Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Insomnia ❯ night ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

[I do NOT own Gundam Wing, story plot is mine. Yay.. ]

[POV of Heero YAY! No lime goin on.. sorry o.- I could NEVER try to attempt that with 2 men..]


Another Sleepless night…

I look out the Window and will my self not to cry tonight.

What did I do today to deserve another sleepless night…What did I do to deserve humane thoughts…to deserve `this'?

Well let's see, at 1:15am I started my day by braking 8 men's necks, blew up 15 men, and shot 8 in the head. At 3:19am, witch I started late, I set 3 building on fire, set 3 international web viruses free, stole 18 files for Dr. J. At 8:25pm I pulled a gun on Duo, Punched Duo, refused to eat the food Duo had made, locked Duo out of are sleeping quarters, and .. and dear Lord please forgive me..

I closed my eyes and threw my sheets somewhere in to the black abyss on my right.

A rustle in the bed next to me drew my attention. I look over at Duo. The moonlight covers his dear face, his closed violet eyes, his sleek hair, the pale American cheeks, his soft lips, and then the hand that slaps its place upon his forehead. He shakes his head and rubs his face before going in to a deeper sleep.

I look up at the ceiling.

I hate tile… the ceiling is mad of tile. Oh the endless hours I have had my eyes on the tile ceiling. I had a nightmare about this tile ceiling, 3 nights ago. It was bleeding on me and dripping on my face as I looked up upon it.

I hear more movement in the bed next to me. He's struggling. He has a nightmare ever night. It never fails, the moment he sleeps he wakes up screaming, or crying, or shaking sick, or pale with fright. But he never tells anyone... just pretends it never happened. I'm the one …sole that knows of his night torment, I watch him.

I look over at his sleeping body. Sheets are rapped around his feet, his hair is a mess of a braid. I wish I could help him, but soldiers of war have problems they must work out on their own. So yet again I watch him, he's just a boy..

1:45am and I think my eyes are closed. Duo is still sobbing in his nightmare, he started about half an hour ago. His cry's scare me, There so.. dead..

He has said my name in the night several times.. Quatre's once or twice. I'm starting to think about waking him and putting him in the shower. He's scarier then a disturbed child's mind.


I sat up, there was a load thump.

I grab my gun and turn my lamp on. I find Duo on all for's, on the floor. He's looking up at me with his tear stricken face. He pulls a hand up to touch his own face, He pulls back and looks at his fingers.

He stands.. he's fixing his bed. He's being the drama queen again, acting out as nothing. The bed squeaks as he gets in. I ponder a moment if I should ask him if he's alright, but I find my self turning the light off and laying down.

He murrs a bit. I wonder if he's crying again.

"Duo?" I whisper.

He sits up.

We look at one another for 5,10 minutes, I can see his flush face in the moonlight.

"Can I sleep with you tonight Heero?"

I look at him, I flush out some too. I can tell his scared to death. I'm just starring at him..

Should I? A pause a moment, and then pushes my self to one side of the bed, he brings over his own pillow and blanket. My bed squeaks as he gets in and relaxes.

I roll over to face the wall. I am still wide awake.. this is hell. I can smell him, hear him breathing, I can feel the heat of him so close, taste him in the air. I turn to look up at the ceiling… tile..

"Heero?" he asks.

I turn my head to look in his. He's so beautiful.. I wish I could just.. just once. His watching me, he so frightened.

I pull him in my arms carefully.

"it was just a nightmare. Your awake now-" I whisper and pull him closer.

"Heero? We live in a fucking nightmare…" he whimpers.

I look out the window and at the sky. When will I wake up Duo?