Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Jail Birds ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Jail Birds

Disclaimer: I don't own GW, but I do own the story, the plot, and any OCs that you see. So, I'll thank you not to steal my story. So 'Thanks'.

Pairings: Main: 1x2, 5xSolo, 3x4, 13x6…Implied: 1x5, 13x1

Warnings: Romance, Yaoi, Attempt Rape, Angst, AU, OOC…Any others I can think of will be at the top of the next chapter. I hope that you enjoy the story.


"No…" He smiled, "No we're not." Duo paused. "Even though…I said that we can looked after ourselves…it's nice to have someone who cares to do it every once and a while."


"So what's there to do around here?" Solo asked.

"Not much really. We got the cafeteria, a library, wreck room, the basketball court, the gym/weight room, and the courtyard." Wufei replied as he walked beside him.

"What's in the wreck room?" Duo asked. He grabbed Solo's right hand.

"They got cards, pool, air hockey, TV…and…cards." Zechs nodded slowly, "Yeah, that's it." He smiled and slipped under Treize's left arm and put his own around Treize's waist. "Is that where you wanna go?" He and Treize were walking at the head of their little group with Trowa and Quatre behind them, Wufei, Solo, and Duo were next, with Heero bringing up the rear. He was staring at Duo's braid, watching as it swayed rhythmically back and forth across his ass.

"Yeah sure. I'd like to play some pool." Solo answered.

Duo turned around feeling eyes on him. He saw Heero's eyes on his ass. He let go of Solo's hand and turned all the way around. Heero looked up when Duo faced him.

"You know Heero…" He wrapped his arms around Heero's neck and whispered in his ear, "if you really want it that much, alls you gotta do is ask." Heero looked over Duo's shoulder to see that the others had continued on down the hall. Solo turned and winked at him. Heero looked back at Duo.

He put his hands on Duo's hips and looked him in the eyes. "Duo…you are different than anyone…I've ever known. When I met you an hour ago…I knew that you were someone I wanted to get to know…and be with." He thought for a second, "and that was not a sexual reference." Duo laughed. "And I'm not just talking about here while we're still in prison, but after too." Heero grimaced slightly. "…And all that was so sappy and mushy and if you tell the others-especially Wufei-I will never speak to you again." He paused. "Well, maybe for an hour at least...I don't think I could keep away from you for forever…and that statement is included in the mushy thing." Duo laughed again.

"I'm glad you feel that way because if you had actually agreed to have sex with me…I would have ripped you balls off and shoved them down your throat." He smiled sweetly and grabbed Heero's hand. They started walking again. "And your friend Wufei had better watch out because if he hurts Solo's feelings I'm gonna slice and dice him." He said with a manic grin.

Even though Heero knew that Duo probably meant what he said…he still laughed.


They entered the wreck room to find it full of prisoners but they were mostly watching the news; the pool table was open. They all grabbed a stick and then got into teams. Duo and Solo were together, Trowa and Quatre, Treize and Zechs, and Wufei and Heero.

"Ok, last ball wins." Quatre said as he broke. He knocked two in for his team and then took another shot: he missed. Heero went next.

They had been playing for an hour when Trowa looked over at the group of people watching the TV. They were making a lot of noise and he wondered what it was about. He grimaced when he saw what they were watching. "Shit…Heero you'll never guess who's on TV."

Heero was taking his shot, "Who?" He got one in and lined up another.

Trowa smirked, "It's your stalker Releana." Heero scratched and knocked the ball he was trying to hit onto the floor. "It seems she wants to come and visit again."

Heero whipped his body around to stare wide eyed at the TV screen.

Duo raised a brow, "You got a stalker Heero?" He smirked and then winked at Solo. "Why didn't you tell me that I was going to have competition?"

Heero jerked back around to look at Duo. "Trust me…there is no competition. She is like…super psycho bitch. Ever since she came to inspect the prison when it opened and met me, she has been sending me letters, gifts on my birthday and Christmas…Christ, she was even here for Valentines Day. She got the Warden to let her have a private room and got it all fancied up. The guards came and got me, took me there and then locked me in the room. Releana had on one of those little red silk lingerie things. God, it was horrible. I had to pretend to faint just so they would come and get me." He shuddered. "Did you know that you couldn't get a restraining order put on the Queen of the World? And now she's coming to visit! Again! She was just here last month."

"Oh, you poor thing." Duo smiled big and rubbed Heero's back.

"Yeah poor me." He sniffed, "I think you should kiss it better."

Duo and the guys laughed loudly. "I don't think that will solve your problems Heero."

Heero suddenly got a look on his face like he was the stupidest person in the world. "That's it! Shit, why didn't I think of that before! Duo you're a genius!" He picked Duo up and spun him around once and then set him down again.

"Well I can't be much of a genius if I'm here, but I still don't think kissing you will solve your problem. It would be nice to do, but I don't think with will fix anything." He grinned at the guys.

"No, no. I always told her that I wasn't interested in her, but not the reason why."

"What reason is that then?" Wufei asked him.

"Well that I'm gay of course. Oh, and that I'm interested in someone else." He smiled at Duo who smiled back.

"You never told her that you were gay?!" Wufei exclaimed and then he started laughing. The others joined in because Wufei's laugh was infectious. Except for Heero who just scowled. But if you looked close enough, you could see his lips twitching.

"No, I never told her. I was so preoccupied just trying to get her to fuck off that it completely slipped my mind. But maybe if she sees all my attention focused on Duo, she might get the hint." Duo grinned.

"Ah Heero, I hate to break it to you, but I know Releana, and she isn't one to just 'get the hint', even if you yell it in her face." Quatre told him with a smile. Zechs and Treize nodded.

"Yes, trust me Heero. I grew up with the girl. She's as stupid as they come."

"You know, I'm surprised that she doesn't come here with the pretense of visiting you." Wufei said to Zechs.

"Well, when she does get here, I will thank you to not give her the idea." Heero said dryly.

"Wait, I thought you guys didn't know each other before you came here." Solo was confused.

"We didn't…why?" Trowa asked.

"Well, it's just that Quatre, Treize, and Zechs all seem to know this chick." Duo said.

"Oh, yeah, we all knew her, but amazingly, we never met each other." Treize shrugged.

"Treize are you in here?" A girls voice yelled from the doorway.

The guys looked over and saw who it was.

"Dorothy, what are you doing here?" He waved his arm to get her attention. She made her way over.

"Guess who's here!" She said in disgust.

"EVERYONE RISE! THE QUEEN HAS ENTERED!!" A guard yelled to get their attention.

"I guess that was the morning news." Trowa said to Heero with a grin.

"Yeah, no shit." He said back with a roll of his eyes. He looked over at Duo with pleading eyes.

Duo smiled and walked over to stand in front of him. "What do you want me to do?" He had to whisper now, as everyone was quiet. Releana was talking to the Warden and taking glances over at Heero.

"Anything that you are comfortable with. Like…like holding hands or…or…" He trailed off as Releana started making her way over. "Shit." He whispered.

Duo didn't even hesitate; he just pressed his lips on Heero's for a kiss.


Well that's it for this chapter guys. Review and tell me what you think.