Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Illusion ('Eyes on me' continued) ❯ Illusion ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Illusion (Eyes on me continued!!!)
Author: Supurrkitty
Disclaimer: You know the drill! I do not own any of the Gundam wing characters, but I do make them fall in love...and I torture them!
Notes: This is not a song fic. The mood does carry over though, through my original poetry. I haven't written fanfics in a while, but have done my own original works, so I might have progressed in writing (especially since I've been reading a lot of Charles Dickens^^;;)
Trowa sat at his table in his apartment kitchen. He rolled a pen up and down the table, watching as the words of the company flashed past after each round. It was past midnight and Trowa did not wish for sleep. His mind was kept in one place, which happened to be back at the bar. It was stuck with the girl that had captured his eye and, possibly, his heart. He wasn't sure yet. He wasn't even sure if he was just being led into a heartless trap, like the other love interests that she had used.
I know my actions and looks may elude,
But don't let it fool you, I can feel.
But, he had thought the better of it too. That night, when she sang one last time, she sang for him. She sang to him her heavenly tunes. Was that part of her trap. No, it couldn't have been. When he walked her home she wasn't suggestive, she didn't talk. And when he dropped her off, she smiled and kissed him on the cheek. Sweet was not a word Trowa would use to describe Umeko, but that night might have proven him wrong. Trowa sighed angrily and looked up at the ceiling. He was being obsessive. The pen rolled off the table and hit the floor.
I know, I shouldn't lead you down a path of illusion,
But that's how I survive.
Umeko lay awake in her bed. Covered in her warm comforter, that gave her no comfort for this restless night. Physical discomfort was not her problem then. Her life had never been so complicated and confusing. Sure her constant switching was confusing to some, but it was perfectly normal to her. But now, things started to fall into place. It was too different to her. And this tall, dark man, what of him?
Her mind started to slip into unconsciousness.
She had him for a while, without having him at all.
She usually got what she wanted, and then wasted its spirit away.
She ruined men.
She broke their hearts, but not his.
How could she fall behind? Did he know something she didn't?
Her confidence faded around him and prevented her repeating act of heartbreak.
He held her back from what she was before.
She can't let him ruin what she was, or what she supposed she was.
She can't love.
Why do you mislead me so?
The way I misled you.
Morning brought about the birds and squirrels. It brought out those that could no longer stand to stay locked in their houses, though it be the day of rest. The time had changed from that fateful night. It was beautiful for an autumn's day. Not all the leaves had fallen from the trees. The park drew out bouncy children and their worried mothers. The park also brought lonely souls, searching for inspiration, or relief from the empty life they felt they led.
Umeko walked down the sidewalk closest to the sand-filled pit that children loved to play in. Umeko did not consider herself one of these lonely souls, because she always had a man to hang off of and a family to go with it. She needed nothing but this. She made souls lonely.
She looked at a little boy throw something at a little girl, who started to cry. Her mom came and calmed her. Then, once out of her mother's grasp, she threw sand at the boy and ran off, laughing.
Umeko smiled to herself. She could use a child to go with it. She might, if it didn't mean changing her life from what she was used to. This thought turned her head back to the night he walked her home. The night she had shown weakness. For a month, she avoided him and went on with her constant dating. When she did run into him, she would lead him on with her usual lines. Sometimes even being cruel in teasing him. But she hadn't seen him for a while now. She moved to different town and started to do gigs there.
Don't you see?
This is whom you fell in love with,
Trowa rubbed his hands together, nervously. His decision was tough, but it was his. He knew he loved her; he loved her for a while. He couldn't explain why, after all the tricks and suffering she had put him through, he still felt for her deeply. He did not know if she would reject the one who loves her, but that was what this trip was about, to find out if she felt the slightest bit of love towards him, and to proclaim his love for her. The cab driver came to a halt and Trowa paid him. He stepped out into the new town and approached the door of an old apartment. He brought up his fist and gave the door three knocks, each fallowing the others. After continuing this action several times, he concluded that she was not present. He wondered where she could be on a Sunday. Church? Why would he even consider that as an option?
This illusion won over your heart,
This illusion changed your entire world.
Umeko walked back to her apartment. When she went around the corner, her heart skipped as she saw Trowa starting to walk away from her doorstep. She calmly walked over and looked him up and down.
" My, my." She raised an eyebrow " What brings you here this day?"
Trowa swallowed what was left in his dry mouth.
" I wanted to see you." He stated
" Yes, I supposed you would." Umeko walked to her door and got out her keys as they clanked together. " May I ask why?"
" Well, I… I feel this would best be discussed…" Trowa fumbled for words and rubbed his hands." Sitting, or something…"
Umeko opened the door and turned her head towards him.
" Coffee?" Umeko suggested and let him in.
" Please." He walked in, closely fallowed by Umeko.
" Go ahead and sit on the couch, I'll be with you in a second." Umeko went into the kitchen, leaving Trowa deserted to sit on a colorful couch that seemed to be out of place in such a colorless apartment.
Umeko came back in and gave Trowa a cup of coffee.
" Now." Umeko started " what was it you wanted?"
Trowa put his cup on the cherry wood coffee table. He looked over at Umeko, who looked at him with anticipating eyes.
" This is obviously easier for you." Trowa began. " But here goes:
For years now, we have known each other. For years, you have said things to me, that I have found to be…misleading…"
Umeko grunted amusedly.
"…You've said things to me, that I found, in the past, to be true. Only to find later on, that you have said these things before and you mean nothing by them. You used me, like the others." Trowa said
Would you really want that to change?
Would you really want to lose the one you love?
" And you are to be an exception, why?" Umeko asked, amused.
" Because there is something you have given to me, that you haven't even hinted with others. You've shown me that you can be compassionate. That night, the last day you sang at the bar, the kiss you gave me."
Umeko was shocked that he remembered and that he saw through her.
" I give many kisses." Umeko said, fingering her glass.
" It was sweet, just one kiss on the cheek. It wasn't much, but that was different for you, it meant something." Trowa argued
" What is this all about, Trowa?"
" You are very special to me, Umeko." Trowa said.
" Yes, Trowa, you and about fifty other men!" Umeko got up and went to her desk. She picked up a handful of letters.
" You see these? These are letters from all those men, begging me, pleading for me to come back to them." Umeko threw them down " They mean nothing to me. Love means nothing to me."
" How can love mean nothing to you? Love is what everyone prays for, but you get so many answers and you push them away?" Trowa stood up next to her.
" I knew you were falling for me." Umeko said
" Then why did you leave when you could have stolen another heart?" Trowa asked. " You will push me away without indulging my desires even if it is for just a moment?"
" If I had stolen the heart, I would have broken it!" Umeko argued, " Do you want to be broken and sad, like all those losers?" Umeko gestured to the letters.
" Isn't that what you want, what you are? The breaker of all those losers."
Umeko looked up at him, darkly.
" Don't you go accusing me of other's problems, I warned everyone one of them, just as I warn you. But you just don't get it. I suggest you leave before I cause YOU anymore problems, as you put it!" Umeko spoke through her teeth.
Trowa looked at her for a moment, then nodded before heading out the door.
But this illusion loves me back.
Do you not love me?
Umeko looked down at the floor and sat on her couch. She opened a drawer on her table and took out a dry rose, preserved with wax. She fiddled with the leaves then set it on the table. She watched it settle for a few seconds, then buried her dace in her hands and cried to herself.
" What is wrong with me!" She yelled out and sobbed into her hands.
Trowa looked back at the door as he walked to the sidewalk. He didn't even accomplish what he came to do. He didn't know why he was spared or how Umeko felt. He couldn't accept the painfully obvious answer.
" If that is it," Trowa said to himself " then I should leave."
Trowa looked up at the sky, which was filled with dark clouds.
" Funny, it was so clear before. Now it looks like rain." He continued to walk down the street as drops fell from the sky, one by one, then, caught speed into a shower.
Raindrops fell at Umeko's window as her phone rang by it. Umeko got up to get it, wiping away tears. She looked out the window.
" Funny, it was clear earlier," Umeko put the phone to her ear.
" Hello?" She answered
" Umeko?" It was Akira
" Oh, hello Akira."
" I just called to check up on you, I heard Trowa was going over there?"
" Y-yeah, he came…"
" Are you alright?"
" Yeah, I'll be alright."
" I know why he came over, already, you don't have to tell me. He really does love you, doesn't he?" Akira asked, excitedly.
" What?" Umeko clung to the phone.
" He came to tell you he loved you, didn't he tell you? He also came to find out how you felt, right? What was your answer?"
" Oh my god…" Umeko whispered to herself.
" Umeko?"
" I never gave him a chance…" Umeko spoke softly.
" What?"
" Akira, I have to go, I'll talk to you later." Umeko hung up the phone.
On the other end Akira heard the dial tone. She hung up the phone, confused.
Umeko quickly grabbed her jacket and headed for the door. She stopped herself.
" What am I doing?" She moved back from the door. Her dark, obvious side was opposing this sudden act of caring. It was against what she had taught herself to become, to survive.
" But, I have no reason to be what I am. I can't hurt him. He loves me." Umeko shoved aside her dark self as she grabbed her rose, shoved it in her coat and went out the door. It was pouring. It had been fifteen minutes since Trowa left.
" I hope he's not gone." Umeko spoke to herself, looking left and right. The bus station was to the right. She went down the steps and ran down the street, looking for Trowa.
" Trowa!" She had hoped that he did not make it to the station, but in her heart she knew he'd made it, but still had hopes that the bus hadn't come yet.
She slipped on the wet asphalt and landed on her front, she quickly got up and took off her boots. She continued running as she tossed them aside. This was more important than hundred dollar boots or her health. This could define the rest of her life, the rest of her life with Trowa.
Trowa looked out the window of the bus.
'Well, back to regular life.' he thought, then, something had struck him.
Not only did he not ask Umeko how she felt, He never fully explained how he felt.
"Crap!" Trowa yelled, and everyone in the bus turned his or her heads. " You have to stop this bus!" Trowa yelled to the front. This was the loudest he had ever been.
" No." The bus driver said, simply. " We're already behind schedule."
" But I didn't tell her and that's the only reason I came here in the first place!"
" Tell who what?" A person on the bus asked.
" The woman I love, I have to tell her how I feel! You have to stop!" Trowa said.
" That is so sweet." A woman on the bus said.
" Why can't you just tell her later?" The bus driver asked
" She might ruin her life!" Trowa pleaded
" What?" Another person on the bus asked.
" She'll go the rest of her life not caring about love, unless someone will love her, at least, I hope! But I have to try! Please stop!" Trowa went on.
" Yeah" One person joined
" Stop the bus!" Others joined too, until everyone was rioting to stop.
Umeko came up to the bus stop and slowed. Her heart sank as she saw that the bench was empty. She sighed and walked silently to the bus stop. She sat on the bench and rested her chin on her hand. The rain fell on her, already soaked, body.
" I'm sorry." She whispered to the sky as if Trowa was right there with her.
She waited for the next bus to arrive. She would fallow him to the ends of the earth and beyond if she had to. Her cause was not lost as long as he loved her. And, yes, she loved him too. Through all this, she loved him.
Of course I love you.
Trowa walked back down the road toward Umeko's apartment.
' Even if she doesn't care, I'll know.' Trowa thought to himself, happy to settle his mind. He couldn't believe how he got the bus to stop.
Umeko looked down the road and saw a lone figure walking in the rain. She looked closer. This was no ordinary lone figure walking in the rain. It was he!
Umeko jumped up and ran across the street.
Trowa looked up as he sensed movement ahead of him. He looked ahead and saw Umeko. She was muddy, shoeless and, above all, sopping wet.
" Umeko! What are you doing out here in the cold? What happened to your shoes?" Trowa asked " You'll catch your death."
" You worry too much." Umeko smiled as she ran to Trowa and wrapped her arms around his neck.
" I'm so sorry! I know why you came. And, Trowa…I…I love you, too!" Umeko yelled, proclaiming it to the world.
Trowa jumped a bit and moved back from Umeko, looking down at her. Her lemon colored eyes held a new, warm glow. He smiled. He had smiled, while the occasion was few, but never was his smile so full of a boyish joy as it was then.
" I would tell you that I love you, but words could not explain what I feel for you. But if I had no other choice, these would be my words: Umeko, all my life I have never found anyone that has filled my heart to it's content, as much as you have, now. You are what I need to step further into this world. You are everything I need to go on, to live. What I have for you is unconditional. So yes, I love you. I love you so much!" Trowa laughed with joy as Umeko cried.
Trowa leaned over and his and Umeko's lips locked in a long passionate kiss. This was the kiss that would begin what they had together. It was the kiss that saved Umeko from her life-long hell. And save many of souls from hurting and sorrow.
Then no matter how it changes,
No matter how it looks or acts,
The kiss did not physically last forever, but they would keep it with them for a while.
Umeko agreed to go back with Trowa and go back to the others and her sister.
They made the next bus that came. Umeko started to cough and eventually fell asleep on the bus. When they finally got to Quatre's mansion, Trowa carried an unconscious Umeko into the house. Akira jumped up from her reading and called to Quatre. They carried her into a room and set her on a bed. Akira dried her off. Umeko was in bed sick for a little more than a week. Her friends and loved ones constantly by her side.
" Akira?" She said as she awoke a week later.
" Yes?" Akira went to her side.
Umeko sat up.
" Thank you, thanks for telling me and being here for me."
Akira smiled
" That's what sisters are for. That and telling on you."
Umeko laughed with Akira.
Trowa walked in and looked at Akira. She smiled at him and nodded, knowing that they wanted to be alone. She went out of the room.
Trowa sat on the bed next to Umeko. She scooted next to him.
" Trowa? Do you think they forgive me? I wish I could make them forget me, how I hurt them." Umeko said
" How could anyone forget you?" Trowa said, smiling at her.
" You might think that helps, but it doesn't." Umeko said
" Well, don't worry. It doesn't matter anymore. It's their decision to get on with their lives. And us. It's our decision how we get on with ours." Trowa said as he dug through his jacket pocket. He got down on his knee and pulled a box out of his pocket.
" So, how would you like to be Mrs. Trowa Barton?" Trowa asked, opening the box and revealing a beautiful diamond ring.
Umeko gave a half smile.
" Not if you're gonna keep your job at the circus, I want you to get a big job, with lots of money being brought home!"
Trowa looked up at her, confused.
" I'm just joking. Of course I'll marry you!" Umeko wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. " I love you too much not to."
Umeko and Trowa smiled at each other.
" Now we can spend the rest of our lives together." Trowa said.
Umeko giggled and jumped on top of him on the floor, smothering him in kisses.
I will always love the illusion that loves me back,
I'll always love you.
For now. I'm sure I'll write out the wedding, but I'm kinda sapped out. Reviews!!!!!!!!!!Please!!!!!!!!!! I need to know if I suck or not!!!!!!!!!
Author: Supurrkitty
Disclaimer: You know the drill! I do not own any of the Gundam wing characters, but I do make them fall in love...and I torture them!
Notes: This is not a song fic. The mood does carry over though, through my original poetry. I haven't written fanfics in a while, but have done my own original works, so I might have progressed in writing (especially since I've been reading a lot of Charles Dickens^^;;)
Trowa sat at his table in his apartment kitchen. He rolled a pen up and down the table, watching as the words of the company flashed past after each round. It was past midnight and Trowa did not wish for sleep. His mind was kept in one place, which happened to be back at the bar. It was stuck with the girl that had captured his eye and, possibly, his heart. He wasn't sure yet. He wasn't even sure if he was just being led into a heartless trap, like the other love interests that she had used.
I know my actions and looks may elude,
But don't let it fool you, I can feel.
But, he had thought the better of it too. That night, when she sang one last time, she sang for him. She sang to him her heavenly tunes. Was that part of her trap. No, it couldn't have been. When he walked her home she wasn't suggestive, she didn't talk. And when he dropped her off, she smiled and kissed him on the cheek. Sweet was not a word Trowa would use to describe Umeko, but that night might have proven him wrong. Trowa sighed angrily and looked up at the ceiling. He was being obsessive. The pen rolled off the table and hit the floor.
I know, I shouldn't lead you down a path of illusion,
But that's how I survive.
Umeko lay awake in her bed. Covered in her warm comforter, that gave her no comfort for this restless night. Physical discomfort was not her problem then. Her life had never been so complicated and confusing. Sure her constant switching was confusing to some, but it was perfectly normal to her. But now, things started to fall into place. It was too different to her. And this tall, dark man, what of him?
Her mind started to slip into unconsciousness.
She had him for a while, without having him at all.
She usually got what she wanted, and then wasted its spirit away.
She ruined men.
She broke their hearts, but not his.
How could she fall behind? Did he know something she didn't?
Her confidence faded around him and prevented her repeating act of heartbreak.
He held her back from what she was before.
She can't let him ruin what she was, or what she supposed she was.
She can't love.
Why do you mislead me so?
The way I misled you.
Morning brought about the birds and squirrels. It brought out those that could no longer stand to stay locked in their houses, though it be the day of rest. The time had changed from that fateful night. It was beautiful for an autumn's day. Not all the leaves had fallen from the trees. The park drew out bouncy children and their worried mothers. The park also brought lonely souls, searching for inspiration, or relief from the empty life they felt they led.
Umeko walked down the sidewalk closest to the sand-filled pit that children loved to play in. Umeko did not consider herself one of these lonely souls, because she always had a man to hang off of and a family to go with it. She needed nothing but this. She made souls lonely.
She looked at a little boy throw something at a little girl, who started to cry. Her mom came and calmed her. Then, once out of her mother's grasp, she threw sand at the boy and ran off, laughing.
Umeko smiled to herself. She could use a child to go with it. She might, if it didn't mean changing her life from what she was used to. This thought turned her head back to the night he walked her home. The night she had shown weakness. For a month, she avoided him and went on with her constant dating. When she did run into him, she would lead him on with her usual lines. Sometimes even being cruel in teasing him. But she hadn't seen him for a while now. She moved to different town and started to do gigs there.
Don't you see?
This is whom you fell in love with,
Trowa rubbed his hands together, nervously. His decision was tough, but it was his. He knew he loved her; he loved her for a while. He couldn't explain why, after all the tricks and suffering she had put him through, he still felt for her deeply. He did not know if she would reject the one who loves her, but that was what this trip was about, to find out if she felt the slightest bit of love towards him, and to proclaim his love for her. The cab driver came to a halt and Trowa paid him. He stepped out into the new town and approached the door of an old apartment. He brought up his fist and gave the door three knocks, each fallowing the others. After continuing this action several times, he concluded that she was not present. He wondered where she could be on a Sunday. Church? Why would he even consider that as an option?
This illusion won over your heart,
This illusion changed your entire world.
Umeko walked back to her apartment. When she went around the corner, her heart skipped as she saw Trowa starting to walk away from her doorstep. She calmly walked over and looked him up and down.
" My, my." She raised an eyebrow " What brings you here this day?"
Trowa swallowed what was left in his dry mouth.
" I wanted to see you." He stated
" Yes, I supposed you would." Umeko walked to her door and got out her keys as they clanked together. " May I ask why?"
" Well, I… I feel this would best be discussed…" Trowa fumbled for words and rubbed his hands." Sitting, or something…"
Umeko opened the door and turned her head towards him.
" Coffee?" Umeko suggested and let him in.
" Please." He walked in, closely fallowed by Umeko.
" Go ahead and sit on the couch, I'll be with you in a second." Umeko went into the kitchen, leaving Trowa deserted to sit on a colorful couch that seemed to be out of place in such a colorless apartment.
Umeko came back in and gave Trowa a cup of coffee.
" Now." Umeko started " what was it you wanted?"
Trowa put his cup on the cherry wood coffee table. He looked over at Umeko, who looked at him with anticipating eyes.
" This is obviously easier for you." Trowa began. " But here goes:
For years now, we have known each other. For years, you have said things to me, that I have found to be…misleading…"
Umeko grunted amusedly.
"…You've said things to me, that I found, in the past, to be true. Only to find later on, that you have said these things before and you mean nothing by them. You used me, like the others." Trowa said
Would you really want that to change?
Would you really want to lose the one you love?
" And you are to be an exception, why?" Umeko asked, amused.
" Because there is something you have given to me, that you haven't even hinted with others. You've shown me that you can be compassionate. That night, the last day you sang at the bar, the kiss you gave me."
Umeko was shocked that he remembered and that he saw through her.
" I give many kisses." Umeko said, fingering her glass.
" It was sweet, just one kiss on the cheek. It wasn't much, but that was different for you, it meant something." Trowa argued
" What is this all about, Trowa?"
" You are very special to me, Umeko." Trowa said.
" Yes, Trowa, you and about fifty other men!" Umeko got up and went to her desk. She picked up a handful of letters.
" You see these? These are letters from all those men, begging me, pleading for me to come back to them." Umeko threw them down " They mean nothing to me. Love means nothing to me."
" How can love mean nothing to you? Love is what everyone prays for, but you get so many answers and you push them away?" Trowa stood up next to her.
" I knew you were falling for me." Umeko said
" Then why did you leave when you could have stolen another heart?" Trowa asked. " You will push me away without indulging my desires even if it is for just a moment?"
" If I had stolen the heart, I would have broken it!" Umeko argued, " Do you want to be broken and sad, like all those losers?" Umeko gestured to the letters.
" Isn't that what you want, what you are? The breaker of all those losers."
Umeko looked up at him, darkly.
" Don't you go accusing me of other's problems, I warned everyone one of them, just as I warn you. But you just don't get it. I suggest you leave before I cause YOU anymore problems, as you put it!" Umeko spoke through her teeth.
Trowa looked at her for a moment, then nodded before heading out the door.
But this illusion loves me back.
Do you not love me?
Umeko looked down at the floor and sat on her couch. She opened a drawer on her table and took out a dry rose, preserved with wax. She fiddled with the leaves then set it on the table. She watched it settle for a few seconds, then buried her dace in her hands and cried to herself.
" What is wrong with me!" She yelled out and sobbed into her hands.
Trowa looked back at the door as he walked to the sidewalk. He didn't even accomplish what he came to do. He didn't know why he was spared or how Umeko felt. He couldn't accept the painfully obvious answer.
" If that is it," Trowa said to himself " then I should leave."
Trowa looked up at the sky, which was filled with dark clouds.
" Funny, it was so clear before. Now it looks like rain." He continued to walk down the street as drops fell from the sky, one by one, then, caught speed into a shower.
Raindrops fell at Umeko's window as her phone rang by it. Umeko got up to get it, wiping away tears. She looked out the window.
" Funny, it was clear earlier," Umeko put the phone to her ear.
" Hello?" She answered
" Umeko?" It was Akira
" Oh, hello Akira."
" I just called to check up on you, I heard Trowa was going over there?"
" Y-yeah, he came…"
" Are you alright?"
" Yeah, I'll be alright."
" I know why he came over, already, you don't have to tell me. He really does love you, doesn't he?" Akira asked, excitedly.
" What?" Umeko clung to the phone.
" He came to tell you he loved you, didn't he tell you? He also came to find out how you felt, right? What was your answer?"
" Oh my god…" Umeko whispered to herself.
" Umeko?"
" I never gave him a chance…" Umeko spoke softly.
" What?"
" Akira, I have to go, I'll talk to you later." Umeko hung up the phone.
On the other end Akira heard the dial tone. She hung up the phone, confused.
Umeko quickly grabbed her jacket and headed for the door. She stopped herself.
" What am I doing?" She moved back from the door. Her dark, obvious side was opposing this sudden act of caring. It was against what she had taught herself to become, to survive.
" But, I have no reason to be what I am. I can't hurt him. He loves me." Umeko shoved aside her dark self as she grabbed her rose, shoved it in her coat and went out the door. It was pouring. It had been fifteen minutes since Trowa left.
" I hope he's not gone." Umeko spoke to herself, looking left and right. The bus station was to the right. She went down the steps and ran down the street, looking for Trowa.
" Trowa!" She had hoped that he did not make it to the station, but in her heart she knew he'd made it, but still had hopes that the bus hadn't come yet.
She slipped on the wet asphalt and landed on her front, she quickly got up and took off her boots. She continued running as she tossed them aside. This was more important than hundred dollar boots or her health. This could define the rest of her life, the rest of her life with Trowa.
Trowa looked out the window of the bus.
'Well, back to regular life.' he thought, then, something had struck him.
Not only did he not ask Umeko how she felt, He never fully explained how he felt.
"Crap!" Trowa yelled, and everyone in the bus turned his or her heads. " You have to stop this bus!" Trowa yelled to the front. This was the loudest he had ever been.
" No." The bus driver said, simply. " We're already behind schedule."
" But I didn't tell her and that's the only reason I came here in the first place!"
" Tell who what?" A person on the bus asked.
" The woman I love, I have to tell her how I feel! You have to stop!" Trowa said.
" That is so sweet." A woman on the bus said.
" Why can't you just tell her later?" The bus driver asked
" She might ruin her life!" Trowa pleaded
" What?" Another person on the bus asked.
" She'll go the rest of her life not caring about love, unless someone will love her, at least, I hope! But I have to try! Please stop!" Trowa went on.
" Yeah" One person joined
" Stop the bus!" Others joined too, until everyone was rioting to stop.
Umeko came up to the bus stop and slowed. Her heart sank as she saw that the bench was empty. She sighed and walked silently to the bus stop. She sat on the bench and rested her chin on her hand. The rain fell on her, already soaked, body.
" I'm sorry." She whispered to the sky as if Trowa was right there with her.
She waited for the next bus to arrive. She would fallow him to the ends of the earth and beyond if she had to. Her cause was not lost as long as he loved her. And, yes, she loved him too. Through all this, she loved him.
Of course I love you.
Trowa walked back down the road toward Umeko's apartment.
' Even if she doesn't care, I'll know.' Trowa thought to himself, happy to settle his mind. He couldn't believe how he got the bus to stop.
Umeko looked down the road and saw a lone figure walking in the rain. She looked closer. This was no ordinary lone figure walking in the rain. It was he!
Umeko jumped up and ran across the street.
Trowa looked up as he sensed movement ahead of him. He looked ahead and saw Umeko. She was muddy, shoeless and, above all, sopping wet.
" Umeko! What are you doing out here in the cold? What happened to your shoes?" Trowa asked " You'll catch your death."
" You worry too much." Umeko smiled as she ran to Trowa and wrapped her arms around his neck.
" I'm so sorry! I know why you came. And, Trowa…I…I love you, too!" Umeko yelled, proclaiming it to the world.
Trowa jumped a bit and moved back from Umeko, looking down at her. Her lemon colored eyes held a new, warm glow. He smiled. He had smiled, while the occasion was few, but never was his smile so full of a boyish joy as it was then.
" I would tell you that I love you, but words could not explain what I feel for you. But if I had no other choice, these would be my words: Umeko, all my life I have never found anyone that has filled my heart to it's content, as much as you have, now. You are what I need to step further into this world. You are everything I need to go on, to live. What I have for you is unconditional. So yes, I love you. I love you so much!" Trowa laughed with joy as Umeko cried.
Trowa leaned over and his and Umeko's lips locked in a long passionate kiss. This was the kiss that would begin what they had together. It was the kiss that saved Umeko from her life-long hell. And save many of souls from hurting and sorrow.
Then no matter how it changes,
No matter how it looks or acts,
The kiss did not physically last forever, but they would keep it with them for a while.
Umeko agreed to go back with Trowa and go back to the others and her sister.
They made the next bus that came. Umeko started to cough and eventually fell asleep on the bus. When they finally got to Quatre's mansion, Trowa carried an unconscious Umeko into the house. Akira jumped up from her reading and called to Quatre. They carried her into a room and set her on a bed. Akira dried her off. Umeko was in bed sick for a little more than a week. Her friends and loved ones constantly by her side.
" Akira?" She said as she awoke a week later.
" Yes?" Akira went to her side.
Umeko sat up.
" Thank you, thanks for telling me and being here for me."
Akira smiled
" That's what sisters are for. That and telling on you."
Umeko laughed with Akira.
Trowa walked in and looked at Akira. She smiled at him and nodded, knowing that they wanted to be alone. She went out of the room.
Trowa sat on the bed next to Umeko. She scooted next to him.
" Trowa? Do you think they forgive me? I wish I could make them forget me, how I hurt them." Umeko said
" How could anyone forget you?" Trowa said, smiling at her.
" You might think that helps, but it doesn't." Umeko said
" Well, don't worry. It doesn't matter anymore. It's their decision to get on with their lives. And us. It's our decision how we get on with ours." Trowa said as he dug through his jacket pocket. He got down on his knee and pulled a box out of his pocket.
" So, how would you like to be Mrs. Trowa Barton?" Trowa asked, opening the box and revealing a beautiful diamond ring.
Umeko gave a half smile.
" Not if you're gonna keep your job at the circus, I want you to get a big job, with lots of money being brought home!"
Trowa looked up at her, confused.
" I'm just joking. Of course I'll marry you!" Umeko wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. " I love you too much not to."
Umeko and Trowa smiled at each other.
" Now we can spend the rest of our lives together." Trowa said.
Umeko giggled and jumped on top of him on the floor, smothering him in kisses.
I will always love the illusion that loves me back,
I'll always love you.
For now. I'm sure I'll write out the wedding, but I'm kinda sapped out. Reviews!!!!!!!!!!Please!!!!!!!!!! I need to know if I suck or not!!!!!!!!!