Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Heero Potter: Year 01 ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Heero Potter

By Midori Bond & Devon Masterson-Bond

Chapter 8

Hermione looked down the steps as Hagrid brought the first year students in. A proud smile crossed her face when she saw Trowa, Duo and the others huddled close together. It really was a shame that Harry wouldn't let Colin come in and take pictures of the boys. She shook her head as she turned her attention to the children in front of her. "Good evening," she started as all of the students looked at her. "I'm Professor Granger, the Headmistress here at Hogwarts. I'm also here to welcome you and explain a few things about tonight."

Trowa frowned slightly when a girl with bright red hair raised her hand. "How are we supposed to be sorted?" she asked in a bubbly voice.

Hermione smiled at the girl. "I was about to get to that," she said in an amused tone. "I'm going to lead you all into the Great Hall, and from there, you will all be sorted into one of for Houses."

When the girl's hand was about to shoot up again, Trowa grabbed it. "They use the Sorting Hat, now let her explain it to the ones that don't know what's going on," he whispered quickly.

The girl's caramel colored cheeks turned pink. "Sorry," she whispered to him.

Duo snickered. "Way to take up for Mom," he whispered into his cousin's ear.

Hermione fought a smile as she watched the frown on Trowa's face deepen, and the amusement in Duo's eyes brighten. "Now if you'll all follow me," she said before turning and starting to make her way to the Great Hall.

Trowa turned narrowed green eyes to the girl when she gently tugged on the sleeve of his robe. "Yes?" he asked in a hiss.

"I'm Sunny," she said holding out her hand. "Sunshine Valentine really, but everyone calls me Sunny."

Trowa shook her hand roughly and turned to catch up to the rest of the group. He tried to stop the sigh that was about to escape him when Quatre gave him a disapproving look. "She's being annoying," Trowa whispered to his friend.

"That still wasn't nice," Quatre told him. "She's probably the first witch in her family and is excited to be here. It wouldn't hurt for you to make a few more friends."

"Then you make friends with her," Trowa said shortly.

"Fine, I will."

His eyes widened when Quatre slowed his walk down and waited for Sunny. Trowa shook his head as they all started to file into the Great Hall. He looked around the hall, and easily spotted his father, sitting on Harry's right, and the empty space on the headmaster's left, for his mother. He then saw the other teachers of the school all at the table waiting for all of the first years to come in and be sorted.

Hermione stood in front of the staff's table where a stool and an old hat were placed. She looked at the first years and smiled. "I'm going to call your name out, and you'll come up here to be sorted."

Heero looked around the Great Hall and spotted Victoria sitting at the Slytherin table, right next to Treize. His eyes narrowed as he thought of the greased-up Prefect trying to hang all over the defenseless witch.

"What house do you want to be in?" Relena asked as she wrapped her arms around one of his. "I want to be with my brother in Gryffendor." She looked into his eyes and smiled. "Wouldn't it be so quaint if we ended up in the same House?"

Heero's eyebrow twitched at the thought. He turned his attention back to the sorting when he noticed the old man sitting next to Professor Malfoy. He looked to his side and saw Duo and Wufei. "Who's he?" he asked jerking his head towards the staff's table.

"Not sure," Duo said shaking his head. "Looks kinda stuck up though."

Wufei rolled his eyes. "That's Professor Dermail," he said tiredly. "My mother told me that he's going to be our Herbology teacher."

"Wufei Chen," Hermione called.

Duo looked at his friend sadly. "Later Wu-man," he said lowly. He knew what this meant. All five of them were going to be separated. Well, Wufei and Quatre would be separated from them. They all knew that when it came to being sorted, your family had a lot to do with where you went generation by generation.

Wufei looked up at the staff's table and saw his mother sitting next to Professor Weasley. He nodded to her and smiled faintly. He was going to make her, and the Ravenclaw House proud.

Hermione smiled as he sat on the stool. "You'll do fine," she whispered before placing the hat on his head.

"I see, you want to make your family proud," a voice said in Wufei's ear. "The best place for someone true and loyal is…"

"Hufflepuff!" the Sorting Hat shouted.

Wufei's eyes went round as he realized what the hat had told him. He stood and looked at his mother, stunned. She was the head of the Ravenclaw house, and her own son wasn't worthy of being in it. He then blinked when he realized that his mother was smiling at him. With confused eyes, he went over to the Hufflepuff table.

Duo blinked as he looked from Wufei, to Heero. "That was weird," he said lowly. "We all thought for sure he'd go to Ravenclaw."

Relena squeezed Heero's arm. "I guess the hat had its reasons for not putting him there," she said shaking her head.

Heero kept his eyes locked on the man talking with Quatre's father. "I know him from somewhere," he thought with a frown. He then turned to look at his father. There wasn't any doubt that Harry wanted his son to follow in his footsteps. But Heero just wanted to be Heero. He wanted to go back to being Rei's son. He lowered his Prussian eyes thought about his family. In the Muggle world, Heero was a normal boy, who had a cool mom, and a dad that just worked a lot. When he and his mother lived in Japan, she did research for an archaeologist, and told everyone that Harry worked at a boarding school in England. Then when Heero was old enough, Rei started to go on various digs, and if Heero couldn't go with her, he would go to school with Duo and the others. Still, he was just Heero.

But in the Wizarding world, he was Harry Potter's son. Heero barely held back a sigh. It wasn't his father's fault. As a matter of fact, that was the entire reason why he and his mother stayed with her Muggle family. Harry wanted Heero to be whatever he wanted, not what everyone expected him to be.

Heero's eyes hardened as he thought about his mother, and the dark wizard that killed her. He was starting to get distracted by his friends, and he was losing his focus. He started staying with Trowa and Duo. He would go through Trowa's books at night, trying to find the spells that he'd need to find the man that killed his mother, and deal with him.

"Heero, are you okay?" Quatre asked.

The brunette blinked when he looked at his blonde friend. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said as he pulled his arm away from Relena. When she started to voice an objection, he glared at her.

Quatre sighed as Relena walked over to where Duo's notorious stalker stood. "First Trowa, and now you. Why am I the polite one of the group?" he asked rolling his eyes.

"Because you're a glutton for punishment," Heero said lowly. He smirked when Quatre looked at him with wide teal eyes.

"Quatre Malfoy," Hermione called.

Heero looked at his blonde friend. "Here's the moment of truth," he said quietly. He saw how Quatre smiled sadly and started to make his way over to Hermione.

Quatre walked over to the stool with one thought on his mind. "Please put me in Slytherin." By the time he reached Hermione, it had become a mantra whispered with a little more force than a breath.

Hermione looked at the boy and gave him a reassuring smile. She knew he always tried hard to win his father's affections, but it would be a miracle if Draco actually showed any type of true concern for the boy. Hermione also knew that that if the Sorting Hat put Quatre in the Slytherin House, they'd have to make sure the enchantment on it was still accurate.

Quatre glanced over and saw his father watching him with a scowl. "Please put me in Slytherin," he whispered as he sat on the stool. He then looked at Hermione and gave her a weak and nervous smile as she put the hat on his head.

"Hmm… a Malfoy," the hat said softly. "But you're different from the lot."

"No I'm not, really," Quatre pleaded. "Please put me in Slytherin. You don't understand; I have to show my father that I am a Malfoy."

The hat actually chuckled. "My boy, my boy, being different is usually a good thing. Besides , you aren't filled with cold ruthlessness as the rest of your family. You have a keen mind and would best succeed in…"

"Ravenclaw!" the hat shouted.

Harry's head shot to the side of the table where Malfoy sat. The man was fuming anyone could see that. A small sigh escaped Harry as he looked at Quatre. The boy looked almost ready to breakdown and cry. "We're going to have to keep an eye on Quatre," he told Ron quietly.

"I know, look at the poor kid. He actually wanted to be in his father's house." Ron agreed.

Cho leaned forward to look at Harry. "I'll have someone keep an eye on him," she said with a nod.

"Thanks Cho." Harry said quietly. He turned his attention to the front where a young girl was just making her way to the Hufflepuff House. "Now let's wait and see if Heero or Trowa live up to expectations," he thought as he looked at his son.

Heero stood between Trowa and Duo to watch the sorting. His eyes narrowed as a girl with chocolate colored hair and large Prussian eyes answered to the name Charlene Mamoe.

Duo blinked at the shaggy-haired girl. "She looks like someone…." he said playfully. He turned his head and looked at his best friend. "Oh, I know. It's you Heero."

"I've never seen her before," Heero growled. He really wasn't in the mood to deal with Duo's teasing.

But Duo wasn't one to let up. " Are you sure she's not your twin?" he asked.

Heero glanced to Duo and frowned. "Are you sure Wushu isn't yours?" he shot.

Duo looked at Heero with wide eyes as he heard a low chuckle coming from his cousin. His violet eyes then narrowed in mock annoyance. "Go ahead and laugh it up. At least Wushu can appreciate a good joke."

Trowa rolled his eyes at his cousin and turned his attention back to the sorting. "You both know it's going to be difficult to talk with Wufei and Quatre now that they're in different houses." He said lowly.

"I've got it all planned out." Duo said with a wave of his hand. "Me and Heero will sit on the side next to the Hufflepuff table and be right next to Wufei. Then you sit across from us and Quatre will be right next to you."

Heero held back a sigh. Duo was always incredibly proud of the plans he made, even if there are small problems with it. "That's assuming we're all in the same house." Heero said lowly.

Duo's heart-shaped face frowned. "What are you talking about Heero? We're shoe-ins for Gryffindor."

"I wouldn't be so sure Duo." Trowa said. "We also thought Wufei and Quatre would be in the same houses as their parents. There's nothing saying Heero and I will be in Gryffindor."

"Hey, what about me?" Duo asked.

"You're too much like Uncle Fred not to be in Gryffindor." Trowa said dryly.

"Relena Peacecraft," Hermione called.

Duo sighed as Relena made her way up to the hat. "She'll be the only downfall of being in Gryffindor." He mumbled.

Heero watched silently as Hermione placed the hat on Relena's head. "She won't be in Gryffindor," he said lowly. When Duo looked at him curiously, he shrugged. "She doesn't have the qualities."

"Hufflepuff!" the Sorting Hat announced.

"What?" Relena gasped. She stood and looked at Hermione with wide shocked eyes. "That's not right."

Duo tried to keep himself from laughing. "This should be entertaining." He whispered.

"It's alright." Hermione said softly.

Relena shook her head as tears slipped from her eyes. "I'm supposed to be in the Gryffindor house with my brother."

Nearly everyone in the Great Hall turned to see Zechs lower his head slightly in embarrassment. "God, times like this I wish I was adopted," he muttered covering his face with his hand.

Lucy smiled kindly and touched his arm. "Don't worry about it. She'll make friends in Hufflepuff," the dark haired girl whispered.

Zechs looked up in time to see Professor Granger escort Relena to her house table. Another sigh escaped him when Relena turned to Professor Chen's son and fell against him crying. "My baby sister, the drama queen," he muttered.

The student body all turned their attention back to Hermione when she cleared her throat. She looked to the scroll in front of her and smiled. "Heero Potter."

Heero frowned as a murmur went through the large room. He looked at his friends and nodded once. He then looked at the staff's table and saw everyone watching him with interest.

Harry leaned back in his chair as his eyes narrowed. "This will be your choice Heero," he thought just as Hermione placed the Sorting Hat on Heero's head.

"A Potter!" the hat cheered. "Oh, it will be fun placing you."

"I don't care," Heero thought as he looked out at the four house tables.

"You don't?" the hat asked curiously. "I see. Your heart is full of loss and anger. You need to do something about that. And you are a lot like your father. You have great potential if placed in the right house."

"Then put me in it," Heero whispered in a growl.

"Are you sure?" the hat asked.

"I already said, I didn't care," Heero snapped. "I just want the power and skill to avenge my mom," he added as an afterthought.

"Very well then," the hat said lowly.

Cerulean eyes colored eyes watched carefully as Heero "discussed" his placement with the Sorting Hat. Treize couldn't help the small upturn of his lips when Heero looked at Victoria and frowned at him. "It appears Mr. Potter may be developing feelings for Victoria," he thought as he looked at the Hall around him. A thoughtful look crossed his face when he realized everyone was focused on Heero.

"Slytherin!" The Sorting Hat shouted.

Again, Treize's eyes took a circuit around the Hall. To say everyone was stunned would be an understatement. The Weasley boys Victoria mentioned looked stunned to their very core. Poor Quatre Malfoy only sank lower in his seat. Relena kept telling Professor Chen's son that this was proof that the Sorting Hat was wrong. Victoria was looking at Heero with widened eyes as Professor Granger removed the old garment from his head. This was the first time she ever expressed an interest in someone other than him. "I'll have to change that," he thought. His eyes then glanced at the boy making his way to the Slytherin table. "Or maybe I can use that to my advantage."

Treize then looked up at the staff's table. As expected, all of the professors were trying to get the headmaster's attention, except Professor Malfoy. He was currently smiling as if he'd just received the thing he wanted most for Christmas. "I think Professor Malfoy has gotten over the loss of his son to Ravenclaw," Treize said into Victoria's ear.

Victoria turned and looked at Heero. One eyebrow arched slightly as he easily sat next to her. When he looked at her, she schooled her face to one of non-expression and nodded at him.

Heero returned her nod and looked at the Staff's table. He blinked when he saw that his father was frowning slightly. He knew that look. Harry was disappointed, but not stunned or surprised. Heero couldn't help but blink again when Harry looked at him and nodded.

Hermione noticed the exchange between the father and son and sighed. She would have to talk with Harry about all of this after the students went to their separate house dorms. Her eyes went back to her scroll and noticed a familiar name. "Hilde Stiebeker," she called out.

"Someone hide me," Duo said he pushed Trowa in front of him and ducked down.

Trowa rolled his eyes. Duo could be such a baby at times. "And you were teasing Heero about having a stalker?"

"So this is different," he answered peering over his cousin's shoulder. "I hope we're not in the same house! What did I do to deserve this?"

"Maybe it's Karma," Sunny suggested.

"Karma?" Duo asked in disbelief.

"Yes," she answered. "In some cultures they believe…"

"We know what Karma is," Trowa interjected. "Now be quiet."

Sunny's cheeks flushed slightly and she turned away from Trowa. "Everything will work out," she consoled with less of a cheery voice.

"Thanks," Duo said. "At least someone cares about me."

"Shut up," Trowa said sternly. He had enough with all the talking. He was already nervous and they were not helping.

"Hufflepuff," the hat announced. Cheers and applause filled the hall as the dark haired girl joined her new housemates.

"Sunshine Valentine," Hermione announced. She was finally getting to the end of the list. Only a few more names.

"That's me," Sunny said brightly as practically skipped to the front of the main hall and sat on the stool. "I'm ready."

Hermione smiled. The odd girl's optimism was contagious. She was one of the few students that actually looked forward to the sorting instead of dreading it. The bubbly redhead might bring a sense of warmth to the class. It was always refreshing to have someone 'different' in the class. "I guess she will be the next Luna Lovegood at Hogwarts." She looked briefly towards the blond sitting at the table staring intently at the young girl. "I guess she's found her protégé," she thought while placing the hat on Sunny's head.

"Gryffindor!" the hat yelled and Sunny beamed. She ran off to join her housemates and waited intently to see if Quatre's friends would get into her house.

"Duo Weasely," Hermione called as she finally got to the end of the list. She was now becoming nervous. Ron and Fred would absolutely have a fit if either of their sons were not in Gryffindor. Ron would take it the hardest. It bothered him immensely how much Trowa was like her. "Everything will be fine," she told herself.

Duo walked to the front of the room and sat down. He would not allow himself to be sorted any other place but Gryffindor. He had a reputation to uphold.

"Well, well, a Weasely. It's been some time since I've seen one of you," the hat said into his mind. "Let's see…you want to be in Gryffindor. Well you are brave and rather smart. Smarter that you are given credit for, but mischievous…too mischievous for your own good. It's quite obvious that you belong to…"

"Gryffindor!" the hat yelled out.

"Yes," Duo smiled then walked over to his house table. Now once Trowa joined him everything would be fine.

"Trowa Weasely," Hermione called trying not to sound overly proud that her son was about to be sorted. She watched as he walked up to her and sat on the stool. "No matter what house you get into we will be proud of you," she whispered so only he could hear.

Trowa nodded and allowed the hat to be placed his head.

"Another Weasely? You people multiply like cockroaches," the hat teased. "Let's see. You have Granger's intelligence and bravery, but there's something else….Ah yes! You are in fact your father's son."

"Gryffindor!" the hat called out.

"Yes!" Ron yelled out loud. Fortunately for him and Trowa the cheering of the Gryffindors drowned him out.

"That concludes the sorting," Hermione announced quieting everyone down.

Harry stood. "Welcome to Hogwarts, first years and to those returning welcome back. Just a reminder to everyone, the Forbidden Forest is forbidden for a reason. Let's eat." He smiled as the tables suddenly filled up with the food. The reaction of the first years was priceless. He always enjoyed watching their eyes widen in surprise.

The brightness of his smile, however faded somewhat as emerald met azure. Harry was concerned about Heero's decision to join Slytherin house, but there was nothing he could do about it. He would just have to support his son and be there for him. There was no way that Heero was going to be sucked into his misery, even if he could not get through to him he knew that Duo and the others could. "Heero will be fine."


© 2004 Devon Masterson-Bond

Another Bond Girl Production

I think we all know who belongs to who. I am clearly not the creator just the manipulator. Don't sue me, hire me instead.