Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ In Theory ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
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Title: In Theory 1/?
Author: JinLucifer
Pairing: 1+2+1
Rating: PG
Categories: AU, shounen-ai, get-together, theoretical physics, humour
Notes: Heero POV
I wasn't too surprised when a brick suddenly materialized out of thin air above my desk and then promptly crashed down on top of my open Geometry book. It made sense, after all, with this whole gravity deal? I was just thankful that it didn't land on *me*.
My teacher and classmates didn't take it quite so well. Some people screamed. Others just jumped at the sudden noise and then stared either at me or at the brick.
Used to this sort of occurrence, I figured that it would be a good idea to remove it from sight, and quickly dropped it in my bag.
The silence lingered for a few moments, just as it always did, but soon everyone turned away and the teacher continued with his explanations.
Luckily class was almost over by then and the bell rang 10 minutes later, signalling the beginning of lunch, and wanting to get away from the school I headed for a nearby park. Thankfully it was mostly empty. I sat down in the shade of a tree and sighed, staring down at my hands and once more feeling a small twinge of regret at not having anyone I could talk to.
It was a good thing that I was a rather asocial kind of guy, because I didn't have a single friend. Not that it was any wonder.
The brick thing? As I said, it was nothing new. For as long as I could remember, I've always been a walking disaster. Water appeared out of nowhere to splosh on top of me. Stones and wood shavings rained around me. Cookie boxes, bills, and blocks of ice with strange designs on them appeared close to where I happened to be at the time. And on average, such incidents occurred at least once every couple of weeks.
My grandfather, who read a lot and probably knew at least a bit about any subject you could come up with, called it the 'String Theory'. I'm not gonna get into the technicalities, but the idea is that everything is made up of tiny vibrating strings, and that their vibrations is what creates both matter and forces. Kind of like how a vibrating guitar string creates sound? It also supposedly implies that there is an infinite number of universes, existing less than a millimeter away from each other, and that anything that could possibly happen *would* happen in at least one of them. It's possible for objects to transfer from one universe to another if said universes 'collide', and it's possible for said objects to transfer into my general area. So they do. Explains everything, doesn't it?
People at my high school tolerated me as they were more or less used to these phenomena too, but that was that. I'm sure you can see why most thought I was a freak and did their best to avoid me if at all possible.
Lunch break was over by now, but I decided to skip the rest of the day as I usually did after one of these freak occurrences, preferring not to face the renewed stares and the obvious whispering. I was listening to my mp3 player when I saw someone approaching me from the corner of my eye. Weary, I turned in the direction of whomever it was, and blinked in surprise when that someone turned out to be Duo Maxwell.
I've had a few classes with him before, and we now had Physics together. He was an outgoing kind of guy, nice and friendly and with plenty of friends, but just like everyone else he's always refrained from associating with me in any way. I didn't think he was the kind to taunt me just for the fun of it, which *has* happened a few times before, but I didn't know why else anyone could possibly want to approach me.
He hesitated for a moment when he got closer, but then flopped down, facing me, and crossing his legs gave me a small smile.
"Hey," he said.
Still rather weary, I eyed him suspiciously, but nevertheless replied with a hesitant "Hi."
"I heard that this time you made a brick appear out of nowhere?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
Or maybe he did just want to taunt me.
"I didn't *make* it appear. It just did," I replied uncomfortably. "It's not like I have any control over it."
"Hey man, sorry," he raised his hands in a placating gesture. "I didn't mean anything by that. Just trying to make conversation," he gave me a sheepish look.
This time I was the one to raise an eyebrow.
"Conversation..." I pronounced the word slowly. "Why would you want to make conversation with *me*?" Perhaps it was some sort of a game to him, or a dare he was following through, though I still had trouble thinking of Duo as malicious.
"Well, because... I've always been sort of intrigued by you, I just didn't know how to approach you since you're so stand-offish. Didn't think you'd be interested in talking."
"Then why approach me now?"
He shrugged. "Because it seems easier when there's no-one else around. For the most part, anyway," he added, throwing a look at the 2 kids on the swings.
"Aren't you afraid of me? Think that I'm a freak?" I asked sceptically.
"Afraid? Why should I be afraid? It's not like you've ever hurt anyone. And yeah, you're weird, can't argue with that... But not necessarily in a bad way," he grinned.
"I see," was the only thing I could think to say to that.
"So... Since we're both skipping anyway," he ventured after a brief pause, "how about catching a movie?"
"No money," I told him.
"That's OK, I have plenty!" he grinned again.
Still a bit mistrustful of his intentions, but having no real reason to refuse, I agreed.