Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ How to spend a Saturday morning ❯ How to spend a Saturday Morning ( One-Shot )

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I had to rest my brain from "One way ticket" and "Disneysongs Gundam Style", so I decided to write a short oneshot. Dunno about what genre this shall be placed in, humour or general or maybe both? I'll make it up as a write.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything from the Gundam Wing-universe. Don't sue!

Warnings: Slight 1+2 and 3+4? Don't know yet. Silliness, strangeness, my usual OOC, PWP.

Uninteresting facts: I listened to Loreena McKennitt's "Stolen Child" and "The Mummer's Dance" when I began writing this, soon to be followed by Korn's "Daddy". A cookie to the one who can point out where "Daddy" started playing..


How to spend a Saturday morning by Maaya


Oh, the sun will soon rise from behind the high mountains, the birds will start singing. A soothing wind will blow through the peaceful world and cool all the living creatures off. As the animals will wake up, we'll take a look in the small house that you can find in that certain forest. Everything is quiet and peaceful. Well, lets say; `was', because now, the first of the occupants in the house will wake up.

A little lump in the bed, covered in sheets, finally started moving, to the house's big relief. It could get really quiet in the nights, or at least when a certain braided boy finally would go to bed, and that could also be in the morning. The sheets fell off the lump, and a boy became visible, a boy with black hair that stood out in strange angles as it had fallen out of it's usual ponytail while the boy had been occupied by heated dreams. The boy also had eyes as black as his hair but a little red edged from waking up in time to see the sunrise. He was also dressed in grey silk-pyjamas that fitted him perfectly; or as you also could say; they were not too small or too big.

The boy, who you probably recognize as Wufei Chang (or Chang Wufei as he want you to say) by now, hastily emerged to the bathroom where you soon could hear the spray from a perfectly warm shower.

In the room next to Wufei's, you could see the same kind of lump in the same kind of bed as earlier, but bigger. Actually, the lump was big enough to be TWO persons instead of one. How could that be possible?

It is noticeable that THAT lump won't move as early as this, so let us leave the room and return to Wufei, shall we not?

Wufei now emerged from the bathroom, only dressed in a fluffy white bathrobe, that kind that you can find in expensive hotels. Where did it come from? Wufei was just happy that it wasn't pink.

He quickly went into the room again, since he didn't want to be seen in only a bathrobe, and with his hair down. It would be such a blow to his image. When he had locked the door, he took the robe of and dressed in his usual white, loose Chinese trousers and a dark blue tanktop. Ah, those small things that makes you drool. Let's follow him outside for a while and enjoy the picture.

Wufei took his sword and went down the stairs into the small kitchen. Never mind that all the rooms in this house were small.

Anyway, he opened the fridge and searched for a while. He had to lift all of his braided friend's soda-cans before finding what he wanted to find, a bottle with something white.

He filled a big glass with the white liquid (that he really hoped came from a cow), and drank it all without pausing to catch his breath. He has probably practiced in a couple of years, don't you believe so too?

When he had finished the glass, he went outside, the sun had now risen slightly and the calm world was resting in a weak morning light. Wufei went deeper into the forest until he came to an open place, free from trees and he went into a strange position with his sword raised.

He stood like that for a while and meditated, as everything was completely quiet. Then, suddenly he leaped forward, and a beautiful sword dance began. Wufei's eyes closed in concentration as he practiced and we can only hope that it gets to hot soon. Then he maybe will take his tanktop off?

But we don't have time to wait that long, because now, the second occupant of the house has woken. Who can that be?

A boy with the strangest bang that covered half of his face, stretched with a yawn. When he finally opened his eyes, you could see that they were in a beautiful green colour. If you looked closer on the bed, you would see another bulge in the bed, still covered in sheets and sleeping. Trowa looked at the unrecognisable lump and smiled calmly. It was time to go up and shower.

After doing just that, he got dressed in comfortable jeans and a t-shirt, before he went downstairs. After finding an empty glass, with white dregs he understood that Wufei already was up and about, probably practicing. Oh well, he'd better make breakfast to him anyway since he probably would come home soon.

Trowa opened the fridge and scanned it through for bacon and eggs. When he found them, he pulled out a frying pan and began his boring task. He always got to cook, not because he was good but because he was the only one that didn't complain about it. And the fact that the others probably would burn down the house if the tried to cook was also added to the list of why Trowa always cooked.

Well, let's hurry up and get away from the sight of cooking. Someone else has woken up!

It's in the room we were in a moment when Wufei was in the shower. The big lump actually WAS two people, and one of them had now woken up. Heero untangled himself from his hold around his lover's waist and braid, careful not to wake him up. Heero didn't stretch and he didn't yawn, it was a waste of time. In other words; it was unnecessary for the mission. Making love to his boyfriend was (of course) NOT unnecessary. It was stupid to even think such a thing.

He went out of their bed and snorted at the thought. He could smell the scent of fried bacon and eggs, but decided to shower before eating. He went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Five minutes later, he emerged from there and went into his room again. Only our `Perfect soldier' can do such a thing as shower in a mere five minutes. He dressed in spandex shorts and a green tanktop as usual before going downstairs, following the aroma of food.

When Heero entered the kitchen, the sight of Trowa in a pink apron met him. He didn't even blink, even though he snorted once again. Only another Gundam-pilot had the ability to make him snort, including himself.

Trowa turned around and nearly jumped at the sight of Heero standing in the doorway. He didn't though, since it would destroy his reputation. "Heero" he said instead, and made it sound as a greeting.

"Trowa" Heero answered and sat down by the table. Only those two could make a conversation that short.

Trowa laid some eggs and bacon on a plate and gave them to Heero who began eating.

It was then Heero decided to put an end to their silence-period and actually spoke. "You're awfully quiet today."

Trowa's only visible eye widened and amazing enough, he answered, "You really think so?"


"Then why don't you talk instead?"

"Hn, Never though of that"

You have to forgive them, since they're not used to talking. Their lovers said everything they didn't, it was a good agreement.

Let's see how it's going for Wufei, shan't we? Oh, goodness, he's taken his tanktop off! Someone, call Sally!

Anyway, now another one has woke up, the blonde one who laid in the bed together with Trowa. As you of course know by now, the blonde one is called Quatre. Quatre Raberba Winner actually, but he prefers Quatre. Plain old Quatre.

Quatre, the nice picture of innocence, stretched and yawned, several times and looked at his clock. It was only 8:00 in the morning. Definitely not the time to wake up in! As he wondered why Trowa had gone up this early, a nice smell reached his nose and decided not to complain anymore and went into the bathroom for a shower. He realized that the others probably already were up, since they were almost out of hot water.

After the shower, he dressed in wide jeans and a white shirt. What about the pink shirt you wonder? He only wore that where his sisters could see him, which were almost everywhere. He got one from all of his sisters on his every birthday, and he didn't wanted to hurt their feelings by NOT wearing them. The life as the youngest boy was harsh, and Quatre knew that all too well.

He went calmly downstairs into the kitchen, like the other pilots had done. He was met by the last words from a discussion, and that surprised him a little. "..never thought of that.."

Quatre blinked. Had Heero really said those words? Must been his imagination. He decided to talk instead of thinking. "Good Morning, Trowa, Heero."

The only answers he got were grunts from both individuals and bacon and eggs laid on a plate. He started to eat and kept quiet.

Soon, Wufei had appeared and hastily decided that it was time to eat breakfast too.

Duo woke up about an hour later, yawning, stretching and yawning a little more. After feeling around in the bed for a while he realized that Heero had gone up already. What was it with the others and early mornings anyway? Never mind the fact that the clock already was 11:00.

Annoyed and sleepy, he went to the bathroom to shower, as the other pilots had done. The problem was just that, since he was out of hot water. Grumbling, he dressed in red baggy pants and a green t-shirt with the text "Happy Day"[1] He had never realized why everyone assumed that he always wore black.

He went downstairs, still in a bad mood. The other pilots were still at the table, eating. Don't ask how they managed to eat that long, blame it on Wufei who eat so much!

"Who the fuck used all the hot water?"

Four innocent stares met him and he sighed.

"Don't tell me that you all showered!?"

No one dared to say anything, as usual. Since Duo was the last one to go up in the mornings, he was always met with a cold shower. And he still got all pissed about it.

"Any food here, anyway?" Duo asked.

Trowa gave him a plate with breakfast and they all began eating a second breakfast. While Duo is bickering with Wufei about the last piece of bread, Quatre and Trowa feeding each other and Heero tugging at Duo's braid, we leave them. The animal is now up, the sun is shining and there's no mission in sight. Everything is calm and peace.




Umm, I was bored, okay? Sue my geography teacher for giving me so much homework! Who is actually interested in the how the old Egyptians lived anyway? I took a pause to write a fic and I came up with this! Oh if you liked this!!!!

[1] Thank you Sofie, (one of my friends in school) for being so unnaturally positive all the time! Duo's t-shirt is on you honour for you singing "Oh happy day" all day in school. Never mind that you drove us all insane! ^_^

Oh, and this was on 1999 words when I stopped writing this so I just had to write this. is probably gonna show that this is under 2000 words since it always shows lesser that my word-program does!