked innocently in a way that both Heero and Wufei knew that he wasn't.
Wufei got up, much to Heero's surprise, and walked around to the other side of Heero and then sat, very tensely, next to him. Heero blinked and shook his head.
Duo began to trace patterns on Heero's leg and Heero realized he was spelling something.
P-U-T Y-O-U-R A-R-M A-R-O-U-N-D H-I-M Duo commanded on Heero's knee and Heero sighed. He didn't want to because he didn't know if Wufei wanted him to. What if it made things worse.
N-O-W H-E-E-R-O! Duo jabbed Heero in the knee and Heero moaned. Wufei looked at him curiously and Heero sighed.
"Uh Wufei?" Heero asked. Wufei just stared at Heero. "Is this okay?" Heero put his arm around Wufei and Wufei's eyes widened slightly but then he relaxed and nodded. Heero smiled and left his arm there.
About fifteen minutes later, Heero found Wufei shifting just a little bit closer to Heero and Heero accomodated quickly, not wanting to scare Wufei off. He was getting his chance!
W-A-N-T M-E T-O D-I-S-A-P-P-E-A-R F-O-R A S-E-C-? Duo asked in their weird knee communication thing and Heero brought his hand down Duo's back, causing Duo to shiver slightly at the sensation.
N-O Heero put in long fluid strokes on Duo's back. Duo nodded and continued to watch the movies, tapping randomly on Heero's knee again. Heero smiled contently, which Wufei caught and looked at Heero quizzically.
Heero raised his eyebrows in a way that, somehow, told Wufei that they would talk about it later and they all settled down to watch the movie.
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Wufei stretched as the movie ended and Duo did the same, finally crawling off of Heero. Heero got up and motioned to the door and then, without waiting for Wufei to acknowledge it, was gone.
"Uh oh, he's leaving again." Duo grumbled.
Wufei shook his head. "Nah, we're going to go and talk outside." Wufei grasped Duo's shoulder. "Are you sure you're okay with this. Because if you're not, neither me nor Heero will go any farther and we'll go back to just having friendships."
"No." Duo shook his head. "I don't want that. Besides, I'll be fine. I can't find someone else. Don't worry about it."
Wufei nodded and then started to go outside. "Thanks Duo."
"Your welcome Wuffie."
Wufei decided to let that slide, just this once and continued on his way out. He saw Heero sitting on the porch steps and went to sit next to him. "Heero."
"Wufei." Heero replied and then looked down at the ground. "I was thinking about what you said while you were gone." Heero said gently. "That's what I was going to say in the hospital room before-"
Wufei nodded. "I know."
Heero turned to look Wufei straight in the eye. "I don't know what we are. I want to be more than your friend but I don't know what that means. I don't know how to deal with all of this. So you're going to have to help me out."
Wufei nodded. "That's what I'd be for. You can't carry the burden on your own."
"Good." Heero smiled. "So what's first?"
Wufei shrugged and then leaned over and put his head on Heero's shoulder and closed his eyes. "First, we find a girlfriend for Duo."
Heero laughed. "First we find a girlfriend for Duo?"
"Yes, he gave up the chance you gave him. It's only fair we help him out."
Heero shook his head. "I don't think Duo's going to need much help in that area. Every girl I know worships him."
"He needs a girlfriend, not a slut."
"Hn." Heero was silent for a second. "I have an idea."
"Oh? What?"
"You'll have to wait and see."
"That's not fair."
"Why not?" Heero asked. "If I tell you now, then it won't be a surprise for either of you."
"A surprise for me and Duo."
Heero pulled away from Wufei and smiled. "Yes. Go get ready to go somewhere nice and tell Duo to do the same. I'm going to go and make a phone call."
Wufei watched Heero walk away and blinked. What had just happened? Wufei shrugged. Well this was probably partly his fault. Wufei got up and went to his room. Getting changed would probably be the best thing right now.
Wufei saw Duo in the kitchen and motioned him over. "What?" Duo asked. "Where's Heero? I thought you'd still be out there."
"Nah." Wufei shrugged. "Heero's taking us somewhere nice. You included." Wufei smiled. "So he wants us to get changed."
Duo blinked. "Me?"
"Alrighty then. Lets go." Duo grabbed Wufei and pulled him upstairs.
"What are you doing?"
"You want to look nice for your boyfriend, don't you?"
Wufei blinked and realized that yes, that was what he wanted.
"Don't worry, no makeup for Wuffie."
"That's what I said, Wufei." Duo grinned. "Come on before we end up keeping him waiting."
Wufei didn't want to know anymore now than before what he was getting himself into. Wufei looked as Duo enthusiastically pulled him to his room. No, he didn't want to know at all..
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{A/N: HA! It's another chapter *dances around happily* So what do you think? I don't know if I'm going to keep Wufei and Heero together or if it's going to shift...*thinks* eh, whatever, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it...
Thanks to everyone who reviewed }
Chapter Six-The new plan
Duo unlocked the door to the house and stepped inside. Duo kicked off his shoes and sighed, Heero's shoes were no where in sight. "Heero?" No answer which indicated that Heero still wasn't home. Damnit! It had been three days since the incident in the hospital room and Duo had yet to see Heero once.
Duo saw a flashing light on the answering machine and pressed the "play" button, hoping it was Heero telling them where he was.
"Hey Duo, it's Neko." A hesitant feminine voice sprung out of the machine like a frightened mouse. "Listen, you'd got to talk to Heero, he's-"
Duo turned off the message and sighed. "Like I didn't know that already." Duo glanced at the clock. It was five o'clock in the evening. Wufei would be home anytime now and they'd both go around the house treating the other like a diesease. Not wanting to get too close just in case something happened. Damn kiss ruined everything with both of his friends.
The front door opened and Duo went to the refrigerator, not bothering to call out a greeting to who he assumed was Wufei. Duo grabbed the milk container out of the fridge and closed the door, only to almost drop it out of surprise.
Heero stood in the kitchen doorway. He was covered in dirt from head to toe and was pulling off a pair of gloves.
"Heero?" Duo asked, wondering if this was just a figment of his imagination.
"Duo." Heero stated in acknowledgement. There he looked down nervously. "Uh, I was out with the dogs."
"Cool." Dou wondered why he wasn't asking all of the questions that were on his mind. Like where had Heero been? Was he mad? Was he upset? Did he hate Duo? Did he hate Wufei? Was the reason he mad because he really liked Wufei? But he just couldn't ask any of these question and he just keep stupidly staring at Heero.
"I'm going to go take a shower." Heero said and then headed upstairs.
Duo watched him leave and then felt a pang in his heart. Before Duo knew what he was doing, he had ran after Heero, tackled him and was hugging him. "I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me. I didn't mean to do anything. I'm so sorry." Duo felt tears running down his face and he wiped them away hurriedly.
Heero hesitantly put his arms around Duo and then squeezed him comfortingly. "I don't hate you." Heero sighed and then stroked Duo's back. "I was just upset and I needed time to think. Time to work things out. I'm back now. Okay?" The front door opened and Heero pushed Duo away harshly and stood up. "Wufei's home." With that Heero ran upstairs and slammed the bathroom door.
"Duo?" Wufei asked as he saw Duo sitting on the floor and stared at the bathroom in disbelief. "What's wrong?"
"Heero's home." Duo told Wufei and then looked up. "He said he doesn't hate me but he pushed me away." Duo sniffled. "He never pushes me away. Not anymore."
"Oh." Wufei said, not knowing what else to say. "I'm sure he didn't mean to make you feel bad."
Duo got up and shook his head, wiping away the tears. "Yeah, you're probably right." Duo climbed the stairs and then headed for his room and then was grabbed by the braid and pulled into a strong chest. "Wufei?"
"Hn." Heero was behind him and Heero pulled him into his own room. "Chang! In here now!"
Duo jumped at that voice and then became confused. Heero never pushed Duo away anymore, not since they moved in together and Heero realized that Duo needed comforting once in a while. But more importantly, Heero hadn't called Wufei "Chang" since before they decided to move in together. What did that mean?
Duo looked at Wufei's face and saw the hurt in his eyes and realized that Wufei was aware of that same fact.
"Heero I think that-" Duo started but Heero interrupted him.
"Listen guys." Heero said, daring them to do anything else. "I've been thinking a lot lately. You know it's about time we just admit that there was a need for a relationship in this house. I admit that I did like Wufei but-"
"Did?" Wufei asked.
"Yes, did." Heero said simply and Duo looked up, trying to search Heero's eyes but found that damn solider's face locked up again. Something was wrong here, but what was it? "You and Duo however, are better for each other. You already know how to work together, to make accomdations for the other. I'm wouldn't be good at that which is hy, I think that you two should just be together." Heero glared at Duo as he opened his mouth to protest. "Judging by the hospital incident, I don't think you two will have that much of a problem with it." Wufei and Duo both blushed at that. "So I'm going to go and stay with Neko for a week while the two of you work things out." With that Heero got up and then nodded to the both of them. "Now, I really am going to go and take that shower."
When Heero was gone, Duo turned to Wufei. "We need to work things out? Heero needs to get his head on straight!"
"He's hurt." Wufei said simply. "Before we went on that mission, I asked him what we were. I bet he spent some time trying to figure out how to tell me what he thought we were or at least what he wanted us to be. Then he saw us kiss-"
"And he thought that you had already given up on him." Duo cursed under his breath and then looked up. "Well Wufei, I won't deny I like you but I'll get over it. Heero, Heero-"
"Heero won't." Wufei finished. "Yeah, I know."
"Well then, what do we do?"
"Nothing." Wufei said. "Absolutely nothing. We'll just think of something to explain why we're not together and then Heero will be okay with it. Then I'll work on Heero."
Duo nodded, it sounded logically. "Hey Wufei?"
"Sorry about the kisses."
"I didn't complain."
"I know but still-"
"Don't worry about them. It's all in the past."
"All in the past." Duo repeated and then looked out the window.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------
Heero walked into the house again exactly one week later. He looked around and was surprised to see that there were no messes in the kitchen and that Heero couldn't hear a single word of arguement from the two he had left here. Maybe they really had gotten together.
He sighed at that and then kicked himself mentally. He had told them to get together because he knew that it would be better for all of them. Besides, if Heero had gone with Wufei, they probably would have broken up in a month or two and then the house would be full of awkward moments and Heero didn't want that.
So it was worth letting Wufei go.
Heero went to the living room and wasn't surprised to find Duo there watching some movie or another. But was taken aback by the fact that Wufei was sitting in his chair, watching the movie with Duo and even laughing at some part.
Heero wondered if he should turn and leave the two of them to their movie or if he should say something. Heero decided that he should just leave them alone when Duo looked up and spotted Heero in the doorway.
"Heya Heero." Duo flashed Heero a huge smile and jumped up. "Welcome back." Duo gave Heero a big hug. "Where were you? I went to the store a couple of times and you were never there. We missed you, buddy."
Heero nodded. "I started training your dogs this weeks."
Duo grinned. "Really? That's cool! Did you pick a really big dog for me? Something you've trained to tackle me?"
Heero's mouth turned up at the corners and he shook his head. "Nah, I got you a poodle."
Duo's eyes widened considerably. "You'd better be kidding me." Duo sighed in relief when he realized that Heero was. "Sheesh Heero, what are you trying to do to me?" Duo looked back at the movie and then took Heero by the hand to pull him to the couch. "Heero, you can watch the movie with us." Duo picked up the empty bowl which Heero was sure used to be filled with popcorn. "I'm going to go and get us somemore popcorn." With that Duo skipped out of the room.
"We're not together." Wufei stated when Duo was gone. "We decided not to be. It didn't work the way you thought it would. We fought almost all the time over the stupidest things. It's not even that bad when we're just friends. So we decided to call it off." Wufei shook his head. "It wasn't pleasant."
"Hn." Heero replied but looked over at Wufei with a relieved look in his eyes.
"We shall talk after the movie." Wufei told Heero and then returned to watching the movie. Heero nodded, though Wufei wasn't watching him anymore and settled into the couch. Duo came back in a minute, plopped the popcorn down on the table and then found a comfortable position.
Which, unfortunately, was being draped all over Heero.
Heero looked down and sighed. Duo was leaning against him, his arm on Heero's knee and his other arm lay forgotten. Heero put his own arm around Duo and continued to watch the movie, used to this sort of thing.
And surprisingly missed it, Heero thought to himself. Heero blinked, not believing that he thought that. Then Heero nodded. He was used to Duo being like this and it was comforting in a strange way to know that Duo would sit like this, on him.
"Hey Wufei?" Duo said suddenly.
"Wanna join us?" Duo asked innocently in a way that both Heero and Wufei knew that he wasn't.
Wufei got up, much to Heero's surprise, and walked around to the other side of Heero and then sat, very tensely, next to him. Heero blinked and shook his head.
Duo began to trace patterns on Heero's leg and Heero realized he was spelling something.
P-U-T Y-O-U-R A-R-M A-R-O-U-N-D H-I-M Duo commanded on Heero's knee and Heero sighed. He didn't want to because he didn't know if Wufei wanted him to. What if it made things worse.
N-O-W H-E-E-R-O! Duo jabbed Heero in the knee and Heero moaned. Wufei looked at him curiously and Heero sighed.
"Uh Wufei?" Heero asked. Wufei just stared at Heero. "Is this okay?" Heero put his arm around Wufei and Wufei's eyes widened slightly but then he relaxed and nodded. Heero smiled and left his arm there.
About fifteen minutes later, Heero found Wufei shifting just a little bit closer to Heero and Heero accomodated quickly, not wanting to scare Wufei off. He was getting his chance!
W-A-N-T M-E T-O D-I-S-A-P-P-E-A-R F-O-R A S-E-C-? Duo asked in their weird knee communication thing and Heero brought his hand down Duo's back, causing Duo to shiver slightly at the sensation.
N-O Heero put in long fluid strokes on Duo's back. Duo nodded and continued to watch the movies, tapping randomly on Heero's knee again. Heero smiled contently, which Wufei caught and looked at Heero quizzically.
Heero raised his eyebrows in a way that, somehow, told Wufei that they would talk about it later and they all settled down to watch the movie.
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Wufei stretched as the movie ended and Duo did the same, finally crawling off of Heero. Heero got up and motioned to the door and then, without waiting for Wufei to acknowledge it, was gone.
"Uh oh, he's leaving again." Duo grumbled.
Wufei shook his head. "Nah, we're going to go and talk outside." Wufei grasped Duo's shoulder. "Are you sure you're okay with this. Because if you're not, neither me nor Heero will go any farther and we'll go back to just having friendships."
"No." Duo shook his head. "I don't want that. Besides, I'll be fine. I can't find someone else. Don't worry about it."
Wufei nodded and then started to go outside. "Thanks Duo."
"Your welcome Wuffie."
Wufei decided to let that slide, just this once and continued on his way out. He saw Heero sitting on the porch steps and went to sit next to him. "Heero."
"Wufei." Heero replied and then looked down at the ground. "I was thinking about what you said while you were gone." Heero said gently. "That's what I was going to say in the hospital room before-"
Wufei nodded. "I know."
Heero turned to look Wufei straight in the eye. "I don't know what we are. I want to be more than your friend but I don't know what that means. I don't know how to deal with all of this. So you're going to have to help me out."
Wufei nodded. "That's what I'd be for. You can't carry the burden on your own."
"Good." Heero smiled. "So what's first?"
Wufei shrugged and then leaned over and put his head on Heero's shoulder and closed his eyes. "First, we find a girlfriend for Duo."
Heero laughed. "First we find a girlfriend for Duo?"
"Yes, he gave up the chance you gave him. It's only fair we help him out."
Heero shook his head. "I don't think Duo's going to need much help in that area. Every girl I know worships him."
"He needs a girlfriend, not a slut."
"Hn." Heero was silent for a second. "I have an idea."
"Oh? What?"
"You'll have to wait and see."
"That's not fair."
"Why not?" Heero asked. "If I tell you now, then it won't be a surprise for either of you."
"A surprise for me and Duo."
Heero pulled away from Wufei and smiled. "Yes. Go get ready to go somewhere nice and tell Duo to do the same. I'm going to go and make a phone call."
Wufei watched Heero walk away and blinked. What had just happened? Wufei shrugged. Well this was probably partly his fault. Wufei got up and went to his room. Getting changed would probably be the best thing right now.
Wufei saw Duo in the kitchen and motioned him over. "What?" Duo asked. "Where's Heero? I thought you'd still be out there."
"Nah." Wufei shrugged. "Heero's taking us somewhere nice. You included." Wufei smiled. "So he wants us to get changed."
Duo blinked. "Me?"
"Alrighty then. Lets go." Duo grabbed Wufei and pulled him upstairs.
"What are you doing?"
"You want to look nice for your boyfriend, don't you?"
Wufei blinked and realized that yes, that was what he wanted.
"Don't worry, no makeup for Wuffie."
"That's what I said, Wufei." Duo grinned. "Come on before we end up keeping him waiting."
Wufei didn't want to know anymore now than before what he was getting himself into. Wufei looked as Duo enthusiastically pulled him to his room. No, he didn't want to know at all..
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{A/N: HA! It's another chapter *dances around happily* So what do you think? I don't know if I'm going to keep Wufei and Heero together or if it's going to shift...*thinks* eh, whatever, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it...
Thanks to everyone who reviewed }