Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ It Matters To Me ❯ It matters to me ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hello this is my first try at a song fic so,cut me some slack,
Disclamer - I don't own ANY of the char. I use in this fic so don't
try to sue me I'm broke so ya will not get any thing any way.


baby tell me where'd you ever learn to fight without

saying word. then waltz back into my life like its all

gonna be alright. dont you know how much it hurts.

"Out!" Heero shouts at Duo as he slams the door in his face, Duo hangs
his head. "Heero Please! I swear I didn't mean to stay out that late.
I wasn't with any one, Please, Heero!". No responce from his ex-lover,
Duo leans aganst the wall directly in front of he and Heero's room, he
slumps to the ground and draws his knees to his chest, sobbing into
his knees.

when we dont talk, when we dont touch, when it doesnt

feel like we're even in love, it matters to me. when i dont

know what to say, dont know what to do, dont know if it really

even matters to you. how can i make you see it matters to me.

Heero stalks around his room <How dare he, I haven't seen anyone while
we were together why should I take him back? It's his fault, he should
take the fall,right..Right?> Heero pauses at a picture he kept on the
dresser of him and Duo both happy, He shakes his head. He was right
wasn't he? He stops and looks the doors direction of the door, as
Duo's sobbs pass under his door he tears away from the sound he sits
on his bed and puts his head in his hands thinking..

maybe i still dont understand the distance between a [DEL: wo :DEL]

and a man. so tell me how far it is and how you can love like

this 'cause im not sure i can.

Heero holds the picture of him and Duo he jumps in surpise as
something falls onto the picture frame he Looks around only to find
the thing on the frame was a tear from his own eyes he wipes his face
with his free hands and runs his hands through his hair thinking...

when we dont talk, when we dont touch,

when it doesnt feel like we're even in love,

it matters to me.

Duo's hair has fallen lose and hangs over his shoulder. Still sobbing
he watches the light that filters under the door just the thought of
not haveing his love any longer sends him into another round of sobbs.

when i dont know what to say, dont know what to do,

dont know if it really even matters to you. how can i make

you see it matters to me oh it matters to me.

Heero turns his head toward the door, Duo's sobbing had stoped he
stays quite not sure what to do,Whould Duo have been foolish of doing
something extream.....Of corse he would, Herro stands and walks for
the door, opening it softly.Heero is surprised to find his lover
asleep curled up like a child still sobbing in his sleep, he kneels
down next to him brushing his hair aside from his face. Slowly he
picks up the frail body he carrys him into the room and closes the
door behind him.

it matters to me...


Disclaimer - Faith hill sings this song not me,by the way great song

send any and all comments to - SageToyama

Hope you enjoyed it.

~*~ Crimson Flames ~*~