Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Journey To Gundam ❯ Final Stop ( Chapter 14 )

[ A - All Readers ]
This is it! The final chapter! the very last stage in Journey To Gundam! The final stop. Now their still setting up so let me lay a few ground rules.

(ahem) I DO NOT OWN GUNDAM WING! I don't Own Cracker Jack boxes, or Duo, Or Gundams, or Quatre. Heck I don't even own a time machine.
That said, lets continue with the story.


Charl blinked in disbelief as the scientists continued their work. He watched them measure and weigh and record their findings. He rolled his eyes. "The best scientists in the 20th century couldn't explain Odessa, what makes them thing they can?"

Trowa shrugged.

"Hey whats this do?"

"No don't touch that button!"

Instructor H cried as Odessa pressed a little red button that automatically self destructed Sandrock. Charl sighed.

Quatre's eye twitched as he tried to hold back his rage. Finally, unable to hold it in he charged Odessa, holding a beaker he had planned to break over her head. "I'll kill you!"

Almost immediatly Trowa had grabbed a hold of the blonde arabian, holding him just a foot away from massacaring the insane otaku.

Master O sighed. "I told you we shouldn't have given them all those clues."

Charl blinked. "What clues."

Trowa folded his arms. "Yes, What clues?"

Big mistake, with Trowa letting go Quatre was free to attack Odessa. In a movement that hardly appeared she noticed anything at all Odessa stood up and walked over to the snack bar, letting Quatre crash head first into the stool she had been sitting on. Without a word, Trowa helped his friend back up, just as the other pilots gathered around in intrest.

Finally Doctor S spoke. "We heard you were coming."

Professor G nodded. "Actually a lady named Setsuna warned us."

Doctor S continued. "So we devised a plan to get the both of you out of our universe as quickly as possible with the least damage done."

Charl caught on. "The Cracker Jack boxes."

Heero raised an eyebrow and Doctor J nodded. "The Cracker Jack boxes, we filled them with useful prizes to get you on your way and out of our lives, and we built a time machine in advance."

Duo frowned. "Wouldn't it just have been easier to put them in the time machine the minute they got here?"

Charl looked at the braided pilot. "You don't know Odessa."

Instructor H nodded, continueing. "Apparently it didn't work because you just defaced 02's Gundam, nearly crashed a shuttle, Stole Wing Zero and just self destructed 04's Gundam!"

Odessa smiled as she munched on another box of Cracker Jacks. "Yea sorry about that."

Charl put his head in his hand. "Oh geez Odessa..."


Trowa glanced at the two reporters then back to the scientists. "But you DO have the time machine?"

Master O nodded. "It's right unter the tarp." He pulled off the blue cover to reveal a small two seater shuttle with blinking lights.

Heero nodded, drawing his gun at Odessa. "Get in the time machine."

Duo nodded, drawing his gun at Charl. "Get out of our dimmension."

"Uh...Odessa I really think we should go."

"Oh Charl, they'll calm down."

In unison the last three pilots drew their guns, directing them at the two reporters, all five cocking at the same time.

Charl just stared. "Yea Odessa, we go NOW." He grabbed Odessa's arm just as she grabbed another Cracker Jack box and pulled his partner into the machine.

Wufei spoke. "If you EVER come back here again."

All pilots and scientists repeated Heero's famous lines. "Omeo O Korosu!!"

Charl nodded quickly, slimming his hand down on thestart button before they changed their minds.


Sailor Pluto ducked just as a streak of light rushed past her. She scowled, shaking her staff at the disturbance. "Punks!"


Charl sighed, leaning back in his seat. "That was close."

Odessa nodded, smiling as she stroked a small brown...what was that.

"Odessa, whats in your hand?"



Odessa smiled. "Well I felt we should have a souvineer before we left, so I clipped off a lock of Trowa's bangs while he was sleeping."

Charl slapped his head.

*************Meanwhile, back in the Lab***********

Quatre looked at his tall friend. "Trowa, you look different."

Trow glanced at his friend as his hand went to his bangs. His eyes widened and he grabbed a mirror, staring at the reflection. Two eyes stares stright back at him, brown bangs now half their splendor. The other pilots backed away as their friend started to shake, his lip twitching slightly.

Finally, Trowa screamed. "OMEO O KOROSU!!!"

==============THE END=============

Eh, poor Trowa. But It just wouldn't be complete if the pilots didn't have their share of torchor ;o)
Did you like it? Hate it? Were you completly blown away? Do you think I was too Evil? Too Kind? Either way I'd like your reviews!