Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Wing One Shots ❯ Christmas Blush ( Chapter 5 )
Christmas Blush
Yay! Another challenge fic from a friend. For Cat *bows* your non-angsty or the least angsty I could make it 3x4 with a side-dish of 1x2.
He hadn't really grown, Trowa decided. His face was still the same, still radiated that magnetic innocence, and even though he was a little bit taller, he still had the same kindly air. Trowa sat in the only darkened corner at the Quatre's Christmas party and watched his host flutter around the crowd. He watched as Quatre smiled and laughed, danced and scrambled. He stared at Quatre over the wall of his own aloofness and smiled. He thought about all the times he had sat and watched as Quatre did his social dance. He lamented at how long it had been since he had seen Quatre. Quatre being busy with the usual bustle of Winner Industries and Trowa on random missions, not that Trowa really wanted to go missions, but he really had nothing else to do.
He decided that after the party he was definitely going have to take some vacation time, he was beginning to feel like Heero. Well, he looked at Heero, who was caught up in a heated discussion with Duo, most likely about war, and he saw the slender grin that worked its sneaky way on to Heero's face. Okay, so he felt like Heero BEFORE the war. He watched the rest of the normal gang talking; Relena with fire spitting from her eyes, practically shouting at Wufei, who was giving his usual speech on women and war; Sally and Dorothy who watched them with coolly amused eyes. He saw Duo lean over and kiss Heero; under the mistletoe of course, inspiring feelings of envy in Trowa's heart. He saw Quatre…..
"Hello Trowa!" Trowa jumped. He had been so caught up in his thoughts he hadn't realized Quatre was standing about five inches away from him, and had probably been standing there for sometime.
"I haven't seen you for awhile." Trowa tried to detect a note of regret, a not of disproval a not of anything in Quatre's voice, but failed. The statement didn't seem to contain anything but Quatre's normal cheerfulness.
"Hn. I've been busy." Trowa felt like slapping himself on the head and a little voice in his head chided him, `Smart move dumbass! Let's make Quatre think we've been avoiding him or something'.
"So have I." Trowa felt the urge to sink into the ground, find some way to escape from this awful awkward conversation.
"So what happened to, Irira?" He was guessing Quatre hadn't had any new fiancées since the one he had met at Halloween.
"Oh, she said I didn't care for her, and I was too busy, then I met Cathy, then she left too." Trowa winced as Quatre shrugged. Looks like he guessed wrong. "It doesn't really matter, there wasn't any spark there anyway." This wording amused Trowa to great lengths.
"Spark?" Trowa said, raising an amused eyebrow.
"Yes. Spark. Don't you want a spark, when you're pledging your life to that person?" Quatre blushed as he turned slightly from Trowa's steady gaze. Trowa chuckled.
"I suppose I would. So, where or who do you think your spark is?"
"I don't know. But I'm sure he is wonderful. And very handsome" Quatre threw a glance at Trowa, which served to do nothing but confuse Trowa. Quatre sighed. "With brown hair and emerald eyes."
"He? How do you know it's a he? And if it's really a he then why do you have girl fiancées? And how do you know what he looks like?" Quatre blushed harder.
"I think I know my own sexuality Trowa. Besides that, the fiancées were all business arrangements." Quatre's face was by this time tomato red and he started looking like he wanted to strangle Trowa.
"Why are you so angry?" Trowa said mildly, decided it was fun to bait Quatre a little bit, couldn't do any real harm anyway right, maybe it would even give him a clue to what the hell was going on.
"Trowa, you are one of the most clueless people I can think of right now." Quatre snapped out, his face still a bright red, Trowa was incredibly confused, Quatre seemed to be snapping at him for absolutely no reason.
Dorothy sweeped by them and stared down her nose at Trowa.
"Trowa, you are absolutely clueless! Even I can see that he's flirting with you." Trowa bristled at her tone, but quickly forgot her as he turned back to Quatre. Who was now directing a dagger-filled look at Dorothy.
"Quatre?" Trowa, stared at his friend. Quatre slapped himself on the head.
"You really are quite hopeless you know. I like you, you big dope!" Trowa blinked, then a slow grin spread over his face. He grinned like the dope that Quatre told him he was. Then he leaned over and planted a delicate kiss on Quatre's nose.
"I like you too." Then he turned to the rest of the party who was staring at the newly made couple with dazed eyes. Trowa stared at them for a second then made small gestures with his hands. "Carry on." And he dragged Quatre under the mistletoe for a slightly less delicate kiss, and when they pulled away, Quatre's blush was back full force, and I think, Trowa might have blushed to.