Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ GW halloween ❯ gw halloween ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is another fic by me, the great Deragonmaji! It is humor. I was on a sugar high when I wrote this so it's pretty insane. 6 cans of pop and a bowl of candy and a big bowl of ice-cream will do that to anybody. I OWN GUNDAM WING!!!! * Is tackled and beat up by crazed GW fans* OKOK! I DON'T OWN THEM!!! *Is being taken off to the gallows * WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *Cries*
A Gundam Halloween
Duo Maxwell ran into his closet for Halloween and got out his Rambo costume. As he walked out of his room into the den of the safe house he saw his friends. Heero Yuy, the perfect soldier, was in a bunny costume. How Relena got him into that one, Duo would never know. Quarter Winner, the multi-buhzillionaire, (yes, there is such a word! It exists in my twisted, crazy mind!) was dressed up as a pencil with his feet sticking out the bottom of the eraser. Quatre could only take 2 steps before falling on his face. Chang Wufei, the arrogant china-man, was dressed up as Goldie Locks and was ranting about the injustice of it all. Trowa Barton, the silent clown, was dressed up in his circus clown costume. Go figure. And last of all Relena Peacecraft, the queen of the world, was dressed as a witch and was passing everyone their candy bags. Sally Po sat in a chair by the door with a huge bowl of candy. Sally was in her preventer's uniform.
Duo tied the red bandanna around his forehead and finished putting ammo in his chest holster- thingy. He walked over to the others. Heero nodded and they all trooped out the door, with the exception of Sally who was going to pass out candy to trick-or-treaters. When she thought no one was looking, she stuffed TNT into the bowl as well. Duo smiled and ran out the door. On the sidewalk they looked at eachother, grinned crazily and ran all different directions. They ran all over the neighborhood getting candy. When somebody made fun of their costumes or said they had no candy, they would get out their guns and start shooting. 36 hours later (don't ask me why their Halloween was that long it just is) they walked into the safehouse. They all emptied all their candy onto the floor. Sally's eyes literally bugged out of her head when she saw the 7-ft high mound of candy on the floor. The usually calm and contained woman snapped and jumped into the pile and began eating like there was no tomorrow. The others looked at her and jumped in as well. Let's just say they were all hyper for a month.
Did ya like it? Questions, comments, concerns mail them to ~ Deragonmaji~