Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Hearts Entwined ❯ Part Three ( Chapter 3 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Gundam Wing: Hearts Entwined
Gundam Wing: Hearts Entwined
Part Three
By Eric Jacobson
Visit My FanFiction
Home Site
Author's Note: If you haven't read the disclaimer on the other two parts, read
them now. They apply to this part, too. I just don't feel like typing another
one out right now. So, without further delay, the final chapter of the Hearts
Entwined Trilogy!
The sun had fallen into the western horizon several hours before.
Nightfall blanketed Brussels in comforting darkness, and the city had fallen
into it's usual slumber. That is, everywhere except the main spaceport, just
outside of town. There, a single shuttle landed on runway five, and after slowing
down, taxied to the terminal to unload it's cargo of weary passengers.
Heero Yuy stepped out of the boarding tunnel and into the spaceport's
vast interior, his mission the only thing on his mind. He had alot to do between
now and sunset the next day, when he was finally going to reclaim a sort of
normalcy to his long troubled life. He walked through the small crowd of people
who had gathered to welcome family and friends, home from the Colonies, and
wondered if he would ever have anyone do that for him. Surely Relena would,
but that would have strayed from his original intentions.
He walked up to the counter of the spaceport's McDonald's and ordered
a triple cheeseburger and a strawberry milkshake. When the clerk brought him
his food, he moved to the table set into the far corner and sat down to enjoy
his meal. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar figure walking towards
him from the other side of the room.
"So, you're finally here, huh? Took ya long enough, Heero..."
"Hello, Duo. I didn't want to follow you too closely, Relena
might have seen me."
Duo sat in the chair accross from him and smiled. "Yeah, I
can understand that. I'll be catching the next shuttle back to L3. If I don't
get back by morning, Hilde is gonna have a field day."
"So, you're still seeing her, eh?"
"Yeah. You know, Heero, she's not really all that bad to live
with. And let me tell you, she can do things I've never dreamed a girl can do.
"Ever the pervert, I see..."
"Well, hey, you know me! I like my ladies. But I guess I'm
starting to grow up now, cause I really don't feel like going out and seeing
other girls when I have one at home that loves me as much as Hilde does. And
to think I always dreaded getting older."
"You dreaded getting older, and I never thought I'd live past
Operation Meteor. Funny how things work out like that, isn't it."
Duo's expression changed from happiness to wonder as Heero spoke.
For as long as he'd known the Gundam Team's unofficial leader, he'd never heard
him say the word 'Funny'. Or many other words, for that matter. To hear him
speak from his heart, even though he still sounded the same, was interesting
enough. "So what did that letter I gave her say, anyway?"
"I'm meeting her at the canal later on tomorrow evening. That
gives me some time to plan things out a bit more. I know what you're thinking,
that this is an unusual move for me, thinking about someone other than myself
for once."
"Yeah, you got me there. I never thought you'ld ever get to
this point, Heero Yuy. I always thought you'ld be the Perfect Soldier for the
rest of your life, war or no war."
"Times change, Duo. And I've learned that people
change, too. That's what I'm doing. And besides. Relena needs something normal
in her life, as do I. Her position makes things difficult for her, and she deserves
to have something stable behind her. It can only make her stronger."
"Well well well. Never thought I'd hear that from you. Of course,
you've always been full of surprises. Well, my shuttle's leaving in a few minutes,
so I'd better get going. Good luck, Heero. I hope this works out the way you
want it to."
"Thank you, Duo. And have a safe trip. Tell Hilde I said 'Hello'."
"Well, it sure took you long enough to thank me. But you're
welcome, buddy. And hey, if you two ever get married and you need a best man,
you know where to find me."
"I'll keep that in mind..."
Sunday afternoon found Relena Dorlian out and about town, shopping
for a new outfit. In her pocket, she carried the letter from her unknown suiter,
all the while hoping, almost knowing, that it was her Heero. She wanted to find
something nice, but nothing too fancy, to wear when she met him later that evening
down at the docks.
As she looked through the racks of clothes, she looked out the store's
front window. There, for a split second, she thought she saw Heero standing,
watching her. But as she turned back to do a double take, she saw that he was
gone. "Heero..." she muttered. After making sure that she was only
seeing things, she returned to her shopping. But in the back of her mind, she
swore to herself that Heero was out there, watching her.
A half an hour later, she was standing at the counter at Baskin
Robins ordering her favorite ice cream. In AC 199, they'd managed to go beyond
31 flavors, and Relena's favorite was Colonial Cherry. As the clerk handed her
her double scoop cone, she looked back into the back room of the store, and
there, next to the soft serve machine, she again saw Heero, staring at her and
smiling. She again did a double take, and again, he was gone. Was her mind playing
tricks on her? Or was he actually there? She couldn't be sure, and turned to
eat her ice cream cone.
As the time for her meeting drew closer, Relena took her belongings
and began to head home. As she walked down the street, she kept a close eye
out for Heero. She had seen glimpses of him everywhere that day, and each time
she looked again, he had vanished as if he were never there to begin with.
'Am I going crazy? I keep seeing him everywhere. Maybe it's just
because it could be him I'm meeting tonight, or maybe I'm just head over heels
in love with him. Maybe Duo was right. I don't know." As she continued
down the street, she looked up. Once again, there he was, walking towards her,
that same look on his face. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a
moment, trying to clear her mind. When she opened them again, he was still there.
'Is it real this time? Could it really be him?' As he came closer, she began
to tremble.
Just as he had reached her, a sudden wave of people came and pushed
Relena across the street to her right. She tried to fight her way out of the
crowd, but there were too many people. "Heero!" she screamed, but
to no avail. She found herself on the other side of the road, scanning frantically
for any sign that he was still there. But she found none. Again, he was gone.
She stood there for some time, wondering if her mind was really
going on her. She had seen him everywhere, yet each time, he'd disappeared.
It was like him, though, and she thought her mind might be taking that into
account. With her heart heavy, she let out a sigh and continued home to prepare
for her meeting, which was in two hours...
The sky above the canal was yellow and orange, tinted by the setting
sun in the western sky. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, and even the breeze
had checked out for the day. It was a nearly timeless moment, a moment the world
had not seen in many years. Up and down the canal, merchant ships, and even
a scow owned by the Sweepers Group, steamed along slowly, carrying cargo to
their respective destinations.
Alone on the bank, Relena stood, holding the letter in her hand.
She still wasn't sure if her mysterious man was in fact Heero or not, but in
her heart, she still held hope. She had seen his face everywhere during the
course of the day, and was now ready to confront her destiny.
The outfit she had bought suited her well. A simple cardigan, off
white, and a blue mid length skirt, she looked more like a simple woman than
one that had once been Queen of the entire world, even if it was only in the
eyes of the Romafellar Foundation. Her hair was braided in a ponytail similar
to Duo's. She stood, shaking, anxious to meet her mysterious beau.
Twenty minutes had passed, and still no sign of him. She began to
worry, looking all around her for anything that would hint her to his presence.
But there wasn't another soul in sight. Nearly ready to give up and call it
an evening, she closed her eyes and hung her head. "Oh Heero. I'd so hoped
it would be you who wrote me this. that it'd be you that was meeting me here.
I guess my hopes were in vain, though." She sighed. "I love you, Heero
"I love you too, Relena..."
For a second, Relena could have sworn that she'd heard his voice,
saying that he loved her. "I must be going crazy," she said, her eyes
still colsed, "now it's as if I can actually hear him." She opened
her eyes to see a hand, holding a rose out to her. She looked up, and saw the
smiling face of Heero Yuy looking at her. "Heero?"
"Yes, Relena. It's me."
"Heero! It was you!" She reached out to take the rose
from his hand, and held it up to her nose. "Is it true, Heero? Do you really
love me?"
"If there's one thing I've ever wanted more than anything else
in my life, it would be to have a normal life. And now, I've come to claim it.
The most important thing to me now is spending the rest of my life with you.
I love you, Relena, and I want to be with you. Forever. No more disappearing,
no more cold hearted 'I'll kill you' statements. And no more lonliness, for
either of us. I want you to be my wife."
She immediately
threw herself into his arms and began to cry tears of joy."Yes, Heero.
Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes!"
Nothing more was said that night. Nothing had to be. The world was
finally right for the two people responsible for it's salvation. And destiny
had finally brought two hearts, entwined by fate, together forever...
That's all, folks! A happy ending yet again! Second R time once again, and please
be nice. I know alot of you out there might not be Heero/Relena fans, but hey.
It fits my style. LOL. I hope you enjoyed this little trilogy. Visit this and
other stories at my FanFiction
Home Site, including the ever-popular DragonBall
Z: Unlikely Romance!
Gundam Wing: Hearts Entwined
Part Three
By Eric Jacobson
Visit My FanFiction
Home Site
Author's Note: If you haven't read the disclaimer on the other two parts, read
them now. They apply to this part, too. I just don't feel like typing another
one out right now. So, without further delay, the final chapter of the Hearts
Entwined Trilogy!
The sun had fallen into the western horizon several hours before.
Nightfall blanketed Brussels in comforting darkness, and the city had fallen
into it's usual slumber. That is, everywhere except the main spaceport, just
outside of town. There, a single shuttle landed on runway five, and after slowing
down, taxied to the terminal to unload it's cargo of weary passengers.
Heero Yuy stepped out of the boarding tunnel and into the spaceport's
vast interior, his mission the only thing on his mind. He had alot to do between
now and sunset the next day, when he was finally going to reclaim a sort of
normalcy to his long troubled life. He walked through the small crowd of people
who had gathered to welcome family and friends, home from the Colonies, and
wondered if he would ever have anyone do that for him. Surely Relena would,
but that would have strayed from his original intentions.
He walked up to the counter of the spaceport's McDonald's and ordered
a triple cheeseburger and a strawberry milkshake. When the clerk brought him
his food, he moved to the table set into the far corner and sat down to enjoy
his meal. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar figure walking towards
him from the other side of the room.
"So, you're finally here, huh? Took ya long enough, Heero..."
"Hello, Duo. I didn't want to follow you too closely, Relena
might have seen me."
Duo sat in the chair accross from him and smiled. "Yeah, I
can understand that. I'll be catching the next shuttle back to L3. If I don't
get back by morning, Hilde is gonna have a field day."
"So, you're still seeing her, eh?"
"Yeah. You know, Heero, she's not really all that bad to live
with. And let me tell you, she can do things I've never dreamed a girl can do.
"Ever the pervert, I see..."
"Well, hey, you know me! I like my ladies. But I guess I'm
starting to grow up now, cause I really don't feel like going out and seeing
other girls when I have one at home that loves me as much as Hilde does. And
to think I always dreaded getting older."
"You dreaded getting older, and I never thought I'd live past
Operation Meteor. Funny how things work out like that, isn't it."
Duo's expression changed from happiness to wonder as Heero spoke.
For as long as he'd known the Gundam Team's unofficial leader, he'd never heard
him say the word 'Funny'. Or many other words, for that matter. To hear him
speak from his heart, even though he still sounded the same, was interesting
enough. "So what did that letter I gave her say, anyway?"
"I'm meeting her at the canal later on tomorrow evening. That
gives me some time to plan things out a bit more. I know what you're thinking,
that this is an unusual move for me, thinking about someone other than myself
for once."
"Yeah, you got me there. I never thought you'ld ever get to
this point, Heero Yuy. I always thought you'ld be the Perfect Soldier for the
rest of your life, war or no war."
"Times change, Duo. And I've learned that people
change, too. That's what I'm doing. And besides. Relena needs something normal
in her life, as do I. Her position makes things difficult for her, and she deserves
to have something stable behind her. It can only make her stronger."
"Well well well. Never thought I'd hear that from you. Of course,
you've always been full of surprises. Well, my shuttle's leaving in a few minutes,
so I'd better get going. Good luck, Heero. I hope this works out the way you
want it to."
"Thank you, Duo. And have a safe trip. Tell Hilde I said 'Hello'."
"Well, it sure took you long enough to thank me. But you're
welcome, buddy. And hey, if you two ever get married and you need a best man,
you know where to find me."
"I'll keep that in mind..."
Sunday afternoon found Relena Dorlian out and about town, shopping
for a new outfit. In her pocket, she carried the letter from her unknown suiter,
all the while hoping, almost knowing, that it was her Heero. She wanted to find
something nice, but nothing too fancy, to wear when she met him later that evening
down at the docks.
As she looked through the racks of clothes, she looked out the store's
front window. There, for a split second, she thought she saw Heero standing,
watching her. But as she turned back to do a double take, she saw that he was
gone. "Heero..." she muttered. After making sure that she was only
seeing things, she returned to her shopping. But in the back of her mind, she
swore to herself that Heero was out there, watching her.
A half an hour later, she was standing at the counter at Baskin
Robins ordering her favorite ice cream. In AC 199, they'd managed to go beyond
31 flavors, and Relena's favorite was Colonial Cherry. As the clerk handed her
her double scoop cone, she looked back into the back room of the store, and
there, next to the soft serve machine, she again saw Heero, staring at her and
smiling. She again did a double take, and again, he was gone. Was her mind playing
tricks on her? Or was he actually there? She couldn't be sure, and turned to
eat her ice cream cone.
As the time for her meeting drew closer, Relena took her belongings
and began to head home. As she walked down the street, she kept a close eye
out for Heero. She had seen glimpses of him everywhere that day, and each time
she looked again, he had vanished as if he were never there to begin with.
'Am I going crazy? I keep seeing him everywhere. Maybe it's just
because it could be him I'm meeting tonight, or maybe I'm just head over heels
in love with him. Maybe Duo was right. I don't know." As she continued
down the street, she looked up. Once again, there he was, walking towards her,
that same look on his face. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a
moment, trying to clear her mind. When she opened them again, he was still there.
'Is it real this time? Could it really be him?' As he came closer, she began
to tremble.
Just as he had reached her, a sudden wave of people came and pushed
Relena across the street to her right. She tried to fight her way out of the
crowd, but there were too many people. "Heero!" she screamed, but
to no avail. She found herself on the other side of the road, scanning frantically
for any sign that he was still there. But she found none. Again, he was gone.
She stood there for some time, wondering if her mind was really
going on her. She had seen him everywhere, yet each time, he'd disappeared.
It was like him, though, and she thought her mind might be taking that into
account. With her heart heavy, she let out a sigh and continued home to prepare
for her meeting, which was in two hours...
The sky above the canal was yellow and orange, tinted by the setting
sun in the western sky. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, and even the breeze
had checked out for the day. It was a nearly timeless moment, a moment the world
had not seen in many years. Up and down the canal, merchant ships, and even
a scow owned by the Sweepers Group, steamed along slowly, carrying cargo to
their respective destinations.
Alone on the bank, Relena stood, holding the letter in her hand.
She still wasn't sure if her mysterious man was in fact Heero or not, but in
her heart, she still held hope. She had seen his face everywhere during the
course of the day, and was now ready to confront her destiny.
The outfit she had bought suited her well. A simple cardigan, off
white, and a blue mid length skirt, she looked more like a simple woman than
one that had once been Queen of the entire world, even if it was only in the
eyes of the Romafellar Foundation. Her hair was braided in a ponytail similar
to Duo's. She stood, shaking, anxious to meet her mysterious beau.
Twenty minutes had passed, and still no sign of him. She began to
worry, looking all around her for anything that would hint her to his presence.
But there wasn't another soul in sight. Nearly ready to give up and call it
an evening, she closed her eyes and hung her head. "Oh Heero. I'd so hoped
it would be you who wrote me this. that it'd be you that was meeting me here.
I guess my hopes were in vain, though." She sighed. "I love you, Heero
"I love you too, Relena..."
For a second, Relena could have sworn that she'd heard his voice,
saying that he loved her. "I must be going crazy," she said, her eyes
still colsed, "now it's as if I can actually hear him." She opened
her eyes to see a hand, holding a rose out to her. She looked up, and saw the
smiling face of Heero Yuy looking at her. "Heero?"
"Yes, Relena. It's me."
"Heero! It was you!" She reached out to take the rose
from his hand, and held it up to her nose. "Is it true, Heero? Do you really
love me?"
"If there's one thing I've ever wanted more than anything else
in my life, it would be to have a normal life. And now, I've come to claim it.
The most important thing to me now is spending the rest of my life with you.
I love you, Relena, and I want to be with you. Forever. No more disappearing,
no more cold hearted 'I'll kill you' statements. And no more lonliness, for
either of us. I want you to be my wife."
She immediately
threw herself into his arms and began to cry tears of joy."Yes, Heero.
Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes!"
Nothing more was said that night. Nothing had to be. The world was
finally right for the two people responsible for it's salvation. And destiny
had finally brought two hearts, entwined by fate, together forever...
That's all, folks! A happy ending yet again! Second R time once again, and please
be nice. I know alot of you out there might not be Heero/Relena fans, but hey.
It fits my style. LOL. I hope you enjoyed this little trilogy. Visit this and
other stories at my FanFiction
Home Site, including the ever-popular DragonBall
Z: Unlikely Romance!