Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ God of Death ❯ Who am I? ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

>Hi, this is Saiyukianime if you haven't heard of me than that's understandable since I am only a new fanfic writer.

>Saiyukianime's darker half, Yami Aiyuki: That's correct, so you should forgive her when her writing might sound like a total beginner, because face it this is barely her second fic and she hasn't even finished her first fic "Dragon Prince," yet. Go read it and please review it when you've got spare time.

>Um…thanks Yami, I think. Well, anyways let's stop with this blabbering and start with the fic.

>Yami Aiyuki: Don't forget to say the disclaimer Sai-chan.

>Oh, do I have to do it! (She whines)

>Yami Aiyuki just stares blankly at her.

>Fine, fine already! I don't own the god-forsaken characters in the god-forsaken fanfic they all belong to their respective anime owners. (She then sticks out her tongue while pulling down the skin from her right eye and what a hilarious picture she makes)

>Yami: Sigh…sometimes she can be such a child.

>(Hearing this the face was then redirected towards the Yami who sweat drops) "…"

Prologue: Who am I?

Saiyukianime: I forgot to mention that sentences in `…' means the thoughts, "…" means spoken sentences, <…> means comments from yours truly Saiyuki and Aiyuki or invited guests, and most of the time things in (…) means a description of a character's action or what not, it really depends on me either forgetting to place them in parenthesis or that I figured that you will most likely understand that it's a descriptive sentence of an action or such. Damn that's long explanation!

Note: This will be the only time I write the explanation so if you forgot come back to this chapter.

A being shrouded in complete darkness starts the story by telling us readers of his thoughts, `I sometimes wish that I have the power to travel back in time…to the day when the devil had offered me a chance to live, in exchange for my mortality. To go back to the day that I had accepted because of my fear to die, my fear of having to face with the mysteries of hell, to live a life of darkness and never see another living soul. But, I had been wrong to choose to stay on the plane of the living, I had been wrong to believe that my life on the human plane would be better. Because it is not better, but worse! Since I had to live on in total loneliness as I watch those I care for and cherish slowly grow old and die, while I stay forever young. Now I travel the world endlessly. Meeting others, but never getting close. Fearing that if I were to become too close I would have to suffer as I did when my mother, father, older brother and his wife and children die. Meeting others, but never staying too long. No not at the same place for too long, because others will get suspicious and start to ask questions and that is a situation I would like to avoid. Meeting others, but never being happy. Why am I not happy you ask? Well, that might be, because, even though, I may be surrounded by people and may seem to be within their group I am never truly a part of it, because I am an outsider. A shadow in the light, the night without its moon. Non-existed. I wander the world longer than a supposed human being should. Seeing the world grow while never truly growing myself. Watching the world from its many stages where creatures that once existed slowly disappear and become a myth. I guess you could say that I'm a part of one of those many myths for I am a vampire with the title of Shinigami the god of death. Ironic isn't it, that I've become what I had feared.'

Then out of the darkness comes out a boy with chin length black hair, tied back into an intense ponytail, with cold crystal blue eyes wearing black skin-tight leather pants that shows all the curves at all the right places (from his slim little waist to his perfectly shaped hips), wearing a black colored skin-tight leather vest that shows off his thin looking muscular snow white chest and abs, and black high-heel knee length leather boot that has pure silver molded to the tip of the toes of the boots. Included in the accessories to the image of the boy is a black leather choker with a silver cross hanging on its center, silver cross earrings, silver arm bracelets and black fingerless leather gloves. After putting the image together and you've got yourself one mean looking, bodaciously hot male. <Yami: (sweat drops) Um…Sai-chan you're drooling. And you shouldn't write something like that in the fanfic because it's not part of it. Saiyukianime: I'll do whatever I want because I'm the writer and I am, damn! I told myself not to drool when I start writing his description. And what do I end up doing. I freakin' DROOL, damn, damn, damn! >

To be continued…

Yami: Well, isn't that short.

Saiyuki: Shut up! I need to go do something so the reader's will just have to put up with a short prologue and if they want more well, they'll have to just review because I feel like writing my other fic right now. So please review! Heck there might even be a chance that I'll write another chapter without a review anyways, but it really depends on how I feel and how the other fic is going, so have fun whing and groveling for MORE! HA HA HA!!!

Yami: Please review her fic, I think she going crazy because her other fic only got 1 review.

Saiyuki: HA Ha Hah!!!

Yami: Please…