Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Homework-Mysteries-And Mayhem. ❯ A new developement. ( Chapter 9 )
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After that visit they were left to remember the events of that day but were quickly called out of their thoughts when the doorbell rang.
Quatre: Duo can you get that?
Duo: Sure Quat.
Duo: Sally back so soon?
Sally: I wont be long but i need to tell you something.
Duo: Sure Sally come in.
Sally: Like i said i will not be that long, But i wanted to tell you that i was there that day as well.
Duo: Really.
Sally: I know it is an odd coincedence. But i think i may have an idea who did this but i will need a little time so i may not be the school for a week or so.
Duo: You know we will be happy to help you Sally just let us know.
Sally: Thank you. But if im right i'll be back in a few days. Oh! and your friend is in stable condition so he should be waking up soon.
Duo: Thats good.
Sally: I just had to make sure that you guys knew that.
Duo: Does he still stay with us for the time being?
Sally: Of course. If his injuries were vital then no, but he will be fine.
Duo: Are you sure you don't want to come in?
Sally: Positive. If you do not mind i will be back in a week if that's alright to follow up.
Duo: I think that will be fine and thank you.
Sally: Not a problem well i will see you then.
Duo: Alright then later.
Wufei: Well who was it?
Duo: Sally. She just wanted to let us know that she might not be at the school for a little while and that she was at that place as well.
Wufei: Hmmm.
Duo: Where'd everyone go?
Wufei: Quatre went to check up on Heero and Trowa went to call Catherine.
Duo: i see.
At an unknown location.
Tor: I still can't belive it!! We were that close to getting revenge for our leader!
He slammed his fist hard on the table.
MV: We have a visitor Tor.
Tor: Who is it?
MV: A man that says he can help us with our plan for the upcoming tournament.
Tor: Let him in.
J: I am simply known as J and i believe we
share simialar interests.
Tor: Do tell.
J: Well i was a friend of your leader. And i have just the thing to help you get what you need. And anything else to help you win the tournament, but the condition is that we split any profits from said tournament.
Tor: Fair enough.You have a deal J.
Tor: Bring in something to drink we have some things to discuss partner....
RogueWarrior869 quick story note: MV stands for "Mysterious Voice"
Reviews comments whatever i take harsh criticism. And i hope you people are enjoying the story. ^_^.
LATER!. (^_^). Have a nice day night whatever.
Just in case i did'nt do this yet.
Rogue's Fun facts chap8.
RW869: A smidge late are'nt ya Rogue?
Rogue: Im here aint i?
RogueWarrior869: No more MTV for you RoRo.
Rogue: I dont watch MTV.
RW869: Then where on earth did you get your cattitude?
Rogue: *Sweetly* I learned from you.
RW869: Errr...*mumbles* damn...i did'nt know he was listening.
Rogue: I heard that ears and the fact i am a almighty Cat.
RW869: He really acts like this in real life. He will sit in his chair. and lay down and cross his paws and look like he's the boss of everything.
Rogue: You know it.
RW869: Of course he really can be sweet. But dont get his temper up or he will jump at you with his claws....I have a couple of pics of him jumping at my mother attacking. Teeth showing and everything.
Rogue: Hey she started it!
RW869: He likes to play rough and he will attack you! Be warned! I have some small scars from him when he was really vicious. Of course i would go and trick him and pick him up and love him until he calmed down or was so annoyed he did'nt care anymore and had to plot revenge.
Rogue: You know you love me.
RogueWarrior869: Of course! Know one can ever get mad at you or Storm.
Rogue: All we have to do is look adorable and your another human pawn.
RW869: Unfortunatly we know this and it still works. Although i have no idea why people say cats are lazy....people if you have a cat and its shows sign or is lazy...consider this.....PLAY WITH YOUR KITTY. Find a toy that your kitty likes and take the time to play with'em. I play with Rogue and he's happy and healthy. My mom and her cat even have a special game they play before bed. And if your Kitty does something good..Give them a treat.
Rogue: When me and Storm are good we get one of our fav's. Shredded Turkey 'n' Cheese dinner in gravy.
RogueWarrior869: Your feline family member may only be lazy and non caring because someone may not be spending enough or too much time with them. Yes be sure to give said kitty their space. Sometimes they just want to rest or have a little nap..without being disturbed. They'll respect you more for this.
Rogue: Its true. I can be evil without my afternoon nap.
RogueWarrior869: When naming said kitty...Do it a favor be careful what you name them....c'mon Princess? Fluffy? FuFu? I have seen these names for the poor kitty's. When i first called Rogue..Rogue he gave me a happy little look. Notice these things. And let them sleep in the same room as you. Rogue is slightly Fluffy but when he does sleep on the bed he cuddles at my feet or leg. Never the face.
Rogue: I'm so lovable.
RogueWarrior869: And when brushing your kitty. Be careful with how you brush them. With Rogue on either side of his stomach and part of his back paw i have to be careful. He thought when he was a kitty running on wooden floors was fun....-_-.
Rogue: What i was showing out.
RW869: I tried to stop you but you had kitten speed.
Rogue: Still do.
RW869: Thats true. You become the flash around bathtime. Which is another thing. Make sure the water you bathe kitty in is to their liking. Rogue takes his Just right. The right water can make it easier on you both. And i brush Rogue before i bathe him so no unwanted fur is floating around his bathwater. Plus on any occasion just talk to them. Despite what alot of people say they can understood what you say. For example whenever Me or my mom say the words "Treat Time" they're like Whoosh. And never smoke around your animal buddy. It can give them Cancer easy.
Rogue: You said the magic words.
RW869: Yes you and Storm are getting a goody Lay-lay.
Rogue: Yeah!
RogueWarrior869: Whoa! This was'nt supposed to be so long. I start with animals and this is what happens. Well if you've read this far i applaud you. But the above is true. I have been around cats mainly. My whole life. Hell at one time we had 27 cats...we lived in the country at the time. Mainly a few strays and their cats that had kittens. If their is a cat around where you live that does'nt belong to anyone. Befriend it by putting out food for it. Rogue has kept me from having a Stress attacks for a little while now. A couple of times i did'nt feel well Rogue was there nearby. If your an easily angered me...Well Rogue has kept from exploding by letting me here him purr and he'll give me sweet eyes like the ones he'll use when he gets in trouble. Or he'll cause a small amount of trouble nothing severe but enough to make me laugh. In short a proper Animal addition can make a world of difference for you and them.
Rogue: You've gone on long enough. Let the people continue. From us both LATER!.