Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Heero of Basil Street ❯ Part 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Heero of Basil Street 6/10(?)

Author: DamnVespa

Pairings: 1X2, 3X4 and 5X6

Category: AU,

Warnings: A little OOCish on Heero's part. I think that is all for now.

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of GW or any part of The Great Mouse Detective.

"So, what are we going to do now?"

There was no answer.

Back at the warehouse, Treize was putting on the finishing touches of Dekim's plan. He had been working all night on it. He was only going along with it so he could be able to sabotage Dekim's plans. He had no idea that at the moment Wufei was coming back to the warehouse with his daughter.

"How's it coming along Treize?"

"Fine, Dekim. All you have to do is push this button and it should bring the system online and download it into the mobile dolls."

The system was something Treize designed when he was a bright and upcoming scientist. He made the system to help people better react and predict hazards in mobile suits. It was supposed to be used only for mining, but the military got wind of it and used it in their plans for mobile suits as weapons. It was soon found to be highly unstable and it unfortunately killed one of the very first people it was experimented on. Treize was devastated that his system had been used and that it had killed someone. He decided never to use the system again. He went as far as to make sure it was destroyed. Apparently he didn't destroy all of it.

Dekim was pleased with how things were working. Soon he would have the girl in case he needed Treize for something later. The mobile dolls were about finished and Heero Yuy should be right where he wanted him before the night was through. All was going according to schedule. He went over to the computer module and pushed the button. There was a slight hum of noise as electricity flowed through the wires and into the machines. Dekim slowly smiled in joy that it had worked then sharply frowned in dismay when sparks started to fly out of the first mobile suit. It seemed to catch on to the others. Soon all the mobile suits had sparks flying. When the sparks finally died down he looked at Treize and Treize smiled.

"You sabotaged it didn't you?"

"Yes I did. I told you before that I wouldn't help you. You can do what ever you like with me but I know my daughter is safe."

At this Dekim started to laugh.

"Oh Treize, you have it all wrong. See, your little girl isn't safe. In fact she is on her way here. I thought it would be better to have you two together than apart."

Treize looked horrified. His little girl was coming here. He didn't know what to do. He had to do what Dekim said. He didn't want Dekim to carry through on his threat to Marie. One of the engineers hesitantly made his way up to where Dekim stood.

"Dekim, sir, all the mobile doll's circuitry are fried. There isn't any way to fix them."

Dekim turned red in the face. All his hard work was down the drain. His plan was in utter shambles. He had to think of something fast because without the mobile dolls he didn't have enough men to do a hostile take over. He needed to think of something fast. He glared angrily at Treize for a while. He shoved his hands deep into his pockets. He felt something odd in his pocket and pulled it out. It turned out to be Marie's toy. Dekim twisted the crank and watched as it played. While watching the ballerina dance he thought of a crazy idea. At this point, Dekim didn't care. He would try anything no matter how wild to take over and rule.

"Treize you are a toy maker am I correct?"

"Yes," Treize answered hesitantly. He didn't know what Dekim was up to and that was what scared him.

"I want you to make me a toy. A toy that is fully functional and can move. A robot if you will. I want it to be a life size replica of Queen Relena. You can do that right Treize?" Dekim asked with a hint of malice. "If not, I would hate to see what would happen to your daughter in my hands." With that said he started to squeeze the doll until it broke. Treize looked on in horror and fear but nodded his head. His daughter's life was more important to him than anyone in the world.

"You have until tonight to get it finished. Get working."

"Tonight. I can't build it by tonight."

"You better see to it that you do or your little girl will end up like this toy. Broken. Oh and Treize you better hurry. You only have 11 hours."

With that, Dekim walked back to his room. Treize just stared after Dekim and sighed and started to work. Dekim was about to unlock the door when he heard voices coming from inside.

"Let me go."

"Hold still, onna!"

"I will not! And what is an onna?"

"Just hold still."

Dekim opened the door to the sight of a little girl struggling in the arms of Wufei. Wufei looked up at Dekim when he walked in.

"Here is the girl sir. Anything else you need of me sir."

"No, Wufei. You have the rest of the day to get ready for tonight's events. You may leave us now." Dekim said. Wufei let go of the girl and left the room. Dekim looked at Marie, and she glared right back. She didn't like this man he was creepy and ugly.

"Well little girl, would like to see your daddy?"

Marie wanted to see her daddy but she didn't want to go with him. She hesitantly nodded her head. Dekim only smiled and held his hand out for the girl. She reluctantly grabbed the hand and let him lead her to her daddy. He led her to one of the rooms in the warehouse. It was huge. She didn't pay attention to what was in the room all she saw was her daddy.

"DADDY!!" She yelled and tried to get free from Dekim's hold. Treize looked up at the scream and saw his little girl. All hope that Dekim had been lying went down the drain. Marie wiggled trying to get out of the hold. When that didn't work she kicked Dekim in the shin with all her might. Dekim let go of her hand to grab his bruised shin. Marie ran all the way to her daddy and hugged him. Treize picked her up and held her close. Dekim let go of his shin and slowly made his way up to Treize. He grabbed Marie from his arms and pulled her close to him. She struggled to get away and back to her daddy but he didn't relinquish his hold on her.

"Well, Treize I hope there won't be any complications with this new toy I want you to build. You're daughter will be safe if you comply, but if not..."

Dekim left the rest of the sentence unsaid. He held Marie in his arms and ran his hand through her hair. He looked at Treize over the top of her head to see if he understood the threat. Treize understood loud and clear. He nodded his head and turned to go back to work. Dekim just walked out with Marie still in her arms. She tried to struggle to get out but she was tiring quickly. He dropped her in a small room and locked the door. She looked at the door and cried. She hoped Heero and the others would get her soon.

After Wufei had left Marie with Dekim, he wondered the warehouse walls. He eventually came to the room where he had fought Zechs Merquise the night before. He got a good look at the room now that he wasn't fighting for his life. One side of the wall was gone but there was a rail in place so you didn't fall. You could see the sun setting on the horizon. Silhouetted in the rays was Zechs Merquise. Wufei made his way over to him. He stood next to Zechs and looked out at the sea but every few minutes he would look out of the corner of his eyes at Zechs.

Zechs had seen the handsome young man walk into the room but kept quiet. He watched as he moved with liquid grace to stand next to him at the railing. They stood there in silence for a while until Zechs broke it.

"Isn't it beautiful? I like to come here and watch the sun set."

Wufei just nodded his head.

"The fight we had was the best one I've had in awhile. You're very good with the sword."

"So are you. I wonder how you know how to swordfight. It doesn't seem like a skill one would pick up from the streets."

"Because I didn't." Zechs felt that he could trust Wufei. He didn't know why but it felt right. "If I tell you where I learned how to fence, would you promise not to tell a soul?"

"You have my word." Wufei said gravely.

"My real name is Milliardo Peacecraft." At Wufei's shocked expression he continued, " Yes, the older sibling to Relena Peacecraft. When I was younger I learned all the noble ways of fighting and some of the not so noble ways. I was to be the heir to the throne. I never was around many people, just my sister and my tutors. Life was pretty normal for me until I hit puberty. It was around this age that suitors came flocking to my door. I found myself becoming attracted to boys and not girls. I didn't think much of it at the time.

I met a handsome young man by the name of Walker. We spent most of our time together. He was the one who first kissed me. We were sitting in the library when he leaned over to kiss me and that's when my father walked in. He was livid. He ripped us apart and had me escorted to my room. I didn't find out until later that night that he had Walker disposed of. You, see Walker was poor and an orphan. He had been working at the estate when he caught my eye. I was upset. Father tried to force me onto other girls but I refused every time. One night after I refused yet another girl my father became enraged and rushed at me. I reacted and tried to push him off. At some point during the fight he pulled a knife. I got it out of his hands and stabbed him. That was the first time I ever killed anyone. I left that night.

I wandered the streets avoiding the cops. I didn't know what to do. I never lived on the streets before. That is until Dekim showed up, he took me under his wing and made me into what I am today." Zechs looked out to the sea trying desperately not to cry. He finally looked at Wufei and said, "How about you? How did you become the right hand man to Dekim?"

"I dishonored my family and was kicked out like you were. I had lived in a small town in China. My clan was very respected and very traditional. I was married at the age of fourteen to a girl I had never met. My whole life I had been trying to keep it a secret that I was gay, she figured it out with in ten minutes of being married. She said she didn't mind it at all. We became good friends after that. She would nag me because I was a scholar while she was a warrior. It was nice." Wufei said with a wistful expression at the remembered memories, but it soon turned into a frown as he remembered what happened next.

"A year into the marriage I was walking home from work thinking about nothing of importance. When I opened the door and found Meiran, dead on the floor with a knife through her heart. I got angry and vowed to find the man who had killed her. I scoured high and low, asked anyone and everyone until I eventually found the man who killed my wife.

It turned out to be my own brother. I didn't even give him a chance to explain before I killed him in cold blood. As he lay dying on the ground he told me what had happened. Meiran wasn't killed she had committed suicide for reasons that elude me even today. My brother was the one who found her and fearing that he would be blamed he had ran. I was upset that not only my best friend killed herself, but that I killed my brother on an assumption. When my family found out they kicked me out of the clan. I couldn't stay in China. I got on a boat bound for here. I was new here and didn't know my way around. Dekim found me fighting against three men twice my size. He quickly took me under his wing."

Both men were silent and reflective of their pasts. They both owed Dekim their lives. If it wasn't for him they don't know what could have happened to them or where they would be right now. Zechs slid closer to Wufei. He moved his hand to lay it atop of Wufei's. Wufei grasped Zechs hand and entwined their fingers. They stood there looking at the sunset.

"Can I trust you with something else, Wufei?"

A nod.

"I want to leave."

Wufei gasped in shock. He looked at Zechs to see if he was joking but the look in his eyes proved he wasn't. Zechs was a little apprehensive, but what Wufei said next relieved him of his fears.

"I do too."

Wufei leaned into Zechs for support. They both knew that they couldn't leave. Their ingrained sense of honor would not allow them. They were stuck. Wufei looked at his watch and frowned. He had to leave to implement the next part of the plan.

"I'm sorry, Zechs, but I can't stay. Could I see you again?"

"Meet me here once this is over. I'll be waiting."

Wufei nodded and was off. Back at the home on Basil Street, Heero and Duo were getting ready to leave. The evidence gave Heero some ideas on where to find Wufei. He decided the first place to check was a bar that he had found on a receipt in the Khushrenada home.

Heero and Duo entered the bar and took their seats. A waitress sauntered over to them. She had long hair tied into two braids that hung on either side of her head. She wore a low cut dress that was designed for men to notice her breasts.

"Wha'll ya have honey?" She asked.

"Two beers." Heero replied. As the waitress started to leave he grabbed her arm, "Hey, I was wondering. I just came into town and was looking for a friend of mine. Name's Dekim Barton."

The girl looked shocked for a second but covered it with a smile. Heero saw the shock and knew if they didn't find Wufei Chang here they could question people here on Dekim's whereabouts.

"Nevah heard of `im," She said and then sauntered back to the bar. Heero covertly saw her talking to the bartender. The bartender nodded his head and poured the two drinks. Heero couldn't see very well but he thought he saw the bartender put something in the drinks.

Duo had been checking the patrons of the bar out looking for Wufei. He didn't notice what was happening at the bar. He looked onto the stage to see what was happening. A girl had come out. She seemed about Duo's age and had purple hair. She wore a long purple skirt with a blue top. She also had a beret on her head. She looked fairly innocent as she started to sing.

During the song they were served their beers. Duo thinking nothing about it gulped down the beer before Heero could warn him. The drinks were drugged which made the alcohol affect his system much faster than it should have. As Duo started to shout at the singer/dancer on the stage, Wufei entered the bar. He walked right passed them without sparing them a glance. Heero watched him like a hawk and wasn't paying attention to what Duo was doing. That is until he heard Duo shouting from the stage.

He looked on in horror and a little amusement at what Duo was doing. He was doing the can-can with the girls on the stage that had changed during the song. They now looked like Las Vegas showgirls (1). After the song was over Duo practically fell off the stage and onto a scrawny looking guy in the front row. Duo stumbled to his feet and turned to help the guy to his feet. The scrawny guy was not happy and picked up his chair to swing it at Duo. Right before the chair hit Duo in the face, Duo fell down. The chair instead hit the guy behind Duo. This guy was very big and muscular, and was now very mad. That was when the whole bar started in a huge fistfight.

Heero went and grabbed Duo from the floor near the stage. Duo looked on dazedly but was soon becoming aware of his surroundings. He was especially becoming aware of the fact that Heero was holding him protectively in his arms. Heero didn't seem to notice that Duo was aware and he started to drag Duo to where he had last seen Wufei. Duo finally got more control of his body and said, "H…Heero?"

"Hn." It seemed whatever the drug was had been burned out of Duo's system. He let go of Duo and told him what was going on.

"I saw Wufei, he's over by the bar. Come on," Heero said. He dragged Duo to the bar but Wufei was gone, but they did notice a semi-hidden door at the back. They went through the door cautiously. Duo led the way since he knew more about stealth than Heero. They saw Wufei and followed him. Eventually they came upon a warehouse. They saw Wufei enter through a door on the side of the warehouse and followed him in. They were led through the warehouse and down a hall with rooms on either side. They heard a small sob coming from one of the rooms. It sounded like Marie and she sounded frightened. They ran towards the door only to find it locked. Duo grabbed his lock picks and started picking the lock. Heero stood guard to make sure no one was coming. Duo stopped picking the lock for a second.

"Heero, this doesn't seem right. It's too easy."

"As I said before, Duo, they just got to cocky. They don't even know we're here. We'll get the girl and find Dekim. Then we'll end this."

Duo started to pick the lock again. He still didn't feel right about it, but if it turned out bad he would just have to save Heero. For now though Heero was the one leading the investigation so he would follow him. He finally got the lock picked and opened the door. They both stared wide-eyed at what they saw.


(1) Okay I couldn't for the life of me figure out what they were wearing. It looks like a swimsuit but it isn't called that. I just couldn't figure out the name.