Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Healing Scars ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer:Don't own a thing.
Warnings:3x4, angst, humor, some OOC, drama, romance Notes:Ahh, it's a sequal to Lifestyles! yay! I so had a bouncing inpiration for this one! Work does wonders... It's so boring anything can pop into mind! Like...Ideas! I like ideas... *melts* This may be a ... strange fic. I guess. But I'm overly hyper right now to decide!^_^ Oh, and thanks Barb(WindRider01) For the name! wee! I so couldn't think of one!
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"Waaah! She hit me!"

A little boy's voice wailed as the large packed-full bus drove down the dirt road which was surrounded by trees and bushes. Yet the beautiful scenery was destroyed by the screaching and talkative young children which filled the bus.

"Trowa, I thought you said this would be fun." Quatre half whined almost hitting his head into the cusioned leather seat in front of him.

Trowa grumbled and turned to the argueing pair of children."Hey! Annie, what did I tell you about hitting people?"

"But Troooowa!" She wailed.

"No but's Annie, rememeber what happened last year when you kept picking fights?"

She nodded and pouted."I'm sorry, I'll be good."

Trowa smiled and turned back around in his seat to see Quatre with his arms crossed."Hey, Quatre. Don't worry, the kids are always so reckless on the way to camp. It's exciting for them. I'm sure you would be as hyper if you were them."

Quatre couldn't help but crack a smile. He shook his head."I suppose your right. It better get better or I'm going to hit you Trowa." Quatre sighed."I'm glad I get to do something this summer. It's usually boring and dull at home. There's rarely anything to do."

"Well, the Psychiatrist told you to go out more, make some new friends. You were so withdrawn before. So quiet." Trowa placed a hand on Quatre's shoulder.

Quatre frowned and looked down at his wrists. They were almost healed but the two marks were going to leave scars."I...I know. It's hard though..."

Trowa smiled."Don't worry about it. You'll have a great time. These kids are great once their settled in their cabins and the other counsellors are great. They're really nice."

"I know I'll like it there. I mean anything is better then being cooped up at home. Iria works all summer and I have to take care of things while she's gone. I never get to do much. I'm glad she agreed to let me go this summer."

"I won't let anything happen to you Quatre. Everyone deserves to go out and enjoy themselves once in awhile."

Quatre smiled adorably."Thanks."

Trowa sighed relievingly to himself knowing that Quatre was happy. He hated seeing him upset. He tried hard to fix the emotion scars Quatre had. Iria had brought Trowa to see Quatre's Psychiatrist, since he was Quatre's only friend at the time. He had told Trowa to try and get Quatre out into social events and get him to make more friends and enjoy himself. He also noted that he should feel comfortable around others, and if he seemed nervous to leave.

He turned his glance towards Quatre. He eyed him with a slight smile. Quatre looked so cute in the camp counsellor outfit. Quatre wasn't as thin as he had used to of been so the outfit was a bit tight. It had ended up being a girls, since that was the only one that had that would fit him. The rest were too big. Quatre of course, made a fuss but in the end Trowa calmed him down. The shorts were, well, short. The top fit him well. He had a deminine look to his body anyways. It fit short revealing his stomach a little. When Quatre had first tried it on he was blushing so brightly he looked as red as a tomatoe.

Trowa still couldn't take his eyes off the pretty blonde.

"Trowa? Uh... heeellloooo...?" Quatre waved a hand in front of Trowa's dumb struck face.

"Hm?...O-oh! What is it Quatre?"

"I've been trying to get your attention for afew minutes now... and you wouldn't move... Are you ok?

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine!"

"Hm, ok, anyways! I was saying that, do you think we'll get a cabin together?" Quatre tried to hide the small blush that crossed over his pale cheeks.

"We should. But I don't make the room arrangements. That goes to the head counsellor. I think they have a new one this summer. The last one was nice. He was willing to make any changes that were requested. I'm sure this one will be just as nice."

"Ohh... ok, good. Oh, also, how do the age groups go?"

"This group we're with are the 7 to 12 year olds and there is another group of kids aged 13 to 15 on another bus. They will do some the same activities as the younger ones but they will also do things that the little ones can't do. There are older counsellors that look after the older group."

Quatre blinked."Whoa. Really? So there are going to be kids around our age there?"

"Well there usually aren't that many that are older but there are afew."

Quatre nodded."Ok. So we're stuck with the lil' brats?"

Trowa laughed slightly."Uh huh. I remember alot of these kids from last year."

"You worked here when you were 15?"

Trowa nodded."I was the youngest counsellor, but alot thought I was older so It never seemed to bug anyone." Trowa tubbed the back of his neck."We got along great."

"I...hope they like me." Quatre muttered.

"Of course they will Quat. Just be yourself."

The bus soon came to a stop and everyone was stareing out the windows in amazement at the camp area. It was really nice. The cabinslooked well kept. There was a big lake out in back and there was some chairs and tables set up outside. There wasn't much activities set up but that would come by the next day.

Trowa stood up in front of the anxious children."Ok, kids, I want you all to get off, but no pushing, I want you all to get off single file so that no one gets hurt."

Trowa and Quatre walked off first and watched the kids get off and stand out by the side of the bus and lifted their backpacks over their shoulders.

"Ok, everyone, do you have all your things from the bus?" Trowa asked. The kids replied together with a 'yes'.

"Ok, everone was given a slip of paper with you're cabin number on it. I want you to go to that cabin, get your things and bed sorted out and we will be in to talk with you later."

The kids then took off to their cabins excitedly.

"HEEY! TROWA!" A girl's voice called.

"Huh?" Trowa turned to the young woman behind him. She had her hair twisted in two braids which hung just below her shoulders. She had bright blue eyes as well.

"It's Trowa?" Came another girls voice from the other bus ahead of them. The girl got off. She had dark blue hair whcih swayed gently over one of her dark blue eyes.

"Hey! Sally, Noin! How are you?" Trowa asked as the two girls approached.

"We're doin' great! We're glad to see you back!" Sally smiled pulling her backpack over her shoulders.

"How's college for you guys?"

"Ahaha... Could be better but we're both doing pretty good!" Salled laughed slightly.

"Oh! Trowa! Who's the lil' cutie?!" Noin squeeled as she spotted the shy blonde which stood slightly behind Trowa. He reached out and shook both of their hands silently.

"Oh yea! Sally Noin this is Quatre. Quatre this is Sally and that's Noin."

"Oh, God, Trowa! The new head counsellor is HOT. I mean me and Noin couldn't stop stareing at him. He looked so good." Sally exclaimed franticly."But they say he's a real meanie."

Trowa blinked."So you met him?"

"Oh, no,no! We just saw him! We were to talk to him. But we have to meet up with him soon. Ohh.. I can't wait!" Sally sighed dreamily.

"Ah. I see. So you guy's in a cabin together?" Trowa asked hoping he would end up in a cabin with Quatre.

"Oh yea, we are! But Trowa, it's no fair cuz you get to share a cabin with Zechs!" Noin pouted.

Trowa cursed in his head but nodded calmly.

"Ah, poor Noin don't get to share a cabin with her honey!" Sally joked.

"Oh hush." Noin muttered in reply.

"You..uhh...can't change it?" Trowa asked casually.

"No... the rules changed due to the new head counsellor. See cuz he's really busy and he said it should be fine the way it is. Also girls aren't even aloud to share with a guy.."

"Oh...uhh.... hey, did any of you happen to see who Quatre was staying with?" Trowa hoped it was someone half decent.

"Hm, now that you mention thats why we were surprised to see someone knew, since we looked at the list and saw only mine, Noin's, yours and Zech's name there..." Sally shrugged.

"Ah .. shit... I'll find out Quat. Don't worry." Trowa said as he turned to the confused blonde.

Quatre bit his lower lip nervously."Ok... I hope it doesn't cause a problem." Quatre mutter4ed. He crossed his arms so to hise the scars on his wrists from the two girls, so they wouldn't freak.

Trowa sighed and picked his backpack up from the ground and heaved it over his shoulder."Come on Quat. Let's go find out what's goin' on with that." Trowa looked back at the blonde which nodded.

"Ok." Quatre lifted his backpack over his shoulders and followed Trowa towards the cabins the counsellors used.

"I have... a weird feeling about this..." Quatre muttered, yet said it low enough for no one to hear...


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weeee!new fic for me! how is it?