Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Wing: New Age ❯ An Afternoon in the Park ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Gundam Wing: New Age

Chapter 5: An Afternoon in the Park

By: Angel BlueFlame & Starlight Fairy


Angel's Note: Sorry that we haven't updated sooner. U ppl are gonna have to get used to the big update gaps between the chapters. With school starting back up and school organizations, we'll be a little busy. But fear not! No matter how long it takes, we will continue to update! I'm in love with this story too much to let it go to waste! ^_^ Well, NE wayz, Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 13, AC 219

"Do they have to come with us?" Haley whined to Diana. Diana sighed.

"Yes they do. You should have known that if you asked in front of them, they'd want to come along as well," she replied, "Besides, you can just stick with me if they bother you too much."

"Okay," Haley mumbled.

"Morning ladies!" Duo chirped, with his hand over his eyes, "Is everybody decent?"

"Duo, we wouldn't leave the door wide open if we weren't dressed," Diana sneered.

"Oh, right. Just checking," he said walking into the room. Both Diana and Haley sighed in annoyance as they rolled their eyes. Duo just ignored his sisters; "Angel called and said that we're going to the park."

Both girls nodded. The three siblings walked into the living room. Just then, Trevor Winner burst through the door and closed it quickly behind him.

"What do you want?" Haley questioned, crossing her arms.

"My sister just woke up. I need somewhere to hide," Trevor replied. Duo was just about to ask why, when they heard Jordie scream from next door.


"What'd you do?" Duo asked curiously.

Trevor shrugged, "Nothing, I just put her bra in the freezer," he snickered. Duo was the only other person who found this funny.

"Hey, I like this kid!" Duo laughed as he ruffled Trevor's hair.

Diana grabbed Trevor by the arm and led him back to his family's apartment.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Trying to get me killed?!" Trevor yelled struggling to get away.

"Hey, Jordie. I found your pest," Diana said to Jordie. Jordie glared at her younger brother, and Trevor gave Jordie a deer-in-the-headlight look.

"Um, I was only playing, Jordie. I...I didn't mean anything by it," Trevor stuttered, as he finally got out of Diana's grasp and ran like his life was at stake. Jordie nodded her thanks to Diana before chasing after her brother. Diana laughed as she watched Jordie chase Trevor out of the apartment and into the hallway, soon followed by their parents. Connor then walked out of his room to see what was going on. He was a bit confused when he saw Diana in their living room.

"I heard Jordie scream, that can only mean one thing," he said with a half-smile.

"You mean he's done this before?" Diana asked with a surprised look on her face.

"Oh, yes. Many, many times," Connor answered.

"He's like a miniature Duo. That is, if Duo were still stupid enough to pull stuff like that on me," Diana remarked crossing her arms. She finally walked back to her family's apartment. A few minutes later Rachel and Devon walked in.

"So what'd he do this time?" Devon asked.

"Bra in the freezer," Connor responded.

Rachel put her hands on her hips, "I wonder why he acts this way. He didn't pick it up from either of you." Both boys shrugged.

"So, where do you think we're going today?" Connor asked.

"The park. Angel called us earlier," Devon confirmed. Connor nodded.

"Good. That way, the little kids can run around and not break anything," he sighed. As if on cue, a vase smashed, followed by Jordie and Trevor's apology to their parents.

"We'll be going now," Rachel said leading her brother out the door.

A few hours later, Angel, Aaron, and Nick arrived in a limo, ready to go to the park. The ride there was all but silent.

"And when I woke up, I went to get myself something for breakfast, and my bra was in the freezer!" Jordie finished telling the story of this morning.

"It was only a joke, Jordie. You didn't have to pound me for it!" Trevor retorted.

"You deserved it; joke or not," Diana said.

"Although, it was pretty funny," Duo added. He laughed a bit, but when he noticed all six girls were glaring at him, he quieted down.

"The park that we're going to has a really, really big pond in it," Nick chirped to Trevor. Trevor grinned evilly, then glanced over at Haley.

"Hey Haley, I hope your stupid doll can swim," he laughed. Haley tightened her grip on Tammie-chan.

"I hope you can, too," Diana snapped, "You mess with me when you mess with my sister." Haley gave him a sort of `Na-na, na-na-na! You can't get me!' smile.

Trevor gulped, and was quiet the rest of the way to the park. They finally arrived about five minutes later.

There was a path that went straight through the park and then circled around it, back to the entrance. In an aerial view of the park, it would look like a circle with a line running through the middle of it and a pond in it.

"Wow! It's soo big!" Haley exclaimed.

The group started down the path. Trevor and Nick ran ahead, chasing, tackling, and wrestling each other. Eventually, the group sat down and watched the two boys' escapade.

"I put my money on Trevor," Duo said, waving five bucks, betting with his new friends on who would make the other give up first.

"I don't know," Aaron sighed watching his little brother fight with Connor's little brother, "Nick is made up of nothing but energy."

Each of the girls were either shaking her head, rolling her eyes, or sighing at the boys' immaturity, both the big and little boys.

"This is something I never thought would happen in public," Min sighed, "I never thought Li would ever gamble."

"This is embarrassing," Jordie whined.

"Yeah, people are staring at us," Rachel added.

"Let's leave the guys and keep going on the path," Angel offered. All the girls agreed, and left with out being noticed.

"So, Angel, what do you want for your birthday?" Haley asked Angel.

She just shrugged, "I dunno. Anything will do, I guess."

"You're not very picky are you?" Diana asked amusedly. All six girls, even Angel, laughed. They talked and walked around the park for a couple of hours. When they came back, the guys were the same as they were when they left. Trevor and Nick still fighting, and Aaron, Duo, Connor, Li, and Devon still fighting over who was gonna win.

The sun was starting to set. The fight finally ended when both Nick and Trevor collapsed in exhaustion. All the guys got into a heated debate on who had collapsed first. It was finally time to go, and the guys finally gave up on the bet. Both of the little boys fell asleep in their older cousins' laps.

"They're so cute when they're asleep," Angel smiled holding Nick in her lap. Rachel nodded in agreement as she stroked Trevor's cheek.

"Yeah, that's the only time," Aaron added, putting his hands behind his head. Rachel rolled her eyes, and shook her head. Aaron glanced at her, "What?"

She looked over at him and smiled, "Nothing."

Aaron snorted, "Whatever..."

They finally arrived at the apartments. They all gave their "good-byes" and went inside. Angel, Aaron, and Nick stayed in the limo as it drove off.

"Hey, Aaron," Angel began, "when did the two of us beome so distant?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, sitting up straight, feeling uneasy with his cousin's distress.

"I mean, you and I hardly ever talk anymore. We used to be so close," she answered. Aaron sighed.

"Angel, I..." he paused, "I really don't know."

The limo came to a stop, Aaron took Nick from Angel, and exited the limo. Angel sighed as she closed the limo door and rode home.


Angel's notes: I AM SO SORRY! I hope that I didn't lose any fans (if I had any to begin with...) Plz forgive me for taking soo long to update. I'm trying to work this story into my schedule, but its getting hard. I'm doing my best. I'll update as soon as I can.

