Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Wing: Next Generation ❯ Gundam Wing: 3 Stars p1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Note - this story is an RP collaboration by Sailor Centauri (Dunames), Bakura Millennium Keeper, Ryastarling and in later chapters, Shadow-Assassin (Cheetaramon).
- We don't own Gundam Wing but we do own Cassidy Noin (Dunames), Kaito Barton (BMK), Megan Maxwell (Rya) and Rebecca (Cheetara) and their respective gundams.

Gundam Wing: NG
Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Noin lay in her bed for the final time that night, as she'd found out that her mother planned to move to a house closer to her old friends. The new house wasn't so bad, and was a lot closer to her school anyway. Half the students there actually lived there during term, she was lucky and didn't have to.
also thought about her secret, her secret of being a Gundam Pilot of the new age. Her mother didn't even know and that was a good thing, but then again, she was practically all alone in that endeavour, or so she thought anyway. She turned over and her shoulder length blue hair, fell over her neck just as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning her mother, Lucrezia Noin, a former suit pilot and current Sanq Kingdom Guard came to wake her.

"Cassi," she chimed shaking the blue haired girl. "Wake up, the bed will have to be moved soon." as she preferred to be called, may have been a trained gundam pilot but she was still just like your average teenage girl and she hated getting up. "Ok mom, just give me a few minutes."

"Ok, but the movers would like the bed," her mom laughed.

"Yeah yeah," Cassi snorted as she rolled out of bed. "Just let me change, I have no desire to have those movers enter my room while I'm dressed like this."

"Why? Trying to attract attention in something more flashy?" her mom joked. Kara shot her mother her patented 'cut it out' glare and carried on changing into her day clothes.
BACK HERE!!!" came a shout through the halls of the Sanq Palace as a boy with shoulder length brown hair and emerald green eyes ran down the halls at top speed being chased by a rather angry former gundam pilot with black hair, or what should have been black that is. At that moment his hair was covered in white powder.

Kaito Barton was the son of Trowa Barton, another former gundam pilot. His mother, Dorothy, hadn't liked the idea of raising their son to be a gundam pilot but eventually agreed. He quite enjoyed being a pilot even if he was only a pilot in training. Not only was Kaito a skilled pilot he was also a real smart aleck and a heck of a prankster. He'd just gotten his 'nemesis' Wufei with one of the oldest tricks in the book. The flour above the door trick. He found it funny but the black haired pilot wasn't impressed. In fact, he was furious.
this time Miss. Noin had since got her daughter out of bed and into the car to drive to the Sanq Palace, she intended to see her friends while the furniture was being moved to the new house. Cassi was bored to say the least. She wanted to be behind the controls of her gundam, but hey, there was time for that when the new enemy decided to strike. of the silence, Miss. Noin flicked the radio on to listen to some music. Cassi ignored it though, and only snapped out of her quiet reverie when the car stopped in the car park of the sanq palace.

"Come on, let's go and say hello to everyone," her mom called as she got out of the car. followed suit and stepped out of the car. She dusted off her jeans and gypsy top, and stared aimlessly around the car park as she and her mom began to walk towards the steps. was really quiet, that was till she heard shouting. It was from an older man who'd just chased a teenage boy out of the building; needless to say being in the way wasn't a good idea. The boy skidded trying to avoid hitting the blue haired teenager and slipped on the last few steps, as Cassi nimbly cart wheeled to one side.

"And what was that?" she asked the boy who was lying at the base of the steps.

"Cassi are you ok?" asked her mother. Cassi just shrugged and placed her hands in her belt.

"I swear you deserved that," Wufei growled as he stopped half way down the steps. "Hey Miss. Noin." Miss. Noin just nodded as Cassi went to help the teenage boy up.
you old man," the boy replied to the black haired kingdom guard. He smiled as he took Cassi's hand and got to his feet, "Sorry about that. Didn't mean to nearly knock you over. Wufei just can't take a joke."

"Looks like some joke," came a voice from behind them as Trowa Barton stepped into view looking Wufei over and sighing, "I really don't know where you get it from Kaito. I knew I should never have let Maxwell near you. He's a terrible influence."

"Oh come on dad. Duo's so cool. He's hilarious, you got to admit it," Kaito said as his father shook his head and headed back into the building snickering slightly as he passed Wufei who just glared at him mumbling something about 'keeping the dishonourable child under control'.

"It's nice seeing you Noin but I've got some things to do. I'll see you later," Trowa said as he disappeared through the door.
shrugged as his father walked off then turned back to Noin and her daughter, "Oh ya, guess I should introduce myself. I'm Kaito Barton," he said holding out his hand to her and the two shook hands.
Maxwell sang to the tune of Highway to hell as she sat dazing in a tree in the front yard of the sanq kingdom mansion. Now Meg as any carefree teenager knew was that her father would never think of looking for her up here, nor would the other former gundam pilots.

"There you are!" Duo said and looked up into the tree at her daughter who looked down as her flaming red hair tied back in a braid hung down loosely in the air.

"Huh?" She asked and looked down, "Hey dad, what's up?"

"Apparently, you are" Duo said, 'The others are waiting for our arrival at the mansion come on my little shinigami"

Jumping down from the tree she quickly looked over at the front of the mansion and her eyes caught a girl, younger then her and an attractive looking boy.

Slowly her father walked her over to introduce her to the others as they saw him coming. "Hey guys" Duo said as he walked over towards the others.
this young girl?" Dorothy asked looking down at Meg.

"Meg Maxwell's the name I don't lie, I just cheat and steal!" She chuckled.

"Great another Maxwell," Wulfei growled under his breath.

Meg eyed Kaito up and winked at him causing him to blush while the younger girl just eyed her with a hard look. "And you who might you all be?" She asked and tossed her hair back.
grinned slightly at the girl looking her over before putting his hand out for her to shake, "I'm Kaito Barton. And don't listen to old stone face. He's just sour cause I outsmarted him again."

"I'm Cassidy Noin," Cassi responded shaking the older girls hand. "I prefer Cassi." Cassi seemed to have taken an instant dislike to the girl's seemingly 'flirtatious' techniques, but then again she never really cared for flirting and flaunting herself. She brushed a strand of her loose hair behind her ear, before returning her hand to her belt.

"Cassi really," her mother groaned. "I thought I raised you not to act like that. That was your fathers influence I'll bet."

"I don't need to be reminded that I have more in common with dad than I do with you mother," Cassi said sharply.

"Your daughter has quite a sharp tongue Miss. Noin," said a light and airy male voice, as Quatre appeared, walking down the steps of the huge mansion.

"Don't I know it, she takes it from her late father," Miss. Noin responded shaking her head. "She may have my looks, but she has her fathers attitude."

"Dad was cool," Cassi snorted folding her arms. "I may have been young when he passed away, but at least he was around long enough to teach me what you wouldn't."

"And what would that be?" asked Quatre smiling at the blue haired teenager as if she was younger than she actually was. His tone suggested that he was teasing her and with Cassi being Cassi, she didn't like to be teased, verbally or otherwise. Typical teenager, her mom had always said.

"My dad taught me about the past war with OZ, it was a lot more fascinating than kids TV shows, that's what."

"Charming father," Wufei muttered. "Teaching his child about war, what a waste of time."
glared at him, she'd loved her father a lot and to hear anyone speak badly of him angered her. It was only because of a warning look from her mother, that she didn't act there and then.
well my dad is always telling me stories about him and Heero Yuy fighting in the war," Meg said, 'It's totally awesome." Then slowly she eyed Kaito and winked at him and then Relena came up to her smiling.

"Oh Duo she's gorgeous," Ralena cried, 'She looks just like a little doll," Quickly she hid behind her father just as Relena was about to hug her and peeked from behind him.

"Look lady, I am not a doll!!!" She cried, "I am a living breathing girl who does like to be hugged anything that looks like you...hey wait a sec who are you anyway, I arrived here hours before anyone else and I've never seen you before," With that comment Relena quickly looked at Duo giving him a death glare.

"I am Relena Darlian, the vice foreign minister" She said.

"You?" Meg asked and raised an eyebrow, "You're kidding right?"
response, Cassi turned back round and eyed the young woman up critically, this couldn't be the same Relena Darlian her mother spoke so highly of, she looked like a stuck up aristocrat and that was on a first glance.

"And who is this lovely young lady?" Relena asked turning to look Cassi over.

"She's my daughter Cassidy, Miss. Relena," Miss. Noin told her promptly.

"You look so much like your mother," Relena smiled. "You don't have her emotional vibe though."

'Emotional vibe' Cassi thought looking at Relena with a raised eyebrow. 'What is this woman on?' Relena even tried to give her a friendly hug, but Cassi who detested hugs stepped backwards causing Relena to lose her footing on the stairs and she would've fallen if Miss. Noin hadn't grabbed her arm.
had to smirk though as she heard Meg and Kaito suppress snickers behind their hands, it seemed as if Miss. Relena wasn't so popular with youngsters. She turned and flashed the pair a wink and a grin, whilst unfolding her still folded arms.

"Hey, you two want to get out of here and head into town or something?" she asked curiously. "I personally can't stand the air of democracy myself."
with you" Meg said and carefully whispered to the other two, "I dunno if that's the vice foreign minister, or the devil in disguise."
Cassi and Kaito hid their snickers behind their hands, it had been a long time since Cassi had felt able to laugh or whatever around others since her father had passed away when she was 8. Sure she snickered but giggles and laughing were totally different. She didn't know what it was all of a sudden as she looked at Meg, but the dislike she'd taken before subsided and she found herself liking the older red-haired girl and Kaito seemed pretty cool to. Turning on her heal, she motioned for them to follow her.

"Come on, I know a place in town where we can hang out, adult free."
adult free," Meg said as they snuck away from the adults, "That means no scary devil women and no drinking tea and eating biscuits!!" Then her eyes turned to the other girl, "By the way what did you say your name was? I didn't quiet catch it."

"Cassidy Noin," Cassi told her again as they managed to sneak through the car park. "Cassi for short."
three snuck out of the car park and quickly disappeared across the road, before disappearing down a back alley. They all had to sigh in relief, just because they were Gundam Pilots didn't mean they couldn't have fun. None of them knew the others were Gundam Pilots as well, it was just cool to do something 'teenage' for once. Cassi knew she'd like these two, they were pretty cool and she had to admit as they walked and talked that they were both funny.

Back with the adults, neither had noticed that during their catching up with Miss. Noin and Duo that the three teens had snuck away, till Relena decided to ask if they had any views on the current way of life in the Sanq Kingdom.

"Where are those three?" asked Quatre.

"Knowing Cassi, she's gone off to that teen club she likes so much," Miss. Noin sighed. "Absolutely no adults are allowed in there, besides the ones who work there. They bounce them all out otherwise."

"Nice place," Wufei snorted.

Meanwhile, Cassi was showing Kaito and Meg to Hang Ten, her favourite hang out when she wasn't doing anything else.

"This is the place," she said as she stopped at the door. A huge man, obviously a bouncer was standing there, his face set in a stern stare. He gave Cassi a nod as she approached, his stare turning to a smile.

"Hey there Cassi, nothing to do today?" he asked in greeting.

"No, not really Jayce," she responded. "My mother's having a mothers meeting so I came to hang." The man nodded and stepped aside for her to go in, but raised a hand before the other two teens.

"It's ok," Cassi told him. "They're teens, they're cool and they're with me."

"Ok, but tell them to get passes while they're here." Cassi nodded and waved Kaito and Meg in.
need passes to get in here?" Kaito asked raising an eyebrow as he looked around. Strobe lights flashed and a band played on a large stage that looked as if it was floating (On glass or plastic). The music was pretty good. He looked around at the different teenagers in the room and smiled, "Not bad. I've only been to a club once. Actually it was with your dad Meg."
smirked slightly as she walked over to a booth at the far side of the club, and seeing some teens sitting there glared at them sharply. The other teens moved hurriedly and sat on the seat behind. Seeing Kaito and Meg give her a look, she shrugged and sat down. "I ALWAYS sit here when I come to hang out," she told them, motioning for them to take a seat. "Everyone knows that, especially since I usually like to sit alone and at other times they're free to sit here. As for the passes well, it's only till the three bouncers get to know you then you just breeze on in here."
waitress walked over, she wasn't much older then them, probably 18 or 19 with short wavy blonde hair and greyish blue eyes. "What'll it be?" she asked.

"The usual for me," Cassi grinned.

"And your guests?" she asked as she placed to pass signing forms down in front of them.
guess I'll have whatever she's having," Kaito shrugged as he grabbed the paper and read through it then began to fill it out. He'd always been taught to make sure about what you where signing before filling it out. You never knew who might be trying to swindle you somehow. The girl smiled as he carefully read the printed words and began to fill the form out, as Meg did.

"Amazing they're doing the same thing you did Cassi," she laughed. "Ok then that's 2 Lemon twists and how about you miss?" She turned to Meg who was still writing, awaiting her answer.
Pepsi," Meg smiled, "I've got to have daily intake of caffeine otherwise, according to my dad, I go nuts."
lifted an eyebrow at that then continued to fill out the forms as the waitress nodded and headed off the get their drinks. When he'd finished filling them out, he stared out at the dance floor and watched the various teens dance. Meg slowly looked out onto the dance floor and tapped her foot to the sound of the beat.

"Hey, who's up for seeing me break dance?" Meg asked, "According to my dad I'm pretty good, according to my babysitters and neighbours, I'm gonna kill myself one day"

Slowly the waitress returned with there drinks and Meg quickly chugged down the Pepsi and let out a huge burp which was drowned out by the music. "Uh Gomen Nesi. Couldn't help myself, yea know?" She asked and chuckled. "So anyone up for dancing?"

"Go ahead. No one's stopping you," Kaito said motioning to the dance floor, "If you want to dance then do it." He was quite interested to see what this girl could do on the dance floor.

"Go ahead," Cassi agreed. "It'll be unique to see someone kill themselves in break dancing, it'll make a change from me trying to get myself killed in the occasional fight."
other two looked at her as she sipped her drink, then put it down on the table. Cassi knew they must've caught on to something and sighed, she had to say it, although she was sure there was something about her new friends as well. She motioned for them to sit closer, so that they could hear her even over the music.

"Ever piloted a gundam?" she asked, thankful that only they could hear her over the music. "I have my own, and I'm betting ten to one you do to."
have a gundam?" Meg asked with wide eyes, "Well I got one, sort of... I found out about it when I was tapping into one of dad's calls to some guy name Wu-man. Later I found the most marvellous piece of machinery I have ever seen. It's my baby, yea know... better then having my own car... I named it, Deathscythe Angel. Then my dad came down and made a big fuss and tried to make me forget so we got into this argument and....well I won of course! Ah, what a teen can do with blackmail. Heh, Heh, Heh."
Meg looked over at Kaito and he looked over too. "And what about you cutie, you got yourself one too?" Cassi smiled at Meg and nodded as they waited for Kaito to answer.
however, looked away, not seeming to want to answer the girl's question. He kept his eyes on the dance floor and hoped that neither would ask again and would just let it drop.

"Yeah, I kind of got drafted into it when I got into a fight a year ago," she told her as a cool smirk crossed her face. "Some sort of soldiers were giving this kid grief because he bumped into one of them, so I kicked their butts. This scientist called Dr. Hiroko saw me, of course, and well, the rest is history. My gundam's called Night Strike, and thankfully my mother doesn't know I have one. She'd probably forbid me to use it if she did, although I'd probably use it anyway."

Cassi grinned this time, before taking several sips of her lemon twist. To her going against her mothers wishes never to fight, was all part and parcel of it all. Her father had been a soldier once, and as she'd admitted before, she had her mother's looks but her father's personality. She adored her gundam too, as its black and silver design had really caught her eye.

"Oh, by the way Meg, cool name for your gundam," she hastened to add as she put her glass down again. "Got any other special talents you might want to mention while Kaito thinks up his answers? I'm a hacker and black belt martial artist myself." Cassi loved that about herself to, the fact that she could kick someone's butt and hack practically any computer system she wanted to.
skills...hmm let's see I'm good at hacking, love taking apart weapons and putting them back together," Meg chuckled, 'I once took apart my dad's semi automatic hand gun and let's say he's afraid to use it now something about 'that thing might blow me up for all I know.' Oh and I can get men to whatever I wont them to's a gift but according to my dad it's a curse." Meg slowly sipped her soda when another thing came to mind.
it amazing, we all take after our fathers, well nearly." She grinned at Kaito as she said this, whilst brushing a strand of her loose shoulder length blue hair behind her ear. She sipped her lemon twist again, and swirled it for a moment before putting it down again.

She sighed and crossed her legs under the table, accidentally bumping the table leg.
"Sorry," she apologised. "Oi, you know those soldiers I mentioned?" Seeing the two nod, she continued. "I looked up the logo on their suits not long after that fight. Hacked into the government database. Their signatures are new OZ style, the military, or should I say our parents? Call them OZ Generation X."
shook her head, as thoughts of fighting came to mind. She wouldn't mind fighting, as she'd get to use her Gundam, but to fight during a peaceful time, well it was just so wrong. True her blood spoke differently as it was, but it was her mom she was worried about. Cassi might not have shown it, but she was concerned.

"I hope our parents don't try and fight again," she told Meg and Kaito. "Then again, that means we're up for the inning and we've got to make sure we don't go out you know."
our parents fighting again is not a good thing" Meg said, "They're old...but I have an idea of course," Cassi and Kaito both raised their eyebrows in question.

"Well I've been doing a little bit of investigating myself," Meg said, "Well lately my schools been acting a little weirder then usual and then one afternoon after school I was in the gym and....


I was picking up the basketball and baseball equipment like I usually do. Just as i was about to lock up I heard my gym teacher and the janitor talking.

"So everything is underway in the development of the new MS?" The gym teacher asked.

"Yes sir everything is going underway as planned," The Janitor said.

"Good we'll strike them so hard they'll never know what hit them," The gym teacher stated.
course I didn't know what they were talking about at the time. After that I went home and thought about it some more.

<End Flashback >

"Then it hit me, they were sort of a rebellion group hiding in the school," Meg said, "But why would anyone use a school as a hideout, I mean, it's scary enough as it is."

Both Cassi and Kaito laughed at that comment and nodded in agreement.

"I'm not sure anything that's been happening is a good thing," Cassi sighed. Then she noticed the music had died down just after Meg had finished talking, while the band set up for another song. They couldn't talk here any longer. It was too dangerous. Getting up she motioned for them to follow her.

"Come on, let's go and see Dr. H," she urged. "I don't like this, and I have a feeling, I know who this new OZ Generations X's first targets may be."

She led them out as the two handed their pass forms to the waitress, and headed down the street and into another back alley. She waited for them to catch up, and led them down several dark back alleys. The only things in them were junk and mice, not much really. She walked up to a wall and kicked it sharply, causing it to shift and it slid to the side a bit.

"Secret way," she explained looking back at her two semi-stunned companions. She grinned at them. "Hey, you learn this stuff when you hang around town a lot." She stepped through the entrance and motioned for them to follow, which they did and down a metal staircase as the wall closed behind them.
followed behind the two girls. They were pretty smart and were beginning to know a little too much. If they continued like this, Cassi and Meg would get themselves into big trouble. And he'd be in even worse trouble if he were seen with them. He'd have to report this to his father and the others involved in the project when he got back home.


"Kaito, I know this is allot to ask of you but we need you to do this. We need someone on the inside," his father said calmly to the 11 year old who nodded in return, "OZ is planning something and we know it has something to do with the school we've transferred you to. We need you to find out what it is and try to get yourself into their midst. We know that they've been recruiting students."

Kaito nodded, "I'll do what I can."

glanced back at Kaito, who was being rather quiet for some reason. True she thought he was cool, but her natural born soldier instincts were kicking in now that things were starting to heat up around the Sanq Kingdom. The hairs on her arms and the back of her neck prickled, and a strange tingling sensation seemed to flow over her skin. She glanced at Meg out the corner of her eye, wandering if she'd sensed it to.

"We're here," she announced as she entered the underground bay. They'd gone quite a ways by then, and were underneath an area outside the other side of the city. She crossed to another gantry and down another flight of metal stairs, till she entered
"Dr. Hiroko," she called looking around for the scientist.

The man, who was in his mid twenties, with dark brown hair, and brown eyes, turned to acknowledge the blue haired girl and her companions. His eyes fled to Meg, especially her hair and then to Kaito.

"I see you picked up some friends Cassi," he announced.

"I sure did," Cassi nodded. "How's Night Strike?"

"Ready to go when you need him," Dr. Hiroko responded as he flicked a switch on the wall. The whole place was soon illuminated by bright lights, revealing an amazing Gundam. It was black with silver trim, carrying a thermal energy lance shaped object in its one hand, and a shield on the other. There was no doubt it was Cassi's, as it was the only one there.

"What do you think?" she asked, directing her question more towards Meg than Kaito. "Sweet huh? I plan to use it as the OZ Generation X group have decided to strike soon."
the strange looks she was getting, Cassi grinned and walked over to a cabinet to retrieve her own handgun.

"What?" she asked almost darkly and somewhat sarcastically as she loaded her weapon. "The owner of a gundam has to be a trained gundam pilot right? I am one after all. This new OZ faction, as our parents may not know, is governed by a strict intelligence unit called Gamma. Although I'm sure they'll learn soon enough, right Kaito?" She trained her weapon right on the teenage boy, her finger sitting gently on the trigger.