Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Ghost Story ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )
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A Gundam Ghost Story
by: Nightowl and Dark Angel7
What happens when you mix two board authoresses who watch horror flics and Gundam wing…a gundam ghost story. This story takes place after EW, but is an AU story.
NAN (Nightowl - Authoress notes): I do not like Relena that much so if you do don't send me flames.
Disclaimer: Nightowl: We don't own gundam wing.
Dark Angel7: but we own a bag of chips and a soda.
Nightowl: two sodas.
Dark Angel7: and we make no money off this.
Nightowl: (turns pockets inside out and dirt flies every wear)
Dark Angel7: on with the show…um…story.
Nightowl: Actually this is a reversion of another fic I'm doing.
Dark Angel7: but we are board so we took that idea and changed it.
Nightowl: This is kinda stupid. We usually do better. but we were board.
A Gundam Ghost Story
Chapter 1
(It's raining. The g-boys, Relena, and Sally were standing outside of a dark creepy mansion. Relena has a death grip on Heero's arm.)
Relena: Heero you aren't going to make me go in there are you?
Heero: No, you can stay out here if you want.
Relena: but…
Relena: (Gasps and moves away)
(With them are the two authoresses)
Dark Angel7: Nightowl if I have to go in that creepy mansion, then so do you! Weather I have to drag you in there kicking and screaming.
Nightowl: I'd like to see you try!
(Dark Angel7 grabs Nightowl by the arm and attempts to drag her in the direction of the mansion, however they matched each other in strength and it's a big tug of war. Trowa approaches Dark Angel7.)
Trowa: ……. May I help?
Dark Angel7: okay.
Trowa: (hoists Nightowl over his shoulder and starts towards the mansion)
Dark Angel7: (walks beside them casting loving looks at Trowa and jealous looks at Nightowl, who is pounding her fists on his back screaming)
Heero: Hey don't steal my line!
Nightowl: I'm one of the authoresses. I have control over every thing that is said and done in this fic. Except with HER as the other authoress (points at Dark Angel7). My power is limited, especially over this OAF Trowa! PUT ME DOWN!
(All this time Duo hasn't taken his eyes off Nightowl)
Wufei: Amazing he's actuly quiet.
Duo: (sweat drop) hehe.
Wufei: stop drooling over her, baka.
Duo: (massive seat drop) well you haven't taken your eyes off Sally.
Wufei: (seat drop) INJUSTICE
(g - boys, Relena, Sally, a very angry Nightowl, and a very love sick Dark Angel7 enter the creepy house. Trowa dumps Nightowl on the floor.)
Nightowl: OWWW
Duo: Can I help you up?
Nightowl: (looks dreamily up at Duo) sure…
(Nightowl is now love sick. An unearthly wind picks up from nowhere, the door is shut, and an Inhuman sound fills the air, Nightowl jumps into Duo's arms and Dark Angel7 jumps into Trowa's arms)
Trowa: I'll protect you.
Dark Angel7: (sighs and lays her head on Trowa's shoulder)
Duo: Hey babe, stick with me.
Nightowl: (nods then lays her head on his shoulder)
Nightowl: All for now, will write more later. (looks over at Dark Angel7 and Trowa making out) uh…if you liked chap. 1 then tell us, if you didn't then tell us anyway.
If anyone wants a story done for them or you want to submit a story contact us! If your story has nothing to do with Gundam Wing or any other Anime/tv series we'll take them anyway. We don't accept slash or yaoi stories.
Dark Angel7: (coming up for breath, and Trowa trying to kiss her again) we do accept Relena stories (starts kissing Trowa again)
Nightowl: grrr
e-mail: Nightowl at:
e-mail: Dark Angel7 at: