Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ It Felt Like Rain ❯ It Felt Like Rain ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own Gundam Wing for the record, and you can speak with my lawyers *indicates large room- if you want to argue that. Thank you!! The song, "It Felt Like Rain" is mine.

It Felt Like Rain

I dreamt that I killed you last night.

And I was afraid. Yes, I, the Perfect Soldier, feared that dream. I was afraid, for the first time that I could remember.

I hated being afraid, because it made me feel weak, feel like a little child. I always hated being treated like a child.

I dreamt that I killed you last night. It felt like a million knives had gone straight through my heart when I woke up from that dream. I could hardly bear what I saw in that dream and I tried desperately to break the cycle of images that repeated themselves over and over again in my mind's eye. I couldn't understand this dream.

It felt like rain

It felt like cool agony

Splashing against my skin…

Did I want to understand it? That was a question that burned in my mind, in my soul, in my heart. I didn't want to understand it, maybe… Maybe that was it.

Because I dreamt that I killed you last night.

It felt like a haze
Shielding my eyes

From the sadness going on…

Why? Why had I dreamt this accursed dream?

To sleep; perchance to dream… That is what I'm afraid of, every single time I close my eyes.

I will admit it now.

I was afraid.

Only a single teardrop of rain in my heart
But it felt like rain

It felt like icy remorse dropping around my soul

It felt like rain

It felt like a vision of heaven or hell that I can't explain

But it felt like rain…

I was afraid because of what you know I have told you. That simple phrase was what scared me, because if I dreamt that I killed you last night… would I actually do it?

I didn't… don't want to kill you.

I never want to harm you in any way ever again.

A vision of heaven or hell that I can't explain

If it's raining outside

Why does it feel the same way inside me?

It felt like rain…

I'll always try my hardest not to hurt you in any way again. Because I dreamt that I killed you last night, I will never harm another soul.

If I do, it will feel like I've killed you.

And it felt like rain

Smoke in my eyes

And I wonder why

Why it feels like rain tonight

Because it always felt like rain…

I don't want to kill you! I don't know why I threatened to kill you all those times.

I am a fool. Why? Why did I dream that I killed you last night? Why?

It felt like rain

It felt like a miracle or a sin that I can't obtain

But it felt like rain

A mystery shrouding the lives that we lead

But I can't figure out what all of it means

It felt like rain…

You will never have to feel what I feel right now.

I pray you will never go through this same agony that makes my heart feel like shredding into tiny pieces that scatter away in the wind, taunting me and telling me that I will never be able to put them all back together again.

It felt like rain

It was cold and dark

And mysterious

Always the same

It always felt like rain…

I don't want to go through that again.

And it felt like rain

It felt like rain

Cool wind is blowing

A feeling that I can't explain

But it felt like rain…

Because I've already gone through it once too many times. It's beginning to rain now, so I have to leave.

Funny, I said I'd never leave again. But you can always remember that every day, I'll be back.

And it felt like rain

Strange things are happening

That I can't explain
Why it feels like rain

Crashing and crying

The music is dying

It felt like rain tonight…

You will never have to feel like this.

I didn't kill you, never wanted to kill you…

Oh, it felt like rain…

Because someone else already did.

It felt like a mysterious stranger

Whose presence I can't explain
A face I can't name

It felt like rain…

It Felt Like Rain. Lyrics written by Heera Yuy for Wildfire ©. All rights reserved. January 02.