Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Wing Neverending ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )
Gundam Wing Never Ending:
Heeeeeeeeeeeloooooooooooooo!!! Hehehe! It's me! Hehehe! This fic is, well…..a bit weird…..this was the first ever gundam wing fic I wrote….it was originally a choose your own adventure thing (at javascript:playAdv('gundam06serenity'); ) on Neopets. I changed it a bit, and actually finished it, so I decide to post it…again….but on a dif site…..please review!!!!! Pwease? Pocky and chibi plushies for all reviewers!!! Thanks!
Also, might be slightly AU with times, places, details etc. war, pilots etc will still be the same though.
You + Treize + Zechs
You + Wufei
You + Duo
You choose!
() = Author notes
// = Character thoughts
Flames. Walls of fire, billowing clouds of smoke, crumbling buildings, the distant sound of retreating mobile suites, the roaring of the harsh, unforgiving fire.
In the centre of this chaos and destruction kneeled a girl, gazing blankly into the flames, eyes brimming with unshed tears.
The girl looked to be no older than thirteen, fourteen at the most. Long platinum blond, black and violet streaked hair flowed out behind her, her cloths in bloody, sooty tatters.
"No…mum,……dad,…….brother… 8230;." You whisper, watching the only home you have ever known, along with the whole of your colony, go up in flames.
"They can't be dead, they-they just can't be………" You whimper, dazed.
Second, minutes, hours, days later for all you know or care, footsteps sound from behind you, steadily coming closer and closer, stopping directly behind you.
"Oz did this, didn't they? Oz soldiers and-and….rebels……" You ask quietly, already knowing the answer.
"Yes, they did." He, whoever he is, answers.
"Why, how?" you ask, confused. You had only left your apartment for an hour, two at the most. That's when the screaming, flames, mobile suites and gunfire had started.
"You want revenge, do you not? I can help you avenge their deaths, child. I can help you find allies, powerful ones. I can help you train."
"No……no. My brother told me. He told me violence was not the answer, told me not to fight. I-I promised….." you say uncertainly.
"Do you want others to go through this? To go through what you are going through? To watch their homes burn around them, see everyone that they have ever loved, ever known die? You could have the power to prevent this, ______ _______ (your name here). Let me help you."
" Fine. I will go with you, Grandfather." You answer eventually, after what seemed like an eternity of silence.
"Child, times of such safety are now over. You, now, must call me Y. Doctor Y.
End of prologue
So, what do you think? Please read + review