Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Homework-Mysteries-And Mayhem. ❯ Enter mysterious boy alternate version. ( Chapter 2 )
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RW869: I've been busy for days with this fic.
Massess: Explain.
RW869: See i've re-written the chaps with COMIC SANS MS [Western] size 10 with same style except i upped it to my fav of size 12.
Massess: Ooohh O_o.
RW: Plus i had to fix alot of spelling errors i had.
Rogue: No surprise there.
RW869: Ro-Ro! *pouts* your in a mean mood tonight.
Rogue: Well you called me ugh RoRo.
RW869: Oh Rogue.
Massess: Anything else?
RW869: I also filled in some blanks. For example....How Trowa got his fighting skills and That part mentioned later on about Zechs Sister and why she was being targeted.
Massess: Ahhh.
RW869: There are NO major story changes.. Hell i threw in stuff in the older chaps so it would make sense..
Rogue: You said Hell.
RW869: I believe you have said worse.
Rogue *Sweatdrops*.
Rogue and Rogue and everyone else: On to the fic.
Quatre,Duo,Trowa,and Wufei grew up
together and were best friends. Now they're 15 and at a boarding school living together. Although sometimes they thought their group was missing something or someone. They decided living together off campus would be best.
The place they were living in has 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and was walking distance to the school. Quatre picked this place out because of its convience.
Today was monday and another day of their odd antics in the morning.
Wufei was up first at 6:00 am and decided to practice his martial arts before breakfast. He went to a spot in the backyard for that since the weather this morning was fair.
Trowa was the next one up at 6:30 am. He went downstairs to have a quick workout before breakfast as well.
Quatre was up 15 min. later getting breakfast ready.
Duo was up ten minutes later and helping Quatre set the table for breakfast. By now Trowa and Wufei were coming downstairs from a shower after their workout.
Duo: I still do not see how you two can workout so early in the morning. *yawns*.
Trowa: Its refreshing.
Wufei: Plus its good for you.
Duo: 'bout as good as getting up early.
Quatre: Oh. Friday there was a small rumor going around the school that we were supposed to get a new student today.
Duo: Hear where from Quat?
Wufei: Try using sentences Maxwell.
Duo to Wufei :b. Continue Quat.
Quatre: Well i think they said Japan. Im not sure though since it was only rumors.
Trowa: Well its time to go.
So they went and changed to their uniforms and headed out the door.
On their way to class (They had the first class of the day together until Biology class that afternoon so after this class they would be almost completely split up until lunchtime.) they passed a kid they had never seen before and assumed that he was the new one. He turned in toward the principals office. But it was strange though because without moving his head he was shooting glares at whoever looked at him.
So after 5 minutes they were settled in their usual seats and then the principal came in followed by the new boy.
After a quick exchange of words the principal left and the teacher pointed out a place for him to sit.
At lunch at an old oak tree outside.
Duo: Man the new guy does'nt talk at all does he.
Trowa: It is strange he has'nt even said his name yet.
Wufei: Perhaps he is not going to be here long then.
Quatre: Good point Wufei.
Duo: Or he could be really extremely shy.
Trowa: Tie.
Since Wufei and Duo would both point things out and almost always start arguing about it, Quatre and Trowa came up with the idea for a tie so that they could save themselves from a headache or anything else that those two were capable of just to prove their point.
Duo and Wufei together: Hmmpff.
For a little over a week now whenever any of them tried to look for him he could not be found and when he was in school no one really wanted to be around him because of all the odd rumors going around and the glares he threw at them made them more than nervous so only 4 people ever tried to talk to him but he could not be found when they did attempt this,it seemed to be a failing task.
After one month had gone by they did learn his first name at least. But today would change some things for them both....The group of 4 and the mysterious new guy they found out his name was Heero.
RW869: Time for a segment called Rogue's facts. A little something story related at the end of each chap. Also a mix of Real and a baka...Did i get that right?? Hehe...Err begin!
Rogue: RogueWarrior869 was originally going to use the name above for this but last second decided that i should do it.
Rogue: This was inspired by reading alot of other School fics. And some of the characters maybe OOC...was that right?
RW869: Enjoy!