Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Wing One Shots ❯ Sombra En Mi Corazon ( Chapter 1 )
Sombra en mi Corazon
*sigh* probably spelled it wrong. I no own. Just read.
Duo sighed as he stared at the sky. He was alone, again. It was almost a curse; everyone close to him succumbed to the pull of Death's arms. He wondered sometimes; if he had just left everyone alone, would they have been here now? He stared at the tattered sheets of paper that swirled down the narrow alleyway, clumping at the corners of curbs. He stared at the puddles of brackish water, and down the almost deserted street. He was always the last one, the man with a boyish face, staring down the empty street, counting the cars that passed at erratic intervals.
He leaned against a building covered in graffiti, all boarded up. And he gazed at the almost black of the sky. It looked sort of like her hair. He remembered that the most of her, that shiny black blue hair, always escaping from her hat or hairdo in wandering curls. He had watched her as she and skipped and jumped around the house, she was so full of life as she teased him, played with everything, an energetic puppy, eager to lighten the air. She had never managed to stay still, every movement involved special effort, a clumsy energy. She had been the first to fall. He had watched her slowly sicken, the hollows under her eyes widen as she grew thinner and paler. He remembered the last day in the hospital, she was nothing more then a shard of what she had once been, so emaciated he was afraid that she would blend with the white of the sheet and just fade out. He hadn't cried when they told him.
Next was Wufei and Sally, the silent stoic couple, they were the strong of spirit. The warrior and the healer, they had kept the group honorable and strong, a reminder of the morals all of them had fought for. They had been together, on their honeymoon on the colonies, their ship had engine troubles and crashed. Duo gritted his teeth; Wufei hadn't even had his honorable death! He'd died with Sally in flames.
Heero left next, giving it all for Relena in the end. Heero would do that; Relena really was his only reason for life. Duo remembered reading the headline; "Failed Assassination Attempt on Vice-Minister's Life, One Fatality". Duo giggled almost hysterically; the people had reduced all of the gang to nothing more then statistics on paper, meaningless and easily lost, or burned in the whirl of time. And that was really all that was left for Duo, ashes and lost promises. He hadn't gone to Heero's funeral, he couldn't bear to face it, the idea that another of his comrades had fallen, and he had stayed in his nice apartment, keeping Heero's death nothing more then a black gashes on white paper. But he couldn't ignore it; he couldn't ignore any of it.
He gave a little half-sob; Trowa had been shot on a mission. He had spent his last days in the hospital with a grieving Quatre and Relena. Trowa couldn't hold on even with the many encouragements. Quatre had followed closely behind his love; the shining innocent eyes had faded in depression, he refused food. Quatre had passed away, and for small consolation, he was buried with Trowa.
Noin and Milliardo, they had been kidnapped. Relena paid the ransom, they were still killed. Duo remembered holding Relena as she cried, her blue eyes dull and her hair matted and tangled with days of neglect. He had been in shock then; he would still tell himself sometimes they were still there, still laughing at smiling as they chattered about life. Relena and him and clung to each other, as the only ones left, but she couldn't take it. She hadn't warned Duo when she saw the assassin on the balcony during her farewell speech. He was a good shot; Relena died instantly. And she hadn't warned Duo how much it would hurt, that she had fallen; that they had all fallen, never to return.
And Duo had been left. Alone, again. Duo had gone to her funeral, and he had sobbed, for the fallen, for the past that had hurt them, and for the future that would be. And he wept for himself for he had been left, again. With nothing but an empty street, broken memories and shadows in his heart.
Yay! Total crap! Goodie! Well Ryuke, there is your almost no survivors challenge fic, hope you're satisfied…, whatever.