Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Code Name: Nano ❯ Asteriod Removal ( Chapter 8 )
Gundam Code Name: Nano
Chapter 8: Asteroid Removal
Rating: 18(Whole thing) 15(this Chapter)
After Colony: 350(A.C)
Location: Solar Colony
Once the Hyper laser was installed in the turret I was summoned by Sameus to go to the turret. I got to the lift on the surface of the colony and looked out of the window. The dolls were working without end to repair the colony. They had been working none stop since I had first arrived at the colony. Now there were only a few decks that needed to be repaired. Sameus was more then happy with the work. In a few more days the final deck would be repaired and the life support systems could be activated in all decks. With the completion of the repairs Sameus could move the Solarus into open orbit of the colonies asteroid field. Sameus also planned to send the refitted M.S Carrier/Command ship "Wings of the Solar" to join it. The lift stopped and I walked out into the turret. There at the targeting chair sat Sameus.
Sameus: Lex I believe that you should have the honour of firing the new laser. After all it was you that managed to get if for us.
Lex: are you sure
Sameus: Please take your seat.
Sameus got up out of the chair and flicked a switch on a panel. The black walls of the turret lit up and I could see the colony bellow. Sameus gestured for me to take the chair. I complied and walked to it and sat down.
Sameus: the whole walls of these rooms have been fitted with screens to allow you to see exactly what you're firing at. Now I would like you to start firing at the asteroids surrounding the colony. The Magus has fitted the laser with a system that brings the disintegrated particles into a chute, this chute leads to the Matter Converter.
I sat down and targeted a large asteroid and pulled the trigger. The laser shot and hit the asteroid. It turned to dust and shot towards the colony. I could not see it enter the chute. However The Magus standing at a control looked happy enough and I carried on firing. Several hours later I had cleared according to The Magus 7.23% off the asteroid field. I needed to get 10% done for the opening to be ready for the launch of the Ships. We had only a small chance.
Computer Voice: 10 seconds to critical mass.
Sameus: Lex what are you doing?
Lex: When the Laser is at critical mass I should be able to open a causeway big enough for the ships to get out.
Sameus: Well you get one chance.
Lex: I will not fail you.
Computer Voice: Critical mass achieved
I targeted the asteroid at the very edge of the field and prepared to fire. I locked it in and pulled the trigger. A beam shot and shattered a massive tunnel all the way through the field. Just as I had predicted it would. 14.76% processed. With this we could carry out the main plan. The transport ships were all ready to Warp Jump to all the colonies. All that was needed now was the mobile suits to escort them and protect them. With this reprocessed material the Guardian Suits could be produced. Then they could be dispatched. The Great Exile would be over.
<<< To be continued>>>