Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Inspiration ❯ Inspiration ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing and I make no money from this or any fanfic I write.

Pairing: 2x5

Category: General

Rating: PG

Warning: Yaoi

Title: Inspiration

Author: yellowhorde

Notes: This was written for a challenge at the lj community, GW500.

Challenge: #48 - 'Mediums'


Hundredwords challenge Day 8

Word Count: 500




Feeling Duo asleep on the bed beside him stirred a rush of creativity that Wufei hadn't felt in a long time. So long, in fact, that he had thought himself artistically dead - or at least comatose.


Feeling inspired, he rose, hurried to the foot of the bed, and knelt beside his trunk. Nimbly he worked the locking mechanism and unhooked the padlock before raising the lid. The scent of cedar tickled his nose as he sifted through the contents until he found what he was looking for.


Carefully, he removed a sketchbook and some charcoal pencils that had been hidden in a cardboard box. He then walked to his desk and sat down, his hands trembling slightly.


It's been so long, he though, perhaps too long?


Wufei leafed through the pages and dozens of memories bubbled up through his mind as he viewed each sketch. Landscapes, still-lifes, portraits. There were so many. A flash of sorrow pierced his heart. All of these places, things, people were gone forever, wiped out in an instant of fiery destruction. Now they only existed in his memories... and this one sketchbook.


Sighing, he scooted the chair around until he was once more facing his sleeping lover. Black eyes greedily devoured every detail, committing them to memory.


With one arm tossed over his head, hand palm up and fingers curled, and the other dangling over the edge of the bed so that his knuckles brushed the floor, Duo was the picture of relaxation. Blankets in artful disarray alternately revealed and concealed flashes of flesh, but it was the play of light and shadow over his lean body that really fascinated Wufei.


Breathing deeply, he closed his eyes and pushed away all thoughts, allowing his doubts and fears, so carefully hidden from the other pilots, to fall away until his mind was finally silent. Feeling peaceful for the first time in forever, he opened his eyes, touched the tip of his pencil to paper, and began to draw.


The world narrowed until there was only the artist and his model. Time seemed to slow then stop as Wufei lost himself once more in the act of creating. He didn't think so much as let his thoughts flow, easily, naturally, as he carefully translated what his eyes saw onto paper. Slowly, the series of lines and shapes began to take form and meaning until the sketch became... almost alive.


Finally satisfied with his work, Wufei scrawled his name and the date near the bottom of the page, closed the book, and set it on the desk top. It amazed him that he had almost allowed himself to forget the simple joys of creativity. But now that he had rediscovered them, he had no intentions of letting them go.


Wufei lay back down besides Duo, carefull not to disturb him. He kissed him lightly on the cheek and drifted into sleep, perfectly content to wrap his arms around his very own living, breathing inspiration.