Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Heero of Basil Street ❯ Pt.9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Heero of Basil Street 9/10

Author: DamnVespa

Pairings: 1X2, 3X4 and 5X6

Category: AU,

Warnings: A little OOCish on Heero's part. I think that is all for now.

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of GW or any part of The Great Mouse Detective.

Duo hopped on first and hotwired the motorcycle. Heero jumped on right after and they took off after Dekim.

They weaved through traffic catching up to Dekim's car. He led them all through town and then down the back roads. They ended up on a long curvy stretch of Highway near the coast. On one side there was a hills and the other side there was nothing but cliffs.

"Duo, can you get beside the car and keep the motorcycle steady?" Heero shouted over the wind.

"Yeah. Hold on."

Duo revved the engine and shot ahead. They came up on the side of car driving down the opposite lane. Dekim looked over and saw them and he swerved towards them trying to get them off his tail. Duo slowed down to avoid being hit then sped back up until he was parallel with the car again.

"What's the plan, Heero?" Duo shouted.

"Just hold her steady."

Heero put his hands on Duo's shoulders and started to stand up on the seat.

"Shit, Heero! Are you crazy!"

"Just hold her steady Duo."

Duo did as he was told, grumbling about suicidal detectives. Heero waited until Dekim swerved towards them again and jumped and landed on the hood of the car. Duo swerved to avoid the car but got right back beside it again. Dekim, realizing someone was on the hood, started to swerve viciously. Heero held on with all his might and inched his way down the side of the car. He got about level to the back door and opened it. He crawled into the car and shut the door. Duo who had been watching the whole time, sighed in relief to see Heero safely in the car.

Dekim didn't seem to notice that Heero was in the car with him too intent on regaining control of the car. Heero rolled down the window next to him and tapped Marie on the head. She swiveled her head and her face lit up in joy at the sight of him. He gestured that she should climb over the seat.

Dekim felt a breeze on the back of his head. He immediately turned to look and saw Marie climbing over the seat to Heero. Dekim reached over to grab Marie but Heero was faster. Heero grabbed her and pulled her into the seat. Dekim wildly try to grab the both of them while keeping one hand on the wheel. Heero pushed Marie through the window and then the upper part of himself. He gestured to Duo to come closer to the car to grab Marie. Duo reached his hand out to grab the girl. Heero leaned as far as he could go. Dekim started to swerve the car again, trying to get Heero to get back in the car. Heero grabbed the door with one hand to steady himself. When Dekim had to straighten out or risk sliding sideways, Heero reached out to Duo again. Duo got as close as he could and reached out. He curled his arm around Marie's waist and pulled Marie toward him. Duo then placed her in front of him.

Heero was just getting to his feet to crawl out the window when he felt someone grab his shirt. He was pulled back into the car. Heero looked at Dekim and noticed he had given up any sense of driving. The car spun out of control and towards the side of the road with the cliffs. It hit the barrier and semi-crashed through. Heero hit his head on the seat in front of him. The car stopped and teetered precariously in its position. It hung half on the road and half off. Heero heard a motorcycle get close and then turn off.


Heero looked through the back window of the car and saw Duo standing there. Not to far away was Marie. Heero opened the back door and started to step out when Dekim pulled him back in. Heero fought with all his might to get out. Dekim hit and punched Heero and finally got his fingers around his neck. The car teetered back and forth dangerously as they fought. Heero was losing air when they both heard a scraping sound. They looked towards the front of the car and saw a large pelican on the hood of the car. In that moment of distraction Heero kneed Dekim in the side and started to crawl out. He was almost out the door when the pelican flew off the car. The sudden displacement of weight caused the car to slide off the edge.

Duo saw Heero start to get out of the car when he was pulled back in. He didn't go near the car in fear that if he got to close the car would go over the edge. After a few tense minutes he saw Heero start to climb out again when the car teetered to low and started to fall off the edge. He saw the surprise on Heero's face before the car and Heero started to fall down the cliff.

"HEERO!!!" Both Marie and Duo screamed. Duo and Marie raced towards the edge and looked down. All they saw was black smoke wafting upwards and the smoky remains of the car. Duo turned away. He couldn't stand to look at it anymore. Duo realized right then that he loved Heero but now will never be able to tell him. Marie looked sadly at Duo and was going to hug him when she heard a small sound coming from the edge of the cliff. She looked back over the cliff's edge to see what made that noise. She looked into the smoke that was wafting up towards her when a breeze pushed the smoke away.

"Duo. Look Duo Look!" Marie excitedly yelled and tugged on Duo's shirt.

Duo looked back over the edge and saw Heero slowly crawling up the side of the cliff. He cried out in relief and got down on the ground. He leaned down as far as he could and gave Heero his hand. Heero reached up and grabbed Duo's hand and pulled himself up.

When he reached solid ground again he was squeezed hard by Duo.

"Itai. My ribs."

Duo let up on the hug but didn't release his hold on him. Marie also joined in the hug. They stayed that until the police came. Some paramedics came over and looked Heero over. He had cuts and bruises but nothing was broken. They put some bandages on some of the nastier cuts and left him alone.

The three of them were standing around doing nothing while the police worked. Then they heard someone yell.



Marie ran to her daddy and leapt into his arms. He hugged her close and looked gratefully at Heero and Duo.

"Thank you so much for returning her to me. I don't know how to repay you."

Heero just nodded his head and led Duo away to give them some time alone. As they walked towards town they heard shouts and saw Quatre and Trowa running up to them.

"Heero, are you okay? What happened?"

"I'll tell you when we get home. How's the head?"

"Fine. Just a bruise."

Heero turned to Duo, "Let's go home koi."

"Yeah, lets."