Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Journey of a Thousand Miles ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thank you to everybody who reviewed this story

Lancynth: Sorry, no big Winner fortune for Quatre in this fic, and no sisters either.

Kt: Make that 3 chapters in one week ;-)

A special Thank You to Anne Olsen for beta reading.

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Journey of a Thousand Miles

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"


Part 9

The weekend after we returned from London the duke gave a ball in Zechs honor at his manor. It was going to a rather small affair only, with no more than thirty or forty guests, Treize told me, and I wondered what my cousin considered a "large" party. The duke had hired a small orchestra and a handful of extra servants to help out that night. Trowa was taking care of the horses and carriages of arriving guests. I almost didn't recognize him, dressed in a fancy, uniform like outfit. But I had to admit he looked quite handsome in it. Of course, not even Trowa could compare to Zechs, who was without a doubt the most attractive gentleman at the ball.
I had to stay near the duke while he welcomed the guests. With this being the first gala he had hosted since I had come to live with him, I needed to be introduced properly to his acquaintances. Most of the guests were my cousin's age or older, but some of them had brought a pretty little daughter or niece along. Dutifully I engaged in polite conversation with the young ladies, but stopped short of asking any of them onto the dance floor.

"Why are you not dancing, Quatre?" Treize asked. "With all the lovely young ladies around, there isn't one that catches your eye? I think Lady Melissa fancies you. She has been trying to get your attention all evening."
"Cousin," I wailed, feeling myself blush instantly. "Don't say something like that. She might hear you."
"Oh, to be young and innocent again." Zechs laughed. But suddenly his expression turned serious, as a tall dark and handsome gentleman approached us. I could feel my cousin beside me tense, and I wondered what was wrong.
"What a pleasure to see you again," the man spoke smoothly. "It's been a long time, Treize, hasn't it?"

"Indeed it has," the duke confirmed. "I had no idea that you had returned to England."

"I'm only passing through you could say. Once you have traveled around the world you realize what a boring country England actually is," he replied before turning to Zechs. "How have you been, Your Highness - oh, forgive me, for a moment there I forgot that you aren't a prince any longer."

The blond's yaws clenched for the fraction of a second before he put on a polite smile.
"I have been fine, thank you for asking, Baron Kinley."
"I've heard about your art show. I suppose I might just have to go and see it if I find the time." Then his eyes fell upon me. He had the gaze of a rattlesnake checking out its next meal. "Won't anyone introduce me to this handsome young gentleman?" he asked.
"Very well! Quatre, please meet Baron Kinley. Baron let me introduce you to my cousin, Quatre Winner."
"Your cousin…I see." The baron smiled at me. "It's a real pleasure you to meet to you, Mr. Winner."
"The pleasure is mine, my Lord."
"Well, I'll just go and mingle a little. If you will excuse me, gentlemen." He nodded curtly. "I'm sure we will see each other again later on."

Both Treize and Zechs stared after the young baron as he walked away.
"What is he doing here?"
The duke shrugged. "He must have arrived with one of the other guests, because I most certainly didn't invite him."

"Who was that man?" I asked.
"Somebody I once knew and haven't seen in a very long time." Treize answered evasively. "Quatre, why don't you go and enjoy yourself?"
I nodded and excused myself. I danced with a few of the ladies to please my cousin, before sneaking out the backdoor with a small plate of desserts. Trowa didn't have much to do now that most of the guests had arrived. So he had time to join me for a little 'late night snack'. Sitting on a low wall near the stable we indulged in conversation and cream filled puff pastries for almost an hour before I decided that it was probably time for me to go back inside. I left the rest of the pastries behind, in case Trowa got hungry later on, and walked back to the manor.


"Out here all by yourself, young man? Why is that?"

I almost jumped at the sound of Baron Kinley's voice behind me.

"Forgive me I didn't mean to scare you," he said
"Oh, I just didn't expect anybody to be outside, my Lord." I answered with a sheepish grin.
"I only want to get some fresh air. Care to join me for a short walk?"

My better judgement told me to decline, but that didn't seem very polite considering that he was one of the duke's guests, and so I nodded.
"You lead," he suggested. "You know your way around better than I do, and we wouldn't want to get lost somewhere in the dark, now would we?"
"No, I don't think we would want that to happen."
"So," the baron asked as we strolled toward the gardens. "Did Treize ever talk about me?"
"I'm afraid I don't remember him ever mentioning your name, but then again, perhaps he did and I just wasn't paying attention."

"No, knowing Treize, he probably didn't. Tell me Quatre, what is that you see in Treize?"
I frowned a little at the odd question. "Do you mean what I like about him? He is a very kind and caring person. I haven't met too many people like him."
"Oh yes, that's the Treize I know, ever the gentleman." He snorted in amusement. "Seems like he hasn't changed that much. Although his taste seems to have changed. He seems to prefer blue-eyed blonds nowadays. And they seem to become younger and younger. "

My frown deepened. What was he insinuating? I started to wonder if the man was drunk.
"Treize and I are cousins, nothing more and nothing less," I told him.
The baron gave another snort. "Is that what he wants people to believe? I have always wondered how long it would take until he got bored of his 'little Prince'?" he mused quietly.
Somehow I really didn't like the way he talked and began to feel very uncomfortable.
"I think it is time for me to go back now." I turned away, when he suddenly grabbed me by my arm.
"Not so fast. I wasn't finished yet. Why don't you show me what it is about you that the good duke finds so alluring?"
"What are you doing?" I scowled at him as I tried to pry myself free from his grip. I was convinced now that he had to be either drunk or out of his mind. "Let go of me at once!"
He laughed as he pulled me close and tried to kiss me. I turned my head away and slapped him with my free hand at the same time as my knee hit him between the legs. "Stop that!"
The baron doubled over but didn't let go off me. "You little bastard," he panted.
He pinned me with my back against a tree, holding me in place with his superior body weight. My struggles seemed to only incite him even more. One of his hands seized my chin and he pressed his lips against mine. I could smell alcohol on his breath and I closed my eyes in disgust and frustration.

Suddenly the baron was yanked off of me.

"What do you think you are doing? How dare you?" Trowa's voice was thick with rage. I had never been so glad to see the young man. He looked at me, concern in his eyes. "Are you alright, Quatre?"

I only nodded, still shaking.

"Get your hands of me, you impertinent little…" The baron struggled against Trowa, but the young man had him in a secure hold.
"Hold still or I'll break your arm," Trowa warned.
And suddenly Treize and Zechs were there too. The two men didn't even ask what had happened. The duke just looked at Baron Kinley, then at me and finally at the baron again.

"William, if you ever come close to this place or Quatre again, I swear I'll put a bullet through your head."

There was something in my cousin's voice that sent a shiver down my spine. I had no doubt in my mind that he was serious about his threat.
Zechs put his hand on the duke's shoulder. "Trowa, why don't you make sure Baron Kinley finds his way to the gates. I believe he was just about to leave."
Trowa nodded. "That will be my pleasure, Master Zechs."
As the two of them left Treize turned to me, concern in his eyes. "Quatre…"
My knees were still a little shaky but I managed to smile at him. "I'm fine. Trowa came just at the right moment. But I would like to go to my room now, if you don't mind."

"Of course not. Let me take you inside." He offered.


Somehow I must have fallen asleep in spite of all the noise and the music. A quiet knock on my bedroom door woke me.
"Come in, please!"
My cousin peeked into the room.
"I hope I didn't wake you?"
"It's alright." I gave him a tiny smile. "Is the ball over?"

He nodded as he walked closer. "Yes. The last of the guests just left. I just wanted to check up on you before I go to bed."
"Thank you. I'm fine really." I assured him. "Umm…Cousin, may I ask you a question?"


"Who is this Baron Kinley? It seems that you and he know each other well."

There was a brief moment of hesitation before the duke spoke. "Yes, William and I have know each other since we were children. Our parents socialized in the same circles." Treize sat down on the edge of my bed, looking very tired all of a sudden. "For a while we lost track of each other and then met again during my time in the military. At one point we had a short and rather superficial affair. He wanted more, but I wasn't really that interested. Our personalities just don't fit very well, if you know what I mean. We broke it off, but after I was wounded and sent to Greece for recovery he came to visit me, trying to convince me to give our relationship another try. But by then I was already seeing Milliardo and I was not interested in anybody else. William just didn't understand that we never had a relationship to begin with and he blamed Milliardo for our breakup. He was convinced that I had left him for a younger and more dashing lover. Soon after he got into trouble with the law and had to leave England. I think he spent a few years traveling, and I had no idea that he had returned until I saw him tonight." He looked up at me. "I'm sorry about what happened tonight, Quatre. I hope you can forgive me…"

"Please, Treize, it wasn't your fault."
"I should have told him to leave. I just never thought that he would go this far."

"You worry too much." I smiled. "I got a little scare, but other than that nothing really happened."
"Very well then, I'll let you go back to sleep." Treize rose from the bed. "I should probably be checking on Zechs anyhow."
"What's wrong with him?" I asked concerned.

"He just had a little more to drink than he should have." The duke laughed. "Nothing to worry about. He will be fine by tomorrow. Good night, Quatre."

"Good night, Cousin."


Treize and I had almost finished our breakfast when Zechs joined us at the table.
"How are you feeling?" the duke asked sympathetically.
"Do you really want to know?" the blond asked. "I feel like somebody stuffed a old stocking down my throat, a blacksmith is using my brain as an anvil, and horde of jackrabbits is jumping around in my stomach."

Treize chuckled and Zechs threw him an irritated look.
"I'm delighted that you are finding amusement in my misery. Why is it that you look so fresh and energetic anyway, while I'm miserable? You drank just as much as I did last night. That's not fair."
"For one, I know how much I can take. And secondly I only drank wine, while you moved up and down the entire liquor menu. That, my dear Milliardo, was the mistake you are paying for now."
The blond glared at the duke. "Thank you for the lecture, Father."
Just then Xander walked into the dining room and put a glass of milky white liquid in front of Zechs.
"That's that?"
"I'm not quite sure, Sir. Miss Rutherforth didn't tell me. But she said it will take care of your headache and nausea."
"Thank you, Xander. Tell her that I'm forever in her debt." Zechs signed as he drunk the entire glass in one long gulp. "At least somebody here seems to care about me."


Soon after breakfast I excused myself and told my cousin that I was going to take a ride to Blue Lake Manor. The other day I had spent a few hours copying some of my music sheets. I wanted to give those copies to Trowa.
One of the maids told me that Trowa was behind the house, target shooting. He didn't see me when I entered the range and I took the opportunity to watch him for a while. His aim was extraordinary. He didn't miss the target once. I wondered where he had learned to shoot like that. Finally Trowa noticed me.

"Quatre," he exclaimed in surprise. "How long have you been watching me?"

"For a while," I answered. "Your marksmanship is amazing."
"Thank you."
"I came to thank you for your help last night. How was it that you showed up at the right moment anyway?"
"When his Excellency noticed that both you and the baron were missing he came to me to ask if I had seen you, and then we just went looking for you. I was searching the gardens when I heard your voice and that's how I found you."

"I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't showed up when you did. Thank you so much."

"Oh, it was nothing." Trowa made a dismissive gesture. "I'm just glad you are alright."

"I also wanted to give you these," I told him as I handed him the thin stack of papers.
"What are those?" he asked puzzled.
"Sheet music," I explained. "I copied some of my scores for you."
"That's very kind of you," Trowa gazed at the papers for a long moment before he looked at me again. "But I'm afraid I have no use for them. I've never learned to read music."
I frowned in disbelief. "But how…You read the notes that day we were playing together, didn't you?"

He shook his head, an almost embarrassed expression on his face. "I play by ear. If I hear a melody a few times I can usually remember the tune and repeat it."

"That is amazing? I have never know anybody who can do that."
"However, the method has a little flaw when it comes to learning new music. I can only play pieces that I heard before."
I spent a few moments thinking, then I smirked. "How would you like to make a deal?"

"A deal?" he asked; wary yet curious at the same time.
I nodded. "If you show me how to use a rifle I'll teach you how to read music. What do you think?"

"I think I like the idea," he answered after a short moment of consideration.
"Can I give it a try right now and here?" I asked eagerly.

"Why not? You will find it is rather easy. All you need is a keen eye, a steady hand and a little practice."
Trowa picked up the weapon and took a shot, knocking the target over with ease. He then loaded the rifle for me, explained to me how to hold it and stepped back. I aimed and fired just as Trowa had showed me. The weapon's recoil pushed me backward, almost knocking me off my feet, at the same time I jerked the barrel upwards and my shot went into a nearby tree, scaring off a group of crows.
Trowa laughed. "Let's try this again. This time I'll give you a hand," he suggested. He stepped behind me, putting his arms around me, and once more showed me how to properly grasp the weapon. This time he was holding it together with me.
"Now find your target," he told me. "Use the little sight on top of the barrel to aim."
Trowa's head was at my left shoulder. His hot breath tickled my ear when he spoke, causing a strange sensation to wash over me. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling - not at all, but it was nothing that I'd ever experienced before. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and a swarm of butterflies started fluttering around in my stomach. I was amazed and confused at the same time.
"Oh, I'm sorry, my mind must have wandered off." I blushed slightly.
With Trowa guiding my hands I hit the target straight on. Then he stepped back again.
"Now try it again by yourself."
Several shots later I still didn't hit the target, but I was getting closer with every bullet.

"Much better," Trowa smiled. "I think the crows are safe from you now."

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Author's Note:

Feedback is greatly appreciated, constructive criticism is welcome :-)