Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ghost of Duo ❯ Return to the Past ( Chapter 2 )
Ghost of Duo Pt 2
This version by Buzz-chan
This story is complete I just can't get online enough to post it all. But anyway, here is part 2....reminder: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of the characters associated with. I do have my own character in here...but she doesn't show up til a little later. Until then, peace!! ^^
Lightning flashed and thunder crashed on the dreary night. Heero walked through the streets of the familiar town. It had been 4 years since that mission. He had had plenty of missions since #114, but none had affected him the same way, not even his first mission. The one that stole the life of that little girl and her puppy.
Duo had invaded all of Heero, especially his dreams. That was probably the explanation for the purple rings that had formed under Heero's eyes. The braided boy just would not remove himself from Heero's thoughts, and believe you me, Heero had tried everything to get rid of him. Then, after all the memories and dreams, Heero had discovered that packet. That packet he had crumpled 4 years earlier. He was never able to throw it away. That damn packet was the only thing he had kept of Duo, his Duo. It was as if a train had hit him as the recollection of that day flooded back into his mind when he found it. He may not have been able to push Duo out of his mind but he was able to at least shove him far enough back to keep him from interfering with the missions. But that stupid packet had brought Duo right back to the forefront.
Heero stopped in front of the house on Westing road. His hair was matted to his head in a wild mess from the pouring rain. Another flash of lightning cut the dark sky and for a split second, Heero thought he could see Duo staring out at him from a window. "Heero...." the drenched man spun on his heels when he thought he heard someone whisper his name. But no one was on the streets. Not in this rain.
Heero stopped and looked at the house again. It was the first time he had seen it since that horrible night. He hadn't even gone to the gravesite in all the years. Some vines had started to climb the red brick walls. The black paint on the door and shutters had faded slightly and even some shingles had fallen off of the roof. He sighed and began to walk up the sidewalk to the door. Heero knew he had to come back. He had to go inside. It wasn't a matter of wanting to. Since the day he had buried Duo under the huge oak tree in the cemetery, he knew he would come back to the little house someday.
Heero stopped in front of the door and stared at the numbers. The 3 was missing, probably stolen by some bored kids. He reached for the welcome mat and grabbed the spare key which he had always yelled at Duo for keeping in such an obvious place. He unlocked the door with a barely shaking hand. With a twist of the knob, the front door swung open. Heero stepped inside and stood in all his soaking glory.
Another flash of lightning illuminated the small living room. It was exactly as he had left it, even down to Duo's dirty laundry left strewn across various objects. Heero picked up a black shirt and looked at it with remembrance. Placing it back on the chair, Heero walked towards the dinning room. As he expected, Heero found the food he had cooked for Duo still sitting on the table. It looked like it had been stuck in a time warp, except for the mold, of course. Then he looked up at the wall. Heero's eyes grew wide as he read the single word written in what he hoped to be red paint. Duo's last word.