Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Go Carting ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Go Carting

By Regine Skrydon

"You guys ready?" Regine asked eagerly.

"Hold On!" Voices from other room echoed in hamony.

'La la la.' Regine thought to herself desperately trying to amuse herself while leaning against the large door.

"I'm ready!" Duo shouted bouncing toward her happily.

"Joy." Regine said rather bladly.

"Hey!" Duo shouted in protest to the mocking of his mood.

"I'm here!" Tarra squeaked.

"Ah!" Regine shouted to her high pitched voice. "Stop that!"

"Ah!" Tarra squeaked again.

Regine glared at her and began to chase her around the house kicking and punching her.

"They're off!" Duo announced following the two acting as if he were a play-by-play announcer.

Meanwhile Heero, Trowa, and Wufei emerged from each of their rooms and arrived at the door and waited for the rest of the group. Sarrea finally emerged from her room. She walked down the stairs and saw everyone but the three hyper people at the door.

'Figures.' She thought to herself.

Sarrea walked to the most used junction in the house and stood in the center. Soon she saw Tarra running towards her. Putting her hands on her hip she stood there forcefully looking at Tarra. This caused Tarra to come to an immediate halt. Unfortunately, she had forgotten about Regine. Regine being 'out of it' at the time, ran smack into the stopped Tarra causing both of them to fall to the floor. Duo just now coming around the corner tripped over the fallen girls and fell on top of them.

"Get off!" Regine shouted angrily.

Duo immediately got off and Regine moved off of Tarra. Regine got Duo to help her up complaining she was to lazy to do it by herself. Regine brushed herself off and then looked to Sarrea.

"Everyone ready now?" She asked.

"We're waiting for you." Sarrea answered.

"Well we were waiting for you so we decided to entertain ourselves." Tarra added.

"Well anyway lets go then." Regine declared.

"Okay." The other three added.

Duo, Tarra, Sarrea, and Regine went to the door meeting the other three by it and then the combined eight of them went to Regine's Baja. Regine had added more seats in the back of the car so it could seat all of the group. She started the car and headed off to the go cart track.

Upon arriving Duo and Tarra both burst out from the car energetically and raced to the main office of the track. Regine simply shutting the door pretended nothing had happened and parked the car. The other six get out of the car and walked to the main office. They opened the door to find Duo and Tarra already playing a video game.

'*Sigh* We haven't been here five minutes and they're playing video games....' Regine pointed out to herself.

Regine went to the table and began buying the needed tickets. Heero and Trowa went to the restaurant and bought themselves a drink. Sarrea and Wufei went to go play video games. Regine had already told Wufei where to find the martial arts section so that he would not be of any nucance to her while she was buying the tickets.

Soon Regine had gotten all she and the rest of the group needed so she went to go collect the group. First she found Duo.

"Come on Du it's time to go." Regine told him.

"Already! We just got here!" Duo insisted.

"No, we're not leaving this place, we're going to go racing now." Regine informed.

"Oh ok. But can I finish this first?" Duo asked.

"Ok, go to the restaurant and sit by Heero and Trowa when you're done." Regine agreed.

Regine then began to look for another known person. She soon found Tarra playing a car racing game. Her eyes widened as she saw her driving and realized she would be racing with her.

"Uh, Tarra, we're going to go race now." Regine Began.

"But..." Tarra insisted.

"Once you finish this game. Go to the Restaurant and sit by Heero Trowa and Duo when you finish okay?" Regine asked.

"Okay." Tarra agreed.

Regine was now off again. She found Sarrea next.

"Sarrea! We're going to go racing now." Regine informed.

"I'll come once I finish this." Sarrea agreed.

"Okay, sit in the restaurant by everyone ok?" Regine asked.

"Got it." Sarrea determined.

Regine the went to where she knew Wufei would be.

"You stupid game! You're a disgrace to Martial Arts! You..." Regine heard Wufei once again disgracing an unresponsive object.

"Wufei! Shut up! It's a game! Now come on! It's time to go!" She yelled

Regine knew if she disgraced him then he would no doubt chase her and as long as she didn't run into anyone and ran the right way they would soon be where she needed to be. Regine was right. Wufei dropped what he was doing and ran after Regine. Thankfully she reached Heero and Trowa soon enough to use them as shields. Wufei muttered assorted curses and walked away.

"Wufei, come on now, lets go race." Quatre asked nicely.

"Fine." Wufei agreed.

The group walked to the cart line and waited for their turn. Regine made extra sure that they would all get to go in the same race. She then handed out the play cards. She was first and she stuck the card in the slot and walked to car number forty one. She sat herself in. She was in the middle of the pack. She liked that because it meant there were a lot of people to pass. Regine, having known which cars were fast since she had watched the previous race looked at which cars were the fastest. She was in one of the fastest cars. She looked around at the rest of the group to see what cars they were in.

Trowa was fist in car number twenty two. A moderately fast car. Duo was second in 30, a very fast car. Poor Tarra was third in car eleven, not one of the fast ones. Wufei was in car number eighteen. Another slow car. Regine was next in line. After her was Heero in car number two, another one of the fast cars. Sarrea was next in twenty nine, a car faster than Heero's. Quatre was in another fast car, it didn't have a number, it was the yahoo car.

The race manager said the rules ad began letting the group go one-by-one. Two left. Trowa was first, then Duo, Tarra, Wufei, and Regine. Then Heero, Sarrea, and Quatre. Trowa's car took off. It was immediately known he was going to be one of the fastest ones. Duo was immediately on his tail, desperately trying to get in front of him but failing repeatedly. Then there was Wufei just trucking along. Regine went buzzing by him in the second turn and he hit the gas hard. His car sped up, but Regine's car was immensely faster. Wufei began to mutter curses as his car was steadily passed.

Heero was on Regine's tail. Both of their cars moved at the same speed so it was whoever got the inside of the turn was in the lead. Sarrea caught up to the duel and passed them both when they were tied up. This infuriated both of them and they darted after Sarrea. Quatre was doing well also, he was catching up with the group, no easy task for the last in line.

Regine was in front of Heero, while turning Heero nudged Regine's back tire and both of them stun. Stuck. Quatre flew by them. The track manager came, he straightened Regine out first and then Heero, Regine buzzed off mocking Heero of her higher quality cuz she was helped first.

Sarrea was now battling Tarra, who had an impeccable talent for being impassable. Trowa and Duo were still having their little dual. It was a surprise they hadn't pushed each other enough to make the other spin out yet. Regine and Heero flew by Wufei, who was still in the process of disgracing his car.

Quatre and Sarrea were also in a battle. A fight for the inside of the turn. Quatre could defiantly be competitive! He was actually being pretty aggressive being happy to award Sarrea many pushes. But while they were going fast, Heero and Regine were catching up because they had somehow formed a truce to get back at Sarrea. No need to punish Quatre it wasn't his fault he'd passed them.

Duo was now in the lead, but Trowa kept tying to spin him! He almost thought about letting Trowa by so he would stop it! But no, Duo was to proud to do that... Heero and Regine nodded to each other as they approached Quatre and Sarrea. Regine inched up towards Sarrea who still hadn't noticed her because she was concentration on her already developed battle.

Regine took the opportunity, Sarrea was on a turn so Regine nudged her rear bumper. Doing a sharp turn her directed away from Sarrea and gassed it. Meanwhile Sarrea got stuck on the boards. Now Quatre could go faster without Sarrea on his tail. but what he just noticed was that Heero and Regine had spun her. he figured this out when he saw them pass him!

Quatre raced after them, now another battle was on. Another recently formed dual was between Wufei and Tarra. Each of them were equally pissed at getting the bad cars. But their cars were both slow so they began a battle to amuse themselves.

So far there were six known battles. Duo and Trowa battling for first. Regine and Heero were now battling each other now that they had passed Sarrea and Quatre. Sarrea and Quatre still had each other on pass or defend against list. Sarrea had Heero and Regine on kill list. Quatre was against Heero and Regine. And way in the back Tarra and Wufei were battling.

Heero passed Regine again and sped ahead. Regine now having to break on his wheels. Quatre was close behind waiting for them to get tangled up so he could pass them. Sarrea had caught up to Quatre. Knowing how she was spun she rammed Quatre's car in the back bumper. Unfortunately he didn't spin. She tried it again at the next turn but no such luck again!

Duo and Trowa were going around a turn when they came upon Tarra and Wufei. Tarra and Wufei feeling devilish each took out one, Wufei took Trowa and Tarra took Duo. Everyone of them spun. Regine and Heero were next and due to no way around hit the breaks. But to late Regine crashed into Wufei and Heero into Tarra. Quatre and Sarrea had seen this coming and they were able to stop before cashing into anyone.

The track manager came out and sighed.

"You guys made a mess!" He exclaimed.

"Thank you!" Regine and Duo shouted.

First The track manager fixed Trowa then Duo, then Regine and Heero. Sarrea and Quatre could just go by now because of the traffic being cleared. Then Tarra and Wufei were straightened out.

The race continued and it came to an end the group parked the carts and went to get their score sheet. The places were based on times and the person with the best average got first. That person being Quatre. Duo was second and Regine was third. Sarrea missed third by point zero zero two seconds. Trowa was third with point zero five behind Sarrea. Heero was next with a mere point zero zero one behind that. Tarra was next and Wufei was last.