Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Good Morning Sunshine ❯ Good Morning Sunshine ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(A/N: I was bored one day, so I wrote this. Enjoy!)


(Duo comes out of his room, yawns, stretches. He sits down at the table. Seeing a pot of coffee on it, he pours himself a cup and takes a sip.)

Duo: Mmm . . . Caffeine . . . Good!

Duo= ^_^

(Quatre stumbles out of his room)

Duo: Good morning sunshine!

Quatre: (glares) shut up, Duo.

Duo: Why?

Quatre: I was out until 3am drinking and now I have a hangover. (Rests head on table and groans)

Duo= o_o?? (Clueless)

Duo: I thought you only drank non-alcoholic drinks. How could you get a hang-?

Quatre: You'd be surprised.

Duo: Well, have some coffee. Maybe you'll feel better!

Quatre: That's doubtful. (Grudgingly take a sip of coffee) Mmm . . . Not bad. (Starts to shake) Caffeine . . . processing.

Duo: Oh no.

Quatre: HelloDuohowareyoutoday? Imprettygoodbutmyheadhurtsohwelllifecantbeperfect.

(Translation: Hello, Duo, how are you today? I'm pretty good, but my head hurts, oh well, life can't be perfect.) (Sits grinning like a maniac, which he is)

Duo= O_O*

Duo: (edging away from Quatre.) Now, where'd I put that gun? (Gropes under the table) AHA!! (Pulls out gun that was duck-taped to the underside of the table)

Quatre: Whatsthatforisheeroaround? Idontthinkhesupyethewasoutallnightwithrelena. (Translation: What's that for is Heero around? I don't think he's up yet, he was out all night with Relena.)

Duo: WHAT??

(Heero suddenly runs in through back door, slams it shut, and locks the sixteen locks on it. Leans against table, panting.)

Duo: Good morning sunshine!

Quatre: Goodmorningsunshine! (Translation: Good morning sunshine!)

Heero= o_O*

Duo: So . . . how was your evening?

Heero: (gasps) I-was running-away from-Relena-all *@#$in' night! (Pants) She's relentless!

Relena: Oh, Heero!

Heero: AAAHH!! Where's her voice coming from??

Duo: There. (Jerks thumb out window)

(Window is partially open, and Relena is waving frantically on the other side.)

Heero: ACK! (Dives behind Quatre's chair)

Quatre: Mmm . . . goodcoffee! (Translation: Mmm . . . Good coffee!)

Relena: Thank you for such a lovely evening, Heero! I'll call later! (Skips off)

Heero: (looks up, shaking) Is she gone?

Duo: Uh . . . yeah. Oh, damn! I forgot to say `Good morning sunshine' to her!

Quatre: Wantsomecoffeeheero? Itsreallygood! Itreallyperksyouup! WHEE!! (Translation: Want some coffee, Heero? It's really good! It really perks you up! WHEE!!) (Starts running around kitchen)

Heero: (glares at Duo) you gave him CAFFEINE??

Duo: (innocently) Is that a bad thing?

Heero: (sarcastic) Oh, NAH, it just makes him go INSANE, you stupid baka-mono!!

Duo: Eep. (Runs and hides behind fridge)

(Wufei stumbles into kitchen wearing a hoody. Hood is pulled up over his head. He has a spaced-out look on his face)

Duo: (from behind fridge) Good morning sunshine!!

(Wufei doesn't respond. He sits down, his face a mask of terror)

Quatre: Hiwufeihowareyou? Haveagoodnight? IsuredidalthoughIreallyhavetogettobedearlierwantsomecoffee? (Translation: Hi, Wufei, how are you? Have a good night? I sure did although I really have to get to bed earlier, want some coffee?)

Wufei: I-I-I-

Heero: Dude, what happened?

Wufei: Humina, humina, humina . . .

Duo: (comes out from behind fridge) Man, he's completely trashed. (Waves hand in front of Wufei's face) Wufei? Wuffles? What happened?

Wufei: I-met-a girl last night. Called her weak, and-(moans, puts face in hands) Turns out that she was-a female samurai. Challenged me to a katana duel. . .

Heero: Yeah . . . and . . .?

Wufei: I . . . lost.

Duo: All right, and the problem is?

(Wufei pushes back hood.)

Heero, Duo and Quatre= @_@*

Heero, Duo and Quatre: SHE CUT OFF YOUR PONYTAIL??

(Indeed, Wufei's ponytail is now no more than a little stub of hair on the back of his head.)

Wufei: NAAWW-ya don't say!! (Leans head on table, and then brings it back up, and lets it hit table. Does this over and over again)

Wufei's head against table: Thunk, thunk, THUNK!!

(Trowa walks in.)

Duo: Good morning sunshine!

Trowa: Hey, guys. What happened to Wufei? Wait a minute . . . (Stares at Wufei's head) Something's different . . . I know something's different. Wufei, do you have eye shadow on?

Duo and Heero= -_-*

Wufei: (grabs katana) You . . . are . . . dead.

Trowa: No, really, do you have eye shadow on? And, is that lipstick on your cheek?

Wufei= >_O* (busted)

Duo: (grins) So, Wuffles, what went on BEFORE you got your hair chopped off?

Trowa: Huh? Hair chopped off?

Wufei: (glares at Duo) None of your business.

Heero: Wait, I saw you last night in that club. I ducked in to try and escape from Relena, and you were in a back corner with-mmff!!

Wufei: (Hand over Heero's mouth) Don't say it!!

Heero: (pries Wufei's hand away) It was no one we knew! I was just going to say that you were with a really hot girl.

Duo: Wufei's got a girlfriend, Wufei's got a girlfriend . . .

Wufei: (pouts) not anymore . . . she dumped me after I called her weak.

Trowa: Okay and where does the hair getting chopped off come in?

Others= >_<*


Trowa: oh . . . You know, my hairstylist does a much better job on my hair. (Watch beeps) Oops, I gotta go-later.

(Walks out of kitchen as Heero and Duo grab Wufei's arms and stop him from killing Trowa. Quatre continues to be hyper in the background)

Heero: Wufei-chill! You do not want to try and kill Trowa!

Wufei: You're right-I won't kill him-I'll maim that baka!!

Duo: Relax, Wufei. Here, have some coffee.

Quatre: NOO!! My caffeine! (Grabs coffee pot and clutches it possessively)

Others= o_o*

Wufei: Who gave Quatre caffeine?

Heero: He did (points to Duo.)

Wufei: (Grabs katana again) YOU FOOL!!

Duo: ACK!! (Dives back behind fridge)

(Telephone rings)

Duo: Hello? (Still behind fridge)

Heero: Why is the telephone behind the fridge?

Wufei: I think you threw it behind there after Relena called you six hundred times in one day.

Duo: Hey, Heero, it's Relena! Good morning, sunshine!

(Comes out from behind fridge, holding telephone.)

Telephone receiver= -_-***

Voice on other end: Heero, my beloved! I must speak to you!!

Duo: What should I say?

Heero: (edging away from the phone) Tell her I'm . . . in the shower. (Turns, rips open back door despite all the locks, and runs away screaming)

Duo: Sorry Relena, but he was killed in a mountain climbing accident. Bye. (Hangs up)

Wufei= -_-*

Duo: What? Heero's excuses are boring. You'd think he'd have more imagination.

Wufei: Duo, he's the perfect soldier.

Duo: Oh . . . yeah.

Quatre: AAAHH!!

Duo and Wufei: WHAT??

Quatre: I'm out of coffee!! (On floor, empty coffee pot in his hands. Cries loudly.)

Duo and Wufei= >_<*

Heero: (looks into room) Is she gone?

Wufei: If you're talking about Relena, she was never here, you idiot. But Duo's off the phone with her.

Heero: (sits back down at table) Good. I wish I knew what I did to piss God off SO much that he would curse me with that . . . woman.

Relena: HEERO!!!

Heero: AAAAHHHHH!!!! (Jumps out of chair as Relena runs into kitchen)

Relena: Heero-you're alive!! (Glomps onto him)

Heero: God, kill me now . . . please?

Relena: Duo told me you had been killed in a mountain climbing accident-but I knew it wasn't true! I knew that our love went so much further than death!

Duo and Wufei= >_O*

Wufei: I think I'm going to be sick.

Duo: Likewise, friend.

Relena: Oh, Heero, darling, is there anything I can get you?

Heero: How about some aspirin?

Relena: All right, I'll hop down to the drugstore right away! (Starts out, but a light bulb appears over Heero's head)

Heero: WAIT! Get the stuff here. (Scribbles address on piece of paper and hands it to Relena)

Relena: But this place is across town!

Heero: (mutters) That's the idea. (Louder) Oh, please? It's my favourite place to get . . . uh . . . drugs.

Relena: Well, if you insist. I'll be back soon, my shnuggie-poo! (Runs out of house)

Heero: THANK GOD!! (Collapses into chair)

Duo: That was insanely disturbing.

Wufei: No shit.

Quatre: No . . . More . . . caffeine . . .

Zechs: (walks in back door) Hey, have you seen Relena?

Duo: Good morning, sunshine!

Zechs: (vein twitches in temple) What . . . did . . . you say . . . to me?

Wufei: (hisses) don't you remember, Duo? Zechs hates unnecessary sweetness!

Duo: Oops . . .

Zechs: I'll give you sunshine, you baka!! (Pulls cherry bomb out of pocket)

(Two minutes later)


(House is now a levelled wreck. Five piles of ashes stumble out into the street.)

Duo: (coughs) Zechs, must you do that?

Zechs: I'll admit I did overdo it by a little.

Wufei: A LITTLE?!

Heero: Next time, wait until only Duo is in the room before you blow it up.

Zechs: 'Kay.

Duo: HEY!!

Trowa: Hey, Wufei, I see you took off that eye shadow.

Relena: Who wants aspirin?


Disclaimer: Not mine.