Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ How Relena Dies ❯ Chapter 7
Author: Sefarina Malaika
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the GW or Escaflowne characters. I do own Laura, Genevieve, Sharon or any other character that is nor an actual part of the anime named. Besides there is absolutly no point in suing me for the simple fact that i have absolutly no money what so ever.
Warning: Death (obviously), violence, language, yaoi 3+4, non-yaoi, ooc, humor, Wufei, relena and Quatre bashing and torture; Not that I have anything against Quatre and Wufei it's just that they are such easy targets.
[ ] Memory
( ) My thoughts
Part 7
The next day, Laura and Duo were up first and had breakfast ready at 6.00 am. Quatre and Trowa came down next. Sharon and Milliardo came down after them. Ten minutes later Gen came down followed by Heero. Wufei was the last one in the dining room. Duo didn't hesitate to make a crack at that, "hey Wu-man, I thought you would have been the first one up. Those late nights can be murder on someone ya know. But it's a good thing you got down when you did, I would have started to rant about how it was 'unjust' to let the food go cold, while waiting for you." He beamed, making sure to punctuate the 'unjust' part. Everyone made some sort of sound that varied from a restraining giggle to a snort that came from Heero's general direction.
"Maxwell! Don't go there with me. It's not my fault that my room just so happened to be right beside Quatre's, and that Trowa decided to visit and *cough* talk all night." (This can be taken in more than one way, you decide) Wufei stated with a glare in a beat red Quatre and slightly blushing Trowa's general direction.
"Heh heh heh." Quatre dropped his head in embarrassment.
"Eweweweweweweweeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww. I'm burning those sheets. Gross! God couldn't you wait until you got to your own place. Now not only do I have to burn perfectly good sheets,"
"Actually Laura they're not good anymore." Sharon corrected.
"Oh yeah, well not only do I have to burn them, I'm gonna have to clean that room from top to bottom and sterilize it to. Something I'm not looking forward to. God if you wanted to that bad you could have rented a motel room." Laura finished exasperatedly.
"Calm down Laura, its not like you have to clean the room yourself. That's why you have servants." Quatre said in a way to perky voice.
"Do you see any servants in this house?" Laura asked, wondering how he got the idea, considering that he'd been at their house more than once as well as the past two days, with no servants in sight. Quatre shook his head 'no'. Duo continued. 'For your general knowledge Quatre, Laura and me agreed that we didn't want anyone to clean or cook in our house other than ourselves. We both do our own share of the chores." He concluded in a non-to please manner.
Wufei muttered something under his breath that sounded something very close to how a man shouldn't be doing either in his house, and that it was a 'woman's' job. Needless to say he got a swift kick to both of his shins. The suspected culprits were Gen and Sharon who began to giggle softly when he 'yelped' out in pain.
"Do me a favor, both of you, next time you want to enjoy each others company, leave the house. Ok?!" Laura asked with a slight glare.
"Yeah." Responded Quatre in an embarrassed voice. Trowa merely nodded his head once.
"Good. Now that that's settled, can we please get on with our day? What time is it?" Sharon asked from her post at the end of the table.
"It's 9.30." her husband answered.
"9.30 huh, well we have what? Like eight and half-hours before we go through with our plan. So what do we do to 'kill' time?" Sharon asked.
"Hmm, good question. I don't know." Laura said. "We could annoy Quatre and Wufei some more." She whispered to her friends in a joking tone.
"I heard that woman!" Wufei shouted.
Looking at Wufei, the three girls shouted in unsent, "no need to shout!" then they broke down in laughter at the expression on his face.
"You are such a paranoid person Wufei, obviously you don't know the difference between joking and being serious. Sheesh." Shaking her head Gen looked back towards her friends, thoroughly ignoring Wufei's scowl. "So what do we do until, what about 5? So that we can meet up and start getting ready?" she continued.
"Well 'we' could go shopping," Laura suggested.
"No! I refuse to go shopping again with you. You made me go yesterday and it was totally unjust!" Wufei stated. He merely received three confused looks.
"Um...ok...I hope you realize Wufei that fist of all we weren't talking to you, second, I wasn't suggesting it for everyone, just the three of us," she said motioning to her friends and herself, " and third you didn't have to come with us yesterday in the first place." She finished with a wave of her hand.
"You mean to tell me woman, that I spent all that time at the mall and I didn't have to?" Wufei asked with a gulp. A muttered damn was heard from Wufei.
Ten minutes later they had decided on what they were going to do for the day, Laura, Sharon and Gen were going to go shopping. Duo and Heero were going to the gym to work out. (Heero's services weren't required on earth, only on Gaea.) Milliardo was to go along with them as well. Quatre and Trowa were going to the park for some 'alone' time and Wufei was going to go pray and worship Nataku. They all agreed to meet back up at Duo's place at 4.30 p.m. so that they had a head start on getting things ready for 6.00.
End Part 7