Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Hair ❯ Hair ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Duo loved his hair, but sometimes even <i>he</i> thought about cutting it off. As to why he didn't… well, nobody but him really needed to know.
There were two things that stopped him from doing that. One was Sister Helen. Sister Helen was the first person who ever told him how beautiful it was; said it looked like an angel's. Duo was no angel, but he loved Sister Helen, and father Maxwell and all the others, so he kept it to remind him why he fought in two wars and why he worked for Preventer.
The second reason had messy chocolate brown hair, intense cobalt blue eyes and answered to the name of Heero Yuy. Heero <i>loved</i> Duo's hair. Duo couldn't even complain about what a fucking pain in the ass it was to wash anymore because Heero did it for him. The fact it almost always led to great sex after was a bonus. Duo could admit to himself that the main reason he kept his hair these days was for Heero.